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A Grammatical Dictionary of Botanical Latin

imbricate, “when bodies overlap each other. Also same as imbricative” (Lindley) [imbricativus,-a,-um (adj.A)]; closely appressed and overlapping like the tiles of a roof; 'literally, 'shingled;' overlapping, either in width only, as the sepals or petals of various plants, or in both width and length, as the involucral bracts of many species of Compositae' (Gleason 1952); “overlapping, either vertically or spirally, where the lower piece covers the base of the next higher; or laterally, as in the aestivation of a calyx or corolla, where at least one piece must be wholly external and one internal” (Fernald 1950); (fungi) “(of pilei, scales, etc.), partly covering one another like the tiles on a roof” (Ainsworth & Bisby): imbricatus,-a,-um (part.A), imbricans,-antis (part.B); imbricativus,-a,-um (adj.A) "is used only of aestivation" (Stearn)

[> L. imbrex, -icis, a hollow tile to keep the rain off, used in gutters, used in roofing, gutter-tile; > imbrico, -atum 1., to cover with gutter-tiles, to form like a gutter-tile]; see superimposed; see valvate; see tile;

“1. overlapping as the tiles on a roof; 2. in aestivation, used of a calyx or corolla where one piece must be wholly internal and one wholly external, or overlapping at the edge only = syn. imbricative [imbricativus,-a,-um (adj.A)]” (Jackson); see aestivation.

- sepala 6, colorata, imbricata v. subvalvata (B&H), sepals 6, colored, imbricate or partially valvate.

- sepala nunc distincta imbricata v. rarius valvata, nunc in calycem saepius parvum lobis dentibusve imbricatis apertis v. rarius valvatis coalita (B&H), the sepals are sometimes separated, imbricate or more rarely valvate, sometimes fused into the calyx, more often small, with lobes or teeth, imbricate, open or more rarely valvate.

- folia subtrifariam dense imbricata, subsecunda, leaves in nearly three rows, densely imbricate.

- folia haud squarrosa, sed laxe imbricata, patula, the leaves not squarrose but loosely imbricate, somewhat spreading.

- pilei arcte imbricati, interdum lobati, alia vice undulato repandi (S&A), the caps closely imbricate, sometimes lobed, others in turn undulate-repand.

- pileus infundibuliformis, regularis, mesopus; attamen propter situm arcte caespitosum, exemplis plerumque pluribus imbricatis , haud raro etiam plus minus dimidiatus et pleuropus (S&A), the pileus funnel-shaped, symmetrical, the stalk attached in the middle; and yet due to the manner of lying [i.e. the site] caespitose, usually in many imbricate specimens, not rarely also dimidiate [ i.e. stretching only halfway to the stipe, or with the pileus appearing semi-circular]; and with a lateral stipe.

- spica distiche imbricata, squamis duabus infimis caeteris longioribus (Swartz), spike distichely imbricate, with the two lowest scales longer than the rest.

bifariam imbricatus,-a,-um (adj.A): “imbricated in two rows” (Lindley);

- [Gramineae] spiculae nunc majusculae, secus pedunculum dissitae, regulariter distichae, nunc minores secus rhachin confertae, bifariam imbricatae (B&H), the spikelets sometimes smaller, crowded along the rhachis, imbricate in two rows.

imbricativus,-a,-um (adj.A): “overlapping at the edge only; a term of aestivation” (Lindley); see aestivation.

obimbricatus,-a,-um (adj.A): “(obsol.) said of involuvral scales, of which the interior become gradually the shortest” (Lindley).

rosulato-imbricatus,-a,-um (adj.A): rosulatus, a collection of spreading leaves or petals packed one over the other in many rows;’

- foliis superioribus rosulato-imbricatis, with the upper leaves rosulate-imbricate.

squamoso-imbricatus,-a,-um (adj.A): with overlapping scales;

- [lichen] thallus fuscescens squamoso-imbricatus, squamis saepius adscendentibus, aggregatis, margine crenatis (Nyl.), the thallus rather brownish-black, squamose-imbricate [i.e. with overlapping scales], with the scales more often ascending, aggregated, crenate on the margin.

NOTE: the moss genus Imbribryum derives from 'imbrex,-icis' ‘tile,’ in reference to the imbricated leaves, not from imber, gen. sg. imbris, 'rain.'

NOTE: in aestivation, q.v.: “When the parts overlap, the aestivation may be simply imbricate (aestivatio imbricata), the parts overlapping parallelly at the margins; quincuncial (quincuncialis; quincuncialiter imbricata) when of five parts two have their margins both inside, two with margins both outside, one with one margin inside and the other outside” (Stearn).

Tinia imbricata [L. ‘appressed and overlapping’] “a dermatomycosis in the South Pacific characterized by scattered, concentrically arranged rings of papulosquamous patches caused by Trichophyton concentricum Blanchard” (S&D); see tinea,-ae (s.f.I).


A work in progress, presently with preliminary A through R, and S, and with S (in part) through Z essentially completed.
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