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A Grammatical Dictionary of Botanical Latin

immersus,-a,-um (part.A): immersed, “growing wholly under water” (Fernald 1950); “below the surface; 1. entirely under water; 2. embedded in the substance of the leaf or thallus” (Jackson); (in fungi) “embedded in the substratum” (Ainsworth & Bisby); immersed, submerged, imbedded, covered up; completely covered, hidden; in mosses, immersed capsules or perianths are hidden below the tips of the perichaetial leaves, also in reference to stomata sunk below the leaf tissue surface; stomata in the moss capsules of Orthotrichum have immersed guard cells sunken below the level of other exothecial cells: immersus,-a,-um (part.A) + abl. Or ‘in’ + abl. [> L. immergo,-mergere,-mersi,-mersum, 3. to dip into, plunge into, immerse]; see superficial; see nidulans,-antis (part.B), 'nesting'; see covered, hidden, imbedded; cf. emersus,-a,-um (part.A), partly below, and partly above a surrounding organ; cf. exsertus,-a,-um (part.A), extending beyond the surrounding organs; cf. submersus,-a,-um (part.A), ‘submerged, growing under water;

- perithecia globosa folii parenchymate omnino immersa, perithecia globose completely sunk in the parenchyma of the leaf (Stearn).

- capsula brevis in foliis perichaetialibus immersa, capsule short, immersed in the perichaetial leaves.

- capsula stomatibus et superficialibus et immersis praedita, capsule provided with both superficial and immersed stomates.

- ovula pauca, 2-seriata, mox endocarpio celluloso immersa (B&H), ovules few, 2-seriate, soon immersed in cellulose endocarpium.

- (moss) theca subsphaerica immersa (Mueller), theca nearly sphaerical, immersed [i.e. in the perichaetial leaves]; theca intra folia subimmersa, the theca nearly immersed within the leaves.

- in Americae septentrionalis rivulis saxis immersis adhaerens (Mueller), in North America adhering to stones submerged in streams.

- (algae) Sporidia aut in cellulis per frondem sparsis singulis immersa, aut in filamentis seminiferis (Agardh), the sporidia either immersed in single scattered cells throughout the frond or on seed-bearing filaments.

- (algae) Algae dioicae, fructu duplici semper in diversis individuis: uno saepissime externo, intra pericarpium subgelatinosum aut cellulosum sporas numerosas fovente; altero saepissime immerso intra perisporium hyalinum sporas 4 generante (Agardh), algae dioicous, with the fruit always double in different individuals; with one most often external, within the nearly gelatinous pericarpium or enfolding numerous cellulose spores; the other most often immersed within a hyaline perisporium, generating 4 spores.

- alga nunc in frondis lamina ipsa subimmersa (Chondrus), nunc extra frondem prominentia et subseparata (Agardh), sometimes nearly immersed in the very lamina of the frond (Chondrus), sometimes prominent outside the frond and nearly separate [i.e. from it].

- Genus ita constitutum Phyllophorae proximum mihi videtur, nematheciis hemisphaericis et frondi semiimmersis (Agardh), the genus so constituted seems to me nearest to Phyllophora, with the nemathecia hemisphaeric and nearly embedded in the frond.

- coccidia in ramulis omnino immersa sunt (Agardh), the coccidia are everywhere immersed on the branches.

- (moss) columellam notam genericam non habemus, nam in generibus variis diversissima, mox immersa mox exsertae (Mueller), we do not consider the columella to be a generic character, for it is very different in the different genera, once immersed, soon exserted.

- palustres ideo musci terrae lutosae plerumque adeo immersi, ut eorum caulis humo obrutus lateat (Bridel), swamps for that reason the mosses of miry earth are usually so immersed, that their stem lies hidded, buried in soil.

demersus,-a,-um (part.A), q.v., submerged, sunken in water.

semi-immersus,-a,-um (part.A): partially or half-immersed.

subimmersus,-a,-um (part.A): slightly or nearly immersed.

NOTE: for immersed stomata in bryophytes, see cryptoporous; opp. superficial stomata, see phaneroporous.


A work in progress, presently with preliminary A through R, and S, and with S (in part) through Z essentially completed.
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