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A Grammatical Dictionary of Botanical Latin

imprimis (adv.), also inprimis (adv.): in the first place, chiefly, primarily, especially; to begin with, above all, especially, principally, in particular; in the first place; “with or among the first, chiefly, especially, principally, particularly” (Lewis & Short); cf. optime (adv.), 'best, well, exceedingly;' [> L. in + primus,-a,-um (adj.A): = cum primis “with or among the first; chiefly, especially, principally, particularly; in primis, ‘among the first, in the foremost ranks” (Lewis & Short); see primus,-a,-um (adj.A): the first, first;

- genus a Glycine differt imprimis inflorescentia nodoso-racemosa; the genus differs from Glycine chiefly by the nodose-racemose inflorescence.

- pappus imprimis uniseriatus, pappus chiefly uniseriate.

- eligit sibi ligna humentia putredine emollita imprimis pinea et abiegna, quae neutiquam rara incolit vere et aestate (S&A), it chooses for itself moist woods softened with rot, in particular pine [i.e. Pinus] and fir [i.e. Abies], which it inhabits, being not at all rare in spring and summer.

- species nova folii revolutis imprimis differt, the new species differs chiefly by the revolute leaves.

- imprimis hyeme media truncos varios vexans, injuring chiefly in the middle of winter various [tree]trunks.

- (algae) termini sequentes imprimis usitati sunt: spora, sporidium, sporidiolum, spermatium, speirema, sphaerospora, zoospora, gonidium, gemmidium, conidium, gongylus, spermatozoidium, antherozoidìum etc. (Braun), the following terms are primarily used: spore, sporidium, sporidiole, spermatium, speirema, sphaerospora, zoospora, gonidium, gemmidium, conidium, gongylus, spermatozoidium, antherozoidìum etc.

- [Delphinium pubiflorum] pedicellis bracteolis calycibus imo imprimis capsulis junioribus pube dense tenui velutinis (DeCandolle), with the pedicels, bracteoles, calyces at the very bottom especially with the younger capsules densely velvety with the thin pubescense.

- Violarieae sunt valde affines Polygaleis, Droseraceis et imprimis Passifloreis (DeCandolle), the Violarieae are strongly related to the Polygaleae, Droseraceae and especially the Passifloreae.

- A Viola papilionacea Pursh. differt imprimis petalo infimo imberbi (DeCandolle), from Viola papillionacea Pursh. it differs primarily by the lowest petal beardless.

- G. Leucodendro et imprimis G. pyramidali accedens (F. Mueller), approaching G. Leucodenron and especially G. pyramidalis.

- T. pilosae proxime affinis, habitu quasi cespitoso sive pulvinato, staminum numero et capsula ápice non obtusata imprimis distinguenda (F. Mueller), it is most closely related to T. pilosa, it is primarily to be distinguished by the habit as if caespitose or pulvinate, by the number of stamens and the capsule not somewhat obtuse.

inprimis (adv.):

- (inprimis etiam pulveris indoles colorisque), especially also by the natures of the powder [i.e. spores] and of the color.

- species elegans ad ramos varios, Salicis Capreae etc. : sed abietinos pineosque praeamat, in quibus copiose occurrit autumno tardo ac inprimis vere (S&A), an elegant species on the various branches, of Salix Capreae, etc.: but it prefers fir and pine [sc. branches], in which it richly occurs in late autumn and especially spring.

- [fungi] eligit sibi ligna humentia putredine emollita inprimis pinea et abiegna, quae neutiquam rara incolit vere et aestate (S&A), it selects for itself moist timber softened with decomposition chiefly pine and fir [cf. ligna] wood, which lives not at all rare in spring and summer.

- [fungi] species admodum vulgaris ligna cariosa putrida, inprimis pinea et abiegna, ubique incolit agmine denso (S&A), a species altogether common, it dwells everywhere, especially in [cf. locis] piny and firy places [i.e. in pine and fir-woods] in a dense multitude.


A work in progress, presently with preliminary A through R, and S, and with S (in part) through Z essentially completed.
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