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A Grammatical Dictionary of Botanical Latin

incised, cut deeply and sharply into divisions separated by narrow sinuses; “regularly divided by deep incisions” (Lindley); “cut sharply into the margin” (Jackson); “cut sharply and irregularly, more or less deeply” (Fernald 1950); (in fungi)(of a pileus margin), as if cut into (Ainsworth & Bisby): incisus,-a,-um (part.A) [> L. incido,-cidi,-cisum, 3., in + caedo: to cut into, make an incision, cut open]; cf. laciniatus,-a,-um (adj.A), torn, or slashed into narrow divisions with taper-pointed incisions; see cut; cf. lacerate, lacerated, deeply and irregularly slashed or torn, ragged; see cut;

- subulae lacerae, aliae margine varie inciso lamelliformes, aliae obtuse aculeatae (S&A), subulae lacerate, some blade-like, with the margin variously [deeply incised], others obtusely aculeate.

- caule folia floralia subsessilia fissa aut incisa gerente (DeCandolle), with the stem bearing subsessile floral leaves split or incised.

- dentibus crassiusculis difformibus acutiusculis obtusisque subincisis erectis (S&A), with the teeth somewhat thick, of different shapes, somewhat acute or obtuse, nearly incised, erect.

- dentes apice modo integri, modo fissi, imo etiam non nulli multoties tenuiter incisi (fimbriati) (S&A), the teeth at the apex sometimes entire, sometimes divided, also at the very base some thinly many-times incised (fimbriate).

- pileis arcte imbricatis tenuibus, in perfectioribus (subbiuncialibus) margine undulatis hinc inde incisis (S&A), with the pileus closely imbricate, thin, in the more perfect one (nearly two inches) undulate on the margin, here and there deeply cut into.

- calyptra conica minuta basi incisa (Mueller), the calyptra conic, minute, at the base incised [i.e. divided by deep incisions].

- calyptra basi in lacinias inaequales obtusas icisa, laciniis inaequaliler incisis.(Mueller), the calyptra at the base deeply cut into unequal slashes [i.e. laciniae], with the laciniae unequally deeply cut.

- calyptra profunde et irregulariter incisa pilosa, the calyptra deeply and irregularly incised, pilose.

- folia integerrima, serrata v. in eodem specimine incisa (B&H), the leaves completely entire, serrate or incised in the same specimen.

- folia alterna, integerrima, dentata v. rarissime subincisa. (B&H), the leaves alternate, completely entire, dentate or very rarely nearly incised..

cum incisus,-a,-um (part.A): when cut, when cut into; also abl. alone;

- carno cum contusa vel incisa aurantiaco-rufescens, flesh when bruised or cut becoming orangeish-red.

- pileus carno stipitis albo-grisea, cum incisa celerrime aurantio-rufescens vel nigresces, pileus with the flesh of the stipe white-gray, when cut very quickly becoming orange-reddish or black.

- Tragacantha est lachryma herbae lignosae et spinosae, cuius radix incisa hanc ipsam lachrymam copiose emittit (Galen in Everett), Tragacanth is the exudate [i.e. tear, gum, resin] of woody and spinose herbs [i.e. shrubs], the root of which when cut copiously emits this very gum.

fimbriate-incised: “having the edge cut up into divisions which are fimbriated” (Lindley): fimbriato-incisus,-a,-um (part.A) [fimbriatus, ‘with the margin bordered by long slender processes.’

inciso-dentatus,-a,-um (adj.A): “having slashed toothings” (Lindley); “slashed toothed” (Jackson);

- foliis apice remote inciso-dentatis, with the leaves at the apex remotely incised-dentate.

inciso-lobatus,-a,-um (adj.A): ‘slashed into lobes;”

- foliolis petiolulatis membranaceis inciso-lobatis v. dentatis (B&H), with the leaflets petiolulate, membranaceous, incised-lobate or dentate.

inciso-serratus,-a,-um (adj.A): “having very deep slashed serratures” (Lindley); “deep-slashed serrations” (Jackson); duplicato-inciso-serratis, doubly incised-serrate;

- folia integra v. 3-loba, grosse inciso-serrata et dentata (B&H), leaves entire or 3-lobed, coarsely incosed-serrate and dentate.

- folia alterna, petiolata, incisa, v. pinnatifida et inciso-serrata (B&H), the leaves alternate, petiolate, incised or pinnatifid and incised-serrate.

pinnatifido-incisus,-a,-um (part.A): “pinnatifid with very deep segments” (Lindley).


A work in progress, presently with preliminary A through R, and S, and with S (in part) through Z essentially completed.
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