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A Grammatical Dictionary of Botanical Latin

infra (adv. and prep. with acc.): on the under side, beneath, below, under; later than; less than; cf. inferne (adv.), below, in the lower part, on the lower side; cf. sub (prep.), ‘under;’ cf. subtus (adv.),‘below, beneath, underneath, in a lower place;’ “to or at a lower position, below; further along a coast(line) or towards the mouth of a river, downstream or down channel; (in the water) below the limit of the sea; below the surface; later, afterwards; lower in degree, size, etc.” (after Glare); ‘down,’ as in English, ‘down the road, down the coast;’ there is also the implication of ‘south,’ being felt as a downward direction (cf. Glare);

opp. superne (adv.): from above, above, upwards, on the upper side;

opp. supra (adv. and prep. with acc.): on the upper side, above, beyond, over; up;

- cornucopiis supra quam infra paulo latioribus, with the cornucopiae somewhat wider above than below.

cf. subtus subtus (adv.): below, beneath, underneath, in a lower place:

- [lichen] thallus subtus dense albido-rhizinosus, rhizinis haud longis (Nyl.), the thallus on the underside densely whitish-rhizinose, with the rhizenes not long.

Cf. [lichen] thallus infra quoque valde inaequalis umbilico rhizineo mediocri vel latiusculo (Nyl.), the thallus underneath also very uneven with a rhizineous, medium or slightly broad umbilicus.

1. adv. (will not take an object);

NOTE: infra as an adverb implies “on the lower side or part,” e.g. leaf in the lower part erect, folium infra erectum – note there is no noun associated with infra when used as an adverb; the adverb ‘superne,’ ‘in the upper part, above,’ is used in the same way: folium superne erecta, leaf in the lower part erect;

- Hab. ad rupes obscuras currentibus expositas infra limitem maris Mediterranei frequenter (Agardh), it grows frequently on shadowy rocks exposed by the currents below [i.e. down along] the boundary [i.e. the line of the coast, coastline] of the Mediterranean Sea.

- [lichen] thallus totus (supra infraque) confertissime isidioso-rugulosus vel isidio furfuraceo concolore fere totus obtectus, sordide cinereo-virescens (Nyl.), the whole thallus (above and also below) most compactly isidiose-slightly wrinkled or nearly the whole covered with furfuraceous one-colored isidium, dirty ashen gray-greenish.

- culmi caespitosi, semipedales & infra (Swartz), the culms sod-making, one half foot [i.e. 6 inches] and below.

- foliis infra puberulis vel glabratis, with the leaves puberulent or glabrate below.

- rhachis infra pallida, paleis minimis praedita, rhachis below pale, provided with very small scales (paleae).

- costulae infra paleis minutis vestitae, the costules below clothed with minute scales (paleae).

- perianthia infra cylindrice inflata, perianths cylindric-inflated below.

- folia petiolata, infra hispida, superne subhirsuta, leaves petiolate, hispid above, nearly hirsute below.

- nervis infra obsoletis vel nullis supra prominulis reticulato-anastomosantibus, with nerves on the lower side inconspicuous or lacking on the upper side standing out slightly and reticulately joining together.

- lamina supra glabra, infra paleis parvis instructa, lamina glabrous above, below provided with small scales (paleae).

- antherae erectae, sublineares, ab apice ad medium v. infra dehiscentes (B&H), anthers erect, nearly linear, dehiscent from tht apex to the middle or below.

- Vide 171, STERIGMA infra, et 157 ENARTHROCARPUM inter Cakilineas (B&H), see 171, STERIGMA below, and 157 ENARTHROCARPUM among the Cakilineae.

2. prep.; note: word will have an object [i.e. noun] of the preposition in the accusative case;

- (moss) peristomium infra thecae orificium ortum (Mueller), the peristome arisen below the mouth of the theca.

- pollinia in quoque loculo solitaria, caudiculis brevibus infra apicem affixa, pendula (B&H), the pollinia in each locule solitary, with the caudiculae short, [the pollinia] attached below the apex.

- infra medium, below the middle; infra apicem, below the apex; infra basim petioli, below the base of the petiole.

- bracteis infra petala dispositis, with bracts below the petals arranged.

- magnitudine paulo infra elephantos, in size somewhat less than an elephant.

- species notae paullo infra 100 (B&H), known species somewhat less than 100.

- stamina 6-8, 2—4 superiorum filamentis infra antheram inflatis (B&H), the stamens 6-8, 2-4 of the upper (ones) with filaments inflated below the anther.

- species ab auctoribus descriptae ultra 1200, verisimiliter infra 8 0 0 reducendae (B&H), the species described by authors are more than 1200, probably to be condensed to below 800 [reduced to less than 800].

- [fungi] infra annulum pilei margini concolor est, albescens nimirum, sed fibris rubicundis badiisve plus minus variegatus (S&A), below the annulus of the pileus, it is the same color on the margin, whitish, to be sure, but more or less variegated with ruddy or reddish-brown fibers.

- stamina saepius definita, intra v. supra v. circa torum in discum saepius expansum inserta (B&H), stamens more frequently definite, inside or above or around the torus more often inserted into an expanded disc.

NOTE: intra (adv.): on the inside, inwardly; opp. of extra (adv.): 'on the outside, externally.'

NOTE: extus (adv.): outside, on the outside; opp. of intus (adv.): 'on the inside, within;' cf. subtus (adv.) 'below, beneath, underneath, in a lower place.'


A work in progress, presently with preliminary A through R, and S, and with S (in part) through Z essentially completed.
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