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A Grammatical Dictionary of Botanical Latin

Iter (s.n.III), gen. sg. itineris, acc.sg. iter, abl. sg. itinere, nom.& acc.pl. itinera, gen.pl. itinerum, dat.& abl.pl. itineribus: a going, the act of going, path, way, a walking; a journey; a passage; a roadway, a road; walk; route; journey, trip; passage road] q.v.; a travel, travels; road, roadway; a method, course; a custom; see footpath, road; see journey, trip; an expedition, journey or voyage undertaken for a purpose, such as scientific research.

NOTE: abbr. ‘itin.’

- in itinere: a phrase used to mean “abroad.”

- in tam dira regione nonnisi de nocte suscipiuntur itinera (Desf.), in so dreadful a region, journeys are undertaken only during the night.

- iter tritum (part.B), abl. sg. itinere trito, a beaten path.

- musci Alleghanienses sive spicilegia muscorum atque hepaticarum quos in itinere a Marylandia usque ad Georgiam per tractus montium decerpserunt, mosses of the Alleghanies or gleanings of mosses and hepatics plucked up on an expedition from Maryland to Georgia through mountain regions.

- iter terrenum (adj.A), abl.sg. itinere terreno, land journey (vs. by sea).

- ELENCHUS plantarum novarum minusque cognitarum quas in itinere Hispanico HISPANICO legit Edmundus Boissier, a catalogue of new and less known plants which Edmund Boissier collected on a Spanish expedition.

- in tam dira regione nonnisi de nocte suscipiuntur itinera; saepe arenarum inflammatarum nimbi elevantur qui viatores subito gradum sistere cogunt; In so dreadful a region journeys are only undertaken during the night; often clouds of flaming sands are upraised, which abruptly compels travellers to arrest their steps [i.e. progress].

- in rupibus calcareis Ínsulae Dirk Hartog Island reperit clar. Georgius Clifton, unde forsan primo plantam attulit expeditio Baudiniana et postea A. Cunningham in itinere navarchi King (F. Mueller), the eminent George Clifton found it on calcareous rocks of the island Dirk Hartog Island, whence perhaps he first reported the plant on the Baudinian expedition, and afterward D. Cunningham on the journey [i.e. voyage] of Captain King.

- speciem staminodii praesentia abnormem et forsan in proprium genus transmovendam solum ex adnotationibus tempore detectionis adeptis divulgavi, quum omnia ejus specimina in itinere amitterentur (F. Mueller), I have published a species abnormal by the presence of a staminodium and perhaps to be transferred into a special genus merely from notes obtained at the time of discovery, when all the specimens of it may have been lost on the journey.

- baccae 1/2 - 3/4| poll., metientes sapore acidulo non ingrato fere pañis secalis, unde arbor in itinere Leichhardtiono nomen "Breadfruit- tree" accepit (F. Muell.), berries measuring 1/2 - 3/4 inch, with the slightly acid [i.e. sour] not unpleasing taste of wheaten bread, whence the tree on Leichhardtio’s journey received the name “Breadfruit-tree.”

- (moss) Leptotheca Gaudichaudi Schwaegr. In Nova Walesia meridionali prope portum Jacksonis ad terram arenoso-humosam legit in itinere cum Navarcho Freycinet Cl. Gaudichaud.(Mueller), in northern [New South Wales] near the port of Jackson on sandy-humus the most eminent Gaudichaud collected it with Freycinet the ship-master.

- [Blasia (Tourn.); hepatic] Наnс novam plantam jure quidem optimо Вlasiam denominavimus, а Pat. D. Blaso Biagi Congregatione Vallis-Umbrosae Мопасho, Botanico пon gregario, ac in Etruscis itinеribus поstris ad indagandas plantas saepe sedulo comite (Tourn.), indeed, with the best justification, we have named this new plant with regard to Pat. D. Blaso Biagi, a monk of the Congregation of Vallis-Umbrosa, an uncommon botanist, and an often diligent companion with regard to hunting plants in our Etrurian travels.

ELENCHUS plantarum novarum minusque cognitarum quas in itinere Hispanico HISPANICO legit Edmundus Boissier, a catalogue of new and less known plants which Edmund Boissier collected on a Spanish trip.


A work in progress, presently with preliminary A through R, and S, and with S (in part) through Z essentially completed.
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