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A Grammatical Dictionary of Botanical Latin

Limbus,-i (s.m.II): limb; lit. a border or hem; the border or expanded part of a gemopetalous corolla above the throat, as distinct from the tube or throat; the lamina of a leaf or petal, i.e. the expanded portion of any petal or leaf; the margin of the leaf in mosses when distinct in color and cell-structure. In mosses also often used of the upper part of a leaf as differentiated from a broadened sheathing basal portion, e.g. in some species of Polytrichum. In diatoms, the mantle;

NOTE: the border of leaves in Sphagnum (moss) is limbus,-i (s.m.II), abl. sg. limbo.

- [mosses] areolatione in toto limbo et media baseos [gen.sg.] vaginantis parte compacta (DozyMoek), with the areolation on the entire limb and the middle part of the sheathing base compact.

- (moss) foliis margine limbo lamellato utrinque remote dentatis (DozyMoek), with the leaves at the margin with a lamellate border, on both sides remotely dentate.

- (moss) foliis margine limbo subrepando haud incrassato plus minus circumductis (CMueller), with the leaves more or less surrounded at the margin with a somewhat repand [i.e. undulate] border, not thickened.

- (moss) operculo brevi-rostrato, basi purpureo-limbato (C. Mueller), with the operculum short-beaked, at the base purple-bordered.

- (moss) folia e medio ad apicem undulata, margine anguste limbato dentato (C. Mueller), leaves from the middle to the apex undulate, with the margin narrowly bordered, dentate.

- (moss) - (moss), peristomium nullum, clausum epiphragmate (crasso depresso) cujus discus circularis a limbo (latiori) persistente secedens (C. Mueller), peristome none, closed by an epiphragm (thick, depressed) the circular disc of which separating from a persistent wider border.

- limbus corollae pelviformis, mutabilis, in aestivatione ruber, sub anthesi violaceus et priusquam corolla decidit caeruleus, 15 mm latus, the limb of the corolla saucer-shaped, changeable, in bud red, at anthesis violet and before the corolla falls blue, 15 mm broad (Stearn).

[Centranthus] Calycis limbus per anthesin involutus parumque conspicuus, post anthesin evolutus, in setas 5-15 plumoso-ciliatas divisus (B&H), the limb is rolled inward throughout flowering period, and somewhat conspicuous, after the flowering period unrolled, divided into 5-15 plumose-ciliate bristles.

- fructus apice calycis limbo pappiformi demum expanso coronatus (B&H), the fruit at the apex crowned with the pappiform eventually expanded limb of the calyx.

- calycis limbus brevis, 2-4-dentatus, nec post anthesin accretus (B&H), the limb of the calyx short, 2-4-toothed, not united after the period of flowering.

- limbus 2-labiatus, labio superiore 2-fìdo, inferiore 3-fido (B&H), the limb 2-lipped, with the upper lip 2-fid, the lower 3-fid.

- calycis limbus sub anthesi saepius brevis v. obsoletus, post anthesin immutatus v. varie auctus, erectus patens v. globoso-inflatus nec involutus, aequalis v. obliquus, integer 3-6-dentatus lobatus 3-cornis v. in aristas rigidulas recurvas v. uncinatas divisus, nec plumoso-setosus (B&H), the limb of the calyx during anthesis more often short or rudimentary, after anthesis unchanged or variously enlarged, erect, spreading or globose-inflated not inrolled, symmetrical or oblique, undivided, 3-6-toothed, lobate, 3-horned or divided into somewhat rigid, recurved bristles or hooked.
Limbus,-i (s.m.II) corollae (gen.sg.), abl. sg. limbo corollae: the flat, expanded part of a corolla (petal); “the flat expanded part of a petal” (Lindley);

- corollae tubus superne campanulatus, limbus purpureus (F. Mueller), the tube of the corolla campanulate above, the limb purple.

- corollae tubus cylindraceus, limbus flavus (F. Mueller), the tube of the corolla cylindric, the limb yellow.

- corollae parvae albae limbo quinquepartito tubi longitudinem semiaequante (F. Mueller), the corollas small, white, with the limb in five parts nearly equally the length of the tube.

- corollae aureae, tubo tenui, limbo valde ampliato (F. Mueller), the corollas golden yellow, with the tube thin, with the limb strongly enlarged.

- corollae glabrae roseae, tubo tres lineas longo, limbo ter longior (F. Mueller), the corollae glabrous, rose-colored, with the tube three lines long, three times longer than the limb.


A work in progress, presently with preliminary A through R, and S, and with S (in part) through Z essentially completed.
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