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A Grammatical Dictionary of Botanical Latin

misit: third-person singular perfect active indicative of mitto, misi, missum, 3, to cause to go, let go, send, to send off, despatch, release; to let or bring out, to put out, extend, reach out (as a hand); to announce, tell, report, send word, advise; to yield, furnish, produce, export; to send forth, emit; to throw, cast;

miserunt: third-person plural perfect active indicative: they have sent;

- ex Insula Guadaloupe miserunt Prof. 0. Swartz et D. Palisot de Beauvois (Hooker), Professor O. Swartz and D. Palisot de Beauvois sent it from the Island of Guadaloupe.

misisse: perfect active infinitive: ‘to have sent;’ ‘to have reported.’

misit: [he,she] it sent, despatched;

- [Sphagnum trinitense C. Muell. (in litt. ad Cl. Crüger, detectorem Trinitensem). Insula Trinitatis: Crüger No. 14. 1847 misit (C. Muell.), (in a letter [or letters] to Cl. Crüger, the discoverer on Trinity). The Island of Trinity: Crüger sent No. 14. 1847.

- e regno Chilensi in terra arenosa crescens misit Philippi: Hb. Reg. Berol (C. Muell.), from the kingdom of Chili on sandy soil Philippus sent it.

- e locis non designatis regni Chilensis pulcherrime fructiferum Hb. Reg. Berol. misit Philippi (C. Muell.), Philippus sent the Royal Herbarium of Berlin (Prussia) a beautifully fruit-bearing [sc. specimen] from unnamed places of the Kingdom of Chili.

- Australia, unde misit Augustus Erskine (C. Muell.), Australia, whence [i.e. from where] Augustus Erskine sent it.

- ex alpe Grimsel a W. P. Schimper lectum misit am. Hampe (C. Muell.), the genial [amabilis] Hampe sent it from the alp [i.e. ‘high mountain’] ‘Grimsel’ collected by W. P. Schimper.

- in uliginosis alpium Helvetiae densissime cespitosa habitat: Seringe 1822 ad Bridelium misit (C. Muell.), it grows very densely clumped in the wet places of the high mountains of Switzerland: Seringe sent no. 1822 to Bridel [Bridelius].

- ad truncos arborum Surinami, inter Cladonias legit Kegel, inter Hypna misit Miquel (C. Muell.), Kegel collected it among Cladonias on the trunks of the trees of Surinam, Miqual sent it among Hypnum plants.

- ex insula Trinitatis Antillarum misit Crüger, qui in monte Tamanaco pulcherrime fructiferum legit (C. Muell.), Crüger sent it from the Island of Trinity of the Antilles, who collected it most prettily fruit-bearing on Mount Tamanaco.

- India orientalis, ubi cum plantis multis aliis apostolus ecclesiae Klein in parietibus domorum mensibus Dec. et Jan. primus legit et ad Willdenow misit. (C. Muell.), eastern India, where Klein, a missionary of the church, collected it on the walls of buildings in the months of December and January and sent it to Willdenow.

- ex Abyssinia misit W. Schimper (C. Muell.), W. Schimper sent it from Abyssinia.

- prov. Buitenzorg inter Bryum pachypoma Mont. misit Miquel (C. Muell.), in the Province of Buitenzorg among Bryum pachypoma Mont. Miquel sent it.

- In Pyrenaeis orientalibus 1803 aestate primus legit Bridel; dein ad rupes madidas montis Grossarl legit Hornschuch; e monte Bructero misit Hampe. (C. Muell.), in the eastern Pyrenese in summer 1803 Bridel first collected it; next Hornschuch collected it on wet rocks of Grossarl mountain; Hampe sent it from mount Bructero.

- Grönlandia, in saxis quarzosis v. graniticis, unde misit D. Barth (C. Muell.), Greenland, on quarzose or granitic [sc. places], whence D. Barth sent it.


A work in progress, presently with preliminary A through R, and S, and with S (in part) through Z essentially completed.
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