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A Grammatical Dictionary of Botanical Latin

Nucleus, “a nut; applied also to fruits resembling a nut: nucleus amygdalae, n. avellanae; the hard, uneatable kernel, the stone of fruits; the kernel, the inner part, the inside of a thing” (Lewis & Short); a kernel, as of a nut or seed, seldom used in recent English; a central mass, part or point around which matter is concentrated, the central or focal part, focus, core; “the central part of the ovule in which the embryo is engendered. Also the cytoblast or rather the circular space found on the sides of cells, and supposed to arise from its absorption. (obsol.) any kind of kernel. The spores of Fungals” (Lindley): nucleus,-i (s.m.II), abl. sg. nucleo, also nuculeus,-i (s.m.II), abl. sg. nuculeo [> L. dim. of nux, gen. sg. nucis (s.f.III), nut]; see center;

- drupa, nuçleum 5-locularem fovens, subrotunda (Necker), a drupe, embracing a 5-locular kernel, [the drupe] nearly round.

- nucleus a plexu filorum sensim transmutato ortus, nucleus arisen from a gradually transformed network of filaments.

- nucleus a rete filorum ortus, nucleus arisen from a network of filaments.

- nucleus amygdalae, the nut of the almond tree.

- nucleus avellanae, the nut of the hazel-tree.

- nuculei olivarum, the nuts (stones) of olives; nuculei cerasorum, the stones of cherries.

- cellulae nucleum centrem continentes, cells containing a central nucleus.

- testa tenuissima reticulata v. striata, saepius appressa, rarius laxa et ultra nucleum utrinque longe producta (B&H), with the seedcoat very thin, reticulated or striate, more often appressed, more rarely loose and far projecting beyond the nut.

- nux globosa, fragilis. Nucleus albus (Swartz), the nut globose, fragile. The kernel white.

- drupa, 5-locularis: loculis singulis, nucleum foventibus (Necker), drupe 5-locular, with the locules single, enfolding the nutlet.

- nux sphaerica. Nucleus albus (Swartz). the nut spherical. The kernal white.

- [MYRISTICA aromática] Nux moschata fructu rotundo (Swartz) the nut musky-scented, with the fruit rounded.

- Nux lignosa, excavata sulcis & apophysibus; 3-5-locularis (Swartz), the nut woody, hollowed out, with [pronounced furrows] and enlargements [perhaps ridges between the sulci], 3-5-locular [HIPPOMANE Mancinilla].

- Semina. Nuces orbiculares, compresae, scabrae, ferrugineae. Nuclei forma nucis, albissîmi. (Swartz), Seeds. The nuts orbicular, compressed, roughened, ferrugineous. The kernals in the shape of the nut, very white.

- arbores pruniferae sunt vel fructuùs ossiculo unicum nucleum claudente, fructuum pediculis nullis aut brevissimis, ossiculo laevi aut aequalis, [vel] scabro, sulcis aut scrobiculis profundius exarato (Ray), the trees are drupe-bearing or with the ossicle [i.e. pyrene] of the fruits enclosing a single nucleus [i.e. kernel], with the pedicles of the fruits none or very short, with the ossible [i.e. pyrene] smooth or even, or rough, more deeply engraved with furrows or small pits.

Cell-kernel = nucleus, q.v. (Jackson): nucleus,-i (s.m.II), abl.sg. nucleo.

Nucleus, also applied to “the spores of Fungals” (Lindley): nucleus,-i (s.m.II), abl. sg. nucleo, q.v.

Nucleus proligerus (adj.A), abl. sg. nucleo proligero, “a distinct cartilaginous body coming out entire from the apothecia of some Lichens and containing the spores” (Lindley); also nucleus sporigerus, abl. sg. nucleo sporigero.

Paranucleus,-ei (s.m.II), abl.sg. paranucleo: sickle-stage, “of nuclear division, Zimmerman’s term for the Paranucleus of Strasburger, a CRESCENT-shaped body at one margin of the nucleus, supposed to represent a stage in the disappearance of the nucleolus” (Jackson) [> Gk. para, beside + L. nux, gen. sg. nucis (s.f.III), a nut].

NOTE: “Mamilla. The apex of the nucleus of an ovule” (Lindley); see mammilla,-ae (s.f.I).

NOTE: cf. the nutlets or pits of drupes: pyrene, the stone or pit of a drupe or drupelet; a nutlet; see putamen,-inis (s.n.III) stone or woody endocarp of a drupe; see ‘pit, fruit-stone; see kernel.
nucleus-bearing, nutlet-bearing: nucleifer,-fera,-ferus (adj.A)


A work in progress, presently with preliminary A through R, and S, and with S (in part) through Z essentially completed.
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