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A Grammatical Dictionary of Botanical Latin

-osma,-ae (s.f.I), abl.sg. -osma: in Gk. comp., -scented; “one having (such) an odor - in generic names of plants” (WIII) [> Gk.osmE (s.f.I), smell, odor; frequently of foul smells; the sense of smell (Liddell & Scott)]; see odor,-oris (s.m.III).

NOTE: the correct gender and declension is feminine, first declension. Epithets with neuter endings are in error and are to be corrected to feminine ones. This is not a neuter third declension noun with an augmented stem, -ma,-matis, q.v.

NOTE: there are a few Latin words using the Greek -osmE,-Es (s.f.I): Hydrosme,-es (s.f.I) (Araceae); Pseudohydrosme,-es (s.f.I) (Araceae) and the epithet as noun in aposition liriosme,-es (s.f.I): Hymenocallis liriosme; Pancratium liriosme.

NOTE: -oma, in Greek endings:

1. -oma,-ae (s.f.I): 'fragrance' (variant of Gk. osme): Hedeoma,-ae (s.f.I), Hedys means "sweet" and oma is from osme, ‘scent;’ 'related but malformed" Stachydeoma,-ae (Nicolson 1994).

Amanita chlorinosma (Austin) Lloyd, a mushroom with the odor of chlorine, > chlorinum + -osma,-ae (s.f.I), the epithet appearing to be a noun in apposition;

Aganosma,-ae (s.f.I), Don. Aganes, mild, and osme, smell.

Apocynaceae. (Paxton).

Agathosma,-ae (s.f.I) (Rutaceae).

Baryosma,-ae (s.f.I) Willd. From Gk. bary- strond, offensive + osmE, smell; from the powerful scent of the leaves. Rutaceae. (Paxton).

Camphorosma,-ae (s.f.I), smelling of camphor.

Coprosma,-ae (s.f.I) De Candolle. From copros, excrement, and osme, smell; the species have a foetid smell. Cinchonaceae. (Paxton).

Cyminosma,-ae (s.f.I) Gartner. Kyminon, cumin seed, and osme, smell; the fruit smells like cumin seed. Xanthoxylaceae(Paxton).

Dichosma,-ae (s.f.I). Derived from dicha, without + osme, a smell. Rutaceae. (Paxton).

Diosma,-ae (s.f.I) Linn. From dios, divine, and osme, smell; the bruised leaves have an exquisite smell. Rutatceae(Paxton).

Dysosma,-ae (s.f.I) > Gk. dys, bad + osmE, smell, a genus of the Berberidaceae.

Glycosmis (s.f.III), Correct. From glykys, sweet, and osme, smell; alluding to the sweet-scented flowers. Aurantiaceae (Paxton); “both the flowers and the leaves are fragrant. Rutaceaae” (Stearn 1996).

Hydrosme,-es (s.f.I) > Gk. hydra, water snake + osmE, smell; evidently in allusion to the foul smell emitted from the anal stink glands of the water-loving ringed snake (Natrix natrix) when captured and the foul smell of these aroids when in flower. Araceae” (Stearn 1996).

Jasminum,-ii (s.n.II). Linnaeus derives the name from ia, a violet, and osme, smell; some assert that it is from ysmyn, the Arabic name of the plant. Jasminaceae (Paxton).

Medicosma,-ae (s.f.I): referring to the citrus lemon scent of the leaves; cf. Citrus medica L., the citron; see citron (Eng.noun). Meliosma,-ae (s.f.I) (Meliosmaceae).

Moschosma,-ae (s.f.I), Reichenbach. From moschos, musk + osme, a smell. Lamiaceae (Paxton). A genus often listed with a mixed of feminine and neuter epithets has been corrected to epithets with feminine endings.

Onosma,-ae (s.f.I) Linn. From onos, an ass, and osme, smell; said to be grateful to the ass. (Paxton). A genus often listed with a mixed of feminine and neuter epithets has been corrected to epithets with feminine endings [cf. ancient Greek onosma,-atos (s.n.III): stone bugloss, Onosma echinoides, used by Dioscorides and Pliny (Liddell & Scott)].br>
NOTE: Onosma, a noun or name neuter in classical Greek, is of feminine gender when used for botanical purposes, as well as all names ending in -osma (Nicolson 1994) (not -zosma,-atos); see Stearn 1993. br>
Onosma, Linn. published in: Species Plantarum, Editio Secunda 1: 196. 1762. (Sp. Pl. (ed. 2) = Onosma,-ae (s.f.I)): annotation: Compound generic names ending in -osma are feminine. Shenzhen Code Art. 62.2(b).

Osmites (s.f.III), Gassini. From osme, perfume; strong smell of camphor [q.v.]. Asteraceae (Paxton).

Osmorhiza,-ae (s.f.I).From osme, scent, and rhiza, a root ; roots sweet scented. Apiaceae(Paxton).

Osmanthus,-i (s.m.II) Lour. From osme, smell, and anthos, a flower. Flowers fragrant Oleaceae (Paxton); Osmanthus, “Name from the Greek osme, odor, and anthos, flower; from the fragrant flowers” (Fernald 1950).

Telosma,-ae (s.f.I) > Gk. tEle, ‘far’ + osmE, fragrance, smell; in allusion to the great distance over which the scent carries” (Stearn 1996).


A work in progress, presently with preliminary A through R, and S, and with S (in part) through Z essentially completed.
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