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A Grammatical Dictionary of Botanical Latin

Peridium, “an external coat or skin covering over the parts of reproduction, as in Lycoperdon [fungus]. Also a membranous, dry receptacle, usually containing a large quantity of powder” (Lindley); (in fungi) “the wall or limiting membrane of a sporangium or other fruit-body” (Ainsworth & Bisby); (in fungi) “the outer, enveloping coat of a sporangium or fruit body” (S&D): peridium,-ii (s.n.II), abl. sg. peridio, nom.& acc. pl. peridia [> Gk. peridion, dim. of pera, wallet + Gk. dim. -idion]; see gleba,-ae (s.f.I).

NOTE: powder here refers to spores, a kind of ‘generative’ or ‘reproductive’ powder or dust.

- gleba pluricellulosa a peridio non separabilis candida immutabilis lactiflua demum farinacea, gleba (sporing tissue) many-celled from the peridium not separable pure white unchanging milky at length floury (Stearn).

- ascocarpi peridio 9.8-27.0 um crasso circumdati, ascocarps surrounded by a peridium 9.8-27.0 um thick.

- peridii cortex interior coeruleo-violascens, micore nonnumquam praepulchro colli columbini insignis (S&A), the iner cortex of the peridium bluish-violet, sometimes remarkable for the very beautiful glossiness of the neck of a dove [or blue pigeon].

- peridium commune caulescens, varie demum ruptum, includens peridiola numerosa (S&A), the peridium commonly developing a stem, ultimately variously ruptured, enclosing numerous peridioles.

- (fungus) color externe utriusque castaneus; elongationis albo-nebulosa litura, patellae, punctis albis adspersus; concavitatis pullus, quasi holosericeus. (Hedwig), the color externally on both sides is chestnut-brown; [the color of] the patella [i.e. apothecium] sprinkled with white dots; [the color] of the concavity blackish-gray, as if of velvet.

- (Diderma; a slime mold] hypothallo inconspicuo; peridio triplici, pariete externo cartilaginoso, dehiscente stellato, pariete medio calcareo, saepe ad externum connato, pariete interno membranaceo, saepe ad medium connato, hypothallus inconspicuous; with the peridium triple, with the outer wall cartilaginous, upon dehiscing, stellate, with the middle wall calcareous, often fused to the outer one, with the internal wall membranaceous, often fused to the middle.

- [fungus] peridii cortex duplex est, cinereus uterque: exterior, prorsus ut in Physaro squamuloso, in squamas luculentas majusculas mox solutus, interior diutius integer (S&A), the cortex of the peridium is double, each one grayish-white: the outer, entirely as in Physarum squamulosum, soon separated into rather large, bright scales, the inner [remains] entire longer [i.e. for a longer time].

aecidioideus,-a,-um (adj.A): aecidioid, = (in fungi; = ‘cupular, cupulate’; see cupulate) “(of aecia) of the cluster-cup type, having a cuplike or cylindric peridium with recurved border; = aecidioid” (S&D).

Capitulum,-i (s.n.II), abl. sg. capitulo: (fungus) “... a term vaguely applied among Fungals to the receptacle, pileus, or peridium” (Lindley).

Cavus,-i (s.m.II), abl. sg. cavo: “the peridium of certain Fungals” (Lindley); see cavum,-i (s.n.II).

Cortex,-icis (s.m.III), abl. sg. cortice, “the peridium of certain Fungals” (Lindley); adj. corticalis,-e (adj.B);

- [Pisolithus; fungus] Cortice communi demum varie diffracto, peridiolisque vulneri accumbentibus simul etiam laesis, pulvis carcere suo liberatus longe lateque dispergitur (S&A), with the communal cortex [i.e. peridium] then shattered in different ways, and with the peridioles lying along beside it broken also, at the same time, by the injury, the powder freed from its own confines is dispersed far and wide.

Gleba,-ae (s.f.I), q.v., abl. sg. gleba: ‘also glebula - the peridium or the fleshy part of certain Fungals” (Lindley); (fungi) “in the Gasteromycetes and Tuberales, the tissue enclosed within the peridium, composed of tramal plates lined with the hymenium; often applied to the spore mass after the tramal plates have become broken up” (S&D);

- gleba pluricellulosa a peridio non separabilis candida immutabilis lactiflua demum farinacea, gleba (sporing tissue) many-celled from the peridium not separable pure white unchanging milky at length floury (Stearn).

Involucrum,-i (s.n.II), abl. sg. involucro: the involucre, q.v. “the peridium, volva or annulus in Fungi (Lindley)” (Jackson).

Loculus,-i (s.m.II): “the peridia of certain Fungals” (Lindley): loculus,-I (s.m.II), also locellus,-i (s.m.II), q.v.

Pericarpium,-ii (s.n.II): “the peridium of certain Fungals” (Lindley).

Peridiole, q.v., “… the diminutive of Peridium, a secondary and interior peridium” (Lindley): peridiolum,-i (s.n.II), abl.sg. peridiolo.

Peridium: “a general expression for the outer enveloping coat of a sporophore upon which the spores develop within a cavity” (Jackson);

a) peridium externum (adj.A): “the outer layer which opens in various ways and separates from the -

b) peridium internum (adj.A): “the inner layer directly enclosing the gleba” (Jackson).

Peridium mitriforme (adj.B), abl.sg. peridio mitriformi: “the receptacle of certain Fungals” (Lindley).

Phallus, a penis; “(obs.) the peridium of certain Fungals” (Lindley): phallus,-i (s.m.II), abl. sg. phallo; in Gk. phallos.

Pseudoperidium,-ii (s.n.II), abl. sg. pseudoperidio: pseudoperidium, (fungi) “employed by Maire for the exterior of the sporophore in Endophyllum; the peridium of the aecium of the Uredineae generally; adj. pseudoperidial” (Jackson); (fungi) “a false peridium; an enclosing membrane, as of the Uredinales” (S&D).

Sacculus,-i (s.m.II), abl. sg. sacculo: a little sack, a little bag: the peridium of certain Fungals” (Lindley).

Sphaerula,-ae (s.f.I): spherule, (fungi) “a globose peridium through whose opening are emitted sporidia buried in pulp” (Lindley); “a globose peridium emitting sporidia buried in pulp (Lindley)” (Jackson).

Tunica,-ae (s.f.I): “the peridium of certain Fungals” (Lindley).

NOTE: compounds of this noun may be made with Greek words and prefixes, -peridium (s.n.II);

- endoperidium,-ii (s.n.II), exoperidium,-ii (s.n.II), exoperidium; pseudoperidium,-ii (s.n.II) false peridium.

NOTE: in Cyathus, the Bird’s Nest fungi, “the peridiola are fixed to the peridium by threads (funiculi)” (Ainsworth & Bisby).


A work in progress, presently with preliminary A through R, and S, and with S (in part) through Z essentially completed.
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