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A Grammatical Dictionary of Botanical Latin

twice: bis (adv.), q.v. 'twice, in two ways, at two times, on two occasions;' duplo (adv.), 'doubly, twice; double;' duplicato (adv.) 'twice as much;'

- frutex bis in anno fructificans, shrub bearing fruit twice in a year.

- 2-vel 3-plo, duplo vel triplo, two or three times; see times.

- foliis duplo latioribus quam longis, with leaves two times wider than long.

- pedunculo duplo folium subtentem superante, by the peduncle twice exceeding (longer than) the subtending leaf

- articuli diametro trichomatis ad duplo breviores, rarius ad duplo longiores, articule up to twice shorter than the diameter of the trichome, more rarely to twice longer.

- stamina petalis duplo pluria vel rarius numero aequalia, stamens two times more than the petals or more rarely equal in number.
twice-, two-, double-:

in L. comp. bi-, q.v., 'two-, double-, twice-;' bis-, in L. comp. twice-, the same as bi-, used when the word to which it is compounded begins with a vowel; duplicato-, 'twice, doubly;' duo-, two; duplo-, 'doubly; both, double; twice, double;'

- twice: doubly: on both sides: biconicus, conic on both sides; biconvexus, convex on both sides, biserriatus, serriate on both sides.

- area centralis valde biconvexa, central area strongly biconvex (convex on both surfaces).

- bicoloratus, two-colored; biglumis,-e, two-glumed; bijuglandifer,-fera,-ferum, with two glands; bijugus, with two pairs of leaflets; bivalvis,-e, with two valves.

- bisalatus, with two wings (bis + alatus); bisantherus, with two anthers.

- duosepalus,-a,-um (adj.A), duosepalous, with two sepals.

- duplodentatus, with doubled teeth; duplopetalus, with two petals.

- duplicato-dentatus,-a,-um (adj.A): twice dentate.

- duplicato-crenatus,-a,-um (adj.A): doubly crenate, each tooth itself toothed.

- duplicato-pinnatus,-a,-um (adj.A): bipinnate.

in L. comp. dis-, an inseparable particle related to Sanscrit and Greek words meaning 'two' or 'twice,' usually takes similar meaning to the prefix de-, or the Greek prefix dys-; see dis-;

- diloris,-e (adj.B): from L. dis and lorum, double-thonged, double-striped.

- cf. Sabatia difformis, “of two forms; from the original specimen having

some flowers with 6 corolla-lobes” Fernald 1950).

in Gk. comp., di-: two-, double-; see di-;

- diadelphus, with stamens in two sets; diandrus, two-stamened; diarthrodactylus,-a,-um (adj.A): (in Charophyta) having each ultimate ray two-celled; dichroanthus, with two-colored flowers; diclinus, with unisexual flowers, lit.'in two beds;' dicyclus, with two circular twists; dimerus, with parts in twos; dimorphus, of two shapes.

in Gk. comp. dich-, dicho-, q.v.: in Gk. comp. two, split in two;

- dichodontus, with two teeth, with teeth split in two; dichotomos,-on (adj.A), cut into two, halved.

in Gk. comp. diplo-, dipl-: double, two, twice, twin;

- diploceras, with two horns (see -ceras); diplocyclus, with two whorls; diploscyphus, with a double cup; diplolepis,-idis (adj.B), in mosses, with a double peristome, diplolepideous; diplostemonus, diplostemonous, i.e. having stamens twice as many as the petals, the stamens of the outer whorl opposite the sepals, the stamens of inner whorl opposite the petals.

Note: bis- as a prefix in chemistry, 'doubled', as in complex chemical expressions, such as bisdimethylamino- (WIII).

Note: the generic name Dianthus is a contraction of Diosanthos, flower of Zeus (Stearn 1983).
twice as much, double: duplus,-a,-um (adj.A); cf. triplus,-a,-um (adj.A), three times as much;

- intervallis duplis vel triplis, with the intervals double or triple.

- amplitudine dupla, with the size twice as much.

- vere numero seminum duplo, in spring with the number of seeds twice as much.


A work in progress, presently with preliminary A through R, and S, and with S (in part) through Z essentially completed.
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