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A Grammatical Dictionary of Botanical Latin

Two: duo, duae, duo (adj.plural num.), q.v.;

"the cardinal numerals unus (1), duo (2) and tres (3) are declined; the others from quatuor (4) to centum (100) are used unchanged whatever the gender and case of the noun which they qualify ." (Stearn 1983); cf. 'both;' see second;

duo, duae, duo (adj.plural num.), q.v.;

       [no singular]       always plural  
                        m.         f.      n.  
Nom.      -------     duo       duae     duo          (always plural)  
Gen.      -------    duorum    duarum    duorum  
Dat.      -------    duobus    duabus    duobus       'the two; both'  
Acc.      -------    duo or duos  duas     duo  
Abl.      -------    duobus    duabus    duobus  
NOTE: duo, duae, duo represent the cardinal number ‘two.’

secundus,-a,-um (adj.A) represents the ordinal number (numeral) ‘second.’

NOTE: 'two' (duo, duae, duo) in the sense of 'both' refers to two unrelated or unassociated objects; see 'both';

- interdum antheridia duo per oogonium visa, sometimes two antheridia per oogonium seen.

- coloniae aetate duarum vel trium hebdomadum, colonies at the age of two or three weeks, 2- or 3-week-old colonies (Stearn, 1983).

- lodiculae duae hyalinae truncatae vel bilobatae glabrae, 1-3 mm longae, lodicules 2 hyaline truncate or 2-lobed glabrous 1-3 mm long (Stearn 1983).

- lobis ventralibus duobus lanceolatis majoribus, sinu non profundo separatis, with lobes ventral two lanceolate larger, separated by a shallow sinus.

- folia quaterna, in quoque verticillo duo longiora, duo breviora, leaves four together, in each whorl two longer, two shorter (Stearn 1983).

- interdum antheridia duo per oogonium visa, sometimes antheridia two per oogonium seen.

- antheridia plerumque paragyna, per oogonium unica vel raro duo, antheridia usually paragynous, per oogonium single or rarely two.

- saepe in caespitibus interruptis duobus vel pluribus, often in interrupted tufts two or more.

- vacuolae apicales contractiles duae, apical contractile vacuoles two.

- vacuolis apicalibus contractilibus duabus, with apical contractile vacuoles two.

Note: ambo, ambae, ambo, numerical adj. expressed in plural only and declined like duo, duae, duo ('two'): ambo indicates 'both', two together, the two, of objects naturally in pairs, such as hands or the ends of two-ended objects, used of two objects considered together as a pair;

- in ambabus extremitatibus, at both ends.

- ad ambas extremitates, at both ends.

Note: uter, utra, utrum (indefinite relative pron.): whichsoever of two, the one (of two) which; either of the two, one or the other, one of two; see uterque, utraque, utrumque to which the grammatical points apply;

- uter florum fertilis, hieme caducus, either one of the (two) fertile flowers, in winter is caducous.

Note: uterque, utraque, utrumque (pronoun), q.v.: either, each of two, each member of a pair, both (considered separately), used in the singular to consider each one of two things 'applied to two subjects regarded severally, while [ambo, ambae, ambo, numerical adj. 'both'] regards the two as a pair' (Lewis & Short);

- in utroque latere costae, on each side of the costa

Note: alter, altera, alterum (irregular adj.A), q.v.: the other (of two), the one, one of two, the second;

- perigyniae duae, altera sterilis, perigynia two, one sterile.

- superficie adaxiali glabra, abaxiali stratis indumenti duobus vestita, alterum stratum e trichomatibus sessilibus stellatis, alterum ex strato granuloso-furfuraceo denso compositum, adaxial surbace glabrous, abaxial clothed with two layers of indument, one layer composed of stellate sessile trichomes, the other with a granulose-furfuraceous dense layer.
two, two each, two apiece, two at a time; a set of two, paired; the two, both; with substantives that are used only in the plural; of things that match, as oxen in a yoke: bini, binae, bina (adj. num. distr. plural, adj.A); see bini, binae, bina; see second;
               m.    f.      n.
Nom.         bini  binae    bina   (always plural)
Gen.       binorum binarum binorum
Dat.                binis               
Acc.       binos    binas   binos
Abl.                binis

- spica filiformis solitaria vel binae, spike filiform solitary or paired.

- angulis binis, with two angles (Stearn 1983).

- fructibus in quoque ramo binis, with fruits on each branch two (i.e. paired).

- folia secus rhachim bina, leaves two along the rhachis.
by twos, in pairs, two each, two at a time; two together: binatim (adv.);

- foliolis binatim dispositis, with leaflets arranged in pairs.

- suturis binatim dehiscentibus, with sutures dehiscing in pairs.
two-colored: bicolor,-coloris (adj.B); for declension see -colored; bicolorus,-a,-um (adj.A); dichroicus,-a,-um (adj.A), dichrous,-a,-um (adj.A), dichromus,-a,-um (adj.A).
of two months (duration): bimestris,-e (adj.B).
two-thirds: see bes, gen. sg. bessis (s.m.III), i.e. 'two-thirds (= eight unciae) of any whole composed of twelve parts', but apparently used to represent two-thirds of any quantity, such as length;

- pappi squamis dimidiis vel bessibus longitudinis tubarum corollarum, with the scales of the pappus half or two-thirds the length of the corolla-tubes (St. John & White, 1920).

two years old, of two years, continuing two years: bimus,-a,-um (adj.A);

- fructibus bimis, with fruits that are two years old.

Bryum bimum Schreb.
two each, paired, in pairs, with a pair, as a leaf divided into two leaflets: binatus,-a,-um (adj.A); cf. binatim (adv.): in pairs, two each, by twos, two at a time; two together; see -natim (adv.); cf. singulatim (adv.), one by one; singly; cf. geminatus; see paired;

- aculeis binatis, with prickles in pairs.

- dentibus peristomii in crura binata divisis, with the teeth of the peristome divided into paired crura.


A work in progress, presently with preliminary A through R, and S, and with S (in part) through Z essentially completed.
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