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A Grammatical Dictionary of Botanical Latin

Vein, “the fibro-vascular tissue of leaves, through which sap is carried into the parenchyma; ‘veining’ is the arrangement of veins, ‘veinlets’ are veins of the smallest size; ‘costal’ or ‘primary’ veins, such as spring from the midrib; ‘external,’ those next the edge’ (Lindley); originally of the body; any of the externally visible vascular bundles, as in a leaf: vena,-ae (s.f.I), acc. sg. venam, abl. sg. vena, nom. pl. venae, gen. pl. venarum, acc. pl. venas, dat. & abl. pl. venis; phleb-, phlebo-: in Gk. comp., ‘vein-‘ [> Gk. phleps, gen. sg. phlebos (s.f.III), a vein, also a vein of metal]; see nerve; see nervule, see (in Gk. comp.) -phlebius,-a,-um (adj.A), phlebo-;

- glumae latae venis praeter centralem fere obsoletis (B&H), glumes broad, with the veins except for the central one scarcely apparent [i.e. almost obsolete].

- maculae amphigenae, orbiculares, venis limitatae, spots amphigenous [i.e. growing all round an object or on two sides or poles], orbicular, limited by the veins.

- venae 8-9-jugatae (steriles), 6-8-jugatae (fertiles), veins 8-9-paired (sterile), 6-8-paired (fertile) (of ferns).

- flores gracile pedicellati, majusculi, ochroleuci, venis purpuréis (B&H), the flowers slender, pedicellate, somewhat large, yellowish-white with the veins purple.

- venis ferrugineis, primariis, vena media, venis secundariis, tertiariis et quaternariis, with veins rust-collored, the primaries, the mid-vein, the secondary, tertiary and quaternary [sc. veins].

NOTE: falsinervis,-e (adj.B): with nerves formed of cellular (not fibrovascular) tissue (Stearn); see vascular.

NOTE: “Nerve: used for principal or more conspicuous unbranched veins starting from the midrib or base of the blade, as distinguished from those which divide or branch and are termed veins or veinlets” (Stearn).

NOTE: nervus,-i (s.m.II); nervus secundarius (adj.A), also nervus lateralis (adj.B), ‘secondary nerve;’ the midrib being nervus medius (adj.A) (Stearn).

NOTE: costa: “the midrib of a leaf; that part which is a direct extension of the petiole, and whence the veins arise; a leaf may have many costae” (Lindley); see costa,-ae(s.f.I).

Vena externa (adj.A), nom. pl. venae externae: “white veins seen in some Gasteromycetes and Tuberaceae in sections of the sporophore, produced by air tissue in the sporiferous chanbers” (Jackson).

Vena interna (adj.A), nom. pl. venae internae: “dark-colored veins, in the same group of Fungi, denoting the walls of the sporiferous chambers, but destitute of air” (Jackson).

Vena lymphatica (adj.A), nom. pl. venae lymphaticae: same as vena interna.

area between veins (noun): intervenium,-ii (s.n.II), abl. sg. intervenio;

- intervenia lata, intervenia [area between the veins] broad.

area between veins (adj.): internervalis,-e (adj.B); internervis,-e (adj.B), internervius,-a,-um (adj.A); intervenis,-e (adj.B), intervenius,-a,-um (adj.A);

- areis internervalibus angustis, with the areas between the nerves narrow.

following veins: nervisequens,-entis (part.B), nervisequus,-a,-um (adj.A); see -sequens,-entis (part.B).

full of veins or with large or conspicuous veins, venose: venosus,-a,-um (adj.A);

- folia magis dentata et venosa (B&H), leaves more dentate and [with large veins].

convergenti-nervosus,-a,-um (adj.A): “when simple veins diverge from the midrib of a leaf and converge towards the margin” (Lindley).

costato-venosus,-a,-um (adj.A): “when the parallel side-veins of a feather-veined [i.e. pinnate] leaf are much stouter than those which intervene” (Lindley).

growing on veins: venicola,-ae (s.c.I), abl. sg. venicola.

obtecto-venosus,-a,-um (adj.A) “having the principal and longitudinal veins held together by simple cross veins” (Lindley).

peltiformis,-e (adj.B) “(obsol.) having simple [i.e. unbranched] veins arranged as in a peltate leaf.” (Lindley).

reticulato-venosus,-a,-um (adj.A), retinervis,-e (adj.B), retinervius,-a,-um (adj.A): net-veined, reticulate-veined; ‘having veins with the appearance of network (Lindley);

- foliolis subtiliter reticulato-venosis lineólas punctave nulla pellucida gerentibus (F. Mueller), with the leaflets subtly reticulate-veined bearing no little pellucid lines or dots.

Cross-vein: vena transversalis (adj.B). Primary vein: vena primaria (adj.A). Secondary vein: vena secondaria. Tertiary vein: vena tertiaria.
vein-following, following veins: nervisequens,-entis (part.B), nervisequus,-a,-um (adj.A); see “-sequens,-entis (part.B), -sequus,-a,-um (adj.A): in L. comp.”
vein-: in L. comp., nervi-, q.v.; in Gk. comp. neur-, neuro-, q.v.; in Gk. comp. phleb-, phlebo-; see nerve-;

- nervicola,-ae (s.c.I) living on veins of leaves or stems.

- nervicinctus, surrounded by a nerve or nerves; nerviflorus, with strongly nerved flowers; nervifolius,-a,-um (adj.A), with strongly nerved leaves.

- neurocarpus, with prominently nerved, ribbed or veined fruits (Stearn 1996);

- phlebanthus, with veined flowers; phlebocarpus, vein-fruited, with veined fruits; phlebophyllus, vein-leaved, with conspicuously veined leaves (Stearn).


A work in progress, presently with preliminary A through R, and S, and with S (in part) through Z essentially completed.
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