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A Grammatical Dictionary of Botanical Latin

Wall: murus,-i (s.m.II), abl.sg. muro, a 'city-wall;' dissepimentum,-i (s.n.II), abl. sg. dissepimento 'that which separates, a partition;' moenia,-ium (pl.n.III; singulars unknown),“the defensive walls of a town; an area enclosed by walls; a fortified town or city (Glare);sepimentum,-i (s.n.II), abl.sg. sepimento 'partition, hedge, fence, enclosure'; septum,-i (s.n.II), abl.sg. septo, 'barrier, inclosure;' paries,-etis (s.m.III), abl. sg. pariete, q.v. a 'house-wall; the partition in a building or room;' see replum, septum, trabecula, tunica; see partition; transeptum,-i (s.n.II) a cross barrier or wall; see -tichus,-a,-um (adj.A);

- in moeniis Romae Urbis, praesertim in interiori parte inter Portam S. Joannis, & S. Laurentii, reperitur etiam in externis Оstientibus moeniis ad Septemtrionem (Mich.), on the fortified walls of the City of Rome, chiefly in the interior part between the Gate of Saint John and Saint Lawrence, found also on the outer defensive walls of Ostiensis [Ostia] in the Northern part.

- in ecclesiae muris, on the walls of a church.

- pariete tenui (adj.B), with a thin wall; pariete crasso (adj.A) with a thick wall.

- parietibus tenuibus (adj.B), with thin walls; parietibus crassis (adj.A), with thick walls.

- cellulae disci parietibus aequaliter atque pervalde incrassatis praeditae, cells of the disc provided with walls equally and also very strongly thickened.

- parietes radiales cellularum epidermaticarum fibrosi porosi, radial walls of the epidermal cells fibrous, porose.

- parietes tangentiales, tangential walls.

- loculus in locellos parietibus communibus instructos divisus, locule divided into locelli provided with common walls.

- lumen ob parietum incrassationem fere nullum, ad rimam angustam reductum, lumen on account of the thickness of the walls almost none, reduced to a narrow fissure.

- zygosporae atque aplanosporae ab gametangiis per parietes cellulosos sporangii separatae, zygospores and aplanospores separated from the gametangia by the cellulose walls of the sporangium.

NOTE: in classical Latin murus,-i pertained to the wall of a city, whereas paries,-etis indicates the wall (partition) of a house; cf. puteale,-is (s.n.II)), abl. sg. puteale: a stone curb round the mouth of a well; a similar curb placed round any spot (Lewis & Short).

NOTE: muri are ridges on the pollen wall, separating lumina (spaces between ridges) in reticulate pollen (Radford et al., 1974).

NOTE: ‘thin-walled’ may be rendered as ‘leptodermous,’ the wall of the cell thinner than the cavity: leptodermus,-a,-um (adj.A), leptodermaticus,-a,-um (adj.A); pachydermus,-a,-um (adj.A), pachydermaticus,-a,-um (adj.A): pachydermous, ‘thick-walled.’

Contact-wall, tangential wall: see contact.

Cross or dividing wall, partition: dissepimentum,-i (s.n.II), abl.sg. dissepimento; septum,-i (s.n.II), abl.sg. septo; transeptum,-i (s.n.II), abl. sg. transepto.

Outer spore wall: episporium,-ii (s.n.II), abl.sg. episporio; exosporium, -ii (s.n.II), abl.sg. exosporio.

between walls: intermuralis,-e (adj.B).

with horizontal and longitudinal walls: muriformis,-e (adj.B), 'muriform, resembling brickwork in a wall: parallel rows, the ends of each unit situated above the center of the unit below' [> L. murus,-i (s.m.II) a wall; a bank, mound, dam]; see muriformis,-e (adj.B): NOTE: a second meaning is 'mouse-shaped.'

with two walls or coats: bitunicatus,-a,-um (adj.A).

inside or within the walls: intramuralis,-e (adj.B).

pertaining to the wall: parietalis,-e (adj.B), ‘parietal, borne on the wall, pertaining to the wall,’ parietinus,-a,-um (adj.A); cf. tunicatus,-a,-um;

- partes parietales in forma litterae H distinctae, parts pertaining to the wall in the shape of the letter H distinct.

in L. comp.:

-septatus,-a,-um (adj.A) in L. comp.;

- biseptatus, with two walls or septa; octoseptatus, with 8 walls.

-tunicatus,-a,-um (adj.A): in L. comp. in fungi, -coated;

- crassitunicatus, with thick walls; glabritunicatus, with glabrous or smooth walls or coats; tenuitunicatus, with thin walls.

in Gk. comp.:

-dermaticus,-a,-um (adj.A), dermus,-a,-um (adj.A), in Gk. comp. 'skinned';

- leptodermus (adj.A), leptodermaticus (adj.A) 'thin-walled;'

-desmaticus,-a,-um (adj.A) in Gk. comp. 'banded';

- pachydesmaticus,-a,-um (adj.A), with thick walls, bands or bonds.

-phragm: -phragma,-atis (s.n.III), abl. sg. -phragmate, in Gk. comp.,

-screen, -partition; -phragmaticus,-a,-um (adj.A), pertaining to a screen or a specified partition;

- diaphragma,-atis (s.n.III), abl. sg. diaphragmate, diaphragm.

Wall-thinnings: areis tenuibus parietinis, i.e. with 'thin wall areas' (area,-ae, s.f.I); area tenuiparietina (adj.A), thin-walled area.

Wall-thickenings: areis crassis parietinis, i.e. with 'thick wall areas' (area,-ae, s.f.I); area crassiparietina (adj.A), thick-walled area.

Wall-thinnings: areis tenuibus parietinis, i.e. with 'thin wall areas' (area,-ae, s.f.I); area tenuiparietina (adj.A), thin-walled area.

Wall-thickenings: areis crassis parietinis, i.e. with 'thick wall areas' (area,-ae, s.f.I); area crassiparietina (adj.A), thick-walled area.


A work in progress, presently with preliminary A through R, and S, and with S (in part) through Z essentially completed.
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