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A Grammatical Dictionary of Botanical Latin

Water: aqua,-ae (s.f.I), q.v., gen. sg. aquae, abl. sg. aqua, nom. pl. aquae, gen. pl. aquarum, dat. & abl. pl. aquis; see bath, spring (water);

- aqua pluvialis (adj.B), rain or soft water.

- fresh water, aqua dulcis (adj.B).

- aqua marina (adj.A), sea water.

- aqua subsalsa (adj.A), brackish water.

- aqua salsa (adj.A), aqua salina, salty water

- summa (adj.A) aqua, the surface of the water.

- in summa aqua, on the surface of the water.

- aquae marinae et dulcis hospites, of water sea and fresh the guests, i.e. inhabitants of sea water and fresh water (a.m. & d. in f.gen.sg.; see hospes) (Stearn).

- in aquis quietis, in still waters.

- in aquis rapide fluentibus, in rapidly flowing water; see rapids.

- aqua lenta (adj.A), slow (stagnant) water.

- ground water: aqua plerotica (adj.A), see plerotic; aqua tellurica, see telluricus,-a,-um (adj.A).

- aqua pluvialis (adj.B), rainwater

- typus ex aqua irrigua apud seminarium ornamentale in Reipublica Virginiae, USA, isolatus, type isolated from irrigation water at an ornamental nursery in the State of Virginia, USA.

absorption of water: imbibitio,-onis (s.f.III), abl. sg. imbibitione: imbibition, absorption;

- nunc per aquae imbibitionem reticulatim mucilaginosa gelatinosave facta (DeCandolle), sometimes through the absorption of water made like a network, mucilaginous or gelatinous.

Aquivergium,-ii (s.n.II), abl. sg. aquivergio: place where water is collected; see cistern.

changing in water or moisture: hygroscopicus,-a,-um (adj.A), q.v.

Cistern, q.v.: cisterna,-ae (s.f.I). in or on the water: ephydrus,-a,-um (adj.A), ephydricus,-a,-um (adj.A): in or on the water.

living near the water, parhydrous: parydrus,-a,-um (adj.A) (para + hydros), the final -a- of para is elided, and there is no 'h' before the u of -hydros: parydrous 'living near the water.'

wanting or without water, anhydrous: anydrus,-a,-um (adj.A), q.v., anydricus,-a,-um (adj.A) (> Gk. a-privative + (h)ydros).

Aqueduct: aqueductus,-us (s.m.IV), abl. sg. aqueductu: aqueduct; hydragogia,-ae (s.f.I), abl. sg. hydragogia.

Cold water: frigida,-ae (s.f.I), sc. aqua, cold water (like calida or calda, -ae, warm water).

living in or near water: aquatilis,-e (adj.B).

loving the water, water-loving: philydrus,-a,-um (adj.A) (philos + hydros), 'water-loving,' (phil- + ydros).

Natabulum,-i (s.n.II), abl. sg. natabulo: a place for swimming.

pertaining or relating to water: aqualis,-e (adj.B), aquarius,-a,-um (adj.A), aquaticus,-a,-um adj.A) 'living, growing or found in or by the water, aquatic; full of water, watery, moist, humid;' aquatilis,-e (adj.B), ' living, growing or found in or near water, aquatic.'

Rain: pluvia,-ae (s.f.I), abl. sg. pluvia.

Reservoir, cistern: cisterna,-ae (s.f.I), abl. sg. cisterna.

River Basin, q.v.: corrivatio (-onis s.f.III) aquarum;

Running Water: aquae currentes [> L. curro, cucurri, cursum, 3, to run, hasten]; see river; see river, stream, vortex,-icis (s.m.III), whirlpool.

- running water: aquae (pl.f.I) currentes.

- in currentibus aquarum, in currents of water.

- in currentibus celeribus aquarum, in swift currents of water.

Sea-water: aqua marina (adj.A).

Soapy or sudsy water, suds: saponatum,-i (s.n.II), abl. sg. saponato, q.v.

Spray, sprinkling (of water): aspergo,-inis (s.f.III), abl. sg. aspergine; aspersio,-onis (s.f.III), abl. sg. aspersione;

- in aspergine salsa, in salt spray.

- in zona aspersionis cataractarum, in the zone of spray of cataracts.

Water vessel, water pot: hydraeum,-i (s.n.II), abl. sg. hydraeo; hydraeuma, -atis (s.n.III), abl. sg. hydraeumate.

Warm water: calida,-ae (s.f.I), sc. aqua, abl. sg. calida (cf. frigida,-ae (s.f.I), cold water).

Well-water: aqua (s.f.I) putealis, aqua puteana.

water, clear as: aqueus,-a,-um (adj.A); see transparent;

- herbae succo aqueo vel lacteo scatentes, herbs abounding in a watery [i.e. clear] or milky juice (Cactus).

water-inhabiting: aquaticus,-a,-um (adj.A), aquatilis,-e (adj.B).

water, pertaining to standing, pools, lakes: in Gk. comp. limn-; limnophilus, pond-loving; potamophilus,-a,-um (adj.A): river-loving.

watery, full of water: aquaticus,-a,-um (adj.A), aquosus,-a,-um (adj.A);

- herbae succo aqueo vel lacteo scatentes, herbs abounding in a watery [i.e. clear] or milky juice (Cactus).

- succus aquosus, the sap watery.

- philydrelus,-a,-um (adj.A) 'abounding in moisture' (philos + hydrelos).

well-watered: eukrenos,-a,-on (adj.A); euhydrus,-a,-um (adj.A), euhydricus, -a,-um (adj.A), 'euhydrous, well-watered, abounding in water;'

watered, irrigated, well-watered, wet, soaked: irriguus,-a,-um (adj.A), q.v.; see hydric; see wetted.

in L. comp. aqu-, aqui-, q.v.;

- aquifer, aquifera, aquiferum (adj.A), bearing water.

in Gk. comp. hydr-, hydro-, q.v. [> Gk. hydor, gen. sg. hydatos (s.n.III) water];

- hydrophilus, water-loving, growing in water.

- hydrophyton,-i (s.n.II), water-loving or aquatic plant.

in Gk. comp. -hydrus,-a,-um (adj.A), -hydrelus,-a,-um (adj.A): watered;

- anydrus,-a,-um (adj.A), anydricus,-a,-um (adj.A): anhydrous, wanting water (a-privative + hydros)

- parydrus (para + hydros), the final -a- of para is elided, and there is no 'h' before the u of -hydros: parydrous 'living near the water.'

- philydros (philos + hydros), 'water-loving,' (phil- + ydros) (not philhydros).

- however, with epi the final -i- is elided, but the 'p' becomes 'ph' before the 'y': ephydrous (epi + hydros), growing on the water, the 'ph' is rendered in Greek with the Greek letter 'phi'

in Gk. comp. hygr-, hygro-: in Gk. comp. damp, moist, moisture, wet = Lat. liquidus; opp. xEros (Latin siccus);

- hygrophilus,-a,-um (adj.A), moisture loving, adapted to wet but not aquatic habitats.

- hygrophyton,-i (s.n.II), abl. sg. hygrophyto: hygrophyte, a plant of wet habitats but not growing in water.

in Gk. comp. hyo-, from a verb associated with rain; see hyo-;

- Hyophila (s.f.I), rain (moisture-) loving; Hyocomium B. & S.

in L. comp. imbr-, imbri-, rain;

- imbrifer,-fera,-ferum (adj.A), rain-bringing.

in Gk. comp. -notis,-idis (s.f.III), -notus,-a,-um (adj.A):

in Gk. comp.

moisture, damp, wet [> Gk. notis,-idos (s.f.III) moisture, damp, wet;

notios,-a,-on, adj.: wet, damp, rainy];

- philonotus,-a,-um (adj.A), moisture loving.

in Gk. comp. ombro-: 'rain,' q.v.;

- ombrophilus,-a,-um (adj.A); ombrophilicus,-a,-um (adj.A), rain-loving, able to withstand rains, as in areas of torrential downpours.

in Gk. comp. rheo-: in Gk. comp., pertaining to flowing water;

- rheophilus, loving rivers, etc.


A work in progress, presently with preliminary A through R, and S, and with S (in part) through Z essentially completed.
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