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A Grammatical Dictionary of Botanical Latin

as a whole: in universum (adv. phrase).

whole-, all-:

1. in L. comp. omni- [> omnis,-e (adj.B): each, every]; see omnis,-e.

2. in Gk. comp. pant-, panto-, pan-: in Gk. comp. q.v. [> Gk. pas, pasa,

pan, gen. sg. pantos, pasEs, pantos, all, the whole, entire, of each of a number 'every']; see pant-.

3. in L. and Gk. comp. hol-, holo-, q.v. complete, entire, total, whole;

completely, totally, throughout, wholly.

on the whole: ad summum, fere (adv.) 'for the most part, nearly;'

in totum: 'on the whole, in general; wholly, entirely, altogether, totally;'

in toto (adverbial phrase): 'on the whole, in general, generally.

Whole quantity, amount, sum: summa,-ae (s.f.I), abl. sg. summa;

totum,-i (s.n.II), abl. sg. toto, q.v.

wholly, entirely (q.v.), completely: omnino (adv.), foliis omnino

integris with leaves completely entire; sometimes expressed by the use of the adjective in the superlative; foliis integerrimis, with leaves completely entire (integer, integra, integrum); cf. prefixes under 'whole-, all-.'

whole (Eng. adj.), undivided, intact, entire, i.e. without teeth or lobes or notches; undiminished, whole, undivided, simple, complete, perfect; lacking irregularities, healthy: indivisus,-a,-um (adj.A), ‘undivided, entire;’ integer, integra, integrum (adj.A), 'undivided'; see ‘entire;’ cf. simplex,-icis (adj.B);

totus, tota, totum (irregular adj.A): all, as distinguished from a part, all, the whole, the whole of, the entire, of an object which is not divided; of an object composed of its parts;

- sori totam laminam occupantes, sori occupying the whole blade.

- vacuolis contractilibus numerosis per totam cellulae peripheriam sparsis, with contractile vacuoles numerous over the whole circumference of the cell dispersed (Stearn 1983).

- thallus totus (supra infraque) confertissime isidioso-rugulosus vel isidio furfuraceo concolore fere totus obtectus, sordide cinereo-virescens. (Nyl.), the whole thallus (above and also below) most compactly isidiose-slightly wrinkled or nearly the whole covered with furfuraceous one-colored isidium, dirty ashen gray-greenish.

- ovarii rudimentum villosulum, integrum, staminibus paullo brevius (B&H), the vestige of the ovary villosulous, entire, somewhat shorter than the stamens.

- pedicelli bracteas membranaceas virides integras duplo superantes, pedicels twice as long as the membranous green entire bracts (Stearn).

- stipes supra annulum totus albus tenuissime fibrillulosus.(S&A), the whole stipe above the annulus white, very thinly fibrillulose.

- tota planta glaberrima (Boissier), the whole plant very smooth.

- bractea intima indivisa integraque, the innermost bract undivided and entire.

- marginibus integris, with margins entire.

- stylus basi brevissimus, ramis stigmatosis 3 filiformibus indivisis (B&H), style at the base very short, with stigmatose branches 3, thread-like, undivided.

- tota herba, odorem alliaceum volatilem fortiter spirat, a bestiis saepe esa, lactem vaccarum inquinans (Swartz), the whole herb strongly emitting a volatile aliaceous odor, often eaten by beasts, fouling the milk of cows.
whole (Eng. noun), the whole, entire, the entire: totietas,-atis (s.f.III), abl. sg. totietate, totality, the entirety, the whole; totum,-i (s.n.II); omnis,-e (adj.B), q.v., 'each and every;' see en masse; cf. omnis,-e (adj.B); in Gk. comp. pan-, q.v., pano-; pant-, panto-, the whole, entire, the entire amount of; see totus, tota, totum (irregular adj.A); see ‘entire;’

- planta omnis scaberula, the whole plant lightly scabrous.

- plerumque omnibus seminibus abortivis, usually with all of the seeds abortive; see totus,-a,-um (= a special adj.);

- per totum orbis veteris hemisphaerium boreale, through the whole northern hemisphere of the Old World.


A work in progress, presently with preliminary A through R, and S, and with S (in part) through Z essentially completed.
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