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The Cutting Edge
Volume XVI, Number 2, April 2009
News and Notes |
Germane Literature |
Season's Pick
AUSTIN PAUL SMITH (1881–1948). Both Manual offices have been gripped by
full-blown Smithmania since the publication of the latest Austrian magnum opus (see
Weissenhofer et al. entry under “Germane Literature”), with tantalizing new
information on the well known (to regional botanists) yet highly mysterious plant collector
Austin Smith, about whom almost nothing has been known. A cult is
brewing. Shortly after absorbing the Austrian data, we became privy to an intense
round of e-mail correspondence initiated by one Horace R. Burke, an
emeritus professor of Entomology(!) at Texas A & M University. Burke, for
some reason not entirely clear to us, has been pursuing the holy Smith grail for some
time on his own, and had succeeded in discovering numerous intriguing details, including
the following: Smith was born in Ohio in 1881, and first appeared on the biological
radar as a bird collector, in southern Texas, in 1904. He married Sadie Witt, barely
16 at the time, in 1918, and she accompanied him in 1919 to Guatemala, then to Costa Rica
in 1920; however, she returned to the United States just a year later, and the couple was
divorced shortly thereafter. Smith remained unmarried for the rest of his life (but
not for lack of trying, as we shall see). Spurred on by Burke’s inquiry, we
renewed conversations with longtime INBio Entomology curator Ángel
Solís, who is from Zarcero and whose mother (as we have known for some time)
actually knew Smith personally. From those conversations emerged the picture of a
lonely and socially awkward, yet decent man, who courted several local Zarcero belles
(including Ángel’s aunt) without conspicuous success. He never learned
Spanish, so attempted to communicate in a barely intelligible “Spanglish”
dialect of his own concoction. For right or for wrong, some residents of the area
associated Smith’s tenure with the disappearance of certain bird spp., such as the
scarlet macaw. Finally, at some point, he left Zarcero, destitute and defeated, but
after that the trail dried up, the circumstances and even the country of his demise having
been entirely unknown. Until now! Caught up in the fervor, Costa Rican
entomologist and established biographer Luko Hilje [see
The Cutting Edge 15(3): 6, Jul.
2008] took the bull by the horns and marched directly to the Costa Rica Registro Civil,
where he scored a copy of Smith’s death certificate, in hand as this is being
written. And now, the rest of the story can be told: Smith passed away in
San José at 7:00 AM on 31 October, 1948 (not 1956, as reported in the
Austrians’ book), at 67 years of age. Sadly, he died in a hospital for
the mentally ill, and was buried in an unmarked pauper’s grave. The cause
of death: pellagra, a niacin deficiency that may cause mental aberrations.
It seems that Smith had a sister in Ohio, named Maybelle, who was aware of his plight
and corresponded (apparently to no avail) with the United States Embassy in Costa
Rica concerning his hospital care (this information again from Burke). Our
appetite for Smith trivia being now quite insatiable, we eagerly await the publication
of Dr. Burke’s findings, which will undoubtedly reveal very much more.
And after that? A. R. Endres calls!
ROCK FEVER. The Piedra del Convento (that is how the name appears on herbarium
labels) has long been known to us as a classic collecting locale of Henri
Pittier and Adolphe Tonduz. From their writings, we knew
the approximate location of this rock: near where their route along the eastern
edge of the Valle de El General crossed the Río Convento, at an elevation of
about 850 m. However, the hallowed Piedra appears on no recent maps, and its
exact location has remained a mystery, even as to province (the Río Convento
forming the boundary between Prov. San José and Prov. Puntarenas). But a
recent resurgence of interest in this historic landmark, beginning in 2004, has led
to the rediscovery of the Piedra, attended by a flurry of publicity resulting in its
official declaration as Patrimonio Nacional. The following article appeared in
the Costa Rican newspaper La Nacion on 5 April, 2007:
Here we learn definitively that the rock is located in the Cantón de Buenos
Aires, Prov. Puntarenas. Moreover, we see that the rock is not only hallowed,
it is hollowed as well! We had envisioned a prominent spire or dome, visible
for miles around, but this Piedra is rather more of a mushroom, hunkered down in the
undergrowth. Because its considerable overhang provided shelter for weary
travelers, the rock was valued as a “dormida,” or campsite, rather than
a lookout or guidepost. See even more pictures of the rock, and rock aficionados,
at the following site:
We owe our belated awareness of these events to independent investigations by Manual
correspondent Mario Blanco (FLAS), who has calculated the approximate
position of the Piedra as 9°17’N, 83°29’W (or very near “Hda.
Sonador,” on the Buenos Aires quadrangle).
EL GRAN SABIO TONDUZ. Check out the interesting article on Adolphe
Tonduz by former INB curator Gregorio Dauphin, which appeared
in the 8 March issue of the Costa Rican daily La Nación:
Gregorio’s article is informed by voluminous correspondence preserved in
the archives of the Costa Rican Museo Nacional.
ON THE ROAD YET AGAIN. Manual co-PI Nelson Zamora spent much
of the month of March in Edinburgh, Scotland, working with Toby Pennington
(E) to finish off their joint revision of Dussia (Fabaceae/Faboideae), in the
works for about 10 years now.