Specimen authenticum
Type collections of the section of Siberia and Far East
Deschampsia borealis (Trautv.) Roshev.
Label 1. Exped. Sibir. Acad., ad fl. Taimyr 73 1/4°, 1843, [leg. Middendorf]
Label 2. Ad fl. Taimyr, [1843], leg. Middendorf
Label 3. Ad fl. Taimyr, [1843], leg. Middendorf
Middendorf A.F.
Russia (Siberia) [Asia]
Trautvetter R.E.
The herbarium sheet is marked with the stamp "Herbarium Trautvetter", which evidences, that the sheet belonged to the collection of R.E.Trautvetter.
Label 1 is printed.
Raenko L.M., 2005