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The Moss Flora of China

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Checklist of Chinese Mosses | References | Guide for Contributors

Taxon Groups: A B C D E F G H I-L M N-O P R S T U-Z

Ectropotheciella Fleisch. (Hypnaceae)

Ectropotheciella distichophylla (Hampe) Fleisch. - Ha (128), Ta (34, 81, 141, 392, 425)

Ectropothecium Mitt. (Hypnaceae)

Ectropothecium aneitense Broth. & Watts - Gd (273)

Ectropothecium buitenzorgii (Bel.) Mitt. - Gd (246), Ta (34, 38, 81, 141, 372, 392, 418, 461)

Ectropothecium circinatum Bartr. = Hypnum plumaeforme, fide Ando 1958 - I (38), F (15, 38), Gh (38)

Ectropothecium dealbatum (Reinw. & Hornsch.) Jaeg. - Gd (38), Ha (38, 77), Hk (74), Ta (34, 81, 141, 392, 461)

Ectropothecium formosanum Broth. in Ihs., nom. nud. - Ta (81, 377, 449)

Ectropothecium inflectens (Brid.) Besch. = Vesicularia inflectens - Hk (142)

Ectropothecium intorquatum (Dozy & Molk.) Jaeg. - Ta (34, 81, 141, 392, 418, 449)

Ectropothecium isocladum Dix. = Hypnum plumaeforme var. minus, fide Ando 1969 - Hk (74)

Ectropothecium kelungense (Card.) Fleisch. in Reim. & Sak. = E. zollingeri, fide Iwatsuki 1967 - Ta (81)

Ectropothecium kerstanii Dix. & Herz. [Glossadelphus falcatulus] - Y (31, 38)

Ectropothecium kweichowense Bartr. - Gh (15)

Ectropothecium leptotapes (Card.) Sak. [Isopterygium laxissimum, I. leptotapes] - Ta (15, 34, 81, 141, 375, 377, 418, 449)

Ectropothecium malacocladum (Card.) Broth. = E. zollingeri, fide Iwatsuki 1967 - Ta (81)

Ectropothecium monumentorum (Dub.) Jaeg. - Gd (38), Hk (74), Ta (34, 81, 141, 392, 418)

Ectropothecium moritzii Jaeg. - Ha (128), Ta (34, 38, 81, 141, 372, 392, 418)

Ectropothecium nervosum Dix. - Gd (38), Hk (74)

Ectropothecium obtusulum (Card.) Iwats. [Isopterygium obtusulum, I. ovalifolium, Plagiothecium obtusulum, P. ovalifolium] - Gx (145), Ta (34, 81, 141, 375, 377, 418, 449)

Ectropothecium ohoshimense Card. & Thér. [E. shiragae] - F (458), Ta (34, 81, 141, 392, 418, 449)

Ectropothecium pendulum Broth. in Sas., nom. nud. - Ta (81, 377, 449)

Ectropothecium penzigianum Fleisch. - Gd (1)

Ectropothecium perminutum Broth. ex Bartr. - Gd (273), Ta (34, 38, 81, 141, 372, 392, 418)

Ectropothecium perreticulatum Broth. in Salm., nom. nud. = Vesicularia reticulata, fide Iwatsuki 1991 - Gd (38), Hk (142)

Ectropothecium planifrons var. formosicum Sas., nom. nud. = E. zollingeri, fide Kuo & Chiang 1987a - Ta (81)

Ectropothecium planulum Card. = E. zollingeri, fide Iwatsuki 1967 - Gd (145), Ta (81, 372, 375, 377, 418, 449)

Ectropothecium serratifolium Card. = Ctenidium serratifolium - Ta (81, 375, 449)

Ectropothecium shiragae Okam. = E. ohsimense, fide Noguchi 1972 - Ta (34, 81, 392, 418, 449)

Ectropothecium subplanulum Card. = E. zollingeri, fide Iwatsuki 1967 - Ta (81, 375, 377, 418, 449)

Ectropothecium wangianum P.-C. Chen - Ha (75, 77)

Ectropothecium yasudae Broth. - Ta (34, 38, 81, 141, 247, 355, 449)

Ectropothecium zollingeri (C. Müll.) Jaeg. [Ctenidium scaberrimum var. erectocondensatum, Ectropothecium kelungense, E. leptotapes, E. planifrons var. formosicum, E. planulum, E. subplanulum, E. zollingeri var. formosicum, Glossadelphus malacocladus, G. planifrons, G. planifrons var. formosicum, G. rivicola, G. zollingeri, Hypnum planifrons, H. planifrons var. formosicum, Isopterygium kelungense, I. lutschianum, I. planifrons, I. sasaokae, Microthamnium malacocladum, M. scaberrimum, Plagiothecium kelungense, Taxiphyllum eximium, T. formosanum, T. planifrons, T. planifrons var. formosicum] - A (385), F (458), Gd (38, 145, 246), Gh (191), Gx (383), Ha (128), Hk (74), Hu (38), Js (118), Si (140), Ta (7, 34, 38, 81, 141, 372, 375, 377, 392, 418, 449), Xb (116, 210), Y (116, 210), Zh (118, 164, 312)

Ectropothecium zollingeri var. formosicum (Card.) M.-J. Lai in Wang-Yang = E. zollingeri, fide Crosby, 1977/79 - Ta (34, 81, 449)

Elmeriobryum formosanum Broth. = Gollania philippinense, fide Higuchi 1985 - Ta (34, 38, 81, 247, 355, 392, 449)

Elmeriobryum formosanum var. minus Broth. = Gollania philippinense, fide Higuchi 1985 - Ta (34, 38, 81, 392, 355)

Elmeriobryum philippinense Broth. = Gollania philippinense - Gd (106), Gx (383), Ta (7, 16, 34, 38, 52, 81, 106, 141, 230, 247, 335, 354, 355, 370, 377, 392, 418, 449, 463), Xz (30)

Elmeriobryum philippinense auct non Broth. = Gollania arisanensis, fide Kuo & Chiang 1987a - Ta (81)

Encalypta Schreb. ex Hedw. (Encalyptaceae)

Encalypta alpina Sm. [E. commutata] - He (124), I (240), Sa (219, 226), Xi (226, 241, 254, 393), Xz (30, 207, 226), Y (31, 37, 226)

Encalypta breviseta C. Müll.(9d) - He (124), Sa (37, 117, 132, 184)

Encalypta breviseta var. medioseta C. Müll. = Tortula sp., fide Cao, Horton & Gao 1992 - Sa (117, 132, 184)

Encalypta buxbaumioidea Cao, Gao & Bai - I (177, 226, 240)

Encalypta ciliata Hedw. [E. laciniata] - He (124, 127, 226), Hl (6, 137, 226), I (6, 80), Jl (3, 6, 137, 226, 364), L (6, 137), Q (226), Sa (117, 136, 184, 226), Si (31, 136, 226), Ta (29, 34, 37, 81, 136, 141, 226, 392, 424), Xi (226, 241, 254, 393), Xz (30, 226), Y (31, 226)

Encalypta commutata Nees & Hornsch. = E. alpina, fide IM. - He (124), Xz (207)

Encalypta erythrodonta C. Müll.(9e) - Sa (184).

Encalypta giraldii C. Müll.(9e) - Sa (132, 136, 184, 440)

Encalypta laciniata Lindb. = E. ciliata, fide IM. - Si (31), Ta (37, 81), Y (31)

Encalypta rhabdocarpa Schwaegr. - Ga (226), He (124, 226), I (80, 226, 311), Q (226), Sa (117, 219), Si (37, 94, 225), Sx (286), Ta (37, 149, 226), Xi (226, 241, 254, 393), Xz (30, 207, 226), Y (226)

Encalypta rhabdocarpa var. spathulata (C. Müll.) Husn. = E. spathulata - I (80), Xz (30)

Encalypta sibirica (Weinm.) Warnst. - He (226), I (240), Si (226), Xz (226)

Encalypta spathulata C. Müll. [E. rhabdocarpa var. spathulata] - I (80), Xi (241, 254, 393), Xz (30, 207)

Encalypta tibetana Mitt. - I (240), Xi (226), Xz (30, 37, 207, 226)

Encalypta vulgaris Hedw. - I (80), Xi (171, 241, 393), Xz (30, 207)

Endotrichella elegans (Dozy & Molk.) Fleisch. in Broth. = Garovaglia elegans - F (133), Gd (27, 38, 440), Gx (440), Ta (34, 38, 81, 323, 372, 377, 392, 440, 449)

Endotrichiella elegans var. brevicuspis Nog. = Garovaglia elegans, fide During 1977 - Ta (52, 81, 432)

Endotricheiella fauriei (Broth. & Par.) Broth. = Garovaglia elegans, fide During 1977 - Ta (38, 52, 81, 377, 449)

Entodon C. Müll. (Entodontaceae)

Entodon acutifolius Hu - Y (25)

Entodon aeruginosus C. Müll. [E. purus] - A (385), Gh (191), He (25, 124, 132), Hl (6), Jl (3, 25), Sa (25, 117, 132, 136, 184), Si (94, 136), Y (38, 183)

Entodon aeruginosus f. flavescens C. Müll., nom. nud. - Sa (184)

Entodon amblyophyllus C. Müll. = E. caliginosus, fide Hu 1983 - Sa (97, 132, 136, 184), Zh (123)

Entodon angustifolius (Mitt.) Jaeg. = E. macropodus, fide Hu 1983 - A (385), Gh (186, 187, 188, 189, 191, 192, 243, 287, 332), Hl (137), I (80), Jl (137), Jx (316), Sd (119, 300), Si (140, 296), Ta (81, 392, 418), Xz (30), Y (183, 296), Zh (373)

Entodon attenuatus Mitt. = E. sullivantii var. versicolor, fide Hu 1983 - Gh (188, 191, 243, 315), Hl (137), Jl (137, 285), Sd (119), Zh (312)

Entodon bandongiae auct non (C. Müll.) Jaeg. = E. dolichocucullatus, fide Kuo & Chiang 1987a = E. macropodus, fide Noguchi 1994 - Gh (189, 191, 192), Ta (81, 323, 372, 375, 377, 449)

Entodon brevisetus auct. non (Hook. & Wils.) Lindb. = E. calycinus, fide Iwatsuki & Noguchi 1973 - A (41, 101, 371)

Entodon buckii S.-H. Lin - Jx (95)

Entodon caliginosus (Mitt.) Jaeg. [E. amblyophyllus, E. concinnus var. caliginosus, E. pseudo-orthocarpus, E. serpentinus, E. subramulosus] - A (5, 41), Ga (74), I (80), Jl (6, 137), L (6, 137), Sa (25, 97, 117, 132, 136, 184), Sd (300, 301), Si (31, 135), Ta (34, 81, 141), Y (31, 38, 102, 183), Zh (41, 123, 334)

Entodon caliginosus var. subtile (C. Müll.) Redf. & Tan [E. pseudo-orthocarpus var. subtilus] - Sa (132, 184)

Entodon calycinus Card. [E. brevisetus] - A (41, 101, 371)

Entodon challengeri (Par.) Card. = E. compressus, fide Crum & Anderson 1981 - B (124), He (124), Hl (6, 337), Jl (6), L (6)

Entodon chloropus Ren. & Card. - A (385), Gd (246), Gh (243), Xz (30)

Entodon chryseum (Schwaegr.) B.S.G. orthographical error for Orthothecium chryseum - Xi (241, 254)

Entodon cladorrhizans (Hedw.) C. Müll. - A (5, 41, 371, 385), Gh (186, 187, 189, 191, 243, 287, 332), Hl (25), I (80), Jl (25), Js (118), L (25), Sa (117, 136), Sd (119, 242, 300), Si (315), Xz (25, 30), Y (25), Zh (41, 118, 123, 312, 334)

Entodon cochleatus Broth. = E. luridus, fide Hu 1983 - Gh (31, 53)

Entodon complanatulus C. Müll. in Fleisch. = E. pulchellus

Entodon compressus (Hedw.) C. Müll. [E. challengeri, E. microthecius Broth., E. nanocarpus, Plagiothecium laevigatum] - A (41, 385), B (124), F (118, 133), Gh (25, 118, 186, 188, 191), Gx (25, 383), He (74, 124), Hl (6, 337), I (311), Jl (3, 6, 25, 97, 137, 285), Js (25, 38, 74, 118, ? 346), Jx (38), L (6, 25, 125, 137, 164, 324), Sa (25, 117, 132, 136, 184), Sd (119, 142, 242, 300, 309, 382), Sh (25, 41, 79, 118, 142), Si (31), Xi (171, 280, 393), Xz (25, 30), Y (25, 31, 38, 183, 224), Zh (25, 41, 123, 164, 334, 346)

Entodon compressus var. zikaiweiensis (Par.) R.-L. Hu [E. nanocarpus var. zikaiweensis, E. zikaeiweiensis] - I (240), Jl (6, 25, 137, 285), L (6, 25, 137), Sh (25, 346)

Entodon conchophyllus Card. = Sakuraia conchophylla, fide Tan, Lin, Crosby & Wu 1994 - A (5, 25, 41, 136, 385), Gh (188, 191), Sa (136), Sd (300), Xi (241, 254), Y (111), Zh (25, 41, 136)

Entodon concinnus (De Not.) Par. [E. orthocarpus] - A (5, 41, 385), F (133), Ga (136), Gh (188, 191), Hb (69), He (124), Hl (6, 137), I (6, 80), Jl (3, 6, 25, 137, 352), L (6, 125, 137, 306), Sa (25, 117, 136, 140), Sd (119, 242, 300, 382), Si (25), Sx (96, 286), Xi (241, 254, 283, 393), Xz (25, 30, 275), Y (25)

Entodon concinnus var. caliginosus (Mitt.) Mizut. = E. caliginosus, fide Hu 1983 - I (80), Jl (6, 137), L (6, 137), Sd (300, 301), Ta (34, 81)

Entodon curvatirameus Card. - L (164), Sa (136)

Entodon delavayi Besch. = E. macropodus, fide Hu 1983 - Gh (191), Y (17, 31, 38, 183)

Entodon divergens Broth. - Xb (116), Xz (25), Y (25, 31, 38, 224)

Entodon dolichocucullatus Okam. = E. macropodus, fide Noguchi 1994 - A (385), Jx (25), Si (25), Ta (25, 34, 38, 81, 141, 323, 377, 418, 449), Y (25)

Entodon drummondii (Sull.) Jaeg. = E. macropodus - A (5), Gh (15), Gx (313), Hb (31), Zh (123)

Entodon eurhynchioides Herz. & Nog. = E. obtusatus, fide IM. - Ta (81, 372)

Entodon excavatus Broth. = E. macropodus, fide Hu 1983 - Y (31)

Entodon flavescens (Hook.) Jaeg. [E. griffithii, E. ramulosus, E. rubicundus] - A (5, 41, 385), Gh (188, 191), Gx (15, 383), Hb (31), Hl (6, 137, 414), Jl (3, 6, 25, 137), L (6, 137, 164), Sd (300, 382), Si (31, 140), Sx (286), Ta (34, 38, 81, 392, 414, 418, 424, 449, 463), Xb (210), Xz (30), Y (17, 25, 31, 108, 210, 224), Zh (35, 41)

Entodon giraldii C. Müll. [Clastobryum sinense] - B (25), He (25, 38, 136), I (240), Jl (6, 25, 137), L (6, 125, 137), Sa (25, 38, 117, 132, 136, 184), Sd (119, 300, 382), Si (25, 176), Xb (210), Y (25, 83, 210, 224)

Entodon giraldii var. longisetus C. Müll. - Sa (184)

Entodon griffithii (Mitt.) Jaeg. = E. flavescens, fide Hu 1983 - Ta (81), Y (17)

Entodon henryi Par. & Broth. - Js (417)

Entodon isopterygioides Dix., nom. nud. - Hu (74)

Entodon julaceus Thér. = Erythrodontium julaceum - Xb (210), Y (102, 210)

Entodon kungshanensis R.-L. Hu & Y.-F. Wang - Sd (242, 300, 301, 382), Si (25), Y (25, 163, 342)

Entodon latifolius Broth. = E. prorepens, fide Hu 1983 - Y (25, 31)

Entodon longicostatus Buck = E. sullivantii var. versicolor, fide Hu 1983 - Gd (25)

Entodon longifolius (C. Müll.) Jaeg. - Gd (1), Xb (116), Y (25, 116)

Entodon luridus (Griff.) Jaeg. [E. cochleatus, E. okamurae] - A (385), Gh (31, 53, 187, 189, 192, 287, 315), Hb (118), He (25), Hl (6, 25, 137), I (240), Jl (6, 41, 137, 285), Js (41), L (6, 25, 125, 137, 164), Sa (25, 98, 117, 136), Sd (119, 242, 300, 382), Sh (41, 79), Si (41, 118), Xb (40), Xi (393), Xz (30), Y (25, 40, 118), Zh (25, 41, 118, 123, 312, 334)

Entodon maebarae Nog. = E. macropodus, fide Iwatsuki 1991 - Ta (430)

Entodon macropodus (Hedw.) C. Müll. [E. angustifolius, E. bandongiae auct non (C.Muell.) Jaeg., E. delavayi, E. dolichocucullatus, E. drummondii, E. excavatus, E. maebarae] - A (5, 41, 385), F (25, 118, 458), Gd (1, 246), Gh (15, 25, 118, 186, 187, 188, 189, 191, 192, 287, 332), Gx (108, 313, 383), Hb (31), Hl (6, 137), Hu (108), I (80, 240), Jl (6, 118, 137, 285), Js (25, 118), Jx (136, 316), Sa (25, 117, 136), Sd (119, 300), Si (25, 136, 296), Ta (25, 34, 38, 81, 141, 323, 372, 375, 377, 392, 418, 430, 449), Xb (116, 210), Y (17, 25, 31, 38, 116, 183, 210, 296), Zh (25, 41, 118, 123, 164, 334, 373)

Entodon mairei Thér. & Copp. - Y (38, 102)

Entodon micropodus Besch. - A (385), Gh (315), I (240), Sa (136), Sh (79), Xz (30), Y (25, 136)

Entodon microthecius Broth. = E. compressus, fide Mizushima 1967 - Y (31, 38)

Entodon morrisonensis Nog. - Si (94), Ta (25, 34, 38, 81, 141, 392, 418, 433), Y (25)

Entodon myurus (Hook.) Hampe - Y (17, 31, 111)

Entodon myurus var. hokinensis Besch. - Y (31).

Entodon nanocarpus C. Müll. = E. compressus, fide Hu 1983 - B (124), He (124), Hl (6), Jl (285), L (6), Sa (132, 136, 184), Sd (119, 124, 142)

Entodon nanocarpus var. zikaiwiensis (Par.) C. Gao = E. compressus var. zikaiwiensis - Jl (6, 137, 285), L (6, 137)

Entodon nepalensis Miz. in Nog. - Xz (30)

Entodon obtusatus Broth. [E. eurhynchioides] - F (15, 133, 136), Gd (246), Gh (188, 191), Hb (31), Hn (136, 447), Hu (53, 136), Jl (6, 118, 137), L (6, 125, 137), Sa (117, 136), Sd (119, 300), Si (25, 118, 315), Ta (25, 34, 81, 136, 141, 372, 392, 418), Xb (40), Xi (118, 241, 254, 393), Y (25, 40), Zh (25, 118, 136, 312)

Entodon okamurae Broth. = E. luridus, fide Mizushima 1968 - Gh (187, 189, 192, 287, 315), Hb (69), Hl (137), Jl (137, 285), Sd (119), Sh (79), Zh (312, 334)

Entodon orthocarpus (Brid.) Lindb. = E. concinnus, fide IM. - He (124)

Entodon plicatus C. Müll. - A (385), Hb (31), Hu (38, 108), Xb (40), Y (25, 40)

Entodon prorepens (Mitt.) Jaeg. [E. latifolius, E. stenopyxis, E. thomsonii] - A (385), Si (31), Xb (210), Y (25, 31, 38, 102, 183, 210, 224), Zh (25, 41, 164)

Entodon pseudo-orthocarpus C. Müll. = E. caliginosus, fide Hu 1983 - Ga (74), Sa (132, 184), Si (31), Y (31)

Entodon pseudo-orthocarpus var. subtilis C. Müll. = E. caliginosus var. subtilus - Sa (132, 184)

Entodon pulchellus (Griff.) Jaeg. [E. complanatulus, Pylaisia complanatula] - Sa (132, 184)

Entodon punctulatus Thér. & P. de la Varde - Y (415)

Entodon purus C. Müll. = E. aeruginosus, fide Buck 1980b - Sa (132)

Entodon pylaisioides R.-L. Hu & Y.-F. Wang - Gh (187, 287), Xz (25, 342)

Entodon ramulosus Mitt. = E. flavescens, fide Hu 1983 - Gh (191), Hb (31), Hl (414), Gx (15), Si (31), Ta (81, 424, 449), Y (31), Zh (35)

Entodon rostrifolius C. Müll. = E. schensianus, fide Dixon 1928 - B (124), He (124), Sa (132, 184) Entodon rostrifolius f. robusta C. Müll., nom. nud. - He (124)

Entodon rubicundus (Mitt.) Jaeg. = E. flavescens, fide Hu 1983 - A (5), Gh (188, 191), Hl (6, 137), Jl (3, 6, 137), L (6, 137), Ta (34, 81, 392, 418, 463), Y (108)

Entodon scabridens Lindb. - Jl (6)

Entodon scariosus Ren. & Card. - A (385), Si (25), Xb (116), Y (116)

Entodon schensianus C. Müll. [E. rostifolius] - B (124), Gh (191), Gx (25), He (25, 38, 74, 124), I (240), Jl (25), Sa (25, 39, 117, 132, 136, 184), Sd (242, 300, 301, 382), Si (25), Sx (98, 99, 132), Xz (25), Y (111), Zh (179)

Entodon schleicheri (Schimp.) Demeter - Jl (6), Hl (337, 353)

Entodon seductrix (Hedw.) C. Müll.(9f) - Sa (136), Xi (241, 254, 393)

Entodon serpentinus C. Müll. = E. caliginosus, fide Hu 1983 - A (5), Sa (132, 136, 184), Si (136), Y (102, 183), Zh (123, 334)

Entodon smaragdinus Par. & Broth. - A (25, 346, 385), B (25), Js (346), Sd (300, 309), Si (25), Zh (346)

Entodon squamatulus C. Müll. = Taxiphyllum squamatulum - Sa (132)

Entodon stenopyxis Thér. = E. prorepens, fide Hu 1983 - Si (31), Y (31, 38, 102)

Entodon subramulosus Broth. = E. caliginosus, fide Hu 1983 - Si (31)

Entodon sullivantii (C. Müll.) Lindb. - A (41, 385), Gx (383), Hb (69, 180), Hl (25), Js (25), Jl (3), L (125), Sa (117), Sd (300, 301, 382), Ta (370),Xz (25), Y (111), Zh (41, 123, 164, 312, 334)

Entodon sullivantii var. versicolor (Besch.) U. Mizushima in Wijk & Marg. [E. attenuatus, E. longicostatus] - A (25, 371), F (25), Gd (25), Gh (188, 191, 315), Gx (25), Hl (6, 137), Jl (3, 25, 137, 285), Js (25), Jx (25), L (6, 25), Sd (300, 301, 382), Si (25), Ta (25, 81, 141), Y (25), Zh (25, 41, 312, 373)

Entodon taiwanensis C.-K. Wang & S.-H. Lin - A (385), Si (140), Ta (25, 34, 81, 141), Xb (116, 293), Y (116, 293), Zh (179)

Entodon thomsonii (Mitt.) Jaeg. = E. prorepens, fide IM. - Y (183)

Entodon viridulus Card. - A (385), F (118, 133), Gd (1, 25, 118, 187, 188, 191, 246, 287), Gx (25, 383), Hl (25), Js (15, 118), L (25), Sd (300, 301, 382), Sh (41, 118), Si (25, 118, 140), Ta (34, 81, 141, 392, 418), Xb (40), Xz (30), Y (25, 40, 111, 118), Zh (25, 41, 123, 164, 334)

Entodon yunnanensis Thér. - Y (102). Not included in China by Hu 1983.

Entodon zikaiweiensis Par. = E. compressus var. zikaiweiensis, fide Hu 1983 - Sh (346)

Entodontopsis Broth. (Stereophyllaceae)

Entodontopsis anceps (Bosch & Sande-Lac.) Buck & Ireland [Stereophyllum anceps] - A (385), Ha (38), Ta (149), Xb (116), Y (116)

Entodontopsis nitens (Mitt.) Buck & Ireland [Stereophyllum ligulatum] - Ta (34, 81, 141, 149, 341), Xb (210), Y (210)

Entodontopsis pygmea (Par. & Broth.) Buck & Ireland - Xb (71), Y (71)

Entodontopsis setschwanica (Broth.) Buck & Ireland [Hypnum setschwanicum, Stereodon setschwanicus, Stereodontopsis setschwanica, Stereophyllum setschwanicum] - A (371), Si (20, 31, 38, 208), Y (31, 38)

Entodontopsis tavoryensis (Hook.) Buck & Ireland [Stereophyllum tavoyense] - Xb (210), Y (210)

Entodontopsis wrightii (Mitt.) Buck & Ireland - Xb (116), Y (116)

Entosthodon Schwaegr. (Funariaceae)

Entosthodon attenuatus (Dicks.) Bryhn = Funaria attenuata - Y (224)

Entosthodon buseanus Dozy & Molk. [Funaria buseana] - Gh (258), He (161), Ta (29, 34, 81, 141, 161, 375, 377, 392, 429)

Entosthodon javanicus Dozy & Molk. = Funaria physcomitrioides, fide Iwatsuki & Noguchi 1973 - Ta (81, 429)

Entosthodon physcomitrioides (Mont.) Mitt. = Funaria physcomitrioides - Ta (29, 81, 161, 392)

Entosthodon pilifer Mitt. = Funaria pilifera - Xz (207)

Entosthodon sinensis C. Müll. = Pottia sp., fide IM. - Sa (132)

Entosthodon wichurae Fleisch. - F (458)

Ephemeropsis Goeb. (Hookeriaceae)

Ephemeropsis tjibodensis Goeb. - Xb (38)

Ephemerum Hampe, nom. cons. (Ephemeraceae)

Ephemerum apiculatum P.-C. Chen - Si (37)

Ephemerum asiaticum Broth. & Par. - Ha (349)

Epipterygium Lindb. (Bryaceae)

Epipterygium tozeri (Grev.) Lindb. [Pohlia tozeri] - Gh (332), Si (140), Ta (29, 34, 81, 141, 392), Xz (30), Zh (41)

Eriopus japonicus Card. & Thér. = Calyptrochaeta japonica - Ta (38, 81, 366, 449)

Eriopus mollis Card. = Calyptrochaeta japonica, fide Iwatsuki & Noguchi 1973- Ta (34, 81, 284, 389, 392, 424)

Eriopus parviretis Fleisch. = Calyptrochaeta parviretis, fide Touw 1978 - Ta (34, 81, 284, 392)

Eriopus spinosus Nog. = Calyptrochaeta spinosa, fide Ninh 1981 - Si (140), Ta (34, 38, 81, 284, 389, 392), Zh (41, 373)

Erpodium (Brid.) Brid. (Erpodiaceae)

Erpodium biseriatum (Aust.) Aust. [Solmsiella biseriata] - Gd (1, 38), Gh (258), Ta (34, 81, 141, 387, 392)

Erythrobarbula yunnanensis (Herz.) Steere = Bryoerythrophyllum yunnanense - Y (36)

Erythrodontium Hampe (Entodontaceae)

Erythrodontium julaceum (Schwaegr.) Par. [Entodon julaceus] - A (41), F (118, 246), Gd (1, 118), Gh (186, 191, 296, 332), Ha (77), He (124), Hn (447), Js (118), Sh (118), Si (73, 296), Ta (34, 36, 38, 81, 141, 392, 418, 428, 440, 449), Xb (116, 210, 293), Y (31, 38, 102, 116, 139, 183, 210, 224, 293, 440, 463), Zh (41)

Erythrodontium leptothallum (C. Müll.) Nog. = Eurohypnum leptothallum - A (38), Sa (136)

Erythrodontium leptothallum f. tereticaule (C. Müll.) Nog. = Eurohypnum leptothallum, fide Iwatsuki & Noguchi 1973 - A (38), Sa (136)

Erythrodontium tereticaule (C. Müll.) P.-C. Chen nom. nud. in B.-G. Zhong & Y.-X. Xiong comb. illeg. lacking basionym citation = Eurohypnum leptothallum - Gh (191)

Erythrophyllum atrorubens (Besch.) Herz. = Bryoerythrophyllum wallichii, fide Saito 1975 - Y (183)

Erythrophyllum barbuloides Herz. = Didymodon erosodenticulatus, fide Saito 1975 - Y (183)

Erythrophyllum hostile Herz. = Bryoerythrophyllum hostile - Y (183)

Erythrophyllum pulvinans Herz. = Bryoerythrophyllum yunnanense var. pulvinana - He (36), Y (36, 183)

Erythrophyllum tenii Herz. = Bryoerythrophyllum recurvirostrum, fide Chen 1941a - Y (183)

Erythrophyllum wallichii (Mitt.) Herz. = Bryoerythrophyllum wallichii - Y (183)

Erythrophyllum yunnanense Herz. = Bryoerythrophyllum yunnanense - Y (183)

Eucladium B.S.G. (Pottiaceae)

Eucladium verticillatum (Brid.) B.S.G. [Weissia verticillata] - Sa (36, 37, 117, 132, 184), Y (31, 102)

Eumyurium Nog. (Myuriaceae)

Eumyurium sinicum (Mitt.) Nog. [E. sinicum var. flagelliferum, Myuriopsis sinica, M. sinica var. flagellifera, Myurium sinicum] - A (385), F (133, 458), Gh (190, 258), Gx (383), Hk (27), Ta (34, 52, 81, 141, 266, 392)

Eumyurium sinicum var. flagelliferum (Sak.) Nog. = E. sinicum, fide Iwatsuki 1979 - Ta (52, 81)

Eurhynchium Bruch & Schimp. in B.S.G. (Brachytheciaceae)

Eurhynchium angustirete (Broth.) T. Kop. [Brachythecium angustirete, Eurhynchium striatum, ? Stokesiella striatum] - A (385), F (384), Ga (384), Gd (384), Gh (188, 191), Hl (384), I (240), Jl (384), Sa (38, 117, 136, 384), Sd (242, 300, 301, 382), Si (222), Ta (34, 38, 81, 136, 141, 247, 328, 370, 392, 418, 449), Xb (40), Y (40, 44), Zh (41, 384)

Eurhynchium arbuscula Broth. = Kindbergia arbuscula - Ta (81, 418)

Eurhynchium arbuscula var. acuminatum Tak. = Kindbergia arbuscula, fide Iwatsuki 1991 - Ta (34, 38, 81, 392)

Eurhynchium asperisetum (C. Müll.) Bartr. [Oxyrrhynchium asperisetum] - A (5, 41), Gh (191), Hb (69), Sa (34, 141), Sd (242, 300, 301, 309), Ta (34, 81, 141, 392, 418), Y (111), Zh (41, 123, 334)

Eurhynchium celebicum (Sande-Lac.) Bartr. - Ta (34, 81, 323, 392, 361)

Eurhynchium coarctum C. Müll. - Sa (38, 132, 184)

Eurhynchium eustegium (Besch.) Dix. [Brachythecium eustegium] - A (384), Hl (3, 137, 353), I (80), Jl (3, 6, 137, 285), Jx (384), L (6, 137, 164, 324, 384), Sa (117, 136, 384), Sd (382), Ta (81, 141, 377), Zh (41, 123, 334)

Eurhynchium fauriei Card. - Gh (191)

Eurhynchium formosanum Broth. in Tak., invalid, cited as synonym = Pseudisothecium myosuroides, fide Kuo & Chiang 1987a = Isothecium myosuroides - Ta (81, 377)

Eurhynchium hians (Hedw.) Sande-Lac. [Hypnum hians, Oxyrrhynchium hians, O. swartzii] - F (384), Gh ( 188, 191), Hl (384), Hn (447), I (240), Jl (384), Sa (117, 136), Sd (382), Ta (34, 81, 371, 392, 418), Xz (207), Y (38, 224)

Eurhynchium kirishimense Tak. - F (384), L (384), Sa (117, 384), Zh (41, 123, 334, 373, 384)

Eurhynchium laxirete Broth. in Card. [Oxyrrhynchium laxirete] - A (118, 371, 384), F (118, 384), Gx (118), Js (118, 384), Jx (118, 384), Sa (118, 384), Sd (300, 301, 382), Si (384), Xb (116, 275), Xz (30, 384), Y (116, 384), Zh (118)

Eurhynchium polystictum Par. = E. savatieri, fide Iwatsuki & Noguchi 1973 - A (371), Gh (191), Hb (69), Xz (30), Zh (373)

Eurhynchium praelongum (Hedw.) Schimp. in B.S.G. = Kindbergia praelonga - Hb (31), Jl (3), Js (38), Sa (136), Si (222), Ta (81, 141), Xi (393), Y (31, 44, 136), Zh (123, 334)

Eurhynchium praelongum var. stokesii (Turn.) Hobk. = Kindbergia praelongum var. stokesii, fide Ochyra 1982 - Hb (31)

Eurhynchium protractum C. Müll. - Sa (117, 132, 184, 384)

Eurhynchium pulchellum (Hedw.) Jenn. - Gd (118), I (80, 311), Jl (3, 6, 137, 384), Js (118), L (117, 118, 137, 324, 384), Sd (300, 301), Sh (79, 118), Xi (38, 171, 241, 254, 280, 312, 393)

Eurhynchium riparioides (Hedw.) P. Rich. = Platyhypnidium riparioides - A (5, 41), F (118, 246), Gd (118, 384), Hb (69), He (124), Jl (118, 384), L (6), Sa (38, 44, 132, 136, 184, 384), Sd (300, 301, 382), Sh (79, 118, 384), Si (31, 140, 222), Sx (96, 97,98, 99), Ta (34, 38, 81, 141, 377, 384, 392, 418, 449), Xb (210), Y (17, 31, 183, 210)

Eurhynchium savatieri Schimp. ex Besch. [E. polystictum, E. savatieri var. satsumense, E. subspeciosum, Oxyrrhynchium patentifolium, O. polystictum, O. savatieri, Platyhypnidium patentifolium, Rhynchostegium gracilescens, R. patentifolium] - A (371, 385), F (384), Gd (1, 38, 246), Gh (187, 188, 191, 287, 296, 315), Gx (383), Hb (31, 69), Hn (447), Hu (31, 384), I (118, 384), Js (118), Sa (38, 44, 97, 117, 132, 184, 384), Sd (300, 301, 382), Sh (79, 384), Si (222, 296, 315), Sx (286), Xb (116), Xi (241, 254, 384, 393), Xz (30, 384), Y (31, 38, 116), Zh (41, 118, 296, 312, 373, 384)

Eurhynchium savatieri var. satsumense (Sak.) Tak., Nog. & Iwats. = E. savatieri, fide Noguchi 1991 - Sh (118)

Eurhynchium serpenticaule C. Müll. - Sa (132)

Eurhynchium serricuspis C. Müll. = Brachytehcium reflexum, fide Qian 1987 - Gd (246), Sa (38, 132, 184), Si (44, 94)

Eurhynchium squarrifolium Broth. ex Ihs. - Zh (334)

Eurhynchium stokesii (Turn.) Schimp. in B.S.G. = E. praelongum var. stokesii = Kindbergia praelonga var. stokesii - Hb (31)

Eurhynchium striatum (Hedw.) Schimp. = E. angustirete, fide Koponen 1987 - F (384), Ga (384), Gd (384), Gh (188, 191), Hl (384), I (240), Jl (384), Sa (38, 117, 136, 384), Sd (242, 300, 301, 382), Ta (34, 38, 81, 136, 370, 392, 418, 449), Zh (41, 384)

Eurhynchium subspeciosum C. Müll. = E. savatieri, fide Koponen 1987 - Sa (132)

Eurhynchium vagans (Jaeg.) Bartr. = Rhynchostegium vagans - Gh (187, 287), Ta (81, 323), Y (111)

Eurohypnum Ando (Hypnaceae)

Eurohypnum leptothallum (C. Müll.) Ando [Cupressina leptothalla, C. leucodontea, C. tereticaulis, Erythrodontium leptothallum, E. leptothallum f. tereticaule, E. leptothallum var. tereticaule, E. leptothallum f. tereticule, E. tereticaule, Homomallium leptothallum, H. leptothallum var. tereticaule, Hypnum leptothallum, H. leucodonteum, H. tereticaule, Pylaisia appressifolia] - A (5, 38, 118, 221, 385), B (124), F (221), Gh (31, 187, 191, 287, 296), Hb (31, 69, 180, 221), He (221), Hl (6, 137), I (80, 240, 311), Jl (6, 125, 137), Js (41, 221, 417), Jx (316), L (6, 125, 137, 221, 338), Sa (22, 74, 117, 125, 132, 136, 184, 417), Sd (119, 242, 300, 309, 382), Sh (41, 79, 118), Si (140, 222), Sx (96), Ta (34, 81, 141, 221, 379), Xb (116), Xi (171, 241, 254, 393), Xz (30), Y (116, 221), Zh (41, 132, 164, 221, 334, 373)

Europhynum leptothallum var. tereticaule (C. Muell) C. Gao & K.-C. Chang = E. leptothallum, fide Ando 1966 - A (5, 38), I (240), Jl (137), L (6, 125, 137), Sa (117, 125, 136), Sd (300), Xz (30)

Eurohypnum leptothallum f. tereticaule (P.-C. Chen) C. Gao & K.-C. Chang = E. leptothallum, fide Ando 1966 - L (6)

Eustichia japonica Berggr. = Bryoxiphium norvegicum ssp. japonicum - Sa (132)

Exodictyon blumii (C. Müll.) Fleisch. = Exostratum blumii - Ha (77), Ta (29, 34, 37, 81, 372, 392)

Exodictyon sullivantii (Dozy & Molk.) Fleisch.(10) = Exostratum sullivantii - Ta (34, 81)

Exostratum Ellis (Calymperaceae)

Exostratum blumii (C. Müll.) Ellis [Exodictyon blumii] - Ha (77, 128), Ta (29, 34, 37, 81, 141, 372, 392)

Exostratum sullivantii (Dozy & Molk.) Ellis [Exodictyon sullivantii] - Ta (34, 37, 81)(10)

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