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Annotated Checklist of the Vascular Plants of the Serranía de Pilón Lajas and the Adjacent Piedmont, Ballivian Province, Beni, Bolivia

Pteridophytes | Monocotyledons | Dicotyledons



Aphelandra aurantica Wasshausen
herb, 270-1035 m; Beck 6868; Solomon 13940; Smith 13194, 13240; Killeen 2906

Aphelandra rubra Wasshausen
herb, 270-1035 m; Beck 6869; Solomon 13892; Smith 13178, 13208

Belperone nuda Rusby
herb, 450-950 m; Fournet 540; Beck 6992

Belperone sp. indet
herb, 500 m; Smith 13244

Chaetochlamys lindauii Rusby
herb, 500 m; Smith 13238

Hansteinia sp.
Smith 14139

Justicia boliviana Rusby
herb, 220 m; Smith 12868

Justicia cochabambnsis (Rusby) Graham
Smith 13244

Justicia stuebeli Lindau
herb, 650-700 m; Solomon 13879; Beck 6862

Justicia sp. indet
herb, 700 m; Beck 1693, 1694

Mendocina sp. indet.
vine; 235-1035 m; Smith 13181, 13529, 14030

Ruellia graecizans Baker
herb, 700-1035 m; Beck 1691; Smith 13200

Ruellia proxima Lindau
herb, 500 m; Smith 13248

Ruellia thyrostachya Lindau
herb, 235 m; Smith 13548

Ruellia wildenoviana (Nees) Lindau
herb, 200 m; Founet 464

Ruellia sp. indet
herb, 700 m; Solomon 13878

Stenostephanus lobeliaformis Nees
herb-shrub, 700-850 m; Beck 1692; Smith 14139

gen. indet.
Killeen 2969


Chamissoa altissima (Jacq.) H.B.K.
liana; 500- 900 m; Solomon 13961; Smith 13228; Killeen 2969

Pfaffia (vel. aff.)
liana; 350 m; Killeen 2923


Mauria heterophylla H.B.K.
tree, 900 m; Smith 13986

Spondias venosa C. Martius ex Colla
tree, 230-400 m; Smith 14061#; Killeen 3584, 3612;

Tapirira guianensis Aublet
tree, 900 m; Killeen 3053*, 3196*


Anaxagorea dolichocarpa Sprague & Sandw.
tree, 700 m; Smith 13972

Cremastospermum leiphylla (Diels) R. E. Fries
tree, 800-900 m; Smith 13253, 14006*, 14058, 14148*

Cremastospermum monospermum (Rusby) R. E. Fries
tree, 850-900 m; Smith 13834, 14100

Duguetia spixiana C. Martius
tree, 230-300 m; Smith 12864, 14344*; Killeen 2865

Guatteria buchtienii R. E. Fries
tree, 230 - 965 m; Smith 13252, 13749, 14128#; Killeen 2917#, 4326

Guatteria sp.
Smith 13174

Malmea sp. indet
tree, 230 m; Smith 14070#, 14109#, 14119#

Porcelia nitidifolia Ruiz & Pavon
tree, 900 m; Smith 13310

Rollinia cuspidata C. Martius
tree, 900 m; Smith 14096*

Rollinia peruviana Diels
tree, 900 m; Smith ett al. 14035

Rollinia pittieri Safford
tree, 230 m; Smith 14075

Ruizodendron ovale (Ruiz & pavon) R. E. Fries
tree, 230 m; Smith 14346*

Trigynaea duckei
tree, 850 m; Smith 14399*(cp200)

Unonopsis mathewsii (Benth.) R. E. Fries
tree, 230 - 350 m; Smith 13263, 13535*, 14117#; Killeen 2941, 3583

Unonopsis sp. indet
Killeen 2886

Xylopia cf. benthamii
tree, 230 m; Smith 13557#

gen. indet.
Solomon 13897


Aspidospermum rigidum Rusby
tree, 235-850 m; Smith 13551; Killeen 3079*

Meschites trifida (Jacq.) Muell. Arg.
herb/vine; 320 m; Beck 8154

Tabernamontana sp.
shrub, 850 m; Smith 14029

gen. indet.
liana; 400 m; Killen 3606

gen. indet.
vine; 700 m; Smith 13970

gen. indet.
liana; 255 m; Smith 13939


Dendropanax arboreus (L.) Decne. & Planchon
tree, 230-900 m; Smith 13289, 14385#; Killeen 2961, 3147, 3246*

Didymopanax morototoni (Aublet) Decne & Planchon
tree, 350 m; Killeen 2918*, 2884*


Aristolochia sp.
Smith 13249


Begonia glabra Aublet
epiphyte, 200-700 m; Beck 1660; Fournet 455; Solomon 13919

Begonia subcaudata Rusby ex L.B. Smith & Schubert
herb, 965 m; Smith 13746

Begonia sp.
herb, 850 m; Killeen 2984


Arrabidaea patellifera Juss. ex H.B.K.
liana; 700-900 m; Smith 13314; Solomon 13931

Clytostoma sciurpablum Bureau & Schumann
liana; 230 m; Smith 14338; Solomon 13946

Jacaranda copaia (Aublet) D. Don
tree, 700 m; Solomon 13943

Paragonia pyramidata (L. C. Rich.) Bur.
liana; 700 m; Beck 1701

Pithecoctenium crucigrum (L.) A. Gentry
Smith 14211a

Roentgenia bracteomana (Schumann ex Sprague) Urban
liana; 230-760 m; Smith 13258; Smith 14066; Smith 14115

Spathycalyx xanthophylla (C. Martius) ex A. DC.) A. Gentry
liana; 400 m; Killeen 3590


Bombacopsis rurrenabaqueana (Rusby) Robyns
Rusby s.n. (NY)

Cavanillesia cf. hylogeiton Ulbrich
tree, 850 m; Smith 13842

Chorisia speciosa St. Hil.;
tree, 350-800 m; Smith 13250; Killeen 2947, 3260

Ochroma pyrimidale (Cav. ex Lam.) Urban
tree, 235-500 m; Smith 13274, 13582

Pachira aquatica Aublet
tree, 900 m; Smith 14460* (cp-302)

Pseudobombax sp.
tree, 230-350 m; Smith 14134; Killeen 2902

Pseudobombax sp.
Smith 13588 (no hay at LPB)

Eriotheca macrophylla Ducke
tree, 230-450 m; Smith 13791, 14347#


Cordia alliodora (Ruiz & Pavon) Cham.
tree, 900 m; Smith 14401*; Killeen 2968

Cordia buddeloides Rusby
shrub, 700 m; Solomon 13906

Cordia nodosa Lam.
shrub, 850 m; Smith 12887, 13861, Smith 14142

Tournfortia cuspidata H.B.K.
shrub, 450 m; Smith 13795

Tournefortia lilloi I. M. Johnston
herb, 700 m; Smith 13303


Tetragastris mucronata Swart
tree, 900 m; Killeen 2974, 3136

Protium aff. sagotianum (P. rhynchophyllum (Rusby) Daly comb. nov ined.)
tree, 230-850 m; Smith 13553#, 13555*, 13580, 14127; Killeen et al 2919#, 2970, 3074*

Protium cf. nodulosum Sw.
tree, 235 m; Smith 14434# (rc411)


Styloceras browkawii Gentry & Foster
shrub - tree, 700-1035 m; Solomon 13900, 13947; Smith 13183, 13822; Killeen 2896, 3140


Centropogon cornutus (L.) Druce
Smith 13197

Spenoclea zeylanica Gaertner
Smith 12853

gen. indet.
Killeen 2988


Cleome boliviaia H. Iltis (ined?????)
tree, 1035 m; Smith 13202


Carica sp.
Smith 13230 (not at LPB)

Jacaratia spinosa (Aublet) A. DC.
tree, 220 m; Smith 12847#


Matenus magnifolia Loesn.
tree, 900-1035 m; Smith 13170; Killeen 3218*


Licania britteniana Fritsch
tree, 230 m; Smith 14350#

Hirtella triandra Sw.
tree, 230-850 m; Killeen 3040*

Hirtella racemosa Lam. var. racemosa
shrub, 200 m; Fournet 445

Parinari excelsa Sabine
tree, 900 m; Killeen 3217*


Buchenavia capitata (Vahl) Eichler
tree, 600-750 m; Smith 13257; Killeen 2967

Buchenavia sp. indet
tree, 235 m; Smith 13571

Combretum laxum Jacq. (det by Leisner but wrong)
liana; 850 m; Smith 14004
tree, 900 m; Killeen 2975

Terminalia amazonia (J. F. Gmel.) Exell in Pulle
tree, 900; Killeen 3046*

Terminalia oblonga (Ruiz & Pavon) Steudel
tree, 350-900 m; Killeen 3588; Killeen t al. 2911; Killeen 3221*


Bidens cynapifolia Kunth.
Smith 13243

Clibadium vargasianum Blake
shrub, 1000 m; Beck 13249; Smith 12855

Ichthyothere suffruticos Gardn.
Smith 13209

Liabium acuminatum Rusby
herb, 450-765 m; Fournet 533; Beck 12711

Mikania decora Poeppig
Killeen 2888

Tessaria integrifolia Ruiz & Pavon
tree, 320-980 m; Smith 12922; Beck 8157

Wulffia baccata (L.f.) Kuntze
vine; 1035 m; Smith 12854, 13172

gen. indet.
vine; 400 m; Killeen 2957


gen. indet.
liana; 400 m; Killeen 2956


Cayaponia sp. indet
vine; 500 m; Smith 13220, 13788

Gurania spinulosa (Poeppig & Endl.) Cogn.
vine; 260 m; Fournet 504; Smith 13785

Melothria sp. indet
vine; 235 m; Smith 13550

Psiguria triphylla (MNiq.) C. Jeffrey
vine; 320-450 m; Smith 13792; Beck 8172

Siolmatra brasiliensis (Cogn.) Baill.
liana; 250 m; Killeen 3263

gen. indet.
liana; 350 m; Killeen 2874


Dichapetalum acreanum (Ule) Rizzini
tree, 765 m; Smith 13848


Davilla kunthii St. Hilaire
liana; 235-350 m; Smith 13566; Killeen 4329

gen. indet.
liana; 350 m; Killeen 4328


Muntingia calabura L.
tree, 500 m; Smith 13266

Sloanea fragrans Rusby
tree, 900 m; Smith 12917; Killeen 3252*, 3672

Sloanea guianensis (Aublet) Benth.
tree, 230 m; Smith 14343#; Killeen 2939

Sloanea cf. rufa Planchon ex Benth.
tree, 850 m; Killeen 3091*

Sloanea obtusifolia (Moric.) Schumann
tree, 350 m; Smith 14059; Killeen 2879

Sloanea sp.
tree, 230 m; Smith 14059


Erythroxylum ruryi Plowman
shrub, 700 m; Smith 13282, 14026

Erythroxylum coca Lam.
shrub, 350 m; White 873


Acalypha benensis Britton
herb; 1035 m; Smith 13176

Acalypha macrostachya Jacquin
herb; 1035 m; Smith 13171

Alchornea glandulosa Poeppig
Smith 14136

Alchornea latifolia Swartz
tree, 900 m; Killeen 3237*

Alchornea triplinervis (Spreng.) Muell.-Arg.
tree, 765 m; Smith 13853

Chamaesyce lasiocarpa (Klotzch) Millsp.

Croton lechlerii Muell. Arg.
tree, 900 m; Smith 14402* (cp-34)

Croton matourensis Aublet
Killeen 3687

Croton sampatik Muell. Arg.
tree, 900 m; Smith 14403*

Croton tessmannii Mansf.
tree, 850 m; Smith et al, 14094*

Croton sp.
tree, 400-900 m; Killeen 3591

Croton sp.
tree, 500 m; Killeen 2960

Dalechampia bangii Pax & Hoffm.
herb; 270 m; Beck 8279

Drypetes amazonica Steyermark
tree, 900 m; Killeen 3035, 3211*

Hieronyma alchornioides Fr. Allem.
tree, 900 m; Killeen 3159*, 3623*

Hieronyma oblonga (Tulasne) Muell. Arg.
tree, 900 m; Smith 14048; Killeen 3090*

Hura crepitans L.
tree, 350 m; Killeen 2870#

Mabea angustifolia Benth.
tree, 400 m; Smith 13206

Manihot condensata Rogers & Appan
tree, 965 m; Smith 13748

Margaritaria nobilis L.f.
tree, 320 m; Beck 8136

Plukenetia brachybotrya Muell. Arg.
vine; 500 m; Smith 13222, 13773

Sapium glandulosum (L.) Morong
Smith 14053*; Killeen 3603*

Sapium laurifolium (Richard) Griseb.
tree, 850-900 m; Killeen 3624

Sapium marmieri Huber
tree, 230-700 m; Beck 1676; Smith 13288, 14351#

Tetrorchidium dusenii Pax & Hoffm.
Smith 13794

Tragia japurensis Muell. Arg.
vine; 270 m; Beck 8253


Banara guianensis Aublet
tree, 850 m; Smith 13867

Casearia pitumba Sleumer
tree, 900 m; Smith 13757, 14080*

Casearia sp. 2
tree, 250 m; Killeen 3262

Casearia sylvestris
tree, 230-350 m; Smith 14110#; Killeen 2929#

Hasseltia floribundia H.B.K.
tree, 450-965 m; Smith 13751, 13789; Smith 13804; Killeen 3133*

Lunania parviflora Spruce ex Benth.
tree, 235-350 m; Smith 13545, 14067, 14071#; Killeen 2904#, 3585

Prockia crucis L.
shrub, 270 m; Beck 8268; Killeen 2953, 3223

gen. indet. 1
tree, 500 m; Killeen ????

gen. indet. 2
shrub, 900 m; Smith 14000


Voyria spruceana Benth
saprophyte; 235-320 m; Beck 8299; Smith 13552

Voyria sp.
saprophyte; 850 m; Smith 14103


Besleria sp. 1.
herb, 650-1035 m; Smith 13164, 13946, 14762; Killeen 3635

Besleria sp. 2
herb, 255 m; Smith 13946

Drymonia doratostyla (Leeuw.) Wiehl.
epiphyte, 350 m; Beck 8111

Drymonia foliacea (Rusby) Wiehl.
herb, 1000 m; Moraes 674

Drymonia semicordata (Poeppig) Wrehl.
vine; 700 m; Solomon 13915

Drymonia sp. indet.
shrub/vine; 220 m; Smith 12867; Killeen 3615

Drymonia sp. indet
liana; 900 m; Killeen 3106

Drymonia sp. indet
Killeen 2880

Drymonia sp. indet
Smith 13790

gen. indet.
herb, 900 m; Smith 13993

gen. indet.
herb, 255 m; Smith 255 ????

gen. indet.
herb, 1035 m; Smith 13204


Calophyllym brasiliense Cambess
tree, 750-900 m; Smith 13279; Killeen 3060*

Chrysochlamys sp. 1
tree, 700 m; Solomon 13951

Chrysochlamys sp. 2
tree, 900 m; Smith 14034

Clusia amazonica Planchon & Triana
liana; 765-850 m; Smith 13857, 13865

Marila sp. 1
tree, 255 m; Smith 13952

Marila sp. 2
tree, 255 m; Smith 13957

Rheedia gardnerianum Planchon & Triana
tree, 850-900 m; Smith 14101, 14012*; Killeen 2983

Rheedia madruno Planchon & Triana
tree, 900 m; Killeen 3253*

Symphonia globulifera L.f.
tree, 700 m; Smith 13979

Vismia sp.
tree, 255 m; Smith 13956


Cheiloclinum cognatum (Miers) A. C. Smith
tree, 220 m; Smith 12859, 13544

Salacia macrantha A. C. Smith
tree, 230 m; Smith 14380#

Salacia sp. indet.
tree, 750 m; Smith 13286


Aniba muca (Ruiz & Pavon) Mez
tree, 700 m; Solomon 13918

Aniba sp.
tree, 900 m; Killeen 3179*

Endlicheria paniculata (Sprengel) J. F. Macrbride
tree, 900 m; Killeen 3634

Nectandra cuspidata Nees
Killeen 2897#

Nectandra aff. olida Rohwer
tree, 300 m; Smith 13573; Killeen 2940, 4324

Nectandra reticulata (Ruiz & Pavon) Mez
tree, 765 m; Beck 12712

Nectandra turbacensis (Kunth) Nees
tree, 230-350 m; Smith 14065#, 14112*; Killeen 3581#, 4338

Nectandra sp.
tree, 1035 m; Smith et. al. 13184

Nectandra longifolia (R. & P.) Nees
tree, 350-900 m; Smith 13823; Killeen 2907

Persea peruviana Nees
tree, 700 m; Smith 13974

Pleurotherium cuneifolium Nees
tree, 220 m; Smith 12894#

Rhodostemonodaphne cf. kunthiana (Nees) Rohwer
tree, 350-400 m; Killeen 2885#, 3611#, 14354

gen. indet.
shrub, 850 m; Smith 14052

gen. indet.
tree, 230-900 m; Smith 14353#, 14357#, 14358#; Killeen 2927#, 3206*, 4337

gen. indet.
tree, 230 m; Smith 14353#, 14355#

gen. indet.
(sin label) (RC??) cp-118*

gen. indet.
tree, 250 m; Smith 14356*

gen. indet.
tree, 900 m; Smith 13307

gen. indet.
tree, 900 m; CP-412*

gen. indet. (cf. Nectandra)
tree, 900 m; Killeen 3048*

gen. indet. (Ocotea rubrinerva)
tree, 850-900 m; Smith 14047, 14082; Killeen 3054*, 3163*

gen. indet.
tree, 765 m; Smith 13847

gen. indet.
tree, 900 m; Killeen 3088*, 3224*


Cariniana estrellensis (Raddi) Kuntze
tree, 900-250 m; Smith 13827, 14056

Eschweilera aff. coriacea (A.P. DC.) Mori
tree, 500 m; Smith 13275


Bauhinia guianensis A. P. Juss.
liana; 700 m; Solomon 13909

Bauhinia sp.
tree, 400-580 m; Smith 13261, 13964; Killeen 4336

Bauhinia sp.
liana; 765 m; Smith 13846

Senna obtusifolia (L.) Irwin & Barneby
Smith 13241

Senna pendula (Lamk.) var. praeandina Irwin & Barneby
shrub, 700 m; Solomon 13903

Senna silvestris (Vell.) Irwin & Barneby var. silvestris
tree, 400 m; Smith 13207

Senna sp.
tree, 235-900 m; Smith 13838; Beck 8118; Smith 13963; Smith 13994

Senna sp.
herb, 220 m; Smith & Quintana 12849

Schizolobium sp.
tree, 350 m; Killeen 2943

gen. indet.
tree, 400 m; Killeen 3599


Acacia boliviana Rusby
shrub/tree, 900-1035 m; Smith 13203; Killeen 2987

Acacia glomerosa Benth.
liana; 235 m; Smith 13577

Acacia loretensis J. F. Macbr.
tree, 235 - 900 m; Smith 13585, 14364*, 14130; Killeen 2979, 2890, 3589

Acacia multiflora Kunth.
tree, 235-350 m; Smith 13586; Killeen 2937

Acacia sp. indet
shrub, 270 m; Beck 8266

Calliandra carbonaria Benth.
Smith 13844

Calliandra sp. nov.
tree, 900 m; Smith 13936

Calliandra sp.
shrub, 255 m; Smith 13936

Inga bourgonii (Aublet) DC.
tree, 900-1050 m; Smith 13315, 14046*; Killeen 3114a*

Inga cylindrica (Vell. Conc.) C. Martius
tree, 900 m; Smith 13839, 14087*, 14098*, 14423*

Inga dumosa
tree, 250 m; Penninton 13484

Inga edulis
tree, 970 m; Pennington 13495

Inga ingoides
tree, 250 m; Pennington 13488

Inga macrophylla
tree, 500 m; Pennington 13498

Inga marginata Willd.
tree, 400 m; Killeen 3600; Killeen 3592; Smith 13934

Inga nobilis Willd.
tree, 250-900 m; Smith 13272, 13483, 14150*; Killeen 3675

Inga oerstediana Benth. ex Seemann
tree, 900 m; Smith 13311

Inga punctata Willd.
tree, 900 m; cp367*

Inga ruiziana Willd.
tree, 250-900 m; Smith 14422* (cp318); Pennington 13485

Inga thibaudiana DC.
tree, 255 m; Smith 13947

Inga tomentosa Benth.
tree, 235-900 m; Smith 13775, 13840, 13581, Smith 13582, 13965a; Pennington 13487; Killeen 2908#, 2913#, 2924#, 3205*

Inga trigyna
tree, 300 m; Pennington 13480

Inga umbellifera Willd.
tree, 235-900 m; Smith 13579, 14421* (cp384)

Inga velutina Willd.
tree, 850 m; Pennington 13497; Smith 13817

Inga sp. 2
tree, 900 m; Smith 14046*; Killeen 3227*

Inga sp. 3
tree, 500- 900 m; Smith 14085*, 14092; Killeen 2980*, 2962, 2966

Inga sp. 4.
tree, 900 m; Killeen 5115a*, 3160*

Mimosa albida Humb. & Bonpl. ex Willd, var. albida
shrub, 765 m; Beck 12706

Mimosa diplotricha C. Wright ex Sauvalle var. diplotricha
shrub, 270 m; Beck 8282

Mimosa fortasse (sp. nov.) section Habbasia
liana; 450 m; Smith 13793

Mimosa tarda Barnaby (sp. nov.)
shrub, 270 m; Beck 8281

Piptadenia buchteinii Barneby (vel. aff.)
Smith 13873

Piptadenia cuzcoensis Barneby
Smith 13793

Piptadenia peruviana (J. F. Macrbr.)
shrub, 270 m; Beck 8280

Piptadenia sp.
Smith 14364#

Pithecellobium saman (Jacq.) Benth.
tree, 270 m; Beck 8288

Pithecellobium sophorocarpum Benth.
tree, 900 m; Smith 13805

Pithecellobium sp.
tree, 900 m; Smith 14426* (cp208)

Pithecellobium sp.
tree, 700 m; Smith 13968

gen. indet. (ver. Stryphonodendron)
tree, 900 m; Killeen 3164*


Centrosema grandiflorum Benth.
vine; 450 m; Beck 12713

Centrolobium cf. minus Presl
tree, 900 m; Smith 14429* (cp183)

Centrosema cf. pubescens Benth.
vine; 950 m; Beck 6990

Clathotropis ???
tree, 900 m; cp75

Clitoria arborea Benth
Smith 13216

Clitoria arboreum Benth
tree, 270-500 m; Smith 13216; Beck 8198

Crotalaria micans Link
herb, 220 m; Smith 12852

Desmodium adscendens (sw.) DC.
shrub, 320 m; Beck 8156

Dipteryx odorata (Aublet) Willd.
tree, 700-850 m; Smith 13278, 13864, 13980

Erythrina cf. ulei Harms
tree, 350 m; Killeen 2954

Erythrina poeppigiana (Walp.) O. F. Cook
tree, 900-1050 m; Beck 6997; Smith 13316; 14428* (cp28); Killeen 2955

Indogofera sp.
herb, 220 m; Smith 12848

Lonchocarpus guillemineanus (Tul.) Malme
tree, 900 m; Smith 13828, 14430* (cp296)

Machaerium jacarandifolium Rusby
tree, 900 m; Killeen 3100*

Machaerium pilosum Benth.
tree, 240 m; Smith 13587

Machaerium sp.
liana; 965 m; Smith 13745

Myrocarpus frondosus Fr. Allem
tree, 900 m; Killeen 3032*

Myroxylon balsamum (L.) Harms
tree, 235-900 m; Smith 13578; Killeen 3093*, 3143

Platymiscium cf. stipulare Benth.
tree, 400-900 m; Killeen 3259*; Smith 13984

Pterocarpus cf. amazonum (Benth.) Amsh.
tree, 900 m; Killeen 3203*

Swartzia jorori Harms
tree, 230-900 m; Smith 14362#; Killeen 3193*

Swartzia myrtifolia Smith
tree, 230-350 m; Smith 14352#; Killeen 2903; Smith 13574

Vigna caracalla (L.) Verdc.
vine; 235 m; Smith 13584

gen. indet.
Smith 14427# (cp75)

gen. indet.
vine; 500 m; Smith 13214

gen. indet (cultivated)
vine; Killeen 2949

gen. indet.
vine; 350 m; Killeen 4310


Orytanthus alveolatus (H.B.K.) Kuijt
shrub/parasite; 400 m; Smith 13212

Phorodendron piperoides (H.B.K.) Trelease
parasite; 765 m; Smith 13849

gen. indet.
parasite; 900 m; Killeen 3627

gen. indet.
parasite; Killeen 3145


Lafoensa punicifolia Bert. ex DC.
tree, 235 m; Smith 13575


Banisteriopsis muricata (Cavanilles) Cuatrecasas
liana; 235 m; Smith 13583

Bunchosia armeniaca (Cav.) DC.
tree, 900 m; Smith 14020; Killeen 3095*, 3109*

Byrsonima arthropoda
tree, 900 m; cp-387*

Bysonima spicata(Cav.) DC.
tree, 900 m; Killeen 3087

tree, 700-900 m; Smith 13973, 14091

Heterpterys sp. 2
liana; 580 m; Smith 13269

Hirea sp. indet
liana; 900 m; Smith 14023


Pavonia leucantha Gurke
shrub, 350 m; Beck 8114

Pavonia fruticosa (mill.) Fawc. & Randle
shrub, 320 m; beck 8151

gen. indet.
herb, 900 m; Killeen 2989

gen. indet
Killeen 2910

gen. indet
Killeen 2920

gen indet
Smith 14108


Marcgravia crenata Poeppig ex Wittm.
hemiepiphyte, 235 m; Smith 13541

Marcgraviastrum mixtum (Triana & Planch.) Bedell
hemiepiphyte, 850 m; Smith 13860


Adelobotrys sp. (infl. umbelate)
vine; 255 m; Smith 13960

Bellucia aequiloba Pilger
tree, 450-255 m; Smith 13783, 13955

Clidemia acutifolia Cogn.
herb/shrub, 320-400; Beck 8173; Smith 13210, 13211

Clidemia dentata D. Don
shrub, 700 m; Solomon 13941

Clidemia hirta (L.) D. Don
shrub, 270 m; Beck 6782

Clidemia jurensis (Pilger) Gleason
shrub, 320 m; Beck 8034

Henrietella sylvestris Gleason
tree, 450 m; Smith 13793a; Killeen 3141

Leandra dichotoma (Don) Cogn.
herb, 350-1000 m; Solomon 14796; Beck 13245

Miconia aureoides Cogniaux
tree, 255 m; Smith 13962

Miconia cf. acuminata (Steud.) Naud.
shrub, 320 m; Beck 8054

Miconia chrysophylla (Rich.) Urban
shrub, 1000 m; Solomon 14803

Miconia cyanocarpa Naud. var. hirsuta Cogn.
shrub, 1000 m; Solomon 14795

Miconia nervosa (Smith) Triana
shrub, 1000 m; Solomon 14805

Miconia symplectocaulus Pilget
shrub, 320 m; Beck 8060

Miconia triplinervis Ruiz & Pavon
shrub, 220-1035 m; Smith 12881, 13191, 14008; Killeen 2894, 3604

Miconia spennerostachya Naudin
shrub, 900 m; Smith 13801

Miconia cf. molybdea Naudin
tree, 900 m; Smith 13985, 14407* (cp266)

Miconia sp.
shrub, 900 m; Killeen 3098

Miconia erioclada Triana
shrub, 900 m; Smith 13807

Miconia sp.
shrub, 1035 m; Smith 13193

Miconia dolichorhyncha Naudin
tree, 700 m; Smith 13975

Miconia ciliaris Triana
shrub, 900 m; Smith 14005

Miconia cf. calvescens DC.
tree, 235-900 m; Smith 13232, 13526, 14040*

Miconia cf. barbeyana Cogn.
shrub, 1035 m; Smith 13180

Mouriri myrtilloides ssp. parviflora (Benth) Morley
shrub, 700 m; Solomon 13923

Mouriri cf. barinensis (Morley) Morley
tree, 900 m; Smith 14408* (cp188)

shrub, 200 m; Fournet 447

gen. indet.
Smith 13962

gen. indet.
Solomon 13874

gen. indet.
Solomon 13939


Cedrela fissilis Vellozo
tree, 250-360 m; Smith et al;. 14359#, Killeen 2942#;

Guarea guidonia (L.) Sleumer
tree, 270 m; Beck 8292

Guarea kunthiana Adr. Juss.
tree, 220-900 m; Smith 12880, 13540, 14011, 14137*, 14116; Killeen 2932

Guarea macrophylla subsp. pendulispica (C. DC.) Pennington
tree, 230-1000 m; Smith 13313, 13784, 14405* (cp139), 14360, Killeen 2986; Moraes 671; Beck 8128

Guarea macrophylla subsp. tuberculata (Vellozo) Pennington
tree, 230 m; Smith 12145; Killeen 2933

Guarea pterorhachis Harms
tree, 700-1035 m; Solomon 13899; Smith 13173, 14143*; Killeen 2976*, 3118*

Guarea cf. purusana C. DC.
tree, 230 m; Smith 14361#

Guarea sp. indet.
tree, 900 m; Killeen 2986

Swietenia macrophylla King
tree, 350 m; Killeen 2934

Trichilia aff. elagans
tree, 900 m; Smith 14404* (cp-370)

Trichilia elegans Adr. Juss.
tree, 400-900 m; Smith 14084*; Killeen 3598

Trichilia cf. inaequilatera Pennington
tree, 900 m; Smith 14406* (cp-294)

Trichilia cf. maynasiana C.DC.
tree, 230-350 m; Smith 13546#, 14111#; Killeen 2921

Trichilia pallida Sw.
tree, 235-900 m; Beck 8031; Seidel & Vargas 2136; Smith 14049*, 13538, 14114; Killeen 2866, 2895;

Trichilia pleeana (Adr. Juss.) C. DC.
tree, 350-900 m; Smith 13859, 13826, 13560, 13301, 14050*, 14063#; Killeen 2928#, 3157*


Abuta grandifolia (Aubl.) Sandw.

Anomospermum sp. indet
liana; 1035 m; Smith 13190

Borismene jaurensis (C. mart.) Barneby
liana; 200 m; Fournet 449

Chondrodendron tomentosa R. & P.
liana; Solomon 13954

Cisssampelos tropaelifolia DC.
vine; 270 m; Beck 8255

Curarea toxicofera (Wedd.) Barneby & Krukoff
liana; 250 m; 220


Mollinedia racemosa (Schlecht.) Tul.
shrub, 1035 m; Smith 13186

Mollinedia sp.
shrub, 235 m; Smith 13536

Siparuna bifida (Poeppig. & Endlich) A. DC.
tree, 255-950 m; Solomon 14792; Smith 13953; Killeen 3609, 3632

Siparuna dasyantha Perkins
tree, 450-950 m; Smith 13750

Siparuna gilgiana Perkins
shrub, Smith 13787

Siparuna guianensis Aublet
tree, 450-965 m; Solomon 14804;

Siparuna harongifolia Perkins
shrub, 700 m; Solomon 13920

Siparuna lyrata Perk.
shrub, 760 m; Smith 13251

Siparuna tomentosa (Ruiz & pavon) Perk.
shrub, 270 m; Beck 8244

Siparuna sp.
tree, 350 m; Killeen 4332

MORACEAE (12/34)

Brosimum alicastrum ssp. boliviense (Pittier) C.C. Berg
tree, 250 m; Smith 13556, 14131

Cecropia angustifolia
tree, 900 m; Killeen 3072*, 3123

Cecropia engleriana Snethlage
tree, 220-580 m; Smith 12856, 13564, 14126

Cecropia cf. polystachya Trecul
tree, 450 m; Smith 13772

Cecropia membranacea Trecul
tree, 220 m; Smith 12897, 14349#

Cecropia sciadophylla C. Martius
tree, 500 m; Smith 13218

Cecropia tessmanii Mildbr.
tree, 900 m; Smith 13989, 14013*

Cecropia sp. nov.
Smith 13264; Smith

Clarisia biflora Ruiz & Pavon
tree, 250-900 m; Smith 14381#; Killeen 3232*

Clarisia racemosa Ruiz & Pavon
tree, 235-850 m; Smith 13866; Smith 13568*; Killeen et 3078*; rc186.

Coussapoa sp.
hemiepiphyte, 900 m; Smith 14022

Coussapoa villosa Poeppig & Endlicher
hemi-epiphyte, 230-765 m; Smith 13851; Smith 14348*; Smith et al 14062; Killeen 3607, 2869; Smith 14348#

Ficus cuatracasana Dugand
hemi-epiphyte, 900 m; Smith 14417* (cp-381)

Ficus guianesis H.B.K.
hemi-epiphyte, 740 m; Smith 13277, 13976

Ficus hartwegii (Miq.) Miq.
hemi-epiphyte, 900 m; Smith 14415* (cp26)

Ficus insipida Willd.
hemi-epiphyte, 250 m; Smith 13872

Ficus killipii
hemi-epiphyte, 230 m; Smith 14384# (cp not collected)

Ficus macbridei Standley
tree, 900 m; Smith 14039

Ficus maxima Miller
hemi-epiphyte, 250 m; Smith 14382#, 14416 (cp407)

Ficus obtusifolia H.B.K.
hemi-epiphyte, 800 m; Smith 13280, 13284

Ficus paraensis (Miquel) Miquel
hemi-epiphyte, 230-900 m; Smith 13312, 14076

Ficus pertusa L.f.
tree, 900 m; Smith 13304

Ficus trigona L. f.
tree, 700 m; Beck 1673

Ficus sp.
Smith 13312

Ficus sp.
hemi-epiphyte, 950 m; Killeen 3630

Helicostylis sp.
tree, 900 m; Killeen etal. 3212*

Maclura brasiliensis Endl.
liana; 220 m; Smith 12891a

Poulsenia armata (Miq.) Standley
tree, 235-1035 m; Smith 13169, 13567, 13831; Killeen 2877#, 3249*

Pourouma cecropifolia C. Martius
tree, 220 m; Smith 12892; rc547#

Pourouma guianensis subsp. guianensis
tree, 500 m; Smith 13217

Pseudolmedia laevis (Ruiz & Pavon) J. F. Macbr.
tree, 350-900 m; Smith 13852, 14386#; Killeen 3582*; cp46*

Sorocea pileata W. Burger
tree, 230 m; Smith 14387#

Sorocea klotzchiana (Pittier) C.C. Berg
tree, 900 m; Smith 14411* (cp248); Killeen 2973

Trophis caucana (Pittier) C. C. Berg
tree, 900 m; Smith 13768; Killeen 2977, 3089*


Otoba parvifolia (Mgf.) A. Gentry
tree, 700-900 m; Beck 1672; Smith 13287, 13850; Killeen 3158*

Virola peruviana (A. DC.) Warb.
tree, 220-900 m; Smith 12865, 14035*, 14368*, 13841; Killeen 3621

Virola sebifera Aublet
tree, 230 m; Beck 8226; Smith 14369*; Killeen 2878*


Ardisia weberbaurii Mez
shrub, 1035 m; Solomon 13188

Ardisia sp.
shrub, 255 m; Solomon 13940, 13958

Cybianthus sp.
shrub, 850 m; Smith 13843

Stylogyne ambigua (C. Martius) Mez
tree, 230-900 m; Smith 12888, 12901, 13543, 14009, 14081*, 14370*; Killeen 2978, 2893, 3255

Stylogyne sp. indet.
tree, 250 m; Killeen 2901


Calyptranthes cf. concinna DC.
tree, 800-900 m; Smith 13299, 14002*

Calyptranthes cf. lanceolata Berg.
shrub, 900 m; Smith 13799

Calyptranthes sp. indet.
tree, 700 m; Solomon 13911

Eugenia egensis DC.
shrub, 270 m; Beck 8235

Eugenia florida DC. (s.l.)
Killeen 3214

Eugenia muricata DC.
tree, 900 m; Smith 14017*

Eugenia punicifolia (H.B.K.) DC.
tree, 900 m; Killeen 3132*

Eugenia sp.
tree, 765 m; Smith 13845

Eugenia sp.
tree, 900 m; Killeen 3044*

Myrcia sp. indet
shrub/tree, 230-965 m; Smith 13763, 14371**

Myrcia sp.
tree, 900 m; Killeen 3038*

gen, indet.
tree, 350 m; Killeen 4335

gen. indet.
tree, 400 m; Killeen 3597

gen. indet.
tree, 900 m; cp-204*

gen. indet.
tree, 900 m; cp-315*

gen. indet.
Solomon 13911


Neea floribunda Poeppig. & Endl.
shrub/vine; 220 m; Smith 12899

Neea ovalifolia Spruce ex J. A. Schmidt
tree, 450-900 m; Smith 13779;

Neea divaricata P. & E.
tree, 230 m; Smith 14378, 14379#; Killeen 3199, 3208*

Neea cf. boliviensis
Smith 14378#, 14424*

gen. indet.
liana; 350 m; Killeen 2916


Ouratea macrobotrys Rusby
shrub, 900 m; Smith 13800


Heisteria sp.
liana; 500 m; Killeen 2971


see Killeen 3095 and 3179


Ludwigia octovalvis (Jacq.) Raven
700 m; Solomon 13937; Smith 12851

Ludwigia elegans (Camb.) Hara
Smith 13239


Passiflora coccinea Blanco
vine; 500 m; Smith 13242

Passiflora sp.
vine; 965 m; Smith 13764


Gallesia integrifolia (Spreng.) Harms
tree, 235 m; Smith 13572, 14123


Peperomia rhombea Ruiz & Pavon
epiphyte, 965 m; Smith 13755

Peperomia rotundifolia (L.) H.B.K.
epiphyte, 700 m; Beck 1719

Peperomia serpens (sw.) Loud.
epiphyte, 1000 m; Moraes 668

Peperomia sp indet.
Smith 13305

Pepromia sp. indet
epyphyte; 900 m; Smith 13305

Peperomia sp. indet
epiphyte, 400 m; Smith 13965

Peperomia sp. indet
epiphyte, 965 m; Smith 13759a

Peperomia sp. indet
epiphyte, 965 m; Smith 13759b; Killeen 3107

Peperomia sp. indet
epiphyte, 900 m; Smith 13824

Piper aduncum L.
tree, 255-1000 m; Moraes 663; Smith 13945; Killeen 4331

Piper aequale Vahl.
shrub, 320 m; Beck 8089

Piper laevilimbum C. DC.
shrub, 235-320 m; Smith 13528; Beck 8166; Beck 8152; Beck 8276

Piper lanceolatum Ruiz & Pavon
shrub, 1000 m; Moraes 672

Piper longistylosum C. DC.
herb/shrub, 450-1035 m; Smith 13166; Smith 13769; Smith 13797; Moraes 665

Piper pilirameum C. DC.
shrub, 500 m; Smith 13225

Piper tumupasense Yuncker
shrub, 320 m; Beck 8038

Piper sp.
Solomon 13914

Piper sp.
Solomon 13908

Piper sp. indet
shrub, 1000 m; Killeen 2806

Piper sp.
shrub, 230 m; Solomon 14132

Piper sp.
Solomon 14210

Pothomorphe peltata (L.) Miq.
herb, 1000 m; Moraes 678


Polygala acuminata Willd.
shrub, 270 m; Beck 8218


Coccoloba mollis Casar.
tree, 765 m; Smith 13854, 14418* (cp212)

Coccoloba cf. peruviana Lindau.
tree, 250-900 m; Killeen 3181*, 2944*

Coccoloba sp.
tree, 250 m; Smith 13941

Polygonum acuminattum H.B.K.
herb, 320 m; Beck 8027, 8191

Triplaris cummingeana Fischer & Meyer
tree, 230 m; Smith 14372**

Triplaris poeppigiana Wedd. (s.l.)
tree, 230-900 m; Smith 14120**, 14149*; Killeen 2898, 3190*, 3195*


Gouania aff. adenophora Pilger
liana; 380 m; Smith 13226

Gouania sp. indet
liana; 350 m; Killeen 2915


Prunus cf. vana J. F. Macbride
tree, 900 m; Smith 14409* (cp-19)


Alibertia itayensis Standley
Killeen 2981*, 3201, 3245*

Alibertia stenantha Standley
tree, 350-900 m; Smith 14083, 14102, 14145*

Borojoa claviflora (Schumann) Cuatrecasas
Killeen 2925

Berteria cf. guianensis Aublet
tree, 900 m; Killeen 3174*

Calycophyllum spruceanum (Benth.) Hook. f. ex Schumann
tree, 350 m; Killeen 2952

Cephaelis aff. dolichocephala Standley
shrub, 700 m; Solomon 13913

Cephaelis sp.
shrub, 900 m; Smith 13991

Chiococca alba (L.) Hitch.
liana; 700 m; Solomon 13917

Chomelia spinosa Jacq.
14018 Swartz

Cinchona pubescens Vahl
tree, 250-900 m; Smith 13306, 13961

Cinchona sp.
Smith 13961

Coccocypselum lanceolatum (R. & P.) Persoon
vine; 255 m; Smith 13948

Coussarea cf. brevicaulis
Smith 13135

Coussarea macrantha Standley
tree, 900 m; Smith 13798; 14003; cp247*

Coussarea cf. paniculata (V. Vahl) Standley
tree, 900 m; Smith 14086*, 14106; Killeen 3673

Diodia cimifolia (Roemer & Shultes) Bremek.
herb, 500 m; Smith 13268

Faramea anisocalyx Poeppig
shrub, 765; Smith 13858

Faramea multiflora A. Richard
shrub, 400-900 m; Smith 13998; Killeen 3613

Genipa americana L.
tree, 220 m; Smith 12860, 14373#

Geophila repens (L.) I. M. Johnston
shrub, 700 m; Solomon 13945

Gonzalagunia cornifolia (H.B.K.) Standley
shrub, 1000 m; Smith 13199;

Gonzalagunia villosa (Willd.) Schum. in Mart.
shrub, 850 m; Killeen 3622

Hemidiodia ocimifolia (Willd.) Schum. in Mart.
Smith 13268

Hillia illustris K. Schum.
700 m; Solomon 13957

Hoffmania latifolia (Bartl.) Kuntze
shrub, 900 m; Smith 13198; Killeen 3619

Hoffmania obovata (R. & P.) Klotzsch
shrub, 900 m; Smith 13758; Killeen 3073

Ixorea peruviana (Spruce ex Schum.) Standley
tree, 350 m; Beck 8107; Killeen 3602

Ladenbergia magnifolia (R. & P.) DC.
tree, 850 m; Smith 14152*; Killeen 3092*

Manettia cf. racemosa R. & P.
Smith 13167

Macrocnemum roseum (Ruiz & Pavon) Wedd.
tree, 900 m; Smith 13765; Killeen 3071*, 3102, 3104, 3197.

Manettia hispida Poepiig & Endl.
vine; 270-900 m; Beck 8242; Solomon 13942; Smith 13982

Manettia sp.
vinae; 765 m; Smith 13855

Palicourea alba Ruiz & Pavon
shrub, 270 m; Beck 8287

Palicourea conferta Benth.
shrub, 230-500 m; Smith 12871, 13229, 14121

Palicourea crocea (Sw.) Roemer & Schultes
shrub, 500-900 m; Solomon 13891; Killeen 3130*

Palicourea ernestii Krause
Killeen 3068*

Palicourea cf. guianensis Aublet
tree, 900 m; Killeen 3185*

Palicourea kluggi P. C. Standley
Smith 12906

Palicourea lasiantha Krause
shrub, 450 m; Smith & Gracia 13781

Palicourea macrobotys (Ruiz & Pavon) Roemer & Schultes
shrub, 270-1035 m; Beck 8294; Smith 13182, 13219, 14001; Killeen 3069*

Palicourea thyrsifolia (Ruiz & Pavon) DC.
Smith 14038

Palicourea triphylla DC.
shrub, 1100 m; Solomon 14793

Palicourea sp.
shrub, 850-1000 m; Smith 13192; Smith 14038

Palicourea sp. (MO printout says Nyctaginaceae?)
shrub, 350 m; Killeen 2871

Posoqueria latifolia (Rudge) Ruiz & Pavon
tree, 900 m; cp-60

Psychotria berteriana subsp. luxurians (Rusby) Steyermark
shrub: 800-1000 m; Smith 134753 (????); 13819

Psychotria borucana (Molina) Taylor & Burger

Psychotria carthagenensis Jacq.
shrub, 900 m; Smith 14037

Psychotria deflexa DC.
shrub, 700 m; Solomon 13928

Psychotria juninensis Standley
shrub, 270-900 m; Beck 8247; Killeen 3629

Psychotria lassula Standley
eiphyte/vine; 700 m; Beck 1700

Psychotria lupulina Bentham
shrub, 220-870 m; Smith 12872, 13254; Killeen 3614

Psychotria macrophylla Ruiz & Pavon
shrub, 700 m; Beck 1690; Solomon 13950

Psychotria marginata Kunth
shrub, 580 m; Smith 13262, 14042, 14151; Killeen 2872, 2899

Psychotria mathewsii P. C. Standley
shrub, 1100 m; Solomon 14800

Psychotria microbotrys R. & P. ex Standley
Killeen 3015

Psychotria officianalis (Aublet) Raeusch
shrub, 255 m; Smith 13944

Psychotria pilosa Ruiz & Pavon
shrub, 700-1050 m; Solomon 13882; Smith 13195

Psychotria poeppingiana Muel.Arg. (=Cepaelis)
shrub, 200-900 m; Fournet 456; Smith 13943; Killeen 3137*

Psychotria prunifolia (H.B.K.) Schum.
shrub, 320 m; Beck 8053

Psychotria racemosa (Aublet) Rausch
shrub, 220-700 m; Solomon 12870, 13922; Killeen 3616

Psychotria remota Benth.
shrub, 950 m; Smith 13761

Psychotria siggersiana Standley
shrub, 700 m; Solomon 13921

Psychotria trivialis Rusby
shrub, 200-900 m; Solomon 13890; Killeen 2872, 2899

Psychotria viridis Ruiz & Pavon
shrub, 220-400 m; Smith et al 12910, 13537, 14122; Killeen 2889, 3605

Psychotria sp.
Smith 12861

Psychotria sp. (subgenus Heteropsychotrria)
tree, 900 m; Smith 14042, 14151; Killeeen 2899

Randia sp.
shrub, 900 m; Smith 14018

Sabicea kluggi Standley
vine; 870 m; Smith 13260, 13967

Sabicea sp.
vine; 255 m; Smith 13950

Sphinctanthus sp.
tree, 700 m; Smith 13978

gen. indet.
tree, 900 m; Killeen 3226*

gen. indet.
tree, 400 m; Killeen 400 m

gen. indet. (possibly not Rubiac)
liana; 900 m; Killeen 3112

gen. indet. (cf. Palicourea)
shrub, 900 m; Killeen & Smith 3622

gen. indet.
Killeen 3137*


Erythrochiton brasiliense Nees & C. Martius
shrub/tree, 220-350 m; Fournet 509; Vargas & Seidel 2009; Smith 12885; Killeen 2882

Galipea sp.
tree, 500 m; Killeen 2965

Metrodorea sp.
tree, 700 m; Smith 13969

Zanthoxylum kellermanii P. Wilson
tree, 250 m; Smith 14074#; Killeen 2930#, 3610#

Zanthoxylon sp.
tree, 900 m; Smith 14420* (cp113)

gen. indet.
Smith 13951


Allophylus cf. petiolatus Radlk.
tree, 900 m; Smith 13308; Killeen 3204*

Allophylus punctatus (Poeppig & Endl.) Radlk.
tree, 850 m; Smith 13829, 13868, 14099; Killeen 3177

Allophylus sp. (pubescente)
tree, 900 m; Killeen 3184*

Allophylus sp. indet (unifoliate)
tree, 450 m; Smith 13776

vine; 765 m; Smith 13856

Cupania cinerea P. & E.
tree, 400-900 m; Smith 13987; 14095*; Killeen 3596

Paullinia sp.
liana; 500 m; Smith 13215

Paullinia sp.
liana; 220-350 m; Smith 12900; Killeen 2946

Paullinia sp.
liana; Smith 14066

Paullinia sp.
liana; 900 m; Smith 14098

Paullinia sp.
liana; 900 m; Smith 13856

Paullinia sp.
liana; 235 m; Smith 13523

Sapindus saponaria L.
tree, 250 m; Killeen 2936; Killeen 2876#

Serjania sp.
vine; Smith 14028

Talisia hexaphylla Vahl
tree, 5900 m; Killeen 3244*

gen. indet.
Smith 13300


Chrysophyllum venezuelanense (Pierre) Pennington
tree, 900 m; Smith 14051; Killeen 2982, 3243*

Chrysophyllum argenteum ssp. ferigenum
tree, 750-900 m; Smith 14903*, 13255

Micropholis egensis (A. DC.) Pierre
tree, 800 m; Smith 13285

Pouteria nemorosa Baehni
tree, 900 m; Killeen 3117*

Pouteria krukoffii (A. C. Smith) Baehni
tree, 900 m; Smith 14010*; Killeen 3222*

Pouteria sp. #2
tree, 900 m; Killeen 3057*

Pouteria sp.
tree, 800m; Smith 13297

Pouteria sp.
Smith 13835

Sarcaulus brasiliensis (A. DC.) Eyma
tree, 350-900; Smith 14097*; Killeen 4334

gen. indet.
tree, 400m; Killeen 3146

gen. indet.
tree, 255m; Smith 13933

gen. indet.
tree, 740 m; Smith 13971


Hydrangea sp.
liana; 900 m; Smith 13309


gen. indet
Smith 13938


Picramnia latifolia Tul.
shrub, 900 m; Smith 13802

Picramnia sp.
shree; 350; Killeen 2868;

Simaba sp.
shrub, 320; Beck 8051


Cestrum megalophyllum Dunal
shrub, 900 m; Smith 13771, 13808

Cestrum racemosum Ruiz & Pavon
tree, 230-900 m; Smith 14073#; Smith 14090;

Cyphomandra benensis Rusby
herb, 235-500 m; Smith 13237; Smith 13524

Cyphomandra sp.
Smith 13237

Juanulloa sp.
hemi-epiphyte, 965 m; Smith 13754

Lycianthes inaequilatera (Rusby) Bitter
herb, 220-965 m; Smith 12905; Smith 13760

Lycianthes sp.
Smith 12904a

Lycianthes sp.
herb, 500 m; Smith 13245

Solanum albidum Dunal
shrub, 200 m; Fournet 450

Solanum americanum Miller
herb, 500 m; Smith 13247

Solanum anceps R. & P.
700 m; Solomon 14806

Solanum caricaefolium Rusby
shrub, 1000 m; Beck 6983; Schmitt & Schmitt 139; Smith 13747, 13770

Solanum goodspeedii Roe
tree, 270-500 m; Beck 6870; Smith 13233

Solanum lorentzii Bitter
700 m; Solomon 13907

Solanum macrotonum Bitter
herb (buisson de 50-60 m?); 450; Fournet 532

Solanum megalsphyllum Dunal
Smith 13771

Solanum mite R. & P.
Smith 12896

Solanum morellifolium Roe
Smith 13246

Solanum wrightii Benth.
tree, 700 m; Fournet 517

Solanum sp.
tree/shrub, 800-900 m; Smith 13806, 13988, 14019

Solanum sp.
Smith 13878

Witheringia solanacea L'Heritier
herb, 235-350 m; Smith 12869, 13457; Killeen 2867.


Guazuma ulmifolia Lam.
tree, 250-900 m; Smith 14088, 14141*, 14374*; Killeen 2931

Melochia mollis (H.B.K.) Triana & Planchon
shrub, 270 m; Beck 8291

Sterculia tessmannii Mildbraed
tree, 230 m; Smith 14384*


Clavija lancifolia Desfontaines
shrub, 220-350; Smith 12858; Killeen 2873

Clavija sp.
shrub, Smith 14077

Clavija weberbauri Mez
700 m; Solomon 13912


Apeiba membranacea Spruce ex Benth.
Smith 14384

Berrya sp. nov.
tree, 230-350 m; Smith 13302, 13569, 14339, 14108; Killeen 2910, 2920

Heliocarpus americanus L.
tree, 250-1000 m; Smith 13187, 13549, 14140*; Killeen 2948, 2985*, 4330

Luhea sp.
tree, 350 m; Killeen 2938

Triumfetta semitriloba L.
herb, 200 m; Fournet 460


Ampelocera ruizii Klotzch
tree, 230-900; Smith 14340#, 14388, 14389; Killeen 3041*

Celtis schippii Standley
tree, 230 m; Smith 14064#, 14069

Celtis iguanaea (Jacq.) Sarg.
tree, 600 m; Solomon 13966; Smith 14068

Celtis sp. indet.
liana/treelet; 230-400 m; Killeen 3594

Trema micrantha (L.) Blume
tree, 220-900 m; Smith 12902, 13836 (rc - no voucher cited)

Trema integerrima (Beurl.) Standley
tree, 500 m; Smith 13223


Myriocarpa stiptitata Benth.
tree, 900 m; Smith 14138*; Killeen 3119*, 3121*

Phenax angustifolius (H.B.K.) Wedd.
shrub, 400-900' Smith 13837; Killeen 3593

Poulsenia poeppigiana (Wedd.) Killip
shrub, 320 m; Beck 8139

Urera baccifera (L.) Gaudich.
herb, 500 m; Smith 13231

Urera caracasana (Jacq.) Gaud. ex Griseb.
shrub/liana; 230-1050 m; Moraes 670; Smith 13189, 14031, 14375#; Killeen 2807, 2887, 3608


Bouchea flumenensis (Vell.) Mold.
herb, 200 m; Fournet 454

Cornuta odorata (P. & E.) Poeppig. var. calvescens Moldenke
tree, 900 m; Smith 14413* (cp170)

Lantana fiebrigii Hayek
herb, 1035; Smith e al. 13179

Citharexylum reticulatum H.B.K
tree, 900 m; Smith 14054*

Vitex pseudolea
tree, 230 m; Smith 14376#


Gloesopsermum sp.
shrub, 950 m; Smith 13757

Leonia racemosa Mart.
tree, 900 m; Smith 12889, 13265; Killeen 3065*

Rinorea apiculata Hekking
Smith 13774

Rinorea cf. vidrifolia Rusby
shrub/tree, 700-900 m; Smith 14078, 13281; Killeen 2964; Smith 14414* (cp308)

Rinorea lindeniana (Tulasne) Kuntze
tree/shrub, 230-350 m; Smith 13534; Killeen 2900


Cissus sicyoides L.
vine; 235; Smith 13221, 13532


Vochysia citrifolia Poiret.
tree, 230 m; Smith 14118

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