Annotated Checklist of the Vascular Plants of the Serranía de Pilón Lajas and the Adjacent Piedmont, Ballivian Province, Beni, Bolivia
Pteridophytes | Monocotyledons | Dicotyledons
ARACEAE (5/13)
Anthurium clavigerum Poeppig in Poeppig & Endl.
epiphyte, 900 m; Killeen 2972; Smith 13780
Anthurium kunthii Poeppig in Poeppig & Endl.
Smith 13813
Anthurium paraguayense Engler var. paraguayense
epiphyte, 950 m; Beck 6996
Anthurium kunthii Poeppig
epiphyte, 900 m; Smith 13813
Monstera dilacterata (Koch & Sello) K. Koch
Smith 12873
Monstera dubia (H.B.K.) Engl. & K. Krause
epiphyte, 850 m; Smith 14144
Monstera obliqua Miq.
epiphyte, 350 m; Killeen3587
Philodendron ornatum Schott
epiphyte/vine; 800 m; Smith 13298
Philodendron megalophyllum Schott
epiphyte, 900 m; Killeen 3261
Syngongium podophyllum Schott
epiphyte/vine; 350-900 m; Smith 13820; Vargas & Seidel 2006; Killeen 3676
Xanthosoma sp. indet
herb, 700 m; Smith 13977
gen. indet.
epiphyte, 850 m; Killeen 3617
gen. indet.
epiphyte, 220 m; Smith 12873
Tillandsia spiculosa Griseb. micrantha (Baker) L. B. Smith
epiphyte, 350-850 m; Killeen 3626; Beck 1733
Tillandsia fendleri Griseb.
epiphyte, 700 m; Beck 1735
Aechmea setigera C. Martius ex J. A. Schultes & Schules f.
epiphyte, 400 m; Killeen 3142
gen. indet.
epiphyte, 700-850 m; Smith 13296; Killeen 3633
gen. indet.
Killeen 3626
Campelia zanonia (L.) H.B.K.
herb, 320-465 m; Beck 80956; Smith 13273; Killeen 2875, 3680.
Dichorsandra hexandra (Aublet) Standlley
vine; 220-850 m; Smith 12895, 13530, 14055
Dichorisandra sp. nov.
herb, 220-850 m; Smith 12878; Killeen 3636; Beck 8033
Tradescantia valida Bruchn.
Costus scaber Ruiz & Pavon
herb, 220-500 m; Smith 12908, 13234, 13235
Costus guanaiensis Rusby
herb, 270-500 m; Smith 13236; Beck 6866
Costus sp. nov.
herb, 450 m; Smith 13774
Renealmia breviscapa Poeppig & Endl.
herb, 220-850 m; Smith 12877, 13995
Renealmia racemosa Poeppig. & Endl.
Solomon 13953
Cyclanthus bipartitus L.
herb, 850 m; Smith 13999
Carludovica palmata Ruiz & pavon
herb, 360-1035 m; Smith 13163, 13832; Killeen 3601
Thorocarpus bissectus (Vell.) Harling
liana-epiphyte, 350-850 m; Smith 13862; Killeen 2914
Cyperus odoratus L.
herb, 700 m; Solomon 13933
Guadua cf. angustifolia Kunth
tree, 350-1050 m; Smith 13317; Killeen 2891
Lasiacis ligulata A. Hitchc. & Chase
herb, 660 m; Solomon 13902; Smith 13576
Olyra latifolia L.
herb, 320-700 m; Solomon 13930; Smith 13253 ; Beck 8032
Pariana bicolor Tulin
herb, 220 m; Solomon 13925; Smith 12891
Pharus latifolius L.
herb, 220 m; Smith 12907
Xiphidium caeruleum Aublet
herb, 500-700 m; Smith 13227; Solomon 13898
Smilax sp. indet
vine; 965 m; Smith 13756
Calathea lutea (Aublet) Schult.
herb, 220 m; Smith 12874
Calathea capitata Ruiz & Pavon
herb, 220-850 m; Smith 12876, 13992; Killeen 3631
Monotagma laxum (poeppig & Endl.
herb, 220 m; Smith 12875; Beck 6865
Heliconia robusta Pax
herb, 500 m; Smith 13213
Heliconia subulata R. & P.
herb, 350-900 m; Seidel & Vargas 2143; Smith 12916, 13809
Heliconia cf. lingulata Ruiz & Pavon
herb, 320-850 m; Smith 14024; Beck 8164
ORCHIDACEAE (det. R. Vasquez)
Erythroides anchorifera (Schltr.) Garay
????, 700 m; Solomon 13884
Habenaria monorrhiza (Sw.) Reichb. F.
????, 700 m; Solomon 13932
Habenaria speciosa Poeppig & Endl.
herb, 500-1035 m; Smith 13205; Smith 13271;
Maxilaria alpestris Lindl.
epiphyte, 850 m; Smith 13863
Maxilaria equitans (Schltr.) Garay
Smith 14124
Phragmopedium caricinum (Lindl.) Reichb. f.
herb, 660 m; Smith & Buddensiek 13522; Solomon 13885; Beck 6860
Stelis sp. indet
epiphyte, 850 m; Smith 14104
Xylobium sp.
epiphyte, 700-900 m; Solomon 13956; Killeen 3258
gen. indet.
epiphyte, 850 m; Killeen 2892
gen. indet.
epiphyte, 850 m; Smith 14105
PALMAE (13/20)
Astrocaryum murumuru C. Martius
tree, 230-900 m; Smith 13623, 14072.
Bactris major Jacq. var. socialis
tree, 230 m; Smith 14060
Chamaedorea angustisecta Burret
shrub, 330-900 m; Hanagarth 119
Chamaedorea lanceolata (R. & P.) Kunth
Smith 12857
Chamaedorea pinnatifrons (Jacq.) Oerst.
shrub, 235-900 m; Smith 13542, 12863, 12886, 12857, 13803, 13542, 13816
Desmoncus sp.
Smith 13959
Euterpe precatoria C. Martius
tree, 220 m; Smith 12921
Geonoma acaulis Martius
shub; 700 m; Beck 1699
Geonoma brongniartii Martius
shrub, 250-1100 m; Solomon 14801; Smith 12890, 13752
Geonoma deversa (Poit.) Kunth
shrub, 255 m; Smith 13954; Beck 8043
Geonoma euspatha Burret
shrub, 220 m; Smith 12862; Smith 12898
Geonoma jussieuana Martius
shrub, 1000 m; Solomon, 14801; Moraes 676
Iriartea deltoidea Ruiz & Pavon
tree, 220-550 m; Smith 12920, 13276
Oenocarpus bataua C. Martius
tree, 220 m; Smith 12919
Mauritia flexuosa C. Martius
tree, 320 m; Beck 8067
Prestoa sp.
Smith 13990
Scheelea princeps (C. Martius) Karsten
(not collected)
Socratea exorrhiza (C. Martius) H. A. Wendl.
tree, 220 m; Smith 12918
Syagrus sancona Karsten
tree, t235 m; Smith 13456
Gen. indet
tree, 400 m; Killeen 3595
Intro | Pteridophytes | Monocotyledons | Dicotyledons