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Gazetteer of Costa Rican Plant-Collecting Locales

Proyecto Manual de Plantas de Costa Rica

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | LL | M |
N | Ñ | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

This compilation attempts to account for all important plant-collecting localities within Costa Rica, especially those of historically prominent collectors. Recent collecting localities, especially those (e.g., of MO and INB collectors) already accompanied by very precise label data including coordinates, have not been so assiduously tracked down.

Each entry includes the following information:

Name of site. Important collectors. Elevation (SLOPE), PROVINCE: Quadrangle, Coordinates. Brief description and/or comments.

Remarks regarding the information content:

  • Name of site. Site names are listed alphabetically, with the following qualifications: Articles (El, La, Las, Los), though listed ahead of the nouns they modify, are ignored for alphabetizing purposes (example: "La Castilla" is so listed, but alphabetized under "C"); in compound place names, generic terms of natural features (Cerro, Río, Volcán, etc.) are subordinated to proper names, unless the generic term is an integral part of a town name (examples: Cerro de La Carpintera will be found as "La Carpintera, Cerro de" [alphabetized under "Ca"], and Río San Juan as "San Juan, Río;" however, the town of "Río Naranjo" will be listed as such and alphabetized under "R," and the town of "Cataratas de San Ramón" will be so listed under "C"); in compound town names, generic terms for settlements (Ciudad, Puerto, Villa) are subordinated to proper names, unless followed only by an adjective (examples: Ciudad Neily will be found under "Neily, Ciudad" Puerto Quepos under "Quepos, Puerto" and Villa Colón under "Colón, Villa"; however, "Puerto Viejo" is so listed and alphabetized).
  • Parts of place names that are sometimes or often omitted are included parenthetically, e.g.: "La Chonta (Laguna de)."
  • Collectors. Collectors known to have prepared specimens at a particular site are listed, though irregularly. This information is far from comprehensive, being most complete for historically significant collectors.
  • Elevation. Elevation is provided in meters, as taken from the most recent edition 1:50,000 (unless otherwise indicated) topographic map. These figures may differ significantly from the elevations given on early collectors' labels (which were sometimes rather grossly in error). Elevations of hamlets ("caseríos"), towns, and cities are generally taken from a point (a benchmark, if available) as close to the center as possible; elevations of peaks, islands, peninsulas, points, etc. are from at or near the summit (which is not necessarily where particular collections have been made); elevations of rivers or roads are generally from the section from which most collections have been made, or else a range is given; elevations of lakes reflect the average shoreline.
  • Slope. (A)=Atlantic slope; (CD)=Continental Divide; (P)=Pacific Slope.
  • Cantón. If known, the cantón name is listed after the Province name.
  • Quadrangle. The name of the Instituto Geográfico 1:50,000 (unless otherwise indicated) topographic quadrangle on which the particular site (or most of the lake, town, river, etc., or the summit of the peak) appears is indicated using this notation: PROVINCE, Cantón: Quadrangle. Phrases such as “not on current maps” refer specifically to these maps.
  • Coordinates. Coordinates, usually rounded to the nearest full minute, are taken from 1:50,000 topographic maps (unless otherwise indicated). The coordinates correspond to the indicated elevation.
  • Comments. These may include a brief description or other interesting remarks about the site. Rivers and streams (quebradas) are characterized as either flowing to the sea, or as tributaries of some other river or stream. The nomenclature used here for rivers and streams follows the maps (except where otherwise noted), not common sense. A frequent situation with Costa Rican rivers is for the lower portion (near the ocean) to have a different name from the upstream portion (cf. especially the Ríos Grande de Térraba, Matina, Parrita, Sixaola, and Tusubres); one imagines that settlers along the coast had one name for the large river they knew, while settlers in the mountains had a different name for the same (smaller) river. However, peculiar name changes may also occur in other situations (cf. Río Jabillos). We have left some notes for ourselves in square brackets.

This compilation is now, and shall always be, a work in progress. We hope that botanists concerned with Costa Rica will put this to heavy use, and keep track of any omissions or errors they may encounter and communicate these to us (with name of collector and other pertinent data). Some names appear with no data at all; these are generally localities that we have been as yet unable to localize, and for which we are especially desirous of information. Some locality names gleaned from literature sources may prove to be transcriptional errors from the original label data.

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | LL | M |
N | Ñ | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

Abangares, Río. Jiménez, Opler. 10–300m (P), GUANACASTE, Abangares: 10°09’35”N 85°04’20”W. River draining the S slope of the Cordillera de Tilarán; measured near mouth, at the Golfo de Nicoya.

Abangaritos. 6 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Berrugate, 10°10'N 85°02'W.

Abarca, Cerro. Widmer. 2820 m. [Volcán Irazú?].

Abejonal (Cerro). Tonduz. 2030 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Caraigres, 9°42’N 84°03’W. Summit just N of San Pablo de León Cortés Castro, in the N part of the Cordillera de Talamanca; supposed to be the northernmost páramo in the New World.

Abra. Gómez.

Abrojo, Río. 20 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Canoas, 8°38'N 82°56'W. River draining the S Fila Costeña; a tributary of the Río Corredor.

El Achiote, Llano. Grayum. 35 m (A), ALAJUELA: Zapote, 10°53'N, 85°00'W. Low-lying area on the Llanura de Los Guatusos, SE of Upala.

Achiote (Rancho del). Pittier. 2250 m (P), ALAJUELA: Barva, 10°09'N 84°14'W. Locality on the S slope of Volcán Poás; only "Río Achiote" appears on modern maps.

Agua, Río. Pittier. Not clear if in Cerros de Escazú or on Volcán Irazú.

Agua Blanca. Lépiz, J. F. Morales. 860 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Caraigres, 9°48’N 84°11’W. Town in valley of Río Jorco, NW of San Ignacio de Acosta.

Agua Buena (Ciénaga de; Marais de; Valle de). Pittier, Shank. 1065 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Cañas Gordas, 8° 45’N 82°57’W. Town in the S Fila Costeña, S of San Vito on the road to Ciudad Neily.

Aguabuena (Agua Buena), Fila. 2230 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Caraigres, 9°42’N 84°10’W. SW spur ridge of Cerro Caraigres (q. v.).

Aguabuena, Quebrada. Burch (as “Río Aguabuena”). 30 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Sierpe, 8°42’N 83°30’W. Creek in the N Osa Peninsula, W of Rincón; a tributary of the lower Río Riyito. Site of a landing strip and (formerly) an OTS field station.

Aguabuena, Río. (Quebrada Aguabuena).

Aguacaliente (Agua Caliente). Chrysler (as “Aqua Caliente”), Greenman, Lankester, Lehmann, Oersted, Pittier, Donnell Smith, Stork. 1440 m (A), CARTAGO: Istarú, 9°51’N 83°56’W. Town in the E Valle Central, SW of Cartago.

Agua Caliente. 1130 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Unión, 8°58’N 82°57’W. Town in the E Cordillera de Talamanca, in the valley of the Río Cotón.

Agua Caliente, Río. Funk, Russell. ALAJUELA. [Probably Volcán Arenal.]

Agua Caliente (Aguacaliente), Río. Pittier, Utley. 1050 m (A), CARTAGO: Tapantí, 9°48’N 83°53’W. River draining the S slope of Volcán Irazú and the N Codillera de Talamanca, formed by the confluence of the Río Purires and the Río Reventado; an affluent (with the Río Grande de Orosí) of the Río Reventazón.

Aguacatales, Meseta. 1300 m (A), ALAJUELA: Curubandé, 10°49’N 85°18’W. Site on the NE slope of Volcán Santa María (q. v.).

Aguacate [Cerro de; Monte or Montes de(l)]. Friedrichsthal, Hoffmann, Oersted, Pittier. 1443 m (P), ALAJUELA: Naranjo, 10°02’N 84°28’W. Mountains SW of the Valle Central, between Palmares and San Mateo; geologically, a southward extension of the Cordillera de Tilarán.

Aguacate, Río. Khan et al. 500–600 m (A), GUANACASTE, Tilarán: Arenal, 10°33’35”N 84°56’10”W.  River flowing into the N side of Laguna Arenal, coordinates given for the mouth of the river.

Agua Clara. Liesner. (Aguas Claras).

Aguacate, Río. Khan et al. 500–600 m (A), GUANACASTE, Tilarán: Arenal, 10°33’35”N 84°56’10”W.  River flowing into the N side of Laguna Arenal, coordinates given for the mouth of the river.

Aguas Claras. Almeda, Liesner (as "Agua Clara"), Utley & Utley. 390 m (A), ALAJUELA: Miravalles, 10°48’N 85°11’W. Town at the NW base of Volcán Miravalles (q. v.).

Aguas Gatas, Río. Obando, V. Ramírez. 1000 m (A), ALAJUELA: Fortuna, 10°22’N 84°41’30”W. Tributary of Río Peñas Blancas (on map as “Río Aguas Gata”).

Aguas Verdes, Río. Rivera. 600 m (?), GUANACASTE. [Parque Nacional Rincón de La Vieja.]

Aguas Zarcas. O. Jiménez, Lankester. 489 m (A), ALAJUELA: Aguas Zarcas, 10°23’N 84°20’W. Town at the N base of the W Cordillera Central.

Aguas Zarcas, Río. A. Rodríguez. 600 m (A).

(Los) Aguilares. Standley & Valerio. 550 m (P), GUANACASTE: Cañas, 10°30’N 85°00’W. Town in the foothills of the Cordillera de Tilarán, NW of Tilarán.

Aguileo (Aguilio), Bosque de. Brenes. 1190 m. Site near La Palma (de San Ramón?).

Agujas (Playa). J. F. Morales. 0 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Tárcoles, 9°43’N 84°39’W. Beach town between Tárcoles and Jacó.

Agujas. Aguilar. 1 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Golfo Dulce, 8°35’N 83°23’W. Caserío on Osa Peninsula at edge of Golfo Dulce, NW of Puerto Jiménez.

Agujas, Punta. J. F. Morales. 0 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Golfo Dulce, 8°35’N 83°23’W. Point along S shore of Golfo Dulce at mouth of Río Agujas, NW of Puerto Jiménez.

Los Ahogados, Hacienda. Pittier. 80 m (P), GUANACASTE: Ahogados, 10°45’N 85°32’W.

(Los) Ahogados, Río. Davidse, Evans & Bowers, Lellinger. 78 m (P), GUANACASTE, Liberia: Ahogados, 10°45’20”N 85°31’02”W (measured where Carretera Interamericana crosses the river). River draining the W slope of Volcán Rincón de La Vieja (q. v.); an affluent (with the Río Tempisquito) of the Río Tempisque.

Akúm, Río. (Río Platanares).

Alajuela. A. Alfaro, Cooper, Oersted, Orozco, Pittier, Polakowsky, Donnell Smith, Tonduz. 951 m (P), ALAJUELA: Barva, 10°01'N 84°13'W. City in the W Valle Central; capital of Prov. Alajuela.

Alajuelita. A. Alfaro, Pittier, Solís R., Tonduz. 1130 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Abra, 9°54’N 84°06’W. SW suburb of San José.

Alberto (Manuel) Brenes, Reserva Biológica. (A), ALAJUELA: San Lorenzo. Area on the N slope of the Cordillera de Tilarán; formerly known as "Reserva Forestal San Ramón."

Alcatraz, Isla. L. González. (P), PUNTARENAS: [Golfo de Nicoya, at Curú.]

(La) Alfombra. Pohl. 880 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Dominical, 9°18’N 83°47’W. Town in the N Fila Costeña, along the route between San Isidro de El General and Dominical.

Algodonales. Pittier. (P), GUANACASTE: Bahía de Salinas. Site on the Bahía de Salinas (q. v.); not on current maps.

Almirante. Herrera.

Altamira. Gómez. Site on the slope of Cerro Chirripó (Grande).

Altamira, Finca. Holm (on some labels as “Altemira”). 100 m (A), ALAJUELA: 10°28’N 84°24’W. [“San Carlos”].

(El) Alto (de Cartago; de Ochomogo). Allen, Kuijt, Pittier, Stork, Wilbur, Worthen. 1546 m (CD), CARTAGO: Istarú, 9°54’N 83°57’W. Site along the Carretera Interamericana, between San José and Cartago; railroad station along the "Línea Nueva."

El Alto, Fila. M. M. Chavarría, J. F. Morales. 2000–2100 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Caraigres, 9°43’N 84°07’W. E ridge of Cerro Caraigres.

Alto, Potrero del. Pittier. 2450 m (P), ALAJUELA: Poás. Site on Volcán Poás; not on current maps.

Alto Cacao. E. Alfaro. 625 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Coto Brus, 8°58’N 83°13’W. Caserío at N end of S Fila Costeña.

Alto Coén. 1700 m (A), LIMÓN: Siola, 9°23’N 83°13’W. Not on current maps.

Alto Concepción (de Puriscal). 640 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Candelaria, 9°42’N 84°21’W. Town in the Puriscal region, on the SE slope of Fila Cangreja (q. v.).

Alto Lari. A. Jiménez. 300 m (A), LIMÓN: Siola, 9°26’N 83°03’W. Caserío in the Cordillera de Talamanca along the Río Lari, at the confluence of the Río Pare.

Alto Palomo. Davidse, Lent. 1960 m (A), ALAJUELA: Quesada, 10°11’N 84°19’W. Caserío on a spur ridge of the Continental Divide in the W Cordillera Central, along the road from Naranjo to Bajos del Toro.

Alto Sábalo (de Potrero Grande). Lépiz. 620 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Coto Brus, 8°58’N 83°03’W. Town on the N side of the Valle de Coto Brus.

Alto Urén. 400 m (A), LIMÓN: Sukut, 9°23’N 82°59’W.

Alto (de) Villegas. Brenes. 1300 m (CD), ALAJUELA: Naranjo, 10°09’N 84°27’W. Town near the E end of the Cordillera de Tilarán, NE of San Ramón.

Altos de. “Heights of,” on Spanish-language labels; not (necessarily) a place name.

Altos El Aguacate. Hammel (as “Altos Los Aguacates”), J. F. Morales. 1060 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Dota, 9°40’N 84°11’W. Caserío in valle of Río Pirrís.

Altos (de) Pascua. J. F. Morales. 785 m (A), LIMÓN: Bonilla, 10°02’N 83°38’W. Village on the E flank of Volcán Turrialba.

(Las) Alturas (de Cotón; de Coto Brus). 1320 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Unión, 8°57’N 82°50’W. Company town in the E Cordillera de Talamanca, in the valley of the Río Cotón.

Alumbre, Quebrada (del). Tonduz. 1500 m (P), CARTAGO/SAN JOSÉ: Caraigres, 9°49’N 84°04’W. Creek in the Candelaria region; an affluent (with the Río Jericó) of the Río Alumbre.

Alumbre, Río. 1260 m (P), CARTAGO/SAN JOSÉ: Caraigres, 9°47’N 84°05’W. River in the Candelaria region, formed by the confluence of the Río Jericó and the Quebrada Alumbre; an affluent (with the Río Tarrazú) of the Río Grande de Candelaria.

(Los) Amigos, Cerro. 1842 (CD), ALAJUELA/GUANACASTE/PUNTARENAS: Juntas, 10°19’N 84°48’W. Highest summit of the Cordillera de Tilarán, located in the N part of the Monteverde Reserve.

Amóura. Tonduz. 100 m (A), LIMÓN: Amubri. Site in the vicinity of Shiroles (q. v.).

Amubri. 68 m (A), LIMÓN: Amubri, 9°31’N 82°58’W. Town in the Valle de Talamanca.

Ángel, Río. Tonduz. 2600 m (A), ALAJUELA: Poás, 10°12’N 84°14’W. River draining the N slope of Volcán Poás, emanating from the Laguna del Poás; a tributary of the Río Sarapiquí.

Los Ángeles (de San Carlos). A. Jiménez, Molina. 100–200 m (A), ALAJUELA. Site on the Llanura de San Carlos (“entre Los Ángeles y San Isidro”).

Los Ángeles. J. González. 740–900 m (?), ALAJUELA. 10°18’N 84°12’W. [“Grecia.”]

Los Ángeles (de Heredia; de San Rafael). Brenes, Horich, A. Jiménez, Lellinger. 1500 m (P), HEREDIA. [“Monte La Cruz, area of Río de Las Hojas, north of Los Ángeles de Heredia”].

(Los) Ángeles. 9 m (A), LIMÓN: Guácimo, 10°18’N 83°33’W. Caserío on the Llanura de Santa Clara, along the Río Jiménez, NE of the town of Río Jiménez.

Los Ángeles. 273 m (A), LIMÓN: Guápiles, 10°12’N 83°49’W. W suburb of Guápiles (q. v.).

Los Ángeles. (P), SAN JOSÉ. Site in the Valle del General, along the Río Peñas Blancas (q. v.).

(Los) Ángeles. Gómez. 1360 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: San Isidro, 9°28’N 83°36’W. Caserío in the Cordillera de Talamanca, along the lower Río Talari.

Los Ángeles (Norte; Sur) de San Ramón. Brenes, Carvajal, Luteyn, Solís R., Utley. (Los Ángeles Norte, Los Ángeles Sur).

Los Ángeles de Siquirres. Gómez. (A), LIMÓN: Bonilla. 10°01’50”N 83°57’03”W.  Site near Guayacán (q. v.). Not on current maps, coordinates taken at assumed location derived from locality description data.

Los Ángeles, Potrero de. 2600 m (A), CARTAGO: Istarú, 9°57’N 83°53’W. Valley of the upper Río Reventado, above Tierra Blanca (between Volcán Reventado and Volcán Irazú, according to Oersted). N.B.: this locale and Valle de Los Arcángeles (Cerros de Escazú) have been confused, especially in the Primitiae florae costaricensis.

(Los) Ángeles Norte de San Ramón. Carvajal. 1190 (CD), ALAJUELA: Naranjo, 10°09’N 84°29’W. Town near the E end of the Cordillera de Tilarán, NW of San Ramón.

Los Ángeles Sur de San Ramón. 1111 m (P), ALAJUELA: Naranjo, 10°08’N 84°28’W. Town near the E end of the Cordillera de Tilarán, N of San Ramón.

(La) Angostura. Zamora. 430 m (P), ALAJUELA: Miramar, 10°02’N 84°35’W. Caserío along the Carretera Interamericana, on the divide between the Río Barranca and Río Paires.

Angostura. Kuntze, Polakowsky, Scherzer. 580 m (A), CARTAGO: Tucurrique, 9°53'N 83°39'W. Site along the Río Reventazón near Turrialba; unusually dry (Tropical Moist Forest) for this area.

Anguciana, Cerro. 1707 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Piedras Blancas, 8°49'N 83°09'W. Highest summit in the S Fila Costeña.

Angulo (Angula), Rancho. Pittier. 2840 m (A), CARTAGO: Istarú. Site on Volcán Irazú, along the Río Birrís; not on current maps.

Las Ánimas. Chrysler. (A), CARTAGO. [Railway station ca. 3 miles below Turrialba.]

(Las) Ánimas, Hacienda. Davidse, Shannon. 200 m (A), GUANACASTE, La Cruz: Bahía de Salinas, 11°03’21”N 85°35’10”W.

Ánimas, Río. A. Chacón, Gómez. 200 m (A), GUANACASTE: Bahía de Salinas, 11°03’N 85°35’W. River draining the N slope of Cerro El Hacha (q. v.); a tributary of the Río Sapoá.

Anonos (Anones), Puente (Pont) de. Tonduz. 1046 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Abra, 9°56’N 84°07’W. Bridge over the Río Tiribí along the old road from San José to Escazú; name not on current maps.

Aparicio, Quebrada. 200 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Sierpe, 8°42'N 83°30'W. Creek in the N Osa Peninsula, flowing to the sea at the NW corner of Golfo Dulce (N of Rincón).

Apri, Cerro. Davidse, J. Quesada. 3109 m (A), LIMÓN: Kamúk, 9°16’N 83°03’W. Peak on ridge between Cerro Dudu and Cerro Kámuk.

Aqua Caliente. Chrysler. (Aguacaliente).

Aquiares, Río. Lent. 1570 m (A), CARTAGO: Tucurrique, 9°58’N 83°44’W. River draining the S slope of Volcán Turrialba; a tributary of the lower Río Turrialba.

Aragón (Hacienda). Pittier, Tonduz. 630 m (A), CARTAGO: Tucurrique. Site near Turrialba, supposedly a station along the Atlantic railway; not on current maps.

La Araña, Alto. J. F. Morales. 2261 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Caraigres, 9°43’N 84°10’W. SW peak of Cerro Caraigres massif.

Los Arbolitos. 20 m (A), HEREDIA. (“4 km aguas arriba unión Ríos Toro y Sarapiquí”).

Los Arcángeles, Valle de. Pittier. 1500–1900 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Abra, 9°53’N 84°07’W. Site in the Cerros de Escazú, above Alajuelita. N.B.: this locale and Potrero de Los Ángeles (Volcán Irazú) have been confused, especially in the Primitiae florae costaricensis.

La Ardilla (Descente de). Tonduz. 1300 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Dota, 9°37’N 84°02’W. Town in the N Cordillera de Talamanca, SW of San Marcos de Tarrazú.

(El) Arenal (de San Carlos). Jiménez & Lankester, Pohl, Standley & Valerio, J. Valerio. 535 m (A), GUANACASTE: Tilarán, 10°28’40”N 84°51’00”W. Town in the valley of the Río Arenal. The foregoing data apply to the original (in Standley’s day, before 1979) town site, on the Cordillera de Tilarán (S) side of Laguna de Arenal; that site was submerged beneath Lago Arenal, and the town was relocated to a higher position on the Cordillera de Guanacaste (N) side of the new lake. The data for the modern site (“Nuevo Arenal”) are as follows: 640 m (A), GUANACASTE: Arenal, 10°32’54”N 85°53’56”W.

Arenal, Lago (Laguna; Lake; Represa) (de). Croat, A. M. Evans, Pohl, Pérez García, Williams. 515 m (A), GUANACASTE: Tilarán, 10°30’N 84°52’W. Originally a small and seasonal body of water along the Río Arenal, now much enlarged by impoundment. The foregoing data apply to the original (in Standley’s day) Laguna de Arenal. The shoreline of the modern, post-1979, much larger and deeper Lago Arenal is at ca. 540 m; the rest of the data remain valid.

Arenal, Río. (A), ALAJUELA. Major river draining the S Cordillera de Guanacaste and the N Cordillera de Tilarán, impounded to form Lago Arenal (q. v.); a tributary of the Río San Carlos.

Arenal, Volcán. Russell, Thorne. 1633 m (A), ALAJUELA: Fortuna, 10°28’N 84°42’W. Isolated peak near the southern end of the Cordillera de Guanacaste; most active volcano in Costa Rica.

Arenas, Punta. (P), PUNTARENAS. Wiggins. Apparently a site on Isla del Coco (though not found on maps); spp. known in Costa Rica only from Isla del Coco were collected here, e.g., Diodia sarmentosa.

La Argentina, Hacienda. (Naranjos Agrios).

(La) Argentina, Hacienda. Jiménez. 780 m (P), ALAJUELA: Naranjo, 10°02’N 84°21’W.

Ariei, Río. Pittier, Tonduz. 200 m (A), LIMÓN: Estrella, 9°47’N 83°02’W. Not on current maps; equals the Río Ley or a tributary thereof.

Arrayanes, Quebrada. Lent. 1200 m (A), ALAJUELA: Poás, 10°15’N 84°12’W. Creek draining the NE slope of Volcán Poás; a tributary of the Quebrada Quicuyal (q. v.).

Arrayanes, Quebrada. 1700 m (A), HEREDIA: Poás, 10°12’N 84°07’W. Creek draining the NW slope of Volcán Barva; a tributary of the Río San Fernando.

Los Arrepentidos, Cerros. 189 m (A), HEREDIA: Río Cuarto, 10°28’N 84°01’W. Hills on the Llanura de San Carlos, immediately NW of Puerto Viejo de Sarapiquí.

Los Arrepentidos, Cuesta de. 1200 m (P), SAN JOSÉ. Grade between San Marcos de Tarrazú and Santa María de Dota; not on current maps.

Artezalea. (A), ALAJUELA. Site NE of Ciudad Quesada.

Aserradero, Quebrada. 160 m (P), GUANACASTE: Murciélago, 10°54’N 85°34’W. Creek W of Parque Nacional Santa Rosa; a tributary of the Río Tempisquito.

Aserrí. Almeda, Echeverría, Hoffmann, Pittier, Standley, Tonduz, Wendland (as "Azari"). 1309 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Abra, 9°52’N 84°06’W. Town just S of San José, at the E base of the Cerros de Escazú.

Aserrí, Cerro de. (Cerro de Cedral).

Astúa(-)Pirie (Reserve) [United Fruit Co.]. Seibert. Apparently a failed forest reserve, located "beyond the end of the Parismina Branch." There is a town called "Astúa-Pirie" on the Llanura de Tortuguero, along the Río Tortuguero, S of Cariari at, 65 m (A), LIMÓN: Agua Fría, 10°21’N 83°44’W; on older maps as "Astúa y Pirie."

Asunción. Gómez. 150 m (A), LIMÓN: Río Banano, 9°54’N 83°10’W. Site in the N Cordillera de Talamanca, along the Río Banano.

Asunción (Cerro). 3396 m (CD), CARTAGO: Vueltas, 9°35’N 83°46’W. Peak in the "Cerro de La Muerte" region; the highest point along the Costa Rican portion of the Carretera Interamericana.

Asunción (Cerro).  853 m (A), LIMÓN, Limón: Río Banano.  9°53’24”N 83°09’36”W.  Peak S of the town of Asunción.

Asunción, Fila. 500 m (A), LIMÓN, Limón: Río Banano.  Ridge to the N of the town Asunción.

Atenas. Hitchcock, Hoffmann, Horich, Jiménez, Pittier, Pohl. 696 m (P), ALAJUELA: Río Grande, 9°58’N 84°23’W. Town in the W Valle Central; railroad station.

Atirro. Kupper, Donnell Smith. 597 m (A), CARTAGO: Tucurrique, 9°50’N 83°39’W. Town in the N Cordillera de Talamanca, along the lower Río Atirro.

Atirro, Río. Lehmann. 700–850 m (A), CARTAGO: Pejibaye, 9°48’N 83°38’W. River in the N Cordillera de Talamanca; a tributary of the Río Reventazón.

Atrevido, Cabo. 5 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Nicoya (1:200,000), 5°32’N 87°02’W. Easternmost point on Isla del Coco (q. v.); also as "Cabo Atrevida."

Avispa, Quebrada. Gómez. 900 m (P). [Santiago de San Ramón.]

Ayil, Lago(s). 490 m (A), CARTAGO: Barbilla, 9°54’N 83°22’W. Pair of natural lakes in the N Cordillera de Talamanca, along the lower Río Moravia.

Los Ayotes. Standley & Valerio. 830 m (A), GUANACASTE: Tilarán, 10°29’N 84°55’W. Caserío at the N end of the Cordillera de Tilarán, E of Tilarán.

Azahar. I. A. Chacón, Hammel. 1800 m (A), CARTAGO: Abra, 9°51’N 84°01’W. Caserío near Continental Divide, between Tablazo and Cerros de La Carpintera.

Azahar, Cerro. Liesner. 1598 m (P), ALAJUELA: Miramar, 10°09’N 84°35’W. Outlying peak near the S end of the Cordillera de Tilarán.

Azari. Hoffmann, Wendland. (Aserrí).

Azufrales, Quebrada. 800 m (P), GUANACASTE: Curubandé, 10°46’N 85°19’W. Sulfurous creek draining the the S slope of Volcán Rincón de La Vieja; a tributary of the Río Negro.

Azul, Quebrada. Ivey. 1000 m (A), GUANACASTE: Tilarán, 10°23’N 84°52’W. Creek draining the N slope of the Cordillera de Tilarán; a tributary of the Quebrada Valdivia or Río Chiquito (map is ambiguous).

Azul, Quebrada. Lent. 800 m (A), CARTAGO: Pejibaye, 9°47’N 83°44’W. Creek in the N Cordillera de Talamanca; a tributary of the Río Pejibaye.

Azul, Sabana. 2300 m (A). Site on the SW slope of Volcán Irazú; not on current maps.

Bagaces. Blum, A. M. Evans, Stone. 80 m (P), GUANACASTE, Bagaces: Monteverde, 10°31’36”N 85°15’31”W. Town along the Carretera Interamericana in the Guancaste lowlands, between Cañas and Liberia.

Baie de. "Bay of," on French-language labels; not a place name.

Bajamar (Playa). 0 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Barranca, 9°51’N 84°41’W. Beach town SE of Tivives.

Baja Talamanca. (A), LIMÓN. Term used generally for the lower elevations of the Cantón de Talamanca, Prov. Limón.

Bajo Arias. J. F. Morales. 1090 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Caraigres, 9°47’30”N 84°12’W. Town in valley of the Río Grande de Candelaria.

Bajo Calvo. J. F. Morales. 650 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Caraigres, 9°48’30”N 84°15’W. Town along the Río Jorco.

Bajo Coén. (A), LIMÓN.

Bajo(s) (del) Cortés. Gómez. (P), GUANACASTE: Monteverde. Site in the vicinity of Comelco (q. v.).

Bajo de Honduras, Río. Garwood. (Río Hondura).

Bajo Mamey. E. Alfaro. 160 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Chánguena, 8°57’N 83°15’W. Caserío at N end of S Fila Costeña.

Bajo Máquina, Quebrada. Lent. 1700 m (A), SAN JOSÉ: Carrillo, 10°02’N 83°57’W. Tributary of the upper Río Cascajal.

Bajo Morales. A. Rodríguez, Marlon Valerio. [Site at Zona Protectora El Rodeo.]

Bajo Pacuare. Pohl. 470 m (A), CARTAGO: Tucurrique, 9°53’N 83°32’W. Caserío on the Río Pacuare, along the road from Turrialba to Moravia de Chirripó.

Bajo de (La) Palma. M. M. Chavarría, J. F. Morales. 620 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Caraigres, 9°45’N 84°15’W. Caserío in the valley of the Río Grande de Candelaria.

Bajo (de La) Rodríguez. Poveda, Utley. 267 m (A), ALAJUELA: San Lorenzo, 10°18’N 84°32’W. Town at the N base of the Cordillera de Tilarán, on the divide between the Río San Lorenzo and the Río Balsa.

Bajo San Carlos. Aguilar. [Site on Río Platanares, Valle de General.]

Bajo Telire. Gómez. (A), LIMÓN. Possibly the same as Telire (q. v.).

Bajo Venegas. Hammel. 1340 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Caraigres, 9°42’N 84°08’W. Caserío on S slope of Cerro Caraigres.

Bajos (de) Bijagual. J. F. Morales (sometimes simply as “Bijagual”). 750 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Dota, 9°39’N 84°12’W. Caserío in the valley of the Río Pirrís.

Bajos del Cortés. (Bajo Cortés).

Bajos del Jorco. J. F. Morales. 670 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Caraigres, 9°49’N 84°13’30”W. Town along the Río Jorco.

Bajos del Tigre.  Poveda. 380 m.  (A). LIMÓN, Siquirres: Bonilla.  10°00’16”N 83°36’19”W.  The name also refers to a region of Parque Nacional Barbilla. Mapped as “Bajo Tigre.”

Bajos del Toro. 1430 m (A), ALAJUELA: Quesada, 10°13’N 84°18’W. Town in the W part of the Cordillera Central, in the valley of the upper Río Toro.

(La) Balsa de Río Grande (de Atenas; de Tárcoles). Kennedy, Utley. 425 m (P), ALAJUELA: Río Grande, 9°57’N 84°23’W. Railroad station in W Valle Central, S of Atenas.

(La) Balsa (de San Ramón). Brenes, Lellinger, Utley. 1080 m (A), ALAJUELA: San Lorenzo, 10°11’N 84°30’W. Site in the Cordillera de Tilarán, NW of San Ramón.

(La) Balsa, Río. 250 m (A), ALAJUELA: San Lorenzo, 10°18’N 84°32’W. River draining the N Cordillera de Tilarán; an affluent (with the Río San Lorenzo) of the Río Jabillos (q. v.).

Ballena (Playa). 10 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Coronado, 9°08’N 83°42’W. Coastal town between Dominical and Puerto Cortés.

Ballena, Cerro. J. González. 830 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Coronado, 9°08’N 83°41’W. Peak in N Fila Costeña.

Bambú. Croat, Pohl. (A), LIMÓN. Town along the Río Sixaola. Name in use before 1969; in May 1969, this town name was changed to Bratsi (q. v.), and the District of Bratsi was created at the same time (which includes all of the western part of Talamanca cantón W of Bratsi).

Banana, Boca. (Boca Banano).

Banana River. Cook & Doyle. 0 m (A), LIMÓN. "Port Limón, at sea-level"; probably the same as Río Banano (q. v.).

Bananito (Río). Stork. 20 m (A), LIMÓN: Río Banano, 9°51’N 83°02’W. River draining the Cordillera de Talamanca, flowing to the sea just N of San Andrés (q. v.).

Banano (Banana), Boca. Tonduz. 0 m (A), LIMÓN: Río Banano, 9°56’N 83°00’W.

Banano, Río. Pohl. 10–100 m (A), LIMÓN: Río Banano, 9°54’N 83°09’W. River draining the N end of Fila Matama (q. v.), flowing to the sea S of Puerto Limón.

Banco, Punta. M. M. Chavarría. 0 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Pavón, 8°22’N 83°09’W. Point at the entrance of Golfo Dulce, at the base of the Burica Peninsula..

Bandera, Cerros de La. (P), SAN JOSÉ: Vueltas, 9°40’N 83°56’W. Site northeast of Santa Mária de Dota. Not on current maps; marked only by the place name "Q. Bandera."

Banderilla. 1900 m (A), CARTAGO: Istarú, 9°54'N 83°55'W. Town in the foothills of Volcán Irazú, N of Cartago.

Banegas, Quebrada. 30 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Sierpe, 8°40'N 83°31'W. Creek on the N Osa Peninsula, SW of Rincón; a tributary of the lower Río Riyito.

Barba (or, Barva). Pittier, Polakowsky, Tonduz. 1177 m (P), HEREDIA: Barva, 10°02’N 84°08’W. NW suburb of Heredia.

Barba, Volcán (de). (Volcán Barva).

Barbacoas. 1169 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Río Grande, 9°52’N 84°21’W. Town NW of Santiago de Puriscal.

Barbilla, Río. Cufodontis. 40 m (A), LIMÓN: Matina, 10°03’N 83°22’W. River draining the N Cordillera de Talamanca; an affluent (with the Río Chirripó or Duchí) of the Río Matina.

Barbudal, Lomas (Hills) (de) (Reserva Biológica). Frankie, Furth, Garwood. 185 m (P), GUANACASTE, Bagaces: Tempisque, 10°28’N 85°21’W. Hills at the E side of the Río Tempisque, SW of Bagaces.

(La) Barra del Colorado. Morley. 5 m (A), LIMÓN: Colorado, 10°46’N 83°36’W. Town at the mouth of the Río Colorado, in the extreme NE corner of Costa Rica.

Barra Honda, Cerro(s). 445 m (P), GUANACASTE: Talolinga, 10°11’N 85°22’W. Cave-riddled limestone hills in the lower Río Tempisque basin, NE of Nicoya; this is the site of Parque Nacional Barra Honda.

Barra Parismina. Shank. (A), LIMÓN.

La Barranca. Oersted. Same as the following?

Barranca. Brenes, Garwood, Kupper. 27 m (P), PUNTARENAS, Puntarenas: Barranca, 9°59’41”N 84°43’29”W.

Barranca (de Zarcero). Austin Smith. 1610 m (CD), ALAJUELA: Naranjo, 10°10’N 84°24’W. Town on the westernmost slope of the Cordillera Central, SW of Zarcero.

Barranca, Finca. I. A. Chacón, Gómez. 900 m (P). [Near Santiago de San Ramón; not found on map.]

Barranca, Río. Beetle (as “Río Barranco”), Godfrey, Tonduz. 1300–1400 m (P), ALAJUELA: Naranjo, 10°09’N 84°26’W. River draining the E Cordillera de Tilarán and westernmost slope of the Cordillera Central, flowing to the sea S of Puntarenas.

Barranca, Sitio. (Los Negros de Miramar).

Los Barrancas. Gentry. (P), PUNTARENAS. [Probably same as preceding.]

Barranco, Río. Beetle. (Río Barranca).

Barrantes. Stork. 732 m (P). [Near San Isidro de El General.]

Barreal, Quebrada. 300 m (A), LIMÓN: Matina, 10°01’N 83°28’W. Creek in the N part of the Cordillera de Talamanca; a tributary of the lower Río Dantas

Barrigona, Playa. 0 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Golfo, 9°57’N 84°55’W. Beach on the W coast of Isla San Lucas (q. v.).

Barrigona, Punta. 5 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Golfo, 9°57’N 84°55’W. Point on the W coast of Isla San Lucas (q. v.), at the S end of Playa Barrigona.

Barrigones, Fila. 219 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Golfo Dulce, 8°34’N 83°26’W. Ridge on the Osa Peninsula, NW of Puerto Jiménez.

Barú. 20 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Dominical, 9°17’N 83°51’W. Town in the N Fila Costeña, along the route from San Isidro de El General to Dominical.

Barú, Río. 5 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Dominical, 9°17’N 83°52’W. River draining the N Fila Costeña, flowing to the sea at Dominical.

Barva. (Barba).

Barva, Laguna de(l). Boyle, Pittier. 2830 m (A), HEREDIA: Barva, 10°08’N 84°07’W. Lagoon in the main crater of Volcán Barva.

Barva, Río. Boyle. 2700 m (?), HEREDIA.

Barva Transect. 50–2900 m (A), HEREDIA. Refers to the entire altitudinal transect on the Atlantic slope of Volcán Barva, from the Estación Biológica La Selva up to the summit of Volcán Barva.

Barva (Barba) [Volcán (de)]. Bawa, Boyle, Brade, A. M. Evans, Hartshorn, Hoffmann, McAlpin, Oersted, Pittier, Scamman, Tonduz, Manuel Valerio, Wendland. 2900 m (CD), HEREDIA: Barva, 10°08’N 84°06’W. Major (but inactive) volcano in the Cordillera Central; according to Durand (1891), the "zone des chênes" (oak forests) extends from 1900–2755 m.

Bassin du. "Basin of," on French-language labels; not a place name.

Bataán (also Batán). 15 m (A), LIMÓN: Matina, 10°05’N 83°21’W. Railroad station near the S end of the Llanura de Santa Clara.

Batambal, Quebrada. 100 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Chánguena, 8°59’N 83°29’W. Creek draining the S slope of Fila Retinto (q. v.), above Palmar Norte.

Bebedero. Brenes, Dodge. 7 m (P), GUANACASTE, Bagaces/Cañas: Cañas, 10°22’50”N 85°11’34”W. Town in the lower Río Tempisque basin, SW of Cañas.

Bebedero, Río. Jiménez. 4 m (P), GUANACASTE: Cañas, 10°21’N 85°12’W. River formed by the confluence of the Río Blanco and the Río Tenorio; a tributary of the lower Río Tempisque.

Becómbli. Pittier. (A), LIMÓN: Amubri. Site in the Valle de Talamanca, "between Sipurio and Tsuritkub."

Bejuco (Playa). 15 m (P), GUANACASTE: Cerro Azul, 9°51’N 85°20’W. Beach town in the S part of the Nicoya Peninsula, on the ocean side.

El Bejuco, Finca (Estación Biológica). A. R. Smith. 100 m (A), HEREDIA: Río Cuarto, 10°27’N 84°04’W. Private biological field station near Chilamate de Sarapiquí, at the S end of the Cerros Sardinal (q. v.); not on current maps.

Bejuco, Isla. 118 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Berrugate, 10°00’N 85°02’W. Island in the Golfo de Nicoya.

Bekís, Río. (Río Bkís).

Bekom, Cerro. Herrera, Kuss. 1507 m (A), ALAJUELA: San Lorenzo, 10°17’N 84°39’W. Peak in the Cordillera de Tilarán (benchmark on map).

Bekom, Cerro. 2779 m (CD), LIMÓN/PUNTARENAS: Kámuk, 9°11’N 83°04’W. Peak in the Cordillera de Talamanca.

Belén. Burger. 40 m (P), GUANACASTE. [Between Liberia and Santa Cruz.]

Belmira, Hacienda. Tonduz. (P), SAN JOSÉ. Site near Copey de Dota.

Bellavista, Río. 1500 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Unión, 8°58’N 82°50’W. River in the E Cordillera de Talamanca, near Las Alturas; a tributary of the Río Cotón.

Benjamín, Quebrada. 100 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Chánguena, 8°59’N 83°27’W. Creek draining the S slope of Fila Retinto (q. v.), above Palmar Norte; a tributary of the Río Grande de Térraba.

Bequís, Río. (Río Bkís).

Berlín de San Ramón. 1330 m (P), ALAJUELA: Naranjo, 10°01’N 84°28’W. Town in the Montes del Aguacate (q. v.).

Bermejo (de Cartago). 1400 m (A), CARTAGO: Istarú, 9°52’N 83°59’W. Town near the W end of the E Valle Central, just SE of Coris (q. v.).

Bermúdez, Río. 1080 m (P), HEREDIA: Abra, 9°58’N 84°06’30”W. A tributary of the Río Virilla.

Berrugate, Isla. 166 m (P), GUANACASTE: Berrugate, 10°03’N 85°10’W. Inshore island on the peninsula side of the Golfo de Nicoya.

Betania de Cutris. Carvajal. (A), ALAJUELA.

Bijagua (de Upala). Almeda, Croat, Pohl, Utley, Wilbur. 425 m (A), ALAJUELA: Miravalles, 10°44’N 85°03’W. Town in the Cordillera de Guanacaste, along the route from Cañas to Upala.

Bijagual. J. F. Morales. SAN JOSÉ. (Bajos Bijagual).

Bijagual de Savegre (also, "Vijagual"). Pittier. 50 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Quepos, 9°27’N 84°03’W.

Bijagual (de Turrubares). 443 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Tárcoles, 9°44’N 84°34’W. Town just SE of Parque Nacional Carara, on the divide between the Río Tarcolitos and the Río Turrubaritos.

Bijagualito. Poveda. 480 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Tárcoles, 9°44’N 84°33’W. Town at the S base of the Montañas Jamaica (q. v.), in the headwaters of the Río Turrubaritos.

Bine, Cerro. Weston. 3242 m (CD), PUNTARENAS: Pittier, 9°06’N 82°53’W. Peak in the E Cordillera de Talamanca, on the Panamanian border, just SW of Cerro Fábrega (q. v.).

Biricuacua, Cerro. 2610 m (A), LIMÓN: Siola, 9°23’N 83°10’W. Remote peak in the Cordillera de Talamanca, on the divide between the Río Coén and the Río Pare.

Birrí. 1330 m (P), HEREDIA: Barva, 10°04’N 84°08’W.

Birrís. Pittier & Dodge. 1253 m (A), CARTAGO: Istarú, 9°53’N 83°47’W. Caserío along the Río Birrís (q. v.), just NE of Cervantes.

Birrís, Río. Pittier, Standley. 1075–2840 m (A), CARTAGO: Istarú, 9°53–58’N 83°47–51’W. River draining the SE slope of Volcán Irazú; a tributary of the Río Reventazón.

Birrís, Sitio. 2843 m (A), CARTAGO: Istarú. Site on Volcán Irazú.

Birrisito. Horich. 1320 m (A), CARTAGO: Istarú, 9°51’N 83°51’W. Town at the E end of the E Valle Central, NE of Paraíso de Cartago

Bitárkara, Cerro (also Cerro Bobócara). 1025 m (A), LIMÓN: Telire, 9°38’N 83°09’W. Secondary peak of the Cordillera de Talamanca; the highest point in the Reserva Biológica Hitoy Cerere (q. v.).

Bkís, Río (also Bekís, Bequís or Bquís). Pittier. 800–1500 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Buenos Aires, 9°15’N 83°18’W. Old name for the upper part of the Río Ceibo (q. v.).

Blanca, Playa. 0 m (P), GUANACASTE: Santa Elena, 10°57’N 85°52’W. Beach near the W end of the Santa Elena Peninsula.

Blanca, Playa. 0 m (P), GUANACASTE, Carrillo: Matapalo, 10°26’N 85°48’W. Beach near the N end of the Nicoya Peninsula, on the ocean side; now generally known as Playa Flamingo.

Blanca, Punta. Aronson. 0 m (P), GUANACASTE: Santa Elena, 10°57’N 85°53’W. NW tip of the Santa Elena Peninsula, NW of Playa Blanca.

Blanco, Cabo. Burger, Oersted. 120 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Cabuya, 9°34’N 85°07’W. Southernmost tip of the Nicoya Peninsula. .

Blanco, Pico. (Cerro Piedra Blanca).

Blanco, Río. 35 m (P), GUANACASTE: Cañas, 10°28’N 85°12’W. An affluent (with the Río Tenorio) of the Río Bebedero.

Blanco, Río. Croat, Davidse, Pittier. 300 m (A), LIMÓN, Pococi: Guápiles, 10°12’59”N 83°50’30”W. River draining the N slope of the Cordillera Central; a tributary of the Río Toro Amarillo. Joins the Río Toro Amarillo close to the point where both rivers cross a major highway, so it may have often been mistaken for the Río Toro Amarillo.  Coordinates taken where the highway crosses Río Blanco.

Blanco, Río. A. Rodríguez. 500 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Savegre, 9°27’N 83°57’W. [Same as next?].

Blanco, Río. Stork. 2200 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Vueltas, 9°39’N 83°53’W. River in the Cordillera de Talamanca, E of Copey de Dota; a tributary of the upper Río Pirrís.

Blei, Quebrada. Hazlett. (A), LIMÓN, Talamanca: Amubri, Telire.  Two locations labeled on maps, location intended by collector is unclear.  Both are small tributaries of the Río Telire; the elevation listed is at the confluence with the Río Telire.  Quebrada Blei East, 100 m (Amubri) is located near Suretka, in the broad Valle de Talamanca; Quebrada Blei West, 380 m (Telire) is located upstream of Sitio Rangelle (q. v.).

Boca (de) Arenal. 55 m (A), ALAJUELA: Tres Amigos, 10°32’N 84°29’W. Town on the Llanura de San Carlos, along the Río San Carlos near the mouth of the Río Arenal.

Boca (de) Barranca. Janzen (as “Barranco”), Stork. 0 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Barranca, 9°58’N 83°44’W. Town near the mouth of the Río Barranca.

Boca Barranco. Janzen. (Boca Barranca).

Boca San Carlos. 15 m (A), ALAJUELA: Cutris, 10°47’N 84°12’W.

Boca de Sarapiquí. (Trinidad).

Boca Tapada. 31 m (A), ALAJUELA: Cutris, 10°41’N 84°14’W. Town on the Llanura de San Carlos.

Bolenak. Pittier. (A), LIMÓN. Site in "Haut Zhorquín," i.e., the upper basin of the Río Yorkín (q. v.); no doubt correctly "Boleñak."

Bolori, Quebrada. 600 m (A), CARTAGO: Chirripó, 9°47’N 83°23’W. Creek in the N Cordillera de Talamanca; a tributary of the Río Chirripó (Duchí).

Boloriñak. (Chirripó Abajo).

La Bolsa. 0 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Rincón, 8°42’N 83°29’W. NW inlet of Golfo Dulce, at Rincón de Osa (q. v.).

(El) Bolsón. L. González, Pittier. 13 m (P), GUANACASTE: Tempisque, 10°22’N 85°27’W. Town in the Río Tempisque basin, on the Río Bolsón. .

Bolsón, Río. 4 m (P), GUANACASTE: Tempisque, 10°22’N 85°28’W. River in the Río Tempisque basin, formed by the confluence of the Río Cañas and the Río Las Palmas; a tributary of the Río Tempisque.

La Bomba. 25 m (A), LIMÓN, Limón: Río Banano, 9°55’22”N 83°03’42”W. Town at the N base of the Cordillera de Talamanca, SW of Puerto Limón.

Bomba (de) Cedro. 200 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Cabagra, 9°03’N 83°12’W. Caserío along the Río Cabagra.

Bomlenak. A mistranscription of Bolenak  (q. v.).

Bonilla. Probably the same as Bonilla Abajo (q. v.).

Bonilla, Laguna (Lago; Lakes). Bumby, Dodge (as “Bonilla Lakes”). 270 m (A), LIMÓN: Tucurrique, 9°59’N 83°36’W.

Bonilla (Abajo). 275 m (A), LIMÓN: Bonilla, 10°01’N 83°36’W. Railroad town along the Río Reventazón.

Bonillita, Laguna. Bumby. 460 m (A), CARTAGO.

Bonita, Quebrada. 30 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Tárcoles, 9°47’N 84°37’W. Creek in Parque Nacional Carara; a tributary of the lower Río Grande de Tárcoles.

Bonito, Río. Herrera. 70 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Piedras Blancas, 8°43'N 83°13'W. River draining the hills NW of Golfito; a tributary of the Río Esquinas.

Boquete. Wilbur. SAN JOSÉ.

Bornea. Biolley, Tonduz. Apparently a mistranscription of Boruca (q. v.).

Boruca (de Buenos Aires). Pittier, Pohl, Tonduz. 550 m (P), PUNTARENAS: General, 9°00'N 83°20'W. Town at the S end of the N Fila Costeña.

Los Borucas, Cuesta de. Pittier. 1800–2700 m (P), SAN JOSÉ. Site on the slopes of Cerro de Buena Vista (q. v.), between San Marcos de Tarrazú and El General; not on current maps, but cf. Cerro Boruca at, 2345 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: San Isidro, 9°29’N 83°42’W.

Boruea. Pohl. Mistranscription of Boruca (q. v.).

Boscosa, Est[ación]. L. Martínez. (P), PUNTARENAS. [Osa Peninsula.]

Bosque Alegre [Laguna(s) de; Refugio Nacional de Vida Silvestre]. 730–740 m (A), ALAJUELA: Poás, 10°18’N 84°13’W. Area including Laguna Hule (q. v.), and associated lakes and ponds. The name "Bosque Alegre" is apparently a regional designation; however, a very small lake just to the NW of Laguna Hule has sometimes been called (on labels) "Laguna Bosque Alegre," presumably because the name "Bosque Alegre" appears on the map immediately above this lake, which is otherwise unnamed.

Bosques (de). "Forests (of)," on Spanish labels; not a place name.

Boston (Ferme, Finca). Tonduz. 17 m (A), LIMÓN: Matina, 10°01’N 83°15’W. Railroad station at the S edge of the Llanura de Santa Clara.

Los Botos, Volcán de. Old name for Volcán Poás (q. v.).

Boyei, Río. 1200 m (A), LIMÓN: Chirripó, 9°45’N 83°18’W. River draining the W slope of Fila Matama (q. v.); a tributary of the Río Chirripó (Duchí).

Bquís, Río. (Río Bkís).

Brasil de Santa Ana. 800 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Abra, 9°56’N 84°14’W. Town in the Valle Central, W of Santa Ana.

Brasilia. 325 m (A), ALAJUELA: Orosí, 11°01’N 85°21’W.

Brasilito (Playa). 0 m (P), GUANACASTE: Matapalo, 10°25’N 85°48’W. Beach near the N end of the Nicoya Peninsula, on the ocean side.

Bratsi. 49 m (A), LIMÓN: Amubri, 9°33’N 82°53’W. Site along the lower Río Telire.

Braulio Carrillo (National Park; Parque Nacional). Hennipman, Moran. (A, P) CARTAGO, HEREDIA, LIMÓN, SAN JOSÉ.  This National Park is in the Cordillera Central.  There are two entrance stations, one on the N side and one on the S side (Zurquí, in Prov. San José).  There is a teleférico (cable car) near Quebrada Molinete (q. v.) [is this in the park??].  The Estación Biológica La Selva (q. v.) adjoins in the far north. .

Brava, Boca. Tonduz. (P), PUNTARENAS. One of the mouths of the Río Grande de Térraba.

Bribeta, Cerro. Herrera. [Sukut quadrangle.]

Bribrí. Burger. 32 m (A), LIMÓN: Amubri, 9°38’N 82°50’W. Town along the Río Sixaola.

Briceño, Villa. 80 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Piedras Blancas,  8°43’N 83°10’W. Town along the Carretera Interamericana, between Palmar Norte and Paso Canoas, at the junction of a secondary road to Golfito.

Brillante. Almeda, James (as “Brilliante”). 1600 m (CD), ALAJUELA/PUNTARENAS: Juntas, 10°18’07”N 84°48’13”W. Trail (Sendero Brillante) along the Continental Divide in the Cerros Centinelas (q. v.), in the Monteverde Reserve, Cordillera de Tilarán.

La Brisa de Zarcero. Austin Smith. 1780 m (A), ALAJUELA: Quesada, 10°13’N 84°20’W. Caserío on the W slope of the Cordillera Central, NW of Zarcero.

Las Brisas de Pacuarito. 620 m (A), LIMÓN: Matina, 10°01’N 83°28’W. Caserío in the foothills of the N Cordillera de Talamanca, SE of Siquirres; not on current maps.

Brujo. Hennipman. 260 m (P), PUNTARENAS. [Along Río Platanares, lower Valle de General.]

(El) Brujo. Estrada. 250 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Savegre, 9°26’N 83°57’W. Caserío along the lower Río División, N Fila Costeña.

Brujo, Cerro. 617 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Llorona, 8°39’N 83°36’W.

Brujo, Río. 1770 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Vueltas, 9°33’N 83°52’W. River draining the N slope of Cerro Vueltas (q. v.); a tributary of the Río Savegre.

Brunka, Cordillera. (Cordillera Brunqueña).

Brunqueña (Brunka), Cordillera. Obscure name for the Fila Costeña (q. v.), especially the N portion, used by Horich and a few others.

Buena Vista (de San Carlos). Brade, Cook & Doyle, Pittier, Weston. 850 m (A), ALAJUELA: Quesada, 10°17’N 84°28’W. Town on the westernmost slope of the Cordillera Central, SW of Ciudad Quesada.

Buenavista. Luteyn. 1320 m. (P), SAN JOSÉ: San Isidro, 9°30’N 83°40’W. Town in the Cordillera de Talamanca, in the valley of the Río Buenavista.

Buena Vista de Zarcero. Judziewicz, Austin Smith. Almost certainly the same as Buena Vista de San Carlos.

Buena Vista (Cerro de). Hill, Lellinger, Pittier, Tonduz, Manuel Valerio. 3491 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Vueltas, 9°33’N 83°46’W. Peak in the N Cordillera de Talamanca; synonymous, or virtually so, with "Cerro de La Muerte." The latter name, though much better known, does not appear on current maps (although there is a "Quebrada Muerte").

Buenavista, Río. Q. Jiménez. 100 m (A), ALAJUELA: Guatuso, 10°44’N 84°53’W. River traversing the Llanura de Los Guatusos; a tributary of the Río Frío.

Buenavista, Río. Luteyn. 1300 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: San Isidro, 9°30’N 83°40’W. Major river draining the Cordillera de Talamanca; an affluent (with the Río Chirripó Pacífico) of the Río General.

Buenos Aires. (Las Horquetas).

Buenos Aires (de Osa). Crow, A. Jiménez, Pittier, Pohl, P. E. Sánchez, Tonduz, J. Valerio, Manuel Valerio, Wilbur. 361 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Buenos Aires, 9°01’N 83°20’W. Major town in the S Valle del General, along the lower Río Ceibo; does not belong to the Cantón de Osa (rather, to the Cantón de Buenos Aires).

Buenos Aires de Térraba. Lankester. Probably the same as the foregoing site.

Bugú, Fila. 1500 m (A), LIMÓN: Siola, 9°27’N 83°12’W. Secondary ridge of the Cordillera de Talamanca, along which the trail from Ujarrás de Buenos Aires to San José Cabécar passes..

Buissons. "Thickets," "woods," on French-language labels; not a place name.

Burica, Península (Punta) (de). Busey, Croat, Lent. 265 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Burica, 8°08’N 82°54’W. Peninsula SE of Golfo Dulce, on the Panamanian border; “Península” and “Punta” tend to be used interchangeably, however “Punta” properly refers only to the very tip of the peninsula, which is in Panama.

Burío, Alto. 1765 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Abra, 9°52’N 84°06’N. Promontory in the Cerros de Escazú, above Aserrí; also called Piedra (Blanca) de Aserrí.

Burú, Cerro(s). 2719 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Pittier, 9°01’N 82°50’W. Subsidiary peak of the E Cordillera de Talamanca.

Burú, Río. Gómez. 2000-2200 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Pittier, 9°01’N 82°51’W. River draining the E Cordillera de Talamanca; a tributary of the Río Cedro.

Bustamante, Fila. (P), SAN JOSÉ.

Cabagra. Pittier, Tonduz. 500 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Cabagra, 9°09’N 83°13’W. Town in the Cordillera de Talamanca, NW of Potrero Grande.

Cabagra, Río. Pittier. 150 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Cabagra, 9°02’N 83°11’W. River draining the E Cordillera de Talamanca; a tributary of the Río Coto Brus.

Caballo, Isla de. Brenes. 174 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Golfo, 9°59’N 84°59’W. Island in the Golfo de Nicoya.

Cabana. Q. Jiménez. 90 m (A), ALAJUELA: Guatuso, 10°45’N 84°54’W. Site on the Llanura de Los Guatusos; mapped as “Finca La Cabaña.”

Cabeceras (del). "Headwaters (of)," on Spanish-language labels; not a place name.

Cabeza de Chancho, Cerro(s). J. González. 970 m (P), PUNTARENAS/SAN JOSÉ: Dota, 9°37’N 84°14’W. Ridge in the front range of the Cordillera de Talamanca, N of Fila Chonta.

Cabeza de Mono, Cerro. C. M. Taylor. 670 m (P), PUNTARENAS/SAN JOSÉ: Dominical, 9°13’N 83°47’W. Frontal ridge of N Fila Costeña, SE of Dominical.

Cabeza de Vaca, Cerro (Alto). Dodge & Thomas. 3065 m (CD), CARTAGO/SAN JOSÉ: Istarú, 9°58’N 83°53’W. W subsidiary peak of Volcán Irazú.

Cabo Blanco, Reserva Natural Absoluta. 375 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Cabuya,  9°30’N 85°03’W. Protected area at the S tip of the Nicoya Peninsula.

Cabuya (Playa). 10 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Cabuya, 9°36’N 85°05’W. Beach town near the S end of the Nicoya Peninsula.

Cabuyo, Río. Frankie, Gómez. 30 m (P), GUANACASTE: Monteverde, 10°30’N 85°22’W. River draining the N slope of the Lomas Barbudal, flowing through Comelco (q. v.); a tributary of the Río Tempisque.

Cabuyo, Río. Gómez-Laurito, G. Rodríguez. 800–980 m (P), GUANACASTE, Tilarán: Tierras Morenas, 10°36’29”N 85°00’41”W (at headwaters).  A tributary of the Río Corobicí, flowing close by the town of Tierras Morenas.

Cacao, Cerro (or Volcán). Alverson, Pittier. 1659 m (CD), GUANACASTE, Liberia: Cacao, 10°56’N 85°27’W. Peak near the N end of the Cordillera de Guanacaste in Parque Nacional Guanacaste; an extinct volcano.

Cacao, Estación. 1130 m (P), GUANACASTE: Cacao, 10°56’N 85°28’W. Parque Nacional Guanacaste, park station on Cerro Cacao (q. v.); formerly known as Estación Mengo or Estación Tortuga.

Cacao, Quebrada. 500 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Buenos Aires, 9°14’N 83°28’W. Creek in the Valle de Genera; a tributary of the Río Sonador.

Cacao, Río. Gómez. 800 m (P), ALAJUELA: Río Grande, 9°59’N 84°26’W. River draining the E slope of the Montes del Aguacate, flowing just N of Atenas (q. v.); a tributary of the Río Grande de Tárcoles.

Cacao Río. Dodge. 650–780 m (A), CARTAGO. [“At Pejivalle Farm.”]

Cacao, Río. L. O. Williams. 900 m (P), PUNTARENAS. River in the Valle del General, “above PanAm Hwy.”; not found on map, but perhaps the same as Quebrada Cacao (q. v.), though the latter scarcely attains 900 m (if at all).

Cachí. A. Alfaro, Biolley, Brade, Croat, Lankester, Thorne, Wilbur. 1049 m (A), CARTAGO: Tapantí, 9°49’N 83°48’W. Town in the valley of the Río Reventazón, NE of Orosi.

Cacho Negro (Cerro). Gómez. 2150 m (A), HEREDIA: Poás, 10°12’N 84°02’W. Subsidiary peak on the N slope of Volcán Barva.

Cacical, Quebrada. Herrera. Site in Reserva Biológica Alberto Manual Brenes (q. v.).

Cafrosa, Finca. 1280–1400 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Unión, 8°54’N 82°46–48’W. Not on current maps (in or very near Zona Protectora Las Tablas).

Cahuita.  Bittner (as “Cauita”), Gómez, James, Pohl. 5 m (A), LIMÓN: Cahuita, 9°44’22”N 82°49’35”‘W. Beach town between Puerto Limón and Puerto Viejo de Talamanca.  Coordinates measured at benchmark; most collections probably made in adjacent Parque Nacional.

Cahuita (Parque Nacional). 0–5 m (A), LIMÓN: Cahuita, 9°44’N 82°51’W. National Park between Puerto Limón and Puerto Viejo de Talamanca.

Cahuita, Punta. Croat. 0 m (A), LIMÓN: Cahuita, 9°45’N 82°49’W. Point just NE of the town of Cahuita (q. v.).

Caimital. M. M. Chavarría. 161 m (P), GUANACASTE: Matambú, 10°04’N 85°28’W. Town on the Nicoya Peninsula, W of Hojancha.

El Cairo. Cufodontis. 99 m (A), LIMÓN: Bonilla, 10°07’N 83°32’W. Railroad station along the "Línea Vieja." on the Llanura de Santa Clara, NW of Siquirres.

Caite, Llano (Sitio). Zúñiga. 1300 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Candelaria, 9°79’N 84°46’W.

La Caja (Finca; Hacienda). Biolley, Manuel Valerio. 1000 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Abra, 9°58’N 84°08’W.

Cajón, Puente. Poveda. 625 m (A), CARTAGO. [“Turrialba”].

Cajón, Río. J. F. Morales. 210 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Candelaria, 9°45’N 84°21’W. River in the Puriscal region; a tributary of the Río Grande de Candelaria or the Río Quivel (ambiguous on map).

Cal, Fila de. Gómez. 600 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Cañas Gordas, 8°41’N 82°57’W. Limestone ridge in the S Fila Costeña, crossed by the road from San Vito to Ciudad Neily.

La Calavera, Laguna. 295 m (P), GUANACASTE, La Cruz: Murciélago, 10°57’28”N 85°38’50”W. Lagoon NE of Cuajiniquil (q. v.).

La Caldera. Biolley. 800 m (P), ALAJUELA. Said to be between San Mateo and San Ramón; certainly a mistranscription of La Calera (q. v.).

Caldera (Puerto). J. León. 4 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Barranca, 9°56’N 84°43’W. Coastal town between Puntarenas and Tárcoles; the main Pacific port of Costa Rica.

(La) Calera (de San Mateo). Brenes. 800 m (P), ALAJUELA: Barranca, 9°59’N 84°30’W. Site in the foothills of the Montes del Aguacate, NE of San Mateo. .

(La) Calera (de San Ramón). 1100 m (P), ALAJUELA: Naranjo, 10°01’N 84°29’W. Site on the S slope of the Montes del Aguacate.

La Calera de San Mateo, Alto de. Brenes. 882 m (P), ALAJUELA: Barranca, 9°59’N 84°31’W. Name not on current maps, but perhaps the same as Cerro Pelón (q. v.).

La Calera de Surubres. Biolley. (P), ALAJUELA. Probably the same as La Calera de San Mateo.

La Calera, Cuesta de. Site in the vicinity of La Calera de San Mateo.

La Calera, Fila. Hammel. 1600 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Caraigres, 9°44’N 84°10’W. “Hearth broken ridge”; not on current maps.

(La) Calera, Quebrada. Brenes. 690 m (P), ALAJUELA: Río Grande, 10°00’N 84°30’W. Creek draining the S slope of the Montes del Aguacate; a tributary of the Río Machuca.

Calera, Quebrada. (P), GUANACASTE.

Calera, Río. Janzen. 10 m (P), GUANACASTE, La Cruz: Ahogados, 10°48’20”N 85°40’30”W. Intermittent river flowing to the sea at the N end of Playa Naranjo, Parque Nacional Santa Rosa.

El Calvario. Lankester. 1100 m (A), CARTAGO: Tapantí. Site near Ujarrás (q. v.).

Calvo, Alto de. Pittier, Tonduz. 2100-2400 m (P), HEREDIA. Site on Volcán Barva.

Camagre, Quebrada. 200 m (A), LIMÓN: Matina, 10°00’N 83°24’W. Creek in the N part of the Cordillera de Talamanca; a tributary of the Río Barbilla.

Camaronal. 15 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Tárcoles, 9°46’N 84°37’W. Caserío along the lower Río Tarcolitos (q. v.), just SE of Tárcoles.

Camaronera, Quebrada. 10 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Quepos,  9°23’N 84°09’W. Creek in Parque Nacional Manuel Antonio (SE of Puerto Quepos), flowing to the sea at Playa Espadilla.

Camelias, Laguna. 35 m (A), ALAJUELA: Upala, 10°58’N 85°06’W. Lagoon on the NW Llanura de Los Guatusos, NW of Upala.

Camíbar, Punta. Aguilar. 0 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Rincón, 8°43’N 83°25’W. Point at N end of Golfo Dulce.

(El) Camino. Dryer. 1500–1600 m (P), PUNTARENAS, Puntarenas: Juntas, 10°18’10”N 84°47’48”W.  Trail in Monteverde Reserve, El Triángulo trail system, traveling from the main entrance station to the Sendero Brillante (q. v.).

Campanario, Playa. Harmon. (P), PUNTARENAS. 8°39’N 83°42’W. Also known as Playa San Josecito.

Campo Dos. 35 m (A), LIMÓN: Agua Fría, 10°24’N 83°42’W. Town on the Llanura de Tortuguero, NE of Cariari.

Canaán. Croat, A. M. Evans. 1200 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: San Isidro, 9°28’N 83°37’W. Town in the Cordillera de Talamanca, along the Río Chirripó Pacífico; probably the same as Kupper’s "Canan," "Cañan," or "Cañon."

Canadá, Finca. Quirós. (A), CARTAGO. Site near Turrialba; possibly the same as "Canadá," at 590 m (A), CARTAGO: Tucurrique, 9°51’N 83°38’W.

Canalete. 87 m (A), ALAJUELA: Upala, 10°50’N 85°03’W. Town on the Llanura de Los Guatusos, SW of Upala.

Canalete, Río. 85 m (A), ALAJUELA: Upala, 10°50’N 85°02’W. River draining the NE slope of Volcán Miravalles; a tributary of the Río Zapote.

Canan. Kupper. 1300 m. Probably the same as Canaán (q. v.).

Canasta, Río. 1500 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Pittier, 9°02’N 82°59’W. River draining the E Cordillera de Talamanca; a tributary of the Río Cotón.

Candelaria. Atwood, Bello. 1040 m (P), GUANACASTE: Tilarán, 10°21’00”N 84°54’50”W. Town in the Cordillera de Tilarán in a mining region, SE of Tilarán.

Candelaria. PUNTARENAS.

Candelaria. A. Jiménez. SAN JOSÉ. (Candelarita).

Candelaria (Cerros de; Montañas de). Brade, Brune, Endres, Hoffmann, Lehmann, Oersted. 1000–2100 m (P), SAN JOSÉ/CARTAGO: Caraigres, 9°43–50’N 84°00–07’W. A mountainous region, part of the N Cordillera de Talamanca, comprising the drainage basins of the Ríos Tarrazú, Alumbre, and Santa Elena; lushly forested during Oersted’s era (mid 1840’s), this area was already deforested by 1900.

Candelaria, Río (Grande de). Tonduz. 1100 m (P), CARTAGO/SAN JOSÉ: Caraigres, 9°47’N 84°06’W. Major river draining the S slope of the Cerros de Escazú, portions of the N Cordillera de Talamanca, etc., formed by the confluence of the Río Alumbre and the Río Tarrazú; an affluent (with the Río Pirrís) of the Río Parrita.

Candelarita. A. Jiménez (sometimes mis-cited as “Candelaria”), Madison. 990 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Candelaria, 9°48’N 84°20’W. Town in the Puriscal region, S of Cerbatana (q. v.), in the basin of the Río Grande de Candelaria.

(La) Cangreja. L. O. Williams. 1860 m (A), CARTAGO: Tapantí, 9°48’N 83°58’W.

Cangreja, Fila. 1305 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Candelaria, 9°43’N 84°23’W. Ridge in the Puriscal region, forming the divide between the Río Negro and the Río Grande de Candelaria; centerpiece of the Zona Protectora Cerros de La Cangreja.

Cangrejal de Acosta. 680 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Caraigres, 9°46’N 84°13’W.

(Paso) Canoas. 128 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Canoas, 8°32’N 82°50’W. Town at the E edge of the Valle de Coto Colorado, along the Carretera Interamericana, at the Panamanian border.

Caña Blanca. 30 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Chánguena, 8°58’N 83°26’W. Caserío on N side of the Río Grande de Térraba, E of Palmar Norte.

Cañablancal. Allen. Almost certainly the same as Caña Blanca (q. v.).

Cañabral, Quebrada. 200 m (A), LIMÓN: Matina, 10°02’N 83°25’N. Creek in the N part of the Cordillera de Talamanca; a tributary of the Río Barbilla.

La Cañada. Lankester, Orozco. Site on Volcán Irazú? [At least two candidates on the Istarú quadrangle!]

Cañan. Kupper. 1300 m. Probably the same as Canaán (q. v.).

(Las) Cañas. Barbour, Brenes, Croat, Daubenmire, Gentry, Godfrey (as “Los Cañas”), Gómez, Standley. 82 m (P), GUANACASTE, Cañas: Cañas, 10°25’37”N 85°05’42”W. Major town in the Guanacaste lowlands.

Cañas airport. Frankie. 79 m (P), GUANACASTE, Cañas: Cañas, 10°25”N 85°07”W.

Cañas, Río (Las). Thomas. 70–600 m (P), GUANACASTE: Cañas, 10°25’N 85°06’W. River draining the N Cordillera de Tilarán; a tributary of the Río Bebedero. Coordinates given near mouth.

Cañas, Río. Bumby. 18–20 m (P), GUANACASTE, Carrillo/Santa Cruz: Diriá, 10°18’N 85°40’W. River on the N Nicoya Peninsula, NW of Santa Cruz de Guanacaste; an affluent (with the Río Las Palmas) of the Río Bolsón.

Cañas, Río. Hammel, Pittier. 451 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Buenos Aires, 9°12’N 83°25’W. River draining the Cordillera de Talamanca; a tributary of the Río Volcán.

Cañas, Río. 1130 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Abra, 9°53’N 84°05’W. River SW of San José, flowing through the vicinity of Aserrí; a tributary of the Río Tiribí.

Cañas Blanco [sic], Río. Pittier. (P). Apparently next to the Río San Pedro, Valle de El General; not on current maps.

Cañas Dulces. Gómez, Hughes, Pohl. 110 m (P), GUANACASTE, Liberia: Curubandé, 10°44’20”N 85°28’50”W. Town at the SW base of Volcán Rincón de La Vieja.

Cañas Gordas. Pittier. 1170 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Cañas Gordas, 8°45’N 82°55’W. Site in the S Fila Costeña on the Panamanian border, just E of Agua Buena; classic marsh locality.

Cañaza, Río. 20 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Golfito,  8°40’N 83°12’W. River draining Fila Gamba (q. v.), flowing to the sea at the N end of Golfito.

Caño, Isla del. Gómez, Janzen, Lépiz, Soto. 120 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Golfito (1:200,000), 8°43’N 83°52’W. Island in the Pacific Ocean, off the N end of the Osa Peninsula.

Cañon. Kupper. 1300 m. Probably the same as Canaán (q. v.).

El Cañón. Williams. 2530 m (CD), CARTAGO/SAN JOSÉ: Tapantí, 9°41’N 83°55’W.

Caño Negro (Lago; Laguna). 35 m (A), ALAJUELA: Zapote, 10°53’N 84°47’W. Lagoon on the Llanura de Los Guatusos, along the Río Frío; varying in size seasonally. The town of Caño Negro is located at the N end of the lake.

Caño Negro, Río. Bello. (Caño Negro).

Capellades. 1655 m (A), CARTAGO: Istarú, 9°55’N 83°47’W. Town on the SE slope of Volcán Irazú.

Capulín (Hacienda). Standley. 20 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Tárcoles, 9°49’N 84°35’W. Site along the lower Río Grande de Tárcoles.

Caracol (Finca). E. Alfaro. 120 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Coto Brus, 8°59’N 83°11’W. Site along the lower Río Coto Brus.

Caracol (de La Vaca). Soto. 70 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Laurel, 8°25’N 82°59’W. Site at the base of the Burica Peninsula.

Caracucha, Sabanas. 165 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Cabagra, 9°00’30N 83°12’W. Site at junction of Río Cabagra and Río Coto Brus; in databases as “Curacucha.”

Caraigres, Cerro. 2508 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Caraigres, 9°43’N 84°08’W. Geologically complex and intriguing subsidiary peak in the N part of the Cordillera de Talamanca; also known as Cerro Dragón and Cerro de Los Cuarteles.

Caraigres, Río. J. F. Morales. 2000 m.

Carara. 200 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Tárcoles, 9°47’N 84°32’W. Caserío along the Río Carara, at the W base of Cerro Turrubares (q. v.).

Carara, Río. 120 m (P), PUNTARENAS/SAN JOSÉ: Tárcoles, 9°47’N 84°33’W. River draining the W slope of Cerro Turrubares (q. v.); a tributary of the lower Río Grande de Tárcoles. Corresponds in its lower reaches (below the confluence of Quebrada Cinco Pasos) to the provincial boundary; upward, it runs in Prov. San José.

Carate (Playa). Joaquín Sánchez. 10 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Carate, 8°27’N 83°28’W. Site on the S edge of the Osa Peninsula.

Carbón, Fila. 330 m (A), LIMÓN: Cahuita, 9°42’N 82°49’W. Ridge behind the coast, from Cahuita to Puerto Viejo de Talamanca.

Carbón, Río. Utley. 20 m (A), LIMÓN: Cahuita, 9°40’N 82°49’W. River draining the coastal hills, flowing to the sea betweeen Cahuita and Puerto Viejo de Talamanca.

La Carbonera, Alto de. (Bosque Carbonera).

Carbonera, Bosque. A. Chacón. 25–200 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Carate, 8°24’N 83°17’W. Site on Osa Peninsula S of Puerto Jiménez; also known as “Alto de La Carbonera.”

Carbri, Río. Herrera. [Sukut quadrangle.]

Carguicacha, Cerro. 2230 m (A), LIMÓN: Siola, 9°24’N 83°11’W. W subsidiary peak of Cerro Biricuacua (q. v.).

Cariari (Colonia). Pohl. 55 m (A), LIMÓN, Pococi: Agua Fría, 10°21’43”N 83°44’06”W. Town on the Llanura de Tortuguero, along the Río Tortuguero, NE of Guápiles.

Cariari Club (or, Ciudad Cariari). 960 m (P), HEREDIA: Abra,9°59’N 84°09’W. Settlement near the Hotel Cariari, along the Carretera Interamericana, between San José and the international airport.

Cariblanca. Moran. (Cariblanco).

Cariblanco. Biolley, Croat, Lent, Moran (as “Cariblanca”), Pohl, Wendland, Wilbur. 830 m (A), ALAJUELA: Poás, 10°17’N 84°11’W. Town on the N slope of the Cordillera Central, along the route from Vara Blanca to Puerto Viejo de Sarapiquí.

Cariblanco, Río. 900 m (A), ALAJUELA: Poás, 10°16’N 84°12’W. River draining the N slope of Volcán Poás; a tributary of the Río Sarapiquí.

(Las) Caricias, Cerro (de). Pittier, Standley & Valerio. 2090 m (CD), HEREDIA: Barva, 10°04’N 84°02’W. Secondary peak in the Cordillera Central, between Volcán Barva and Volcán Irazú.

Carillo. Kupper. (Carrillo).

Carit (Sanitorium). Stork. 1130 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Abra, 9°55’N 84°05’W. S barrio of San José, not on current maps.

(El) Carmen. A. Rodríguez. 1515 m (A), CARTAGO: Istarú, 9°53’N 83°55’W. NE suburb of Cartago.

El Carmen. 15 m (P), GUANACASTE: Cerro Azul, 9°53’N 85°26’W.

El Carmen. Lent, Standley & Valerio. 15 m (A), LIMÓN: Parismina, 10°12’N 83°29’W.

Carmen, Llanos del. Hoffmann. Site possibly near Alajuela(?). N.B.: there are several places in Costa Rica where "llanos" occur near towns called "El Carmen," especially in northern Costa Rica (cf. Miravalles quadrangle and Zapote quadrangle); these m unlikely candidates, although Hoffmann is known to have traveled in the Guanacaste region.

Carmona (Colonia). Pohl. 80 m (P), GUANACASTE, Nandayure: Cerro Azul, 10°00’00”N 85°15’15”W. Town on the Nicoya Peninsula.

Carno Bay. (Lagartos Bay).

La Carpintera, Alto de. Brenes. 660 m. Site between Tilarán and Arenal.

(La) Carpintera, [Cerro(s) de]. Allen, Brade & Brade, Chrysler, Dodge, Khan, Kupper, Lankester, Moran, Murphy (as “Carpintero”), Pittier, Polakowsky, Standley, Stork, Tonduz. 1870 m (CD), CARTAGO: Istarú, 9°53’N 83°49’W. Serranía at the S margin of the Valle Central, connecting the Cordillera de Talamanca and the Cordillera Central.

Carpintero, Cerro. Murphy. (Cerros de La Carpintera).

Carrara, Lacustre. Crow. (A), CARTAGO.

Carrillo. Biolley & Wercklé, Brade, Cooper, Kupper (as "Carillo"), Lankester, Pittier, Tonduz. 460 m (A), SAN JOSÉ: Carrillo, 10°09’N 83°57’W. Site in the Cordillera Central, in the valley of the Río Sucio, near the confluence of the Río Hondura and the Río Sucio; once the terminus of the "Línea Vieja" (railroad from Puerto Limón), reached by a difficult cart road from San José via Alto de La Palma (q. v.).

Carrillo, Estación. 700 m (A), SAN JOSÉ: Carrillo, 10°09’14N 83°57’03W. Site along the autopista from San José to Guápiles; formerly a ranger station of Parque Nacional Braulio Carrillo, the station now abandoned and moved to Quebrada González (q. v.). Site located near the confluence of the Río Hondura and Río Sucio.

Carrillo, Puerto. 40 m (P), GUANACASTE, Hojancha: Cerro Azul, 9°51’39”N 85°28’57”W. Coastal town on the ocean side of the Nicoya Peninsula.

Carrillos de Poás. Brenes, Quirós. 820 m (P), ALAJUELA: Naranjo, 10°02’N 84°17’W. Town in the Valle Central, W of Alajuela, along the Río Poás.

Carrizal. Chrysler, Croat, Hartshorn, Pittier. 1480 m (P), ALAJUELA: Barva, 10°06’N 84°10’W. Town in the Cordillera Central, along the route from Alajuela to Vara Blanca

Cartago. Beger, Biolley, J. Cooper, Friedrichsthal, Haines, Hatheway, Hennipman, Khan, Lankester, Lehmann, Maxon, Oersted, Pittier, Polakowsky, Porsch, Scherzer, Donnell Smith, Standley, Stork, R. J. Taylor, W. S. Thomas, Tonduz, Wendland, Wercklé. 1426 m (A), CARTAGO: Istarú, 9°52’N 83°55’W. City in the E Valle Central; capital of Prov. Cartago.

Los Cartagos. Godfrey, Kupper, Lellinger, Lent. 2010 m (P), HEREDIA: Barva, 10°08’N 84°10’W. Town near the pass between Volcán Barva and Volcán Poás.

Los Cartagos. Kuijt. [“N of Limón”].

Casa Blanca (Quebrada). Gómez, Grayum. 1300 m (A), CARTAGO: Tapantí, 9°46’N 83°48’W. Creek in the N Cordillera de Talamanca, just outside the boundary of Parque Nacional Tapantí; a tributary of the Río Grande de Orosi.

Casa Mata. Horich, Utley. 1890 m (CD), CARTAGO/SAN JOSÉ: Tapantí, 9°47’N 83°59’W. Site along the Carretera Interamericana on "Cerro de La Muerte."

Casa de Teja Ridge. Lent. 800 m (A), CARTAGO. [“Above Río Gato”].

Casma, Cerro (also, "Kasma"). Grayum, Ocampo. 2330 m (A), LIMÓN: Siola, 9°20’N 83°14’W. Minor promontory in the Cordillera de Talamanca, along the route from Ujarrás de Buenos Aires to San José Cabécar; sacred site of local Amerindians.

Cascajal. Holm & Iltis. 105 m (P), ALAJUELA: Barranca, 9°54’N 84°38’W.

Cascajal (de Coronado). A. Alfaro, Gómez, Lankester, Lellinger, Pohl. 1730 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Carrillo, 10°00’N 83°58’W.

Cascajal, Cerro. Horich. [Near Cerro Zurquí.].

Cascajal, Quebrada. Grayum, Lent. 1530 m (A), CARTAGO: Tapantí, 8°48’N 83°57’W.

Cascajal, Río. Lent. 1640–1900 m (A), SAN JOSÉ: Carrillo, 10°02’N 83°57’W. River draining the N slope of the Cordillera Central; a tributary of the Río Hondura.

Caspirola. 385 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Candelaria, 9°41’N 84°17’W. Caserío on the divide between the Río Tiquires and Quebrada Colorado.

(La) Castilla (Finca). Cufodontis, Dodge & Nevermann. 15 m (A), LIMÓN: Parismina, 10°14’N 83°29’W.

(La) Castilla (Finca). Lankester. 1250 m (A), CARTAGO: Tapantí,  9°49’N 83°52’W. Site NW of Orosi (q. v.).

Castilla, Puerto. Pohl (as "Puerto Castillo"). 2 m (P), GUANACASTE: Murciélago, 10°56’N 85°43’W.

Castilla, Punta. J. F. Morales. 5 m (P), GUANACASTE.

El Castillo (de La Fortuna de San Carlos). Pennington. 535 m (A), ALAJUELA: Fortuna, 10°26’N 84°44’W. Caserío at N base of Cordillera de Tilarán, SW of Volcán Arenal.

Castillo, Puerto. Pohl. Puerto Castilla.

Catalina (Hacienda). Crow, Stork, Zamora. 10-20 m (P), GUANACASTE, Bagaces: Tempisque, 10°20’00”N 85°15’40”W. Site in the lower Río Tempisque basin, in Parque Nacional Palo Verde.

Catarata(s) de San Ramón. Brenes, Endres. 1000 m (P), ALAJUELA: Miramar, 10°05’N 84°30’W. Same as San Pedro de San Ramón?

Catarata, Río. Croat. (A), LIMÓN. (Quebrada Dos Aguas).

Catarata, Río. (P), PUNTARENAS. (Quebrada de Laja).

Cataratas, Río. Gómez, Utley. 550 m (A), ALAJUELA: San Lorenzo, 10°14’N 84°31’W. River draining the N slope of the Cordillera de Tilarán; a tributary of the Río Balsa.

Cataratitas, Río. Gómez. 560 m (A), ALAJUELA: San Lorenzo, 10°14’N 84°31’W. River draining the N slope of the Cordillera de Tilarán; a tributary of the Río Cataratas.

Catedral, Punta. 72 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Quepos, 9°22’N 84°09’W. Point on the coast SE of Puerto Quepos, in Parque Nacional Manuel Antonio.

CATIE. León, Toro. 601 m (A), CARTAGO: Tucurrique, 9°53’35”N 83°39’12”W. Centro Agrónomico Tropical de Investigaciones y Enseñanza (C.A.T.I.E.), a facility on the outskirts of Turrialba, on site formerly occupied by IICA (Instituto Interamericano de Ciencias Agrícolas). The property incorporates a good deal of forest along the Sendero Espavel (or Espavé), on the slope leading down to the Río Reventazón. Also listed as a town, “Catie”, on National Geographic Adventure Map.

Cauita. Bittner. (Cahuita).

Cebadilla. 533 m (P), ALAJUELA: Río Grande, 9°58’N 84°21’W. Railroad station in the W Valle Central, W of Turrúcares.

(Alto) Cebadilla. Haber. 1260–1400 m (P), GUANACASTE, Abangares: Juntas, 10°19’47”N 85°51’32”W. Small town site near the Continental Divide.

(El) Cedral. Lankester, Nisman. 1500 m (A), CARTAGO. Site near the Río Naranjo; not on current maps, but there is an Alto Cedral, at 2205 m (A), CARTAGO: Tapantí, 9°46’N 83°53’W. N.B.: "Cedral" is a very common place name in Costa Rica.

(El) Cedral (de Acosta; de Aserrí). Gómez. 1850 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Abra, 9°50’N 84°09’W.

Cedral de Carranza. Pittier. (A), CARTAGO. Site SE of Volcán Turrialba.

Cedral de Dota. 2139 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Tapantí, 9°43’N 83°59’W; there is another strong candidate at 1950 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Vueltas, 9°38’N 83°58’W.

Cedral de Montes de Oro. 1050 m (P), PUNTARENAS: San Lorenzo, 10°13’N 84°40’W.

Cedral de Pérez Zeledón. A. Mora. [Along Río San Pedro; cf. Repunta quadrangle.].

(El) Cedral, Cerro. Horich (“Montana del”). 2430 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Abra, 9°52’N 84°09’W. Peak in the Cerros de Escazú; perhaps the origin of Horich’s "Cedral-Gebirge," apparently an equivalent of Cerros de Escazú.

Cedral, Fila (de). Burger, Gómez. Possibly the same as Cerro Cedral (q. v.), or perhaps an equivalent of "Cerros de Escazú."

Cedral, Montana del. Horich. (Cerro Cedral).

Cedral, Río. J. F. Morales. 1520 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Caraigres, 9°49’N 84°07’W. River draining the N slope of the Cerros de Escazú; a tributary of the Río Tarbaca. Mapped as “Quebrada Cedral.”

Cedro, Río. 1000 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Unión, 8°58’N 82°55’W. River draining the E Cordillera de Talamanca; a tributary of the Río Cotón.

Ceiba Alta. J. F. Morales. 1270 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Caraigres, 9°46’N 83°09’W. Caserío in the valley of the Río Grande de Candelaria.

Ceiba Baja. J. F. Morales. 1050 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Caraigres, 9°46’N 83°12’W. Caserío in the valley of the Río Grande de Candelaria.

Ceiba Este. J. F. Morales. 1060 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Caraigres, 9°45’30”N 83°10’30”W. Caserío in the valley of the Río Grande de Candelaria.

Las Ceibas. J. F. Morales. SAN JOSÉ. Used as a collective term for Ceiba Alta, Ceiba Baja, and Ceiba Este (q. v.).

El Ceibo, Estación (or Puesto). Boyle. (A), HEREDIA. Station of Parque Nacional Braulio Carrillo; not on current maps.

Ceibo, Río. A. Jiménez, Pittier, Tonduz. 200 m (P), PUNTARENAS: General, 9°07’N 83°23’W. Major river draining the Cordillera de Talamanca; a tributary of the Río General. The upper portion of the Río Ceibo was formerly called the "Río Bkís" (also spelled Bekís, Bequís, or Bquís).

Cementerio de La Máquina, Fila. 2510 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: San Isidro, 9°28’N 83°33’W. Spur ridge of Cerro Chirripó (Grande).

Ceniza, Quebrada. Hammel (as “Cenizas”), J. F. Morales. 950 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Caraigres, 9°40’N 84°10’W. Creek draining SW spur ridge of Cerro Caraigres; a tributary of the Río Pirrís.

Centinelas, Cerros. 1590 m (CD), ALAJUELA/PUNTARENAS: Juntas, 10°18’N 84°47’W. Hills on the main ridge of the Cordillera de Tilarán, in the Monteverde Reserve.

Central, Hacienda (or Finca). 2680 m (A), CARTAGO: Carrillo, 10°01’N 83°47’W. Site in the saddle between Volcán Irazú and Volcán Turrialba.

Cerbatana. Horich, Lellinger. 1200 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Candelaria, 9°49’N 84°20’W. Town along the road between Santiago de Puriscal and Parrita.

Cerca (de). "Near (to)," on Spanish-language labels; not a place name.

Cercanías (de). "Environs (of)," on Spanish-language labels; not a place name.

Cerere, Río. 100 m (A), LIMÓN: Estrella, 9°40’N 83°02’W. Important river of the Reserva Biológica Hitoy-Cerere; a tributary of the Río Estrella.

Cervantes. Barrus, Biolley, Tonduz. 1441 m (A), CARTAGO: Istarú, 9°53’N 83°48’W.

Chacarita (de Golfo Dulce). 20 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Rincón, 8°48’N 83°15’W. Town at the head of the Valle de Diquís, along the Carretera Interamericana, at the junction of the road to Rincón de Osa.

Chachagua. 300 m (A), ALAJUELA: Fortuna, 10°24’N 84°37’W. Town at the E base of the Cordillera de Tilarán, SE of Fortuna.

Chal, Bahía (or, Playa). 0 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Rincón, 8°43’N 83°27’W. Inlet and beach at the NW corner of Golfo Dulce; the name also refers to a hamlet above the cove.

Chánguena. Aguilar. 850 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Coto Brus, 8°57’N 83°13’W. Town near N end of S Fila Costeña.

Chaparrón. 70 m (A), ALAJUELA: Chaparrón, 10°34’N 84°12’W. Town on the Llanura de San Carlos, along the Río Toro.

Charcolillo(s) de Puriscal. Gómez. 1050 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Abra, 9°50’N 84°13’W.

Chase. Ocampo (as "Chasse"). 40 m (A), LIMÓN: Amubri, 9°36’N 82°52’W. Town along the Río Sixaola.

Chasse. Misspelling of Chase (q. v.).

Chatham, Bahía (Bay). Carrasquilla, Jiménez, Fournier, Wiggins & Porter. 0 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Nicoya (1:200,000), 5°33’N 87°03’W. Bay at the NE end of Isla del Coco (q. v.); has been creatively misspelled on many labels, e.g., as "Chathan," or "Chattan."

Chato, Cerro. Funk. 1145 m (A), ALAJUELA: Fortuna, 10°27’N 84°42’W. Subsidiary peak of Volcán Arenal (q. v.).

Chattan, Bahía. Misspelling of Bahía Chatham (q. v.).

El Chayote (Zona Protectora). Gómez. 1850 m (P), ALAJUELA: Quesada, 10°11’N 84°21’W. Site in the W portion of the Cordillera Central, below Cerro Palmira (q. v.), in the headwaters of the Río Barranca; now a reserve.

Chemin de (du) fer. "Railway," on French-language labels; not a place name.

Los Chespiritos. A. Rodríguez. 2960 m (A), CARTAGO. Popular restaurant (one of two), at Km 78 along the Carretera Interamericana on Cerro de La Muerte.

Chicoá. Pittier. (San Juan de Chicoá).

Chico Cubero, Quebrada. Lent. 1920 m (?), ALAJUELA. [1 km S of Alto Palomo.].

Chiguerón. Zamora. 575 m (P), ALAJUELA: Miramar, 10°02’N 84°33’W. Caserío in the Montes del Aguacate along the Carretera Interamericana.

Chilamate (de Sarapiquí). Biolley, León. 70 m (A), HEREDIA: Río Cuarto, 10°27’N 84°04’W. Town on the Llanura de San Carlos along the Río Sarapiquí, W of Puerto Viejo de Sarapiquí.

Chilamate, Quebrada. J. F. Morales. 1700 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Caraigres, 9°42’N 84°09’W. Creek draining the S slope of the Cerro Caraigres massif; a tributary of Quebrada Delicias.

Los Chiles (de San Carlos; de Río Frío). 40 m (A), ALAJUELA: Los Chiles, 11°02’N 84°43’W. Town on the Llanura de Los Guatusos, near the Nicaraguan border.

Los Chiles. 120 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Llorona, 8°32’N 83°31’W.

Chimirol de Pérez Zeledón. 1000 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: San Isidro, 9°26’N 83°38’W. Town in the Cordillera de Talamanca, along the lower Río Chirripó Pacífico.

Chimogo (Trail). James. (Chomogo).

Chimú, Cerro. 766 m. (A) LIMÓN, Limón: Río Banano.  9°53’02”N 83°14’04”W.

Chimurria, Río. 80 m (A), ALAJUELA: Guatuso, 10°50’N 84°58’W. A tributary of the Río Zapote.

Chingo, Cerro. 400–500 m (P), SAN JOSÉ. [Tarrazú region.].

Chiquero, Caño. 5 m (A), LIMÓN: Tortuguero, 10°32’N 83°31’W. Creek W of Tortuguero; a tributary of the Río Tortuguero.

Chiquero Río. Shank. (A), LIMÓN. [“Between Río Chiquero and Barra Parismina”; same as Caño Chiquero?].

Chiquito, Río. Gómez. Note: could refer to town (Río Chiquito) or river. For river: 490 m. GUANACASTE, Tilarán: Tilarán, 10°27’42”N  84°50’30”W.  Coordinates given for the historical (pre-1969) confluence with Río Arenal.

Chiquito, Río. Haber. (Río Chiquito de Tilarán).

Chiquito, Río. Pohl. 400 m. [“Along Río Chiquito”; road to Upala.].

Los Chiquizás, Sabana de. Pittier. 1300–1698 m (P), ALAJUELA. Site on the slope of Volcán Poás, above San Pedro de Poás; not on current maps.

Chira, Isla (de). L. González, Khan, Manuel Valerio. 251 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Berrugate, 10°06’N 85°11’W. Island at the N end of the Golfo de Nicoya; largest Costa Rican island.

Chires, Río. [Parrita quadrangle].

Chiripa (La). Haber, Hodel. 990 m (CD), GUANACASTE, Tilarán: Tilarán, 10°26’41”N 84°54’25”W. Also, "Chirripa."

Chirraca. Khan. 1000 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Caraigres, 9°48’N 84°10’W. Town NW of San Ignacio de Acosta.

La Chirripa, Cerro. Haber. Presumably same as La Chiripa (q. v.).

Chirripó (Grande), (Cerro). A. M. Evans, Kupper. 3819 m (CD), CARTAGO/LIMÓN/SAN JOSÉ: Dúrika, 9°29’N 83°29’W. Principal peak in the Cordillera de Talamanca; the highest point in Costa Rica.

Chirripó, Hacienda de. Pittier. 70 m (A), LIMÓN: Barbilla, 9°58’N 83°18’W.

Chirripó, Río. Pittier, Pohl. 490 m (A), CARTAGO/LIMÓN: Chirripó, 9°48’N 83°22’W. Major river draining the N slope of Cerro Chirripó (Grande); an affluent (with the Río Barbilla) of the Río Matina. Also know as "Río Duchí." The Río Chirripó corresponds for most of its length to the provincial boundary. Pittier’s collections were from the lower portion of the river, at the edge of the Llanura de Santa Clara (e.g., in the vicinity of Corina and Zent), in Prov. Limón.

Chirripó (Atlántico), Río. 230 m (A), HEREDIA/LIMÓN: Guápiles, 10°13’N 83°54’W. Effluent of the Río Sucio, flowing across the full length of the Llanura de Tortuguero; a tributary of the Río Colorado. The Río Chirripó (Atlántico) corresponds for its entire length to the provincial boundary

Chirripó Abajo. 590 m (A), CARTAGO: Chirripó, 9°47’N 83°23’W. Site in the Cordillera de Talamanca along the Río Chirripó (Duchí), at the confluence of Quebrada Bolori; locally called "Boloriñak."

Chirripó Pacífico, Río. 1100 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: San Isidro, 9°28’N 83°37’W. River draining the W slope of Cerro Chirripó (Grande); an affluent (with the Río Buenavista) of the Río General.

Chis, Río. Brade. (Río Chiz).

Chitaría. Moran, Lellinger, Solís R., Manuel Valerio. 730 m (A), CARTAGO: Tucurrique, 9°57’N 83°36’W. Town in the N Cordillera de Talamanca, along the road from Turrialba to Siquirres.

Chitaría, Río. Lent. 750 m (A), CARTAGO: Tucurrique, 9°55’N 83°36’W. River draining the N Cordillera de Talamanca; a tributary of the Río Reventazón.

Chiz, Río. Brade (as "Río Chis"). 829 m (A), CARTAGO: Tucurrique, 9°52’N 83°43’W. A tributary of the Río Reventazón.

Chocuaco, Laguna. 190 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Sierpe, 8°42’N 83°34’W. Seasonal lagoon at the head of the Río Riyito, in the N part of the Osa Peninsula; now mostly drained and cultivated.

Chomes. Davidse & Pohl. 4 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Chapernal, 10°03’N 84°55’W. Town on the E side of the Golfo de Nicoya.

Chomogo (Sendero; Trail). James (as “Chimogo”). 1500–1600 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Juntas. Trail in the Monteverde Reserve (q. v.), Cordillera de Tilarán.

Chompipe, Cerro. Lellinger, Lems, Wilbur. 2259 m (CD), HEREDIA: Barva, 10°05’N 84°04’W. Secondary peak of the Cordillera Central, between Volcán Barva and Volcán Irazú.

La Chonta. Standley, Stork. 2350 m (CD), SAN JOSÉ: Tapantí, 9°41’N 83°57’W.

Chonta, Fila. 1424 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Dota, 9°35’N 84°10’W. Ridge in the front range of the Cordillera de Talamanca, N of Puerto Quepos.

La Chonta, Laguna de. Standley. 2440 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Tapantí, 9°42’N 83°57’W.

Las Chorreras. Poveda. HEREDIA.

Chubugra, Río. 800 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Buenos Aires, 9°17’N 83°17’W. Minor river in the Cordillera de Talamanca; a tributary of the Río Kuiyé.

Cieneguita. Quirós. 1 m (A), LIMÓN, Limón: Río Banano, 9°58’35N 83°02’01W.

Cien Manzanas. Horich. 980 m (A), CARTAGO: Tucurrique, 9°52’N 83°34’W. Town in the upper basin of the Río Cabeza de Buey, NE of Tuis.

La Cima, Alto. 950 m (P), ALAJUELA: Naranjo, 10°02’N 84°25’W.

La Cima, Finca. Standley. 2300 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Tapantí, 9°41’N 83°54’W. Frequently called "Los Lotes."

Cima Grande. Brenes. Not on current maps as such; presumably the same as "Alto La Cima" (q. v.).

Cimarrones. Gómez-Laurito. 770 m (A), CARTAGO: Tucurrique, 9°58'N 83°40'W. Town in the SE foothills of Volcán Turrialba, NE of Turrialba.

Cimarrones.  Luer.  100 m (A) LIMÓN, Siquirres: Matina, 10°05’52”N 83°25’31”W.  Town site on the highway between Siquirres and Limón, at the bridge over the Río Cimarrones.

Cimarrones (Río). Dodge. 59 m (A), LIMÓN: Matina, 10°06’N 83°26’W. River draining the N end of the Cordillera de Talamanca; a tributary of the Río Pacuare.

Cimarruda, Quebrada. 200 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Tárcoles, 9°46’N 84°32’W. Creek draining the W foothills of Cerro Turrubares (q. v.); a tributary of the Río del Sur.

Cinco Esquinas. 1150 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Abra, 9°57’N 84°05’W. N barrio of San José, along the road to San Juan de Tibás; formerly known as San Gabriel.

Cinco Pasos, Quebrada. 200 m (P), PUNTARENAS/SAN JOSÉ: Tárcoles, 9°46’N 84°32’W. Creek draining the N slope of the Montañas Jamaica (q. v.); a tributary of the Río Carara. Corresponds for its entire length to the provincial boundary.

52 Miles (Bajo) (Cincuenta dos). Lankester. 320 m (A), LIMÓN: Tucurrique, 9°59’N 83°35’W.

La Cinchino. Horich. (La Cinchona).

(La) Cinchona. Horich (as “La Cinchino”). 1300 m (A), ALAJUELA: Poás, 10°13’N 84°10’W. Town in the Cordillera Central, along the route between Vara Blanca and Puerto Viejo de Sarapiquí, on the knife-edge divide between the Río Ángel and the Río Sarapiquí.

Cipreses de Oreamuno. 1700 m (A), CARTAGO: Istarú,  9°53’N 83°51’W.

Cirial, Cerro. 90 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Golfo, 9°57’N 84°54’E. Hill at the E end of Isla San Lucas (q. v.).

Cirial, Punta. 5 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Golfo,  9°57’N 84°54’W. Easternmost point of Isla San Lucas (q. v.).

Cirialito, Punta. 5 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Golfo, Golfo, 9°57’N 84°54’W. Point on the E coast of Isla San Lucas (q. v.), at the S end of Playa El Coco.

Ciruelas. Solís R. 800 m.

(Las) Ciruelas, Hacienda. Frankie. 90 m (P), GUANACASTE, Bagaces: Monteverde, 10°30’24”N  85°20’49”W.  Site at the NE side of the Reserva Biológica Lomas de Barbudal; possibly the entrance to Stewart Ranch (q. v.).

Ciruelas, Río (de Miramar). Burger. 100 m. [At crossing of Pan Am Hwy.].

Ciruelas, Río. Tonduz. 2000 m (P), HEREDIA: Barva, 10°06’N 84°07’W. River draining Volcán Barva; a tributary of the Río Virilla.

La Cisica. Pohl. 850 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: [“Between Alto de San Juan and La Alfombra”].

Cismo. Brade. 2100 m (CD, or near), ALAJUELA: Quesada, 10°11’N 84°21’W. Site said to be near San Jerónimo de Grecia (q. v.); not on current maps.

Ciudad Universitaria. 1200 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Abra, 9°56’N 84°03’W. Site of the Universidad de Costa Rica, in San Pedro de Montes de Oca.

Clarita. Lent. (P), PUNTARENAS. [Far out on the Burica Peninsula.].

Clavera (Alto; Sabanas). E. Alfaro. 252 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Coto Brus, 8°59’N 83°12’W. "Savannas" in the lower Valle de Coto Brus.

Cóbano. 158 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Río Arío, 9°41’N 85°06’W. Town near the S end of the Nicoya Peninsula.

Cocles. Ocampo. 10 m (A), LIMÓN: Amubri, 9°37’48”N 82°45’05”W. Amerindian settlement near Puerto Viejo de Talamanca.

Cocles, Punta. 0 m (A), LIMÓN: Amubri, 9°39’N 82°42’W. Point on the coast between Puerto Viejo de Talamanca and Manzanillo.

Coco. 160 m (A), LIMÓN, Siquirres: Bonilla, 10°05’25”N 83°31’36”W.  Small town on the highway just outside Siquirres.

El Coco, Bahía. Burger, Davidse. 0 m (P), GUANACASTE, Carrillo: Carrillo Norte, 10°33’20”N 85°41’37”W. Bay at the N end of the Nicoya Peninsula, on the ocean side.

Coco, Isla del. Agassiz, Barclay, Carrasquilla, Dressler, Foster, Fournier, Gómez, Gómez-Laurito, J. González, Holdridge, Howell, A. Jiménez, Klawe, Lépiz, Menzies, Pittier, Fco. Quesada, A. Rojas, Schmitt, Snodgrass, Stewart, Svenson, J. Valerio, Wiggins & Porter. 634 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Nicoya (1:200,000), 5°32’N 87°05’W. Distant (496 km) Pacific isle, belonging to Costa Rica; comprises Parque Nacional Isla del Coco.

Coco, Playa(s) (del). Alford, Croat, Gentry, Janzen, Lems, Solomon, Pohl, R. J. Taylor, Wilbur. 0 m (P), GUANACASTE, Carrillo: Carrillo Norte, 10°33’20”N 85°41’37”W. Beach at the N end of the Nicoya Peninsula, on the ocean side.

El Coco, Playa. 0 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Golfo, 9°57’N 84°54’W. Beach on the E coast of Isla San Lucas (q. v.).

Cocos Island. (Isla del Coco).

Coén, Río. Pittier. 300 m (A), LIMÓN: Telire, 9°31’N 83°07’W. Major river draining the Cordillera de Talamanca; a tributary of the lower Río Telire.

Col. "Pass," on French-language labels; not a place name.

Cola de Gallo. Chacón, Stork. [There is one on the Cabagra quadrangle, and another on the Cerro Brujo quadrangle; both m unlikely sites for Stork to have visited].

Coliblanco. Dodge, Maxon, Utley, Wercklé. 2350 m (A), CARTAGO: Istarú, 9°57’N 83°48’W. Town on the SE slope of Volcán Irazú.

Coliblanco, Río. Luteyn. 1630 m (A), CARTAGO: Istarú, 9°57’N 83°46’W. A tributary of the Río Turrialba.

La Colina. ALAJUELA.

Colinas (de). "Hills (of)," on Spanish-language labels; not a place name.

Colinegro (Finca). 2440 m (A), CARTAGO: Istarú, 9°58’N 83°47’W.

La Colombiana. Pittier, Standley, Tonduz. 100 m (A), LIMÓN: Bonilla, 10°09’N 83°35’W. Railroad station on the Llanura de Santa Clara, NW of Siquirres.

Colón. Spellman. HEREDIA. [Near San Isidro.].

Colón (Ciudad; Villa). Echeverría, A. Jiménez, Oersted, Pittier. 799 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Abra, 9°55’N 84°15’W. Town in the W Valle Central; formerly known as "Pacaca."

Colón, Río. Spellman. HEREDIA. [Near San Isidro.].

Colonia Blanca. Almeda, Rivera. 600 m (A), ALAJUELA: Curubandé, 10°48’N 85°16’W. Site at the SE base of Volcán Santa María.

Colorado. 18 m (P), GUANACASTE: Abangares, 10°11’N 85°07’W. Town near the N end of the Golfo de Nicoya, on the E side.

Colorado. 670 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Candelaria, 9°42’N 84°16’W. Caserío along the Quebrada Colorado.

Colorado de Coto. Manuel Valerio. 10 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Canoas, 8°32’N 82°56’W. Town in the Valle de Coto Colorado.

Colorado, Quebrada. 590 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Candelaria, 9°42’N 84°16’W. A tributary of the Río Grande de Candelaria.

Colorado, Río. 870 m (P), ALAJUELA: Naranjo, 10°05’N 84°22’W. River flowing through the W Valle Central near Naranjo; a tributary of the Río Grande de Tárcoles.

Colorado, Río. Tonduz. 870 m (A), CARTAGO: Tucurrique, 9°55’N 83°42’W. Minor river flowing through the town of Turrialba; a tributary of the Río Turrialba.

Colorado, Río. 100 m (P), GUANACASTE: Curubandé, 10°40’N 85°29’W. River draining the S slope of Volcán Rincón de La Vieja; a tributary of the upper Río Tempisque.

Colorado, Río. Morley, 5 m (A), LIMÓN: Colorado, 10°42’N 83°39’W. Effluent of the lower Río San Juan, flowing to the sea at Barra del Colorado.

Colorado, Río. Pittier. 3 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Canoas, 8°33’N 82°59’W. River in the Valle de Coto Colorado; a tributary of the lower Río Coto Colorado.

Collines de. "Hills of" on French-language labels; not a place name.

Comelco (Hacienda; Ranch). Bawa, Frankie, Gentry, Haber, Hartshorn, Heithaus, Hubbell, Janzen, Keeler, Opler. 100 m (P), GUANACASTE, Bagaces: Monteverde, 10°32’N 85°19’W (general coordinates). Private ranch, not on current maps. Includes what is now Reserva Biológica Lomas de Barbudal.  Haber describes two areas in more detail:  Area E (Río Cabuyo), 50 m, 13 km WSW Bagaces 10°30’38”N 85°22’07”W; and Area A (Río Potrero waterfall), 100 m, 5 km WSW Bagaces 10°31’48”N 85°17’38”W.

Las Cóncavas. Hunnewell, Lankester, Standley, Stork, Wercklé. 1350 m (A), CARTAGO: Istarú, 9°50’N 83°53’W. Site of present-day Lankester Gardens.

Concepción. Echeverría. 280 m (P), ALAJUELA: Río Grande, 9°57’N 84°28’W. Railway station in the valley of the Río Grande de Tárcoles, NW of San Pablo de Turrubares.

Concepción. Khan, Primack. 1450 m (P), HEREDIA. [“N of San Isidro”].

Concepción de San Ramón. Austin Smith. 1300 m.

La Concepción (Hacienda de). Donnell Smith. 220–250 m. Site on the Llanura de Santa Clara.

Concha, Quebrada. 1500–1600 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Caraigres, 9°42’N 84°08’W. Creek draining the S slope of Cerro Caraigres; a tributary of Quebrada Delicias.

Conchal, Playa. 0 m (P), GUANACASTE: Matapalo, 10°24’N 85°49’W. Beach at the N end of the Nicoya Peninsula, on the ocean side.

La Concordia. Maxon & Hervey. 1790 m (P), ALAJUELA: Barva, 10°07’N 84°10’W.

La Concordia, Finca. Lellinger. (A), CARTAGO: Tapantí. Site SE of Orosi.

Las Conejas, Quebrada. 1670 m (P), ALAJUELA/HEREDIA: Barva, 10°07’N 84°10’W. Creek draining the W portion of Volcán Barva (Cerro Guararí); an affluent (with the Río Quizarraces) of the Río Itiquís.

Los Conejos, Valle de. 3500 m. Site on Cerro Chirripó Grande (q. v.).

Congo, Cerro. 2014 m (A), ALAJUELA: Poás, 10°15’N 84°19’W. Subsidiary peak on the N slope of Volcán Poás.

Congo, Cuesta de(l). A. Jiménez, Wendland. 600–850 m (A), ALAJUELA: Poás, 10°18’N 84°12’W. Grade above San Miguel de Sarapiquí, along the road to Cariblanco.

Congo, Río. Jimenez, Pennington, L. O. Williams. 10–300 m (P), GUANACASTE, Abangares: Juntas, 10°11’32”N 85°02’30”W.  Small river draining the SW foothills of the Cordillera de Tilarán; a tributary of the Río Abangares (measured at the confluence).

Conte(-Burica, or misspelled as "Burcia"). Ocampo. 35 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Pavón, 8°26’N 83°02’W. Town at the S edge of the Valle de Coto Colorado, along the Río Conte.

Conte, Río. (P), PUNTARENAS. River draining the base of the Burica Peninsula; a tributary of the lower Río Coto Colorado.

Control, Quebrada. 30 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Golfo, 9°56’N 84°54’W. Intermittent creek on Isla San Lucas (q. v.), flowing to the sea on the S coast.

Los Conventillos (Hacienda). Pittier, Tonduz. 15 m (P), GUANACASTE: Bahía de Salinas, 11°05’N 85°41’W. Site near the Nicaraguan border at the N end of Bahía de Salinas, W of La Cruz.

Convento, Piedra del. Tonduz. (P). Site where Pittier’s route crossed the Río Convento (q. v.); name does not appear on current maps.

Convento, Río. Horich (as “Conveton”), Pittier. 846 m (P), SAN JOSÉ/PUNTARENAS: Buenos Aires, 9°17’N 83°29’W. River draining the Cordillera de Talamanca; a tributary of the Río General. Corresponds for its entire length to the provincial boundary.

Conveton, Río. Horich. (Río Convento).

Coope San Juan. Lawrence. 100 m (A), ALAJUELA. 10°05’N 84°15’W. [San Carlos region.].

Copal, Río. Pittier. 700–1050 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Cañas Gordas, 8°47’N 82°57’W. River draining the N slope of the S Fila Costeña; a tributary of the Río Sabalito.

Copalchí. J. F. Morales. 1854 m (P), CARTAGO: Caraigres, 9°49’N 84°02’W.

(Los) Copelares (Sitio). Rivera. 1400 m (P), GUANACASTE: Curubandé, 10°49’N 85°21’W.

(El) Copey (de Dota). Standley, Stork, Tonduz, Manuel Valerio, L. O. Williams. 2200 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Vueltas, 9°38’N 83°55’W. Town in the Cordillera de Talamanca, E of Santa María de Dota.

Copey, Laguna. 2455 m (A), HEREDIA: Barva, 10°08’N 84°06’W. Lagoon on Volcán Barva; not on current maps.

Coquito, Bahía. 0 m (P), GUANACASTE: Santa Elena, 10°56’N 85°47’W. Cove on the N coast of the Santa Elena Peninsula.

Coralillo. Pittier, Tonduz. 1665 m (P), CARTAGO: Caraigres, 9°48’N 84°02’W.

Coralillo, Quebrada. 2200 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Istarú, 9°58’N 83°56’W. Creek on the W slope of Volcán Irazú; a tributary of the upper Río Tiribí.

Corazón de Jesús. Moore. 410 m (A), ALAJUELA: Río Cuarto, 10°22’N 84°10’W.

Corcovado, Laguna. 10 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Llorona, 8°32’N 83°37’W. Lagoon on the Osa Peninsula.

Corcovado, Río. Hartshorn. (P), PUNTARENAS. [Near Laguna Corcovado.].

(El) Cordoncillal. Pittier, Tonduz. 500–600 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Buenos Aires, 9°16’N 83°28’W. Area in the Valle del General between the Río Convento and the Río Volcán, including the present-day site of Cordoncillo; name not on current maps.

Cordoncillo. 660 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Buenos Aires, 9°16’N 83°28’W. Town in the S Valle del General.

Corina. Pohl.  100 m (A), LIMÓN, Matina: Barbilla, 9°59’45”N 83°19”02W. Caserío along lower Río Chirripó (Duchí).

Corinto. L. O. Williams. 800 m (A), CARTAGO. [“Along Río Sucio near Corinto”].

Corinto, Río. 220 m (A), LIMÓN: Guápiles, 10°12’N 83°53’W. River draining the N slope of the Cordillera Central, W of Guápiles; a tributary of the Río Chirripó (Atlántico).

Coris. 1410 m (A), CARTAGO: Istarú, 9°52’N 83°59’W. Town at the S base of the Cerros de La Carpintera.

Corobicí, Río. Gentry, A. Jiménez. 40 m (P), GUANACASTE, Cañas: Cañas, 10°27’17”N 85°07’53”W (at the Carretera Interamericana, town of Corobicí). A tributary of the Río Tenorio.

Coroma. Ocampo. 85 m (A), LIMÓN: Amubri, 9°32’N 83°00’W. Town in the Valle de Talamanca.

Coronado. Chrysler. SAN JOSÉ. (San Isidro de Coronado).

Coronado. 9 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Coronado, 9°03’N 83°37’W. Town near the coast, NW of Puerto Cortés.

Coronel, Cerro. 170 m (A), LIMÓN: Colorado, 10°41’N 83°39’W.

Corozal, Puerto. Jiménez. (P). Site on the gulf side of the Nicoya Peninsula.

Corozal, Quebrada. Herrera. 200 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Golfito, 8°39’N 83°13’W. Creek draining headland W of town of Golfito, flowing to the sea at N end of inlet known as “Golfito.”

Corozal ("Corrozal"), Río. Tonduz. 5 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Golfo Dulce, 8°31’N 83°18’W. Minor river on the Osa Peninsula; a tributary of the Río Platanares.

Corozalito. 20 m (P), GUANACASTE: Cerro Azul, 9°52’N 85°22’W.

Corral de Piedra, Cerros. 354 m (P), GUANACASTE: Talolinga, 10°15’N 85°19’W. Hills at the E side of the lower Río Tempisque.

Corredor, Río. 30 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Canoas, 8°38’N 82°57’W. River draining the S Fila Costeña, flowing past Ciudad Neily, canalized in its lower portion; a tributary of the lower Río Colorado.

Corrogres, Río. A. Jiménez. 900 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Abra, 9°56’N 84°11’W. River draining the N slope of the Cerros de Escazú and flowing through the town of Santa Ana; corresponds to the upper portion of the Río Uruca.

Corrozal, Río. Misspelling of Río Corozal (q. v.).

El Cortés, Hacienda. L. González (as “Hacienda El Cortéz”). 8 m (P), GUANACASTE: Tempisque, 10°27’N 85°23’W. Site on the alluvial plain between the Lomas Barbudal and the Río Tempisque.

Cortés, Puerto. A. Jiménez. 10 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Térraba, 8°58’N 83°32’W. Town along the Río Grande de Térraba, at the N edge of the Valle de Diquís, just W of Palmar Norte; formerly known as "Pozo."

El Cortéz, Hacienda. L. González. (Hacienda El Cortés).

Cortu. Croat. (P), PUNTARENAS. [“Cortu and La Unión near San Miguel,” presumably in upper Valle de Coto Brus near Panamanian border; perhaps a misspelling, but written this way in field book.].

Costanera, Fila. (Fila Costeña).

Costa Rica, Quebrada. Gómez-Laurito, Judziewicz. 200 m (P), GUANACASTE, La Cruz. Stream of unknown location, in Parque Nacional Santa Rosa; not on current maps.   

Costa Rica, Río. 300 m (A), LIMÓN: Guápiles, 10°12’N 83°52’W. River draining the N slope of the Cordillera Central, W of Guápiles; a tributary of the Río Chirripó (Atlántico).

Costa Rica, Universidad de (University of). Croat, Gentry, Hatheway. (Ciudad Universitaria).

Costeña, Fila. Coastal serranías bounded to the N by the Río Savegre and to the S by the Panamanian border; divided by the Río Grande de Térraba into N and S parts. Also called Fila Costanera, or (especially the N Fila Costeña) Cordillera Brunka or Brunqueña.

Cot. Stork. 1825 m (A), CARTAGO: Istarú, 9°54’N 83°53’W. Town near the S base of Volcán Irazú.

Cotán. Croat. Misspelling of Cotón (q. v.).

Cote, Lago (de). Pérez García. 640 m (A), ALAJUELA: Arenal, 10°35’N 84°55’W. Small, natural lake in the S part of the Cordillera de Guanacaste.

Coto. Manuel Valerio. (Colorado de Coto).

Coto, Río. Pittier. Perhaps the same as Río Coto Colorado (q. v.).

Coto Brus. Name applied variously to the Cantón de Coto Brus or the basin of the Río Coto Brus.

Coto Colorado, Río. 15 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Golfito, 8°33’N 83°03’W. River draining the S slope of the S Fila Costeña, flowing to the sea (Golfo Dulce) S of Golfito.

Coto Colorado, Valle de. (P), PUNTARENAS. Lower basin of the Río Coto Colorado and its tributaries; includes the towns of Canoas, Ciudad Neily, Colorado de Coto, Conte, Río Claro, Zancudo, etc.

Cotón (Sitio). Croat (as "Cotán"). 1540 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Unión, 8°57’N 82°47’W. Site in the E Cordillera de Talamanca, along the Río Cotón.

Cotón, Fila. 1000 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Unión, 8°57’N 82°58’W. Ridge in the E Cordillera de Talamanca, forming the divide between the Río Cotón and the Río Negro.

Cotón, Río. Barringer, Burger. 1500 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Unión, 8°57’N 82°48’W. River draining the E Cordillera de Talamanca; a tributary of the Río Coto Brus.

Coyol, Quebrada. 5 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Golfo, 9°57’N 84°54’W. Intermittent creek on Isla San Lucas (q. v.), flowing to the sea at the N side.

(El) Coyolar. Porsch, Standley, Wercklé. 170 m (P), ALAJUELA: Barranca, 9°54’N 84°33’W. Railroad station.

Coyolar (de Acosta). Hammel. 600 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Candelaria, 9°47’N 84°16’W. Caserío in the valley of the Río Jorco.

Coyote, Puerto. 5 m (P), GUANACASTE: Puerto Coyote, 9°47’N 85°16’W.

El Cristo, Oratorio. Wilbur. 1565 m (P), CARTAGO: Istarú, 9°54’N 83°57’W. Another candidate: 1740 m (A), CARTAGO: Istarú, 9°53’N 83°53’W.

Croriña. (A), LIMÓN.

Las Cruces (de Dota). Pittier. 1440 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Dota, 9°38’N 84°02’W. Site "near San Lorenzo de Dota" (q. v.).

Las Cruces (Biological Station; Finca; Jardín Botánico). Burch, Evans & Bowers, Kress, Mickel, Raven. 1200 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Cañas Gordas, 8°48’N 82°58’W. Site in the S Fila Costeña (Fila Cruces), along the upper Río Jaba. Nowadays, correctly "Jardín Botánico Robert y Catherine Wilson."

Cruces, Cerro. Lent. 980 m (A). [“Above Río Reventazón”].

Las) Cruces, Fila. 1681 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Piedras Blancas, 8°48’N 83°02’W. Main ridge of the S Fila Costeña.

La Cruz (de Abangares). Haber, Yasuda. 1360 m (P), GUANACASTE, Abangares: Tilarán, 10°20’15”N 84°50’23”W.

La Cruz (de Guanacaste). Harmon, Hepper, Jiménez, Pittier, W. D. Stevens, Weston, Wilbur, Williams. 248 m (CD), GUANACASTE, La Cruz: Bahía de Salinas, 11°04’28”N 85°38’01”W. Town along the Carretera Interamericana near the Nicaraguan border.

La Cruz, Alto de (Cerro de). Cowan, Hoffmann. Apparently an old name for Cerro San Miguel (q. v.); "Alto de (La) Cruz" is a very common place name in Costa Rica, however some labels clearly associate Hoffmann’s locality with the town of Aserrí (q. v.).

La Cruz, Alto de. Tonduz, Wendland. 1150 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Caraigres, 9°48’N 84°13’W.

La Cruz [Cerro (de); Monte de]. Horich, A. Jiménez, Luteyn, Moran, Poveda. 1862 m (P), HEREDIA: Barva, 10°04’N 84°05’W. Also called “Cerro Redondo.”

Cuajiniquil. Davidse. 5 m (P), GUANACASTE, La Cruz: Murciélago, 10°57’N 85°42’W. Fishing village at the N base of the Santa Elena Peninsula.

Cuajiniquil, Río. L. O. Williams (as “Río Guajiniquil”). (P), GUANACASTE.

Cuarros (Río). Brenes. 20 m (P), ALAJUELA/PUNTARENAS: Barranca, 9°52’N 84°39’W. A tributary of the lower Río Jesús María; corresponds for most of its length to the provincial boundary.

Cuarteles, Cerro de Los. (Cerro Caraigres).

Cuatros Esquinas (Estación). 1 m (A), LIMÓN, Pococi: Tortuguero. 10°31’48”N 83°30’00”W.

Cubujuquí, Colonia. 209 m (A), HEREDIA: Guápiles, 10°16’N 83°57’W. Settlement at the SW corner of the Llanura de Tortuguero, between the Río Puerto Viejo and the Río Sucio, SW of Río Frío de Saraqiquí (q. v.).

Cucaracha. Lankester.

Cucaracho, Río. Herrera. [Near Dos Ríos de Upala.].

Cuecha, Quebrada. Dryer. 1400–1580 m (P), PUNTARENAS, Puntarenas: Juntas, 10°18’00”N 84°47’24”W.  Stream above Monteverde (town); becomes the Río Guacimal below Monteverde.

Cuen, Quebrada. (A) LIMÓN, Talamanca: Matama.  Two locations (same name, different quebradas) labeled on map:  Quebrada Cuen East, 500 m. 9°34’55”N 83°16’06”W.  Quebrada Cuen West, 800 m.  9°31’53”N 83°20’43”W.  Coordinates measured at the confluence with the Río Telire for each.

Cuericí, Cerro(s). Widmer. 3345 m (CD), CARTAGO/SAN JOSÉ: Cuericí, 9°35’N 83°38’W. Peak in the Cordillera de Talamanca, E of Villa Mills.

Cuero de Tigre. Pittier.

Cuesta Colorada. 830 m (P), ALAJUELA: Naranjo, 10°01’N 84°16’N. Town in the Valle Central, W of Alajuela.

Cuesta de Piedra, Calle. A. Rodríguez. 1600–1850 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Abra, 9°50’30”N 84°06’30”W. Road along ridge on the N slope of the Cerros de Escazú, above Aserrí.

La Cueva, Finca (or Hacienda). Janzen. 70 m (P), GUANACASTE, Liberia: Ahogados, 10°41’20”N 85°31’33”W.

Cuijen, Quebrada del. Pittier. 2400–2500 m (A), ALAJUELA. Creek "between Potrero el Alto and Volcán Poás"; not on current maps.

Cuipilapa, Río. 900 m (P), GUANACASTE. [Volcán Miravalles].

Culebra, Bahía (de). 0 m (P), GUANACASTE, Carrillo/Liberia: Carrillo Norte. Bay at the N end of the Nicoya Peninsula, on the ocean side.

Culebra, Boca. Pittier. 10 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Quepos, 9°22’N 84°02’W. Site at or near the mouth of the Río Savegre (q. v.). Not on current maps, but there is a Finca Culebra and a Quebrada Culebra, the latter debouching into the Río Savegre; perhaps “Boca Culebra” signifies the mouth of this quebrada.

Cura, Cerro. Ca. 1750 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Dota, 9°37’N 84°07’W. Eminence NE of Fila Chonta.

Curacucha, Sabanas. (Sabanas Caracucha).

Curré(s) (Llanos de). McAlpin (as “Rey Cure”), Pittier. 110 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Chánguena, 8°59’N 83°16’W. Town in the canyon of the Río Grande de Térraba, SW of Paso Real. Nowadays generally known as Rey Curré.

Curridabat. Hoffmann, Kupper, Pittier, Tonduz. 1209 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Abra, 9°55’N 84°02’W. E suburb of San José.

Curú (Playa; Refugio Nacional de Vida Silvestre). Jiménez, Soto. 3 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Tambor, 9°47’N 84°56’W. Site on the SE coast of the Nicoya Peninsula.

Los Cusingos. (P), SAN JOSÉ. Finca of Dr. Alexander Skutch, near Quizarrá (q. v.); not on current maps.

Cutris. (A), ALAJUELA. Area of the N Llanura de San Carlos; a district of the Cantón de San Carlos.

Dabagri, Lago. Berrocal. 1030 m (A), LIMÓN: Matama, 9°37’N 83°17’W. Isolated lake in the Cordillera de Talamanca, at the N base of Fila Lleskila (q. v.).

Damas, Río. 1170 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Abra, 9°53’N 84°02’W. River SE of San José, flowing through the region of Patarrá; a tributary of the Río Tiribí.

Danta, Bahía. 0 m (P), GUANACASTE: Santa Elena, 10°57’N 85°46’W. Cove on the N coast of the Santa Elena Peninsula.

Danta, Laguna. 2410 m (A), HEREDIA: Barva, 10°09’N 84°06’W. Lagoon in a subsidiary crater of Volcán Barva.

Danta, Quebrada. 290 m (A), LIMÓN: Guápiles, 10°12’N 83°50’W. Creek at the edge of the Llanura de Santa Clara, SW of Guápiles; a tributary of the Río Toro Amarillo.

Dantas, Río. 140 m (A), LIMÓN: Matina, 10°01’N 83°26’W. River draining the N foothills of the Cordillera de Talamanca; a tributary of the Río Barbilla. The upper portion of the river (above ca. 260 m) is in Prov. Cartago.

Danto, Laguna. 5 m (A), LIMÓN: Colorado, 10°42’N 83°39’W.

Dapari, Río. (Río Pare).

Daser, "Cerro." Burger, Wilbur. 2318 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Abra, 9°51’N 84°08’W. Promontory near the E end of the Cerros de Escazú; actually just a benchmark on current map.

Delicias. J. F. Morales. 380 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Tárcoles, 9°43’N 84°31’W. Town SE of Parque Nacional Carara.

Las Delicias (de Reventazón; de Santa Clara) (Hacienda). Biolley, Pittier. 100 m (A), LIMÓN: Guácimo, 10°12’N 83°39’W; there is another candidate on the Bonilla quadrangle. At 300–500 m fide Durand (1891).

Las Delicias, Hacienda. Dodge. 340 m (P), GUANACASTE, Liberia: Curubandé, 10°42’33”N 85°21’25”W. 

Los Derrumbaderos, Laguna de. Pittier. 2300 m. Site on Volcán Irazú.

Desamparados. Croat, Pittier, Tonduz. 1160 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Abra, 9°54’N 84°04’W. SE suburb of San José.

Descartes, Punta. 110 m (P), GUANACASTE: Bahía de Salinas, 11°02’N 85°44’W. Point just S of Bahía de Salinas; the northernmost major peninsula on the Pacific coast of Costa Rica.

Desengaño. Polakowsky, Warscewicz, Wendland, Wercklé. 1900 m (CD), ALAJUELA: Barva, 10°09’N 84°10’W. Pass between Volcán Poás and Volcán Barva; only "Río Desengaño" appears on current maps.

Desmonte. Echeverría, Pittier. 567 m (P), ALAJUELA: Río Grande, 9°58’N 84°28’W. Town in the Montes del Aguacate, along the route from Atenas to San Mateo.

Desprendimiento, Quebrada. 500 m (P), GUANACASTE: Tierras Morenas, 10°39’N 85°04’W. Creek in the W foothills of Volcán Tenorio; a tributary of the Río Flores.

Destierro, Río. Pittier. 100 m (A), LIMÓN: Bonilla, 10°10’N 83°36’W. River draining the E slope of Volcán Turrialba; a tributary of the Río Parismina.

Diablo, Quebrada. 100 m (A), LIMÓN: Matina, 10°06’N 83°29’W. Creek at the N end of the Cordillera de Talamanca, E of Siquirres; a tributary of the Río Pacuare.

Diamante, Cerro. Valverde. 550 m. [Tarrazú region.].

Diamante, Fila. 1136 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Río Grande, 9°53’N 84°16’W. Ridge in the Zona Protectora El Rodeo, forming the divide between the Río Jaris and the Río Quebrada Honda.

Los Diamantes (Experimental Station). Carpenter, Holm, Pohl, Scamman. 160 m (A), LIMÓN, Pococi: Guápiles, 10°12’49”N 83°46’33”W. E suburb of Guápiles. Coordinates measured at benchmark 254 on the Río Santa Clara.

Dibujada de Pilas. E. Alfaro. 430 m (P), PUNTARENAS: General, 9°07’N 83°25’W. Caserío in the S Valle de General.

La Dicha, Río. J. F. Morales. 400 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Dota, 9°38’30”N 84°13’W. A tributary of the Río Pirrís.

Dikeclari, Quebrada. 700 m (A), CARTAGO: Chirripó, 9°48’N 83°22’W. Creek in the N Cordillera de Talamanca; a tributary of the Río Chirripó (Duchí).

Dikís. (Diquís).

Dimat, Fila. (A), LIMÓN.

Diquís (or Dikís). Pittier, Tonduz. Same as Río Grande de Térraba, and/or Río General; refers to both rivers and their valleys. On modern maps, "Valle de Diquís" refers more specifically to the valley of the lower Río Grande de Térraba, including the towns of Puerto Cortés, Palmar Norte, Sierpe, etc.

Ditkebi, Río. 3300 m (A), LIMÓN: Dúrika, 9°28’N 83°28’W. River in the Cordillera de Talamanca, draining the SE slope of Cerro Chirripó (Grande); a tributary of the Río Skú.

(La) División. A. Jiménez, Pittier. 2370 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Cuericí, 9°31’N 83°43’W. Town on "Cerro de La Muerte," along the Carretera Interamericana on the descent to San Isidro de El General.

División, Río. 540 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Savegre, 9°26’N 83°51’W. River draining the Cordillera de Talamanca; a tributary of the Río Savegre.

Dominical (Playa). Almeda, A. M. Evans, Wilbur. 5 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Dominical, 9°15’N 83°52’W. Beach town between Puerto Quepos and Puerto Cortés.

Don Esteban, Cerro de. Pittier. (P). Site in the Candelaria region.

Doña Ana, Playa. Crow. 0 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Barranca, 9°58’N 84°44’W. Beach at the mouth of the Río Barranca.

Doña Anacleta, Laguna. Lot. 1335 m (A), CARTAGO: Istarú, 9°50’N 83°53’W. Lagoon on the Río Pocares, ca. 1 km SW of Paraíso; mapped as “Laguna Doña Ana.”

Dorora, Quebrada. 1400 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Buenos Aires, 9°18’N 83°16’W. Minor creek in the Cordillera de Talamanca; a tributary of the Río Kuiyé.

El Dos de Tilarán. Haber. 870 m (P), GUANACASTE: Tilarán, 10°23’N 84°54’W. Site in the Cordillera de Tilarán.

Dos Aguas, Quebrada. 100 m (A), LIMÓN: Amubri, 9°38’N 82°48’W. Creek draining the coastal hills E of Bribrí; a tributary of the Río Sand Box. Sometimes called “Río Catarata.”

Dos Amigos, Río. 1500 m (A), CARTAGO: Tapantí, 9°42’N 83°47’W. River in the N Cordillera de Talamanca; a tributary of the Río Grande de Orosi.

Dos Bocas. Tonduz. LIMÓN? Location uncertain. There is a site called Dos Bocas on the Río Duruy, along the trail from the Valle La Estrella to Shiroles (all sites visited by Tonduz), at 170 m (A), LIMÓN: Amubri, 9°38’N 82°58’W.

Dos Bocas. Lent. 6 m (A), LIMÓN: Parismina, 10°17’N 83°25’W. Site on the Llanura de Santa Clara, at the confluence of the Río Parismina and the Río Reventazón.

Dos Brazos. 70 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Golfo Dulce, 8°32’N 83°24’W. Site on the Osa Peninsula, along the Río Tigre.

Dos Montañas. 200–400 m (A), LIMÓN, Siquirres: Matina, 10°04’20”N 83°29’49”W.  A river gorge on the Río Pacuare.  It is a popular river rafting destination, and was also the site of a proposed hydroelectric dam project.  It was not found to be labeled on current maps (coordinates taken from assumed location).

Dos Ríos. (San Francisco de Dos Ríos).

Dos Ríos de Upala. Herrera. 490 m (A), ALAJUELA: Cacao, 10°54’N 85°23’W. Town on the E slope of the Cordillera de Guanacaste, SE of Cerro Cacao.

Dota. (Santa María de Dota).

Dragón, Cerro. (Cerro Caraigres).

Drake. 8 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Sierpe, 8°43’N 83°39’W. Coastal site near the N end of the Osa Peninsula, on the ocean side.

Duán, Cerro. Lent. 1863 m (A), CARTAGO: Tapantí, 9°49’N 83°46’W. Minor peak in the N Cordillera de Talamanca, E of Cachí.

Dudu, Cerro. Davidse. 3056 m (CD), LIMÓN/PUNTARENAS: Kámuk, 9°15’N 83°04’W. Peak in the Cordillera de Talamanca.

El Duende, Quebrada. Janzen. 200 m (P), GUANACASTE, La Cruz: Murciélago, 10°50’48”N 85°35’35”W. Intermittent creek in the NE part of Parque Nacional Santa Rosa; a tributary of the Quebrada Santa Juana (itself a tributary of the Río Tempisquito).

Dulce Nombre (de Cartago). Standley, Stork. 1330 m (A), CARTAGO: Istarú, 9°51’N 83°54’W. SE suburb of Cartago.

Duran, Sanitorio. Horich (as “Sanatorio”). Ca. 2400 m (A), CARTAGO. [Along Río Reventado.].

Durazno, Cerro(s) del. Pittier. 1800–2200 m (CD), CARTAGO/SAN JOSÉ: Istarú, 9°58’N 83°56’W. Site on the W flank of Volcán Irazú; current maps show only "Río Durazno" and “Calle Durazno.”

Dúrika, Sabanas (de). Weston. 2400 m (A), LIMÓN: Dúrika, 9°26’N 83°20’W. Extensive "savannas" in the Cordillera de Talamanca, along the Río Kuk.

Durui (Río). (Río Duruy).

Duruy, Río. Pittier, Tonduz (as "Durui"). 100–200 m (A), LIMÓN: Amubri, 9°38–40’N 82°58’W. River draining the foothills of the Cordillera de Talamanca; a tributary of the Río Estrella. Now canalized in its lower reaches.

Dyalá, Finca. 35 m (P), GUANACASTE: Cerro Azul, 9°52’N 85°28’W. Site on the Nicoya Peninsula, just NE of Puerto Carrillo (q. v.). N.B.: Spelling on map ("Dyala") is incorrect.

Echandi, Cerro. 3162 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Pittier, 9°02’N 82°49’W. Peak in the E Cordillera de Talamanca, on the Panamanian border.

Echeverría. Pittier, Tonduz. 980 m (P), HEREDIA: Barva, 10°01’N 84°11’W. Railroad station along the "Línea Nueva", in the Valle Central, between Alajuela and Heredia.

El Edén, Finca. Gómez. (P). Site apparently in the Valle del General. [Km 183, Rt. 2].

La Emilia (Hacienda de). Donnell Smith. 265 m (A), LIMÓN: Guápiles, 10°13’N 83°47’W. "A cattle farm one mile east of Guápiles, at edge of Río Verde, belonging to the United Fruit Company" (Calvert & Calvert, 1917: 283).

(El) Empalme. Almeda, Burger, Horich, Lellinger, Lems, Poveda, A. R. Smith, Utley, Wilbur. 2208 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Tapantí, 9°44’N 83°57’W. Caserío along the Carretera Interamericana on "Cerro de La Muerte," at the junction of the main road to Santa María de Dota.

Enrique Jiménez Núñez, Estación Experimental. McDiarmid (as “Finca Jiménez”), Pohl. 20 m (P), GUANACASTE. [At Taboga.].

Los Ensayos, Finca. Croat, Judziewicz, Weston. (A), ALAJUELA. Site NW of Zarcero along the Quebrada Lajas (q. v.).

Ernesto, Quebrada. 5 m (A), LIMÓN: Sixaola, 9°38’N 82°42’W. Minor creek draining the coastal hills, flowing to the sea W of Manzanillo de Talamanca.

La Escalera, Alto. Hammel. 1334 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Caraigres, 9°48’N 84°12’W. Promontory on the divide between the Río Jorco and Río Grande de Candelaria, W of San Ignacio de Acosta.

Escameka (Finca). Godfrey, Jiménez, Lent. 45 m (P), GUANACASTE, Cañas: Cañas, 10°20’52”N 85°09’01”W.  Small farm/town site near Hacienda Taboga.

Escazú (also, Escasú). Chrysler, Kupper, Solís R., Tonduz. 1099 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Abra, 9°55’N 84°08’W. SW suburb of San José.

Escazú (Iscazú), Cerros (Montes) de. Döbbeler. 2428 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Abra, 9°51’N 84°08’W. Serranía forming the S skyline from San José to Alajuela.

Escobal. A. Alfaro. 376 m (P), ALAJUELA: Río Grande, 9°57’N 84°27’W. Railroad station in the valley of the Río Grande de Tárcoles, N of San Pablo de Turrubares.

Escondida, Laguna.  Crow. 250 m (P), GUANACASTE, La Cruz: Murciélago, 10°51’00”N 85°38’00”W.  Presumed location of small seasonal lake in Parque Nacional Santa Rosa; not on current maps. 

Escondido, Puerto. 0 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Quepos, 9°23’N 84°08’W. Small harbor in the easternmost part of Parque Nacional Manuel Antonio, SE of Puerto Quepos.

Escondido, Valle. Haber, Stone. 800 m (A), CARTAGO: Barbilla, 10°56’N 83°29’W. Remote valley of the Río Sapo (q. v.), in the N Cordillera de Talamanca, NW of Moravia de Chirripó.

La Escuadra, Laguna de La. Standley. 2000–2200 m (P), SAN JOSÉ. Site in the Cordillera de Talamanca, NE of El Copey de Dota.

(La) Esmeralda (Hacienda). Biolley, Pittier, Tonduz. 1900 m (P), HEREDIA. Site on the slope of Volcán Barva, above San José de La Montaña; not on current maps.

Espadilla, Playa. 0 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Quepos, 9°23’N 84°09’W. Beach in Parque Nacional Manuel Antonio, SE of Puerto Quepos.

Espadilla, Punto. Gómez. [Quepos.].

Espadilla Sur, Playa. 0 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Quepos, 9°23’N 84°09’W. Beach in Parque Nacional Manuel Antonio, just S of Playa Espadilla (q. v.).

Esparta. (Esparza).

Esparza. Brenes, Godfrey, Pittier, Wilbur. 208 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Barranca, 9°59’N 84°40’W. Town along the Carretera Interamericana, E of Puntarenas; a railroad station along the "Línea Nueva". Formerly, "Esparta."

El Espavelar, Quebrada. Herrera. 270 m (A), GUANACASTE: Murciélago, 10°58’N 85°33’W. An affluent (with the Río El Hacha) of the Río Sapoá; mapped as “Río Espavelar.”

Esperanza. Herrera. 150 m (P), PUNTARENAS. [Between Puerto Caldera and Tivives; also, “Esperanza, Macacona”].

La Esperanza. Standley. Hacienda on the S slope of Volcán Irazú; same as the following?

(La) Esperanza, Hacienda (Finca). O. Jiménez. 1465 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Carrillo, 10°12’N 83°59’W.

Esperanza, Sabanas. Gómez-Laurito. 1813 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Cabagra, 9°05’N 83°02’W. Site in the E Cordillera de Talamanca, NE of Helechales (q. v.).

El Espino, Cerro. I. A. Chacón, M. M. Chavarría. 1800 m, SAN JOSÉ. Site on or very near the Continental Divide, near Guatuso, S of Patarrá (q. v.); not on current maps, but identical with or extremely near Alto Mata de Caña (q. v.).

Espíritu Santo, Cerro. Brenes, Herrera, Weston. 1353 m (P), ALAJUELA: Naranjo, 10°05’N 84°25’W.

Esquinas. Allen. 10 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Rincón, 8°44’N 83°17’W. Site in the valley of the lower Río Esquinas (q. v.).

Esquinas, Río. 5 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Rincón, 8°44’N 83°18’W. River draining the S slope of Cerro Anguciana (S Fila Costeña), flowing to the sea at the NE corner of Golfo Dulce.

Esquipulas. 225 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Quepos, 9°30’N 84°03’W. Town in the foothills of the Cordillera de Talamanca, in the valley of the Río Naranjo, NE of Puerto Quepos.

Estaquero, Cerro. Horn. 3270 m (CD), SAN JOSÉ: Vueltas, 9°37’N 83°46’W. Peak in the Cordillera Central, near "Cerro de La Muerte."

Estella, Río. Mistranscription of Río Estrella (q. v.).

Esterillos. A. Jiménez. [“Between Parrita and Esterillos”; same as following?].

Esterillos Este. 4 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Parrita, 9°31’N 84°28’W. Coastal town between Jacó and Parrita.

(La) Estrella (de Cartago). Brenes, Cooper, Lankester, Donnell Smith, Standley, Stork, Manuel Valerio, Wilbur. 1530 m (A), CARTAGO: Tapantí, 9°47’N 83°58’W. Town in the valley of the Río Estrella, N Cordillera de Talamanca.

La Estrella. Córdoba. 0–5 m (A), LIMÓN. [Possibly refers to Valle La Estrella.].

La Estrella, Alto de. Lankester, Standley. (A), CARTAGO. Summit in the vicinity of the foregoing site.

Estrella, Río. Lankester. 1500 m (A), CARTAGO: Tapantí, 9°47’N 83°58’W. River in the N Cordillera de Talamanca, corresponding to the upper portion of the Río Navarro (q. v.).

Estrella, Río (valle del). Lankester (as "Estella"), Wilbur. 9 m (A), LIMÓN: Cahuita, 9°47’N 82°55’W. River draining the E slope of Fila Matama (q. v.), flowing to the sea N of Cahuita; there is good evidence that Lankester collected at both this Río Estrella and the preceding one.

La Estrella, Valle. 30 m (A), LIMÓN: Estrella, 9°44’N 83°01’W. Valley of the lower Río Estrella, in the foothills of the Cordillera de Talamanca; now a major banana plantation.

Fábrega, Cerro. 3335 m (A), BOCAS DEL TORO (Pan.): Pittier, 9°07’N 82°53’W. Major peak in the E Cordillera de Talamanca, in Panama but only ca. 3.5 km from the Costa Rican border (at Cerro Bine).

Faldas (de). "Slopes of," on Spanish-language labels; not a place name.

Ferme. "Farm, finca," on French-language labels; not a place name.

Filadelfia. Echeverría, Gómez, Pittier. 17 m (P), GUANACASTE: Belén, 10°27’N 85°33’W. Town at the N end of the Nicoya Peninsula.

Fiurí, Quebrada. Hammel. 140 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Coto Brus, 8°59’N 83°13’W. Creek draining N foothills of S Fila Costeña; a tributary of the Río Limón.

Flamingo, Playa. (Playa Blanca).

La Flor. Lankester. 580 m (A), CARTAGO: Tucurrique, 9°58’N 83°36’W. Site in the N Cordillera de Talamanca, just W of the confluence of the Río Agua Caliente and the Río Navarro (cf. Calvert & Calvert, 1917: 152); Lankester is likely to have collected here, as he collected at Cerro Jucosal, very nearby.

Flor de Mayo, Finca. Utley. (P), ALAJUELA. [Near Río Segundo de Alajuela.].

Flor del Roble. 1100 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Unión, 8°53’N 82°52’W. Site in the E Cordillera de Talamanca, along the road to Las Alturas.

Florencia. Pérez García. 226 m (A), ALAJUELA: Aguas Zarcas, 10°22’N 84°29’W. Town on the Llanura de San Carlos, just NW of Ciudad Quesada.

Florencia (de Turrialba). Jiménez, Lent, Tonduz. 748 m (A), CARTAGO: Tucurrique, 9°53’N 83°41’W. Town just S of Turrialba.

Florencia Norte. Poveda. (A), CARTAGO. [Near Turrialba.].

Flores, Rancho. Pittier, Tonduz. 2043–2045 m (P), HEREDIA. Site on the slope of Volcán Barva; not on current maps.

(Las) Flores, Río. 450 m (P), GUANACASTE: Tierras Morenas, 10°40’N 85°05’W. River draining the W slope of Volcán Tenorio; a tributary of the Río Tenorio.

(La) Florida. Dayton & Barbour, Lankester, Pittier, Rowlee & Stork. 150 m (A), LIMÓN: Bonilla, 10°05’N 83°34’W. Railroad station of the "Línea Nueva", along the Río Reventazón, SW of Siquirres.

Florida. Döbbeler. 60 m (P), GUANACASTE, Santa Cruz: Marbella, 10°08’40”N 85°45’30”W.  Town on the Nicoya Peninsula, N of Marbella.

Florida. Khan et al. 900 m (P), GUANACASTE, Tilarán: Tilarán, 10°24’10”N 84°54’20”W.  Town near Laguna Arenal, between Santa Elena and Tilarán; also labeled as “Patios” on map.

Forêts de. "Forests of" on French-language labels; not a place name.

(La) Fortuna. J. & C. Taylor. 253 m (A), ALAJUELA: Fortuna, 10°28’N 84°39’W. Town at the W edge of the Llanura de San Carlos, at the base of Volcán Arenal.

La Fortuna. Biolley, Pittier. 1400–1575 m (A), CARTAGO: Istarú. Site on the lower slope of Volcán Irazú, between Cervantes and Pacayas; not on current maps.

La Fortuna. Billiet, Pohl. 420 m (P), GUANACASTE, Bagaces: Miravalles, 10°40’29”N 85°12’08”W.  Town near Guayabo at the SW base of Volcan Miravalles.

La Fortuna (de Santa Clara). Jiménez, Pittier, Taylor. 20 m (A), LIMÓN. Hacienda near Matina (q. v.).

Fortuna, Río. Q. Jiménez. 900 m. [Cerro Chato.].

El Fósforo. Pohl, Taylor. (A), ALAJUELA. [3 km N of Upala.].

Fraijanes (de Poás). Standley & Torres. 1810 m (P), ALAJUELA: Barva, 10°09’N 84°12’W. Town on the S slope of Volcán Poás.

Fraijanes, Laguna. Bumby. 1650 m (P), ALAJUELA: Barva, 10°08’N 84°12’W. Small lake just S of Fraijanes (q. v.).

(Los) Frailes. Tonduz. 1596 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Caraigres, 9°45’N 84°03’W. Town in the Candelaria region.

Frantzius, Cerro. 2134 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Pittier, 9°03’N 82°59’W. Peak in the E Cordillera de Talamanca.

French Point. Gómez. 0 m (P), PUNTARENAS. [On Wafer Bay, Isla del Coco.].

Frío, Cerro. Haber. 1200 m. [“2.5 km NE of El Dos”].

Frío, Río (de San Carlos). 35 m (A), ALAJUELA: Guatuso, 10°41’N 84°49’W. River draining the E Llanura de Los Guatusos, flowing (via Laguna Caño Negro) into the Lago de Nicaragua near its outlet (the effluence of the Río San Juan).

La Fuente. A. Alfaro, Lankester. 1110 m (A), CARTAGO: Tucurrique, 10°00’N 83°41’W. This is certainly the "La Fuente" of Lankester, less certainly that of A. Alfaro.

(El) Gallito (de Heredia) (Cerro). Brenes, León, Manuel Valerio. 2130 m (P), HEREDIA: Barva, 10°06’N 84°06’W.

El Gallo. Spooner. (P), GUANACASTE. [“N of Liberia”].

Gamalotillo. 50 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Parrita, 9°37’N 84°27’W.

Gamba, Fila. 305 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Piedras Blancas, 8°41’N 83°12’N. Ridge E of Quebrada Gamba, NW of Golfito.

Gamba, Quebrada. 100 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Piedras Blancas, 8°40’N 83°13’W. Creek draining the W slope of Fila Gamba and vicinity, NW of Golfito; a tributary of the Río Bonito.

Ganado, Fila. 510 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Sierpe, 8°43’N 83°36’W. Ridge NE of Laguna Chocuaco, at the N end of the Osa Peninsula.

Gandoca. Schatz. 0 m (A), LIMÓN: Sixaola, 9°35’N 82°37’W. Coastal town near the Panamanian border.

Gandoca, Laguna. 0 m (A), LIMÓN: Sixaola, 9°35’N 82°36’W. Estuary of the Río Gandoca (q. v.).

Gandoca, Río. 5 m (A), LIMÓN: Sixaola, 9°34’N 82°36’W. Minor river, flowing to the sea just E of Gandoca.

La Garavita. Biolley. (following entry).

(El) Garavito. Biolley (as "La Garavita"), Pittier. 200 m (P), ALAJUELA: Barranca, 9°58’N 84°35’W. Said to be along the route between San Mateo and Esparza, probably very near the modern site of Jesús María; there is a "Quebrada Garabito" on the map, at the coordinates indicated.

La Garita. Poveda. 674 m (P), ALAJUELA: Río Grande, 9°59’N 84°19’W. Town in the W Valle Central, N of Turrúcares.

La Garita, Planta Eléctrica (ICE Impoundment). Bumby. 450 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Río Grande, 9°57’N 84°22’W. Facility near the confluence of the Río Grande de Tárcoles and the Río Virilla.

La Garita, Puente. 455 m (P), ALAJUELA: Río Grande, 9°59’N 84°21’W. Bridge over the Río Grande de Tárcoles in the W Valle Central, on the road between Atenas and La Garita.

Garza (Playa). 4 m (P), GUANACASTE: Garza, 9°54’N 85°39’W. Beach on ocean side of S Nicoya Peninsula.

Gata, Quebrada. Brenes. 1000 m (P), ALAJUELA: Naranjo, 10°06’N 84°28’W. Creek flowing through the town of San Ramón; a tributary of the upper Río Grande de Tárcoles.

Gato, Río. Lent. 800 m (A), CARTAGO: Pejibaye, 9°48’N 83°42’W. River in the N Cordillera de Talamanca; a tributary of the lower Río Pejibaye.

Gemelo, Cerro. J. F. Morales. (P), PUNTARENAS. [E Cordillera de Talamanca, “cerca Finca Chinchilla”].

(El) General. Kupper, Pittier, Skutch, Tonduz. (General Viejo).

General, Río (del). Harmon, Horich, Pittier, Tonduz. 200–660 m (P). Major river draining the Valle del General and much of the higher portion of the Cordillera de Talamanca; an affluent (with the Río Coto Brus) of the Río Grande de Térraba.

General, Valle del (de El). Horich. (P). The valley of the Río General, including the principal towns of San Isidro de El General and Buenos Aires (de Osa).

General Viejo. 700 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: San Isidro, 9°22’N 83°40’W. Town in the upper Valle del General, E of San Isidro de El General. In Pittier’s time, General Viejo was known simply as "El General"; nowadays, San Isidro de General (q. v.) is the best known town in the region.

Genio, Río. 0 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Nicoya (1:200,000), 5°32’N 87°03’W. River on Isla del Coco (q. v.), flowing to the sea at Bahía Wafer.

(La) Georgina (Hotel; Pensión; Restaurant). Croat (as “Georgiana”), Huft, Lorence, Solomon. 3100 m (A), CARTAGO: Cuericí, 9°34’N 83°44’W. Inn along the Carretera Interamericana W of Villa Mills, near the summit of “Cerro de La Muerte.”

La Georgina (Finca). Gómez. 2050 m (P), HEREDIA: Barva, 10°09’N 84°09’W. Site near the pass between Volcán Poás and Volcán Barva; has been confused with the foregoing (and much better known) site.

German, Salinas. 5 m (P), GUANACASTE: Murciélago, 10°55’N 85°43’W. Salt flats at the N base of the Santa Elena Peninsula.

Getsemaní (de Heredia). Hartshorn (as “Gethsemini”). 1400 m (P), HEREDIA: Barva, 10°02’N 84°07’W.

La Giganta, Cerro. Utley. 1490 m (P), GUANACASTE: 10°43’N 85°08’W. Peak just SE of Volcán Miravalles, very near the Continental Divide; collections to date are from the lower slopes.

Gipfel. "Summit," on German-language labels; not a place name.

La Giralda. Hartshorn. 1800 m (P), ALAJUELA. [Near Carrizal.].

Gissler, Valle. Pittier. (P), PUNTARENAS: Nicoya (1:200,000), 5°32’N 87°05’W. Site on the N side of Isla del Coco (q. v.), W of Bahía Wafer.

La Gloria. A. Jiménez. 375 m.

La Gloria. Tonduz. 893 m (A), CARTAGO: Tucurrique, 9°52’N 83°44’W.

Golden Grove. Dodge & Goerger, Shank & Molina. 30 m (A), LIMÓN, Siquirres: Parismina. 10°15’22”N 83°27’18”W. Site on the Llanura de Santa Clara, along the Río Reventazón; on the railroad line.

Golfito (de Osa). Allen, Brenes, Lorence, Utley, Webster. 10 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Golfito, 8°38’N 83°10’W. Major town on the E side of Golfo Dulce. N.B.: "Golfito" is also the name of a geographical feature, i.e., the harbor on which the town is situated.

Góngora, Cerro. Gómez. 768 m (P), GUANACASTE: Curubandé, 10°46’N 85°25’W. A subsidiary peak of Volcán Rincón de La Vieja (q. v.).

Góngora, Río. L. Acosta. 600 m (P), GUANACASTE: Cacao, 10°53’N 85°28’W. River draining the S slope of Cerro Cacao; a tributary of the Río Tempisquito.

González, Quebrada. 520 m (A), LIMÓN: Carrillo, 10°10’N 83°56’W. Creek in the N foothills of the Cordillera Central; a tributary of the Río Sucio. A ranger station of Parque Nacional Braulio Carrillo is located here, along the autopista to Guápiles.

Gorda, Punta. (P), GUANACASTE. Point at the N end of the Nicoya Peninsula, S of Playas del Coco.

(El) Gorrión, Fila. 2070 m (A), ALAJUELA: Quesada, 10°12’N 84°17’W. Spur ridge of the Continental Divide in the W Cordillera Central, at the headwaters of the Río Toro.

Gorrión, Río. Lent. 1600 m (A), ALAJUELA.

Gracias a Diós, Alto. 1014 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Río Grande, 9°55’N 84°17’W. Summit on the divide between the Río Jaris and the Río Quebrada Honda, just SW of Hacienda El Rodeo (q. v.).

Graecia (Grecia).

Granadilla. Brade (as "Grenadillas"). 1300 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Abra, 9°56’N 84°02’W. E suburb of San José.

Granadilla, Hacienda. Dodge. 500–600 m (P), GUANACASTE: Tilarán, 10°24’N 84°58’W. "A coffee plantation just above the gold mine at Líbano on the slopes of the interesting Cerro San José"; "on the plateau between the Río de las Cañas and the Río de San José at about 500–600 m" (Dodge, 1933). Not on current maps.

Grande, Estero. [Santa Elena Peninsula.].

Grande, Playa. 0 m (P), GUANACASTE: Villarreal, 10°20’N 85°51’W. Beach near the N end of the Nicoya Peninsula, on the ocean side, immediately N of Tamarindo (q. v.).

Grande, Playa. J. González. (P), PUNTARENAS. [“Playa Grande–Moctezuma”].

Grande, Quebrada. (P), GUANACASTE. [Other one on Santa Elena Peninsula!].

Grande, Quebrada. 100 m (P), GUANACASTE: Santa Elena, 10°55’N 85°52’W. Intermittent creek near the W end of the Santa Elena Peninsula, flowing to the sea near the S end of Playa Blanca.

Grande, Quebrada. 900–960 m (A), GUANACASTE. [La Chiripa, Cordillera de Tilarán.].

Grande, Quebrada. 1920 m (A), HEREDIA: Barva, 10°06’N 84°03’W. Creek draining the SW slope of Volcán Barva; an affluent (with the Río Las Vueltas) of the Río Patria.

Grande, Quebrada. Lent. (P), PUNTARENAS. [Near Clarita, Península de Burica.].

Grande, Quebrada. 240 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Candelaria, 9°41’N 84°23’W. Creek in the Puriscal region, draining the S slope of Fila Cangreja (q. v.); a tributary of the Río Chires.

Grande (de Candelaria), Río. (Río Candelaria).

Grande de Orosi, Río. 1200 m (A), CARTAGO: Tapantí, 9°46’N 83°49’W. On maps, an affluent (with the Río Agua Caliente) of the Río Reventazón; name not used by many locals, to whom this is (sensibly) merely the upper portion of the Río Reventazón.

Grande (de Tárcoles; de Naranjo), Río. Brenes, Horich, Standley. 450 m (P), ALAJUELA: 9°59’N 84°21’W. Major river draining the W Valle Central, originating in the vicinity of San Ramón; NE of San Rámon, the river forks, and each branch is called the "Río Grande"!! In its upper reaches, the river is in Prov. Alajuela; below its confluence with the Río Virilla (ca. 280 m), it corresponds to the Alajuela/San José provincial boundary, then (below ca. 20 m, just above its confluence with the Río Turrubares) to the Puntarenas/San José boundary, before finally entering Prov. Puntarenas, where it flows to the sea near Tárcoles.

Grande (de Térraba), Río. Pittier. 80–100 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Chánguena, 8°58–59’N 83°16–19’W. Major river formed by the confluence of the Río General and the Río Coto Brus, flowing to the sea W of Puerto Cortés. Sometimes, simply "Río Térraba."

La Granja.  Solís R.  260 m (A), LIMÓN, Pococí: Guápiles.  10°12’41”N 83°45’17”W.  Train station on “Línea Vieja.”  Coordinates measured at benchmark 244.

Grano de Oro (Hacienda). Croat, Horich. 1116 m (A), CARTAGO: Chirripó, 9°49’N 83°28’W. Site in the N Cordillera de Talamanca, just SW of Moravia de Chirripó.

Grecia. Kupper (as "Graecia"), Téllez, Manuel Valerio. 1015 m (P), ALAJUELA: Naranjo, 10°04’N 84°18’W. Town in the W Valle Central, between Sarchí (Norte) and San Pedro de Poás.

Grenadillas. Brade. (Granadilla).

Grifo Alto. Q. Jiménez. 1010 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Río Grande, 9°53’N 84°23’W. Town in the Puriscal region.

El Guabal, Alto. Lépiz, J. F. Morales. 1590 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Caraigres, 9°50’N 84°11’W. Ridge on the S flank of the Cerros de Escazú.

Guacalillo. Poveda. [“Ruta a Sacramento”].

Guacalillo (Playa). 0 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Tárcoles, 9°49’N 84°40’W. Beach near the mouth of the Río Grande de Tárcoles.

La Guácima. León. 803 m (P), ALAJUELA: Río Grande, 9°58’N 84°15’W. Town in the W Valle Central, S of Alajuela.

Guacimal. 368 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Juntas, 10°12’N 84°51’W. Town in the foothills of the Cordillera de Tilarán, along the Río Guacimal.

Guacimal, Río. 1300 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Juntas, 10°18’N 84°49’W. River draining the S slope of the Cordillera de Tilarán (in the Monteverde region), flowing to the sea (Golfo de Nicoya) SE of Chomes.

Guácimo. E. Anderson, Brenes, Tonduz. 99 m (A), LIMÓN: Guácimo, 10°13’17”N 83°41’17”W. Town on the Llanura de Santa Clara, getween Guápiles and Siquirres; a railroad station along the "Línea Vieja."

Guácimo. Pohl. 390 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Coto Brus, 8°57’N 83°06’W. Town in the Valle de Coto Brus.

Guácimo, Río. 900 m (A), HEREDIA: Poás, 10°17’N 84°04’W. River draining the N slope of Volcán Barva; a tributary of the lower Río Puerto Viejo.

Guácimo, Río. Moran. 100 m (A), LIMÓN: Guácimo, 10°12’N 83°41’W. River draining the NE slope of Volcán Turrialba; a tributary of the Río Parismina.

Guachipelín (Hacienda). Brenes, Kupper. 630 m (P), GUANACASTE, Liberia: Curubandé, 10°45’19”N 85°21’21”W. Site at the SW base of Volcán Santa María.

Guadaloupe. Greenman. (Guadalupe).

Guadalupe de Alfaro Ruiz (de Zarcero). 1625 m (?), ALAJUELA.

Guadalupe (de Dota). Pittier. 1400 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Dota, 9°39’N 84°00’W.

Guadalupe (de Goicoechea). Greenman (as “Guadaloupe”), Tonduz. 1204 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Abra, 9°57’N 84°03’W. NE suburb of San José.

Guaitil (de Acosta). Hammel. 1030 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Caraigres, 9°48’N 84°14’N. Town on the divide between the Río Jorco and Río Grande de Candelaria, W of San Ignacio.

Guaitil, Quebrada. Santamaría. 600 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Candelaria, 9°44’N 84°22’W. Creek draining the E slope of Fila Cangreja; a tributary of the Río Grande de Candelaria.

Guajiniquil, Río. L. O. Williams. (Río Cuajiniquil).

Guanacaste (Provincia de). Kupper. Northwesternmost, and driest, of the seven Costa Rican provinces; also, an old name for Liberia (q. v.).

Guápiles. Barringer, Gómez, Moran, Mori, Donnell Smith, Standley. 262 m (A), LIMÓN: Guápiles, 10°12’55”N 83°47’33”W. Town on the Llanura de Santa Clara; a railroad station along the "Línea Vieja." Coordinates measured at benchmark 262.

Gúapiles, Tunnel de (las Hermanas). Pittier. Site along the Atlantic railway in the valley of the Río Reventazón, probably at or near Túnel Camp (q. v.); also called “Tunnel des Twin Sisters.”

(El) Guapote, Quebrada (Rio). Fleming, Janzen. 260 m (P), GUANACASTE, La Cruz: Ahogados, 10°50’N 85°37’W. Intermittent creek in the E part of Parque Nacional Santa Rosa; a tributary of the Quebrada Santa Juana (itself a tributary of the Río Tempisquito).

Guararí, Cerro. 2599 m (P), HEREDIA: Barva, 10°08’N 84°08’W. W subsidiary peak of Volcán Barva.

Guardia. 30 m (P), GUANACASTE: Carrillo Norte, 10°34’N 85°36’W. Town at the N end of the Nicoya Peninsula, SW of Liberia.

Guardo Arias. Wercklé. Site at high elevations (ca. 2000–3000+ m), apparently in the N portion of the Cordillera de Talamanca (cf. type of Vriesea rugosa Mez & Wercklé, a species endemic to this region).

La Guaria (de Dota). 1830 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Vueltas, 9°36’N 83°59’W.

Guarumal. Pohl. 540 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Candelaria, 9°42’N 84°26’W. Town on the divide between the Río Tulín and the Río Grande de Candelaria, along the main route from Santiago de Puriscal to Parrita.

Guarumo. A. Jiménez. GUANACASTE. This locality, and the following one, may embody some confusion with Guayabo (q. v.).

Guarumo, Laguna de. GUANACASTE. A. Jiménez. 530 m. Site near Guayabo ( below); name not on current maps.

Guatuso. (A), ALAJUELA. N cantón of Prov. Alajuela.

Guatuso. Lent. 1390 m (A), CARTAGO: Tapantí, 9°49’N 83°57’W. Town at the S edge of the E Valle Central, SW of Cartago.

Guatuso. M. M. Chavarría. 1260 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Abra, 9°52’N 84°02’W. Town S of Patarrá.

Guayabillos (Finca; Hacienda). Cufodontis, Dodge. 2250 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Istarú, 9°58’N 83°56’W. Site on the W slope of Volcán Irazú, above Rancho Redondo.

Guayabo. Berrocal, Gómez, A. Jiménez, Pohl, Utley. 540 m (P), GUANACASTE, Bagaces: Miravalles, 10°42’35”N 85°13’38”W. Town at the SW base of Volcán Miravalles.

Guayabo (de Mora). Bustamante, Kress. 992 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Río Grande, 9°52’N 84°16’W.

El Guayabo, Hacienda de (Finca). Tonduz, Wercklé. 900 m (A), CARTAGO: Tucurrique, 9°58’N 83°40’W. Site N of Turrialba; once owned by Mme. Amparo de Zeledón, noted patron of orchid collectors.

Guayabo, Monumento Nacional. Rivera. 1050 m (A), CARTAGO: Tucurrique, 9°58’N 83°41’W. Archeological site on the E slope of Volcán Turrialba.

Guayacán. Lellinger, Maas. 570 m (A), LIMÓN, Siquirres: Bonilla, 10°02’31”N 83°32’57”W. Caserío in the N Cordillera de Talamanca, along the main road from Turrialba to Siquirres.

Guayacán, Alto. Nicolson. 750 m. [Vicinity of Turrialba; surely at or near the preceding site.].

Guayacán, Cerro(s).  Alverson, Kress, Solomon (as “Guyacán”).  212 m (P), GUANACASTE, Bagaces: Tempisque.  Hills just north of the Palo Verde Biological Station (q. v.), in Parque Nacional Palo Verde.

Guerra. 10 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Sierpe, 8°46’N 83°37’W. Caserío at the N end of the Osa Peninsula, in the valley of the Río Sierpe.

Guillermina, Quebrada (Río). Lent, Russell. 600 m (A), ALAJUELA: Fortuna, 10°29’N 84°42’W. Creek draining the N side of Volcán Arenal (q. v.); a tributary of the Río Arenal.

Gurdián, Cerro. Webster. 3066 m (A), CARTAGO: Istarú, 9°57’N 83°52’W. S subsidiary peak of Volcán Irazú.

Guyacán, Cerro. Solomon. (Cerro Guayacán).

El (La) Hacha, (Cerro). Chacón, Janzen, Shannon. 617 m (A), GUANACASTE, La Cruz: Bahía de Salinas, 11°00’N 85°33’W. NW subsidiary peak of Volcán Orosí (q. v.).

El Hacha, Hacienda. Gómez. 180 m (P), GUANACASTE, La Cruz: Murciélago, 10°59’01”N 85°32’25”W.  Hacienda (“Sitio” on map) near the InterAmerican Highway, adjacent to Parque Nacional Santa Rosa.

(El) Hachal, Bahía (also Playa). Davidse. 0 m (P), GUANACASTE, La Cruz: Murciélago, 10°56’10”N 85°43’55”W. Cove at the N base of the Santa Elena Peninsula.

Hachal, Fila. 306 m (P), GUANACASTE: Santa Elena, 10°55’N 85°46’W. Ridge on the N side of the Santa Elena Peninsula.

Hachal, Playa. (Bahía Hachal).

Hacienda Vieja. Biolley. 25 m (A), HEREDIA: Río Cuarto, 10°30’N 84°02’W. Site along the Río Sarapiquí.

Hacienda Vieja, Playa. 0 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Golfo, 9°56’N 84°55’W. Beach on the S coast of Isla San Lucas (q. v.).

Hacienda Vieja, Quebrada. 10 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Golfo, 9°56’N 84°55’W. Intermittent creek on Isla San Lucas (q. v.), flowing to the sea on the S coast (at Playa Hacienda Vieja).

Hacúm, Río. Pittier, Tonduz. (Río Platanares).

Haies. "Hedgerows" on French-language labels; not a place name.

Hamaca, Río. 1060 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Unión, 8°59’N 82°56’W. River draining the E Cordillera de Talamanca; a tributary of the Río Cotón.

Hamburg, Finca (also Hamburgo). Cufodontis, Standley & Valerio. 10 m (A), LIMÓN: Parismina, 10°15’N 83°28’W. Site on the Llanura de Santa Clara. Another site (Standley) at 55 m, near Siquirres, assumed erroneous.

Hameau. "Hamlet" on French-language labels; not a place name.

Harold, Rancho. Chacón, Chávez (as “Harol”). 865 m (P), GUANACASTE: Cacao, 10°55’N 85°28’W. Site on the slope of Cerro Cacao; not on current maps, but said to be 1 km N of the Río Góngora along the route to Estación Cacao (q. v.).

Hatillo. Pittier (as "Hatillo Viejo"). 20 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Dominical, 9°18’N 83°54’W. Town along the Costanera highway, NW of Dominical. Also, "Hato Viejo."

(El) Hatillo. Solís R., Standley. 1125 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Abra, 9°55’N 84°06’W. SW suburb of San José.

Hatillo Viejo. (Hatillo).

Hato Viejo, Quebrada. S. Rojas. [Near Rey Curré.].

Haut, Haute. "Upper" or "high" on French-language labels, as "Haut Hacúm" (upper Río Hacúm) or "Haute Talamanca" (high Talamancas); not a place name. Sometimes abbreviated, e.g., "Ht."

Helechales (Finca). Davidse. 1020 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Cabagra, 9°04’N 83°05’W. Site in the Cordillera de Talamanca, NE of Potrero Grande.

Helechales (del General). Pittier. (P), SAN JOSÉ.

Heredia. Biolley, Brenes, Khan, Polakowsky. 1168 m (P), HEREDIA: Barva, 10°00’N 84°07’W. City in the Valle Central, between Alajuela and San José; capital of Prov. Heredia.

Hermosa, Playa. Crow, Pohl. 0 m (P), GUANACASTE, Carrillo: Carrillo Norte, 10°34’28”N 85°40’45”W. Beach at the N end of the Nicoya Peninsula, on the ocean side.

Hermosa, Playa. 5 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Herradura, 9°33’N 84°35’W. Beach just SE of Jacó.

Hermosa, Quebrada. Barbour (as “Río Hermoso”), L. O. Williams (as "Río Hermoso"). 600–900 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: San Isidro, 9°23’N 83°37’W. Creek draining the Cordillera de Talamanca; a tributary of the Río General.

Hermoso, Río. Barbour, L. O. Williams. (Quebrada Hermosa).

Herradura. 27 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Herradura, 9°40’N 84°38’W. Town along the Costanera highway, NW of Jacó.

Herradura, Cerro (Volcán). 750 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Tárcoles, 9°42’N 84°36’W. Minor peak of the Talamanca front range, SE of Quebrada Ganado (q. v.).

Herradura, Playa. 0 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Herradura, 9°39’N 84°39’W. Beach SW of Herradura (q. v.).

Herradura, Quebrada.  Boucher. 100 m (P), GUANACASTE, La Cruz: Ahogados, 10°48’36”N 85°41’24”W.  Small intermittent stream in Parque Nacional Santa Rosa, just W of Playa Naranjo.

Herradura, Río. Burger. 1500–1600 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: San Isidro, 9°28’N 83°37’W. Said to be a “tributary of Río Chirripó del Pacífico, NW of Canaán” (q. v.); current maps show only a town called "Herradura."

Herradura, Volcán. (Cerro Herradura).

Herrán. Pittier, Polakowsky. 1200 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Abra. Railway station in the W Valle Central; not on current maps.

Higuerón, Río. 10 m (P), GUANACASTE: Cañas, 10°21’N 85°09’W. River draining the foothills of the Cordillera de Tilarán; a tributary of the lower Río Lajas.

El Higuito. A. Alfaro.

Higuito. Brade. 224 m (P), ALAJUELA: Barranca, 9°57’N 84°33’W. Town W of San Mateo along the road to Esparza.

Higuito (de Desamparados). Murphy. 1255 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Abra, 9°52’N 84°03’W. Town in the Valle Central, at the base of the Altos de Tablazo.

Hitoy, Río. 300 m (A), LIMÓN: Telire, 9°38’N 83°05’W. River draining the E slope of Cerro Bitárkara, in the Reserva Biológica Hitoy-Cerere (q. v.); a tributary of the Río Cerere.

Hitoy(-)Cerere (Reserva Biológica). (A), LIMÓN: Estrella, 9°41’N 83°02’W. Reserve in the E foothills of the Cordillera de Talamanca; position of headquarters given (cf. Cerro Bitárkara, for highest point).

La Hoja(s), Río de (or, Bosque de). Horich, Nilsson. 1700 m (P), HEREDIA: Barva, 10°04’N 84°06’W. A tributary of the Río Segundo.

Hojancha. 350 m (P), GUANACASTE: Matambú, 10°04’N 85°25’W. Town on the central Nicoya Peninsula.

La Holanda. Valerio. (A), LIMÓN. Former United Fruit Company banana farm, ca. 4 km SW of Puerto Limón (cf. Calvert & Calvert, 1917: 299, 304–305).

Home Creek. (Hone Creek.)

Honda, Quebrada. Hoffmann, Oersted. (Río Quebrada Honda).

Honda, Quebrada. Luteyn. 1590 m (A), CARTAGO: Tapantí, 9°47’N 83°55’W. Creek in the N Cordillera de Talamanca; a tributary of the Río Navarro.

Honda, Quebrada. Pittier, Tonduz. 1014 m (A), CARTAGO: Istarú, 9°53’N 83°47’W. Creek draining the SE foothills of Volcán Irazú; a tributary of the Río Reventazón. N.B.: "Quebrada Honda" is one of the most common place names in Costa Rica. This is perhaps the most important one botanically, but there are others, and some cannot be localized with certainty.

Hondo, Río. Calderón, Cook & Doyle, Pittier. 60 m (A), LIMÓN: Matina, 10°06’N 83°25’W.

Hondonada de Acosta. 965 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Caraigres, 9°48’N 84°13’W. Town in the valley of the Río Jorco.

La Hondura (Bajo; de San José). Brade, Jiménez, Lankester, Solomon, Standley, Standley & Valerio, Manuel Valerio, Wercklé. 1260 m (A), SAN JOSÉ: Carrillo, 10°04’N 83°59’W. Site in the Cordillera Central, between Volcán Barva and Volcán Irazú, in the valley of the upper Río Hondura, along the old route to Carrillo.

Hondura, Río. Garwood (as “Río Bajo de Honduras”), Kupper, Lent. 1050 m (A), SAN JOSÉ: Carrillo, 10°04’N 83°58’W. River draining the Cordillera Central; a tributary of the Río Sucio. This is the "clean" river that joins the Río Sucio, just upstream from the bridge on the autopista to Guápiles.

Hone Creek. Croat, Utley. 7 m (A), LIMÓN, Talamanca: Amubri, 9°39’58N 82°48’01W. Town just W of Puerto Viejo de Talamanca; nowadays, frequently misrendered as "Home Creek."

Hone Wark, Quebrada. 5 m (A), LIMÓN: Sixaola, 9°38’N 82°40’W. Minor creek draining the coastal hills, flowing to the sea just W of Manzanillo de Talamanca.

L’Hôpital (Les Hôpitaux) de San José. Tonduz. Site in the city of San José; in Tonduz’s day, this would certainly have been the Hospital Juan de Diós, still extant at 1140 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Abra, 9°56’N 84°05’W.

Las Hornillas. 750 m (P), GUANACASTE: Curubandé, 10°47’N 85°22’W.

Las Horquetas. 68 m (A), HEREDIA: Río Sucio, 10°21’N 83°58’W. Town at the W edge of the Llanura de Tortuguero, along the Río Puerto Viejo, SE of Puerto Viejo de Sarapiquí; formerly known as Buenos Aires.

La Hortensia. Aguilar. (P), SAN JOSÉ. [Near La Ese.].

Hospice des Aliénés. Tonduz. Insane asylum in the city of San José; in Tonduz’s day, this was apparently located across the street from Parque Nacional (Tristán, 1966: 82), at 1130 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Abra, 9°56’N 84°04’W.

Ht. "Haut."

(Las) Huacas. Cook & Doyle. 440 m (P), GUANACASTE: Matambú, 10°01’N 85°22’W. Town on the Nicoya Peninsula, SE of Hojancha.

Huacas, Fila. 870 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Chánguena, 8°53’N 83°17’W. Secondary ridge of the S Fila Costeña, W of Sinaí (q. v.).

Huacas, Quebrada. Busey. 100 m (P), PUNTARENAS. [“3 km NW of Punta de Burica”].

Los Huevos, Cuesta de. Pittier. (P), SAN JOSÉ. Grade along Pittier’s route between the Río La Unión (q. v.) and the Río Convento (q. v.), on the E side of the Valle del General.

Hule, Laguna (or Lago) (de). Bumby, Crow, Luteyn, Pohl, Wilbur. 730 m (A), ALAJUELA: Poás, 10°18’N 84°13’W. Natural (crater) lake on the N slope of Volcán Poás.

Hule, Río. Wilbur. [Near Laguna Hule.].

La Hulera. Gregory. 610 m (A). [“La Hulera, Turrialba”; possibly the same as USDA Rubber Experimental Station.].

(El) Humo (de Pejibaye). Hennipman, Joaquín Sánchez. 685 m (A), CARTAGO: Pejibaye, 9°48’N 83°43’W. Town in the N Cordillera de Talamanca, along the the Río Pejibaye.

Humo, Cerro. L. Acosta. 300 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Río Grande, 9°53’N 84°29’W. Site at or near Cerro Rayos (q. v.); not on current maps.

Humo, Puerto. 11 m (P), GUANACASTE: Talolinga, 10°18’N 85°21’W. Town along the lower Río Tempisque.

Hundrisser (Hundriesser, Hundrieszer), Finca. Brade. 50 m (A), LIMÓN. Site on the Llanura de Santa Clara, along the Río Reventazón; not on current maps.

Hur, Río (Valle del). Tonduz & Pittier. (Río Sábalo).

La Iglesia, Arco de. (P), GUANACASTE. J. González. Natural arch on S coast of Isla San José (q. v.), near E end.

Iglesias, Cerro. 634 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Nicoya (1:200,000), 5°32’N 87°05’W. Summit at W end of Isla del Coco (q. v.); the highest point on the island. Also, "Cerro Yglesias."

Iglesias, Mina. Endres. (P). Site along or near the Río Barranca (q. v.).

IICA (I.I.C.A.). Bumby, Calderón, Carlson, Córdoba, Croat, León, F. G. Meyer, Toro, Walker. Refers to the site near Turrialba formerly occupied by the Instituto Interamericano de Ciencias Agrícolas, presently occupied by CATIE (q. v.).

Infiernillo. Wercklé. (A), ALAJUELA. Site on the Llanuras de Los Guatusos, in the Los Chiles region.

Infiernillo. Pittier, Tonduz. 990 m (A), CARTAGO: Istarú, 9°53’N 83°46’W. Railway station near Juan Viñas (q. v.).

Infierno, Boca del. 500 m (A).

Inglés, Cerro del. Kupper.

El Inglés, Playa. 0 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Golfo, 9°57’N 84°55’W. Beach on the N shore of Isla San Lucas (q. v.).

(Los) Inocentes, Hacienda (Hda.). Davidse, Pohl. 283 m (A), GUANACASTE, La Cruz: Bahía de Salinas, 11°02’33”N 85°29’54”W. Site at the N end of the Cordillera de Guanacaste, on the road to Santa Cecilia.

Instituto Interamericano (de Ciencias Agrícolas). (IICA, CATIE).

Ipís. Lellinger. 1340 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Abra, 9°58’N 84°01’W. NE suburb of San José.

Irazú, Volcán (de). Barrus, Biolley, Brade, DeWolf, Dodge, Hoffmann, Kuntze, Kupper, Lankester, Lehmann, Oersted, Pittier, Quirós, Rowlee, Standley, Stork, J. & C. Taylor, Tonduz, Toro, Warscewicz, Wendland, Yatskievych. 3432 m (A), CARTAGO: Istarú, 9°59’N 83°51’W. Major, active volcano, the highest summit in the Cordillera Central; according to Durand (1891), the "zone des chênes" (oak forests) is at 2200–3300 m, and the "cratère nouveau" (new crater) at 2858 m.

Irlanda. 9 m (A), LIMÓN: Guácimo, 10°17’N 83°34’W. Town on the Llanura de Santa Clara, NE of Río Jiménez.

(La) Irma (Finca, Hacienda). Pennington. 65 m (P), GUANACASTE, Tilarán: Juntas, 10°14’37”N 84°59’47”W. Gas station on the Carretera Interamericana at the junction of the road to Las Juntas de Abangares.

Iscazú, Montes de. (Cerros de Escazú).

Isidora, Playa. Aguilar. 0 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Rincón, 8°43’N 83°28’W. Beach at the NW corner of Golfo Dulce, W of Bahía Chal.

Isla Bonita. 1160 m (A), ALAJUELA: Poás, 10°14’N 84°10’W. Town in the Cordillera Central, along the route from Vara Blanca to Puerto Viejo de Sarapiquí, on the knife-edge divide between the Río Ángel and the Río Sarapiquí.

Islita. Gómez. 30 m (P), GUANACASTE: Cerro Azul, 9°52’N 85°24’W. Town on the S Nicoya Peninsula.

Islotes, Punta. Aguilar. 0 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Rincón, 8°43’N 83°23’W. Point at the N end of Golfo Dulce.

Itamut, Cerro. Weston. 3275 m (A), BOCAS DEL TORO (Pan.): Pittier, 9°06’N 82°53’W. Peak in the E Cordillera de Talamanca, just S of Cerro Fábrega, in Panama but less than 1.5 km from the Costa Rican border (at Cerro Bine).

Itiquís, Río. Lent. 800 m (P), ALAJUELA: Naranjo, 10°01’N 84°16’W. River draining the NW slope of Volcán Barva; a tributary of the Río Poás.

Iúkurba. Pittier. (A), LIMÓN. Site near or along the Río Estrella, Baja Talamanca.

Jaba, Río. Hennipman, Kress (as “Río Java”). 1100 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Cañas Gordas, 8°47’N 82°58’W. River draining the N slope of the S Fila Costeña; a tributary of the Río Coto Brus.

La Jabalina. Herrera. [Near Dos Ríos de Upala.].

Jabillo. 508 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Coto Brus, 8°56’N 83°06’W. Town in the Valle de Coto Brus, along the main road from Paso Real to San Vito.

Jabillos. Pérez García. 129 m (A), ALAJUELA: Fortuna, 10°23’N 84°32’W. Town near the W edge of the Llanura de San Carlos.

Jabillos, Río. 110 m (A), ALAJUELA: Fortuna, 10°23’N 84°32’W. Brief stretch of river in the W part of the Llanura de Santa Clara, formed by the confluence of the Río San Lorenzo and the Río Balsa; sole affluent of the Río San Carlos (and thus actually just another name for the upper portion of the latter).

Jaboncillal, Cerro. 3200 m (CD), CARTAGO: Vueltas, 9°36’N 83°47’W. Summit on Cerro de La Muerte.

Jaboncillal, Rancho del. Pittier. Site in the Cordillera de Talamanca, near Cerro de Buena Vista; not on current maps, but Cerro Jaboncillal.

Jaboncillo, Cerro. B. Gamboa, Horn. Surely the same as Cerro Jaboncillal (q. v.).

Jacó (Playa de). 3 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Herradura, 9°37’N 84°38’W. Beach town along the Costanera highway, between Tárcoles and Parrita.

Jacosal. (Jocosal).

Jalaca (Finca). Allen. 15 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Chánguena, 8°52’N 83°21’W. Site in the Valle de Diquís; formerly a railroad station.

Jaloncillo. Probably a mistranscription of "Jaboncillo" (cf. Jaboncillal).

Jamaica, Montañas. 634 m (P), PUNTARENAS/SAN JOSÉ: Tárcoles, 9°46’N 84°33’W. Hills in the interior part of Parque Nacional Carara; the summit ridge corresponds mostly to the provincial boundary, but the highest point is in Prov. San José.

(El) Jardín (Montaña). Horich, Stork. 2230 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Tapantí, 9°43’N 83°58’W. Town in the Cordillera de Talamanca SW of El Empalme, along the road to Santa María de Dota.

Jaris. Oersted. 850 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Río Grande, 9°52’N 84°17’W. Town NW of Guayabo de Mora.

Jaris, Monte. Oersted. Exact locality unknown, though presumably in the vicinity of the foregoing site.

Jaris, Río. Pittier. 600–900 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Río Grande, 9°53’N 10°00–02’W. A tributary of the lower Río Virilla.

Java, Río. Hennipman, Kress. (Río Jaba).

Jericó. Pittier. 400 m (A), LIMÓN. Site on the Llanura de Santa Clara.

Jericó. J. F. Morales. 1660 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Caraigres, 9°50’N 84°03’W. Town at the W bae of Altos Tablazo.

Jericó, Río. Pohl. 1500 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Caraigres, 84°04’N 9°49’W. River in the Candelaria region; an affluent (with the Quebrada Alumbre) of the Río Alumbre.

Jesús, Barrio. Pittier. 1170 m (P), HEREDIA: Barva, 10°02’N 84°08’W. [Cf. another town by this name on the Abangares quadrangle.]

Jesús, Puerto. Pittier, Taylor. 19 m (P), GUANACASTE, Nicoya: Matambú, 10°06’50”N 85°16’22”W. Town on the Nicoya Peninsula, on an estuary of the Golfo de Nicoya.

Jesús María, Río. Pittier, Webster. 100–200 m (P), ALAJUELA/PUNTARENAS: Barranca, 9°58’N 84°37’W. River draining the Montes del Aguacate, flowing to the sea at Tivives; corresponds for much of its length to the provincial boundary.

Jesús María, Río. Burger. 1500 m (A), CARTAGO. [Near Santa Cruz de Turrialba.].

Jicaral. Orozco. 6 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Venado, 9°58’N 85°07’W. Town on the gulf side of the Nicoya Peninsula.

Jicotea. Croat. 802 m (A), CARTAGO: Pejibaye, 9°49’N 83°32’W. Town in the N Cordillera de Talamanca, along the road from Turrialba to Moravia de Chirripó.

Jilguero, Finca. Estrada. 1400 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Savegre, 9°29’N 83°52’W. Name not on current maps.

La Jilva, Finca. Apparently the same site as Bosque Carbonera (q. v.).

Jiménez. Biolley, Cooper, Donnell Smith. 223 m (A), LIMÓN: Guácimo, 10°12’N 83°44’W. Site on the Llanura de Santa Clara, E of Guápiles; railroad station along the "Línea Vieja."

Jiménez, Finca. McDiarmid. (Estación Experimental Enrique Jiménez Núñez).

Jiménez, Puerto. Brenes, Cufodontis, Joaquín Sánchez. 7 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Golfo Dulce, 8°32’N 83°18’W. Town on the gulf side of the Osa Peninsula; formerly known as “Santo Domingo de Golfo Dulce” (or “de Osa”).

Jiménez, Río. Barringer, Lent, Donnell Smith. 180 m (A), LIMÓN: Guácimo, 10°13’N 83°44’W. River crossing the N part of the Llanura de Santa Clara; a tributary of the Río Parismina.

Jobo, Bahia (Playa del). Gómez. 0 m (P), GUANACASTE, La Cruz: Bahia de Salinas, 11°02’10”N 85°34’10”W.  Bay and small beach at the tip of Punta Descartes.

Jocosal, Cerro (Jacosal). Lankester, Stork. "2400 m" (a huge overestimate); same as Cerro Jucosal; cf. Calvert & Calvert, 1917: 152.

Jocotal. J. F. Morales. [Near Río Grande de Candelaria.].

Jorco (Hacienda). 1780 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Caraigres, 9°49’N 84°09’W.

Jorco, Río. 230–600+ m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Candelaria, 9°47–48’N 84°15–19’W. A tributary of the Río Grande de Candelaria.

Josses, Hacienda de Los. Pittier. (P), SAN JOSÉ: Abra. Site near San José; probably the same as Los Yoses (q. v.).

Juan Castro Blanco, Parque Nacional. (A), ALAJUELA. Park including most of the W portion of the Cordillera Central (W of the Río Toro); cf. Cerro Platanar, Cerro Porvenir.

Juanilama. Pohl. 129 m (P), GUANACASTE: Monteverde, 10°36’N 85°26’W. Town along the Carretera Interamericana, SE of Liberia.

Juan Viñas. Pittier, Thorne, Tonduz. 1165 m (A), CARTAGO: Tucurrique, 9°54’N 83°45’W. Sugar-cane company town along the road between Cartago and Turrialba; railroad station along the "Línea Nueva." ( also Naranjo).

Jucó, Quebrada. 600 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Candelaria, 9°42’N 84°21’W. Creek in the Puriscal region, draining the SE slope of Fila Cangreja (q. v.).

Jucosal, Cerro. Stork. 1585 m (A), CARTAGO: Tapantí, 9°49’N 83°54’W. Hill just W of the confluence of the Río Agua Caliente and the Río Navarro; also spelled (or mistranscribed) as "Jacosal," or "Jocosal."

Judas, Punta. 0 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Herradura, 9°31’N 84°32’W. Point S of Playa Jacó.

Junquillal (Bahía; Playa). Gómez. 0 m (P), GUANACASTE: Murciélago, 10°58’N 85°42’W. Bay just N of the Santa Elena Peninsula.

Junquillal (Playa). 0 m (P), GUANACASTE: Marbella, 10°09’N 85°48’W. Beach town on the central Nicoya Peninsula, on the ocean side.

Junquillo Abajo. Q. Jiménez. 1000 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: [Puriscal region.].

Junta.  55 m.  LIMÓN, Siquirres: Bonilla.  10°06’45”N 83°31’48”W.  Site where a train line crosses the Río Reventazón.

Las Juntas (de Abangares). Billiet, Davidse. 250 m (P), GUANACASTE: Juntas, 10°17’N 84°58’W.

Kakébeta, Quebrada. 1000 m (A), LIMÓN: Chirripó, 9°47’N 83°20’W. Creek draining the W slope of Fila Matama (q. v.); a tributary of the Río Xikiari.

Kámuk, Cerro. 3549 m (A), LIMÓN: Kámuk, 9°17’N 83°02’W. Major subsidiary peak of the Cordillera de Talamanca.

Kasir, Cerro. 2959 m (CD), LIMÓN/PUNTARENAS: Kámuk, 9°12’N 83°03’W. Peak in the Cordillera de Talamanca.

Kasma, Cerro. (Cerro Casma).

Katsi. 70 m (A), LIMÓN: Amubri, 9°31’N 83°56’W. Caserío in the Valle de Talamanca.

Kikirchábeta, Cerro. 865 m (A), LIMÓN: Sukut, 9°25’N 82°58’W. Peak NE of the confluence of the Río Sukut and the Río Urén; name not on current maps.

Kilómetro 20. M. Ocampo. 15 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Golfito, 8°38’N 83°04’W. Town at the W edge of the Valle de Coto Colorado.

Kitádikur, Quebrada. Tonduz. 150 m (A), LIMÓN: Cahuita, 9°47’N 82°59’W. Creek in the Cordillera de Talamanca, N of the Valle La Estrella; a tributary of the Río Niñey.

Kivut. 1190 m (A), LIMÓN: Siola, 9°24’N 83°05’W. Site in the Cordillera de Talamanca, on the divide between the Río Pare and the Río Lari.

Kuisa, Quebrada. 2170 m (A), LIMÓN: Siola, 9°20’N 83°14’W. Creek in the Cordillera de Talamanca, crossed by the trail from Ujarrás de Buenos Aires to San José Cabécar; a tributary of the Río Lori.

Kuiyé, Río. 630 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Buenos Aires, 9°16’N 83°17’W. River in the Cordillera de Talamanca; a tributary of the Río Ceibo.

Kuk, Río. 2400 m (A), LIMÓN: Dúrika, 9°25’N 83°18’W. River in the Cordillera de Talamanca, flowing through the Sabanas Dúrika (q. v.); a tributary of the upper Río Telire.

Kulri, Quebrada. [Along the Río Chirripó (Duchí).].

Laderas (de). "Slopes (of)," on Spanish-language labels; not a place name.

Lagarto. Pittier. 63 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Chánguena, 8°58’N 83°19’W. Town along the Río Grande de Térraba.

Lagarto Lodge ("Fic."). Hammel, Hurtado. 90 m (A), ALAJUELA: Cutris, 10°41’N 84°10’W. Site on the Llanura de San Carlos, E of Boca Tapada (q. v.); not on current maps.

Lagartos Bay. Barclay. (P). Inlet of the Golfo de Nicoya, also known as "Carno Bay"; not on current maps.

Lagartos, Río. Khan et al. 100 m (P), GUANACASTE, Abangares: Juntas, 10°09’58”N 84°55’02”W.  River forms the boundary between Guanacaste and Puntarenas provinces for most of its course.  Coordinates given where it crosses the Carretera Interamericana. 

La Laguna. Molina. 1000 m (?), ALAJUELA. [“6–8 km S of Villa Quesada”].

La Laguna. Cooper, Pittier. 1025 m (A), SAN JOSÉ: Carrillo, 10°05’N 83°58’W. Site in the Cordillera Central, below Bajo La Hondura (q. v.), along the old route to Carrillo.

Laguna, C. ("Bosque de"). Brenes. 1190 m. Possibly the same as Cruzada La Laguna, at 1210 m (P), ALAJUELA: Miramar, 10°07’N 84°34’W.

Laguna de Zarcero (or de Alfaro Ruiz). Endres(?), Austin Smith. 1850 m (A), ALAJUELA: Quesada, 10°13’N 84°20’W. Town on the W slope of the Cordillera Central, just NW of Zarcero (q. v.) along the road to Ciudad Quesada.

Lagunas. Pohl. 400 m (?), GUANACASTE. [“1 km S of La Fortuna”; possibly not a place name.].

(La) Lagunilla. Pittier, Tonduz. 1857 m (P), SAN JOSÉ. Said to be on the SE slope of Cerro de Buena Vista (q. v.), between La División and Alto del Palmital; not on current maps.

Lagunilla de Montes de Oro. O. Jiménez. 930 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Miramar, 10°08’N 84°43’W. Site in the Cordillera de Tilarán, on the SW slope of Cerro Zapotal (q. v.).

Lagunillas. Q. Jiménez. 180 m (P), ALAJUELA/SAN JOSÉ: Barranca, 9°51’N 84°36’W. Site on the Costanera Hwy., SW of Coyolar; mapped as “Finca Lagunillas.”

Laja, Quebrada. Hammel. [Vicinity of Altos El Aguacate.].

Laja, Quebrada de. 200 m (P), PUNTARENAS: General, 9°04’N 83°16’W. Creek draining the N Fila Costeña, just SW of Térraba; a tributary of the Río General. The Quebrada de Laja features a prominent waterfall just upstream from the crossing of the Carretera Interamericana, for which reason it has sometimes been called the "Río Catarata(s)."

Las Lajas (de Santa Teresita). Lankester. 840 m (A), CARTAGO: Tucurrique, 9°58’N 83°39’W. Town NE of Turrialba.

Lajas. Estrada. 560 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Tárcoles, 9°42’N 84°35’W. Caserío on the divide between the Río Tarcolitos and Río Turrubaritos, S of Parque Nacional Carara.

Las Lajas (Dormida de). Pittier. 154 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Dominical, 9°15’N 83°45’W. Name not on current maps, but at or very near "Alto Yeguas."

Las Lajas (Cerro de). 2200 m (CD), HEREDIA: Pittier, Standley & Valerio. Name not on current maps; secondary peak of the Cordillera Central between Volcán Barva and Volcán Irazú, at or very near Cerro de Las Caricias (q. v.), drained by "Río Lajas" (which name does appear on modern maps).

Lajas, Quebrada. Jiménez. 1250 m (A), ALAJUELA: Quesada, 10°15’N 84°26’W. Creek in the westernmost Cordillera Central, NW of Zarcero; a tributary of the Río La Vieja.

Lajas, Río. Gómez-Laurito. 800 m (A), CARTAGO: Tucurrique, 9°58’N 83°41’W. River draining the SE slope of Volcán Turrialba; a tributary of the Río Reventazón.

Lajas, Río. Khan. 100–270 m (P), GUANACASTE: Cañas, 10°20’N 85°21’W. River draining the W slope of Cerro San José (q. v.), in the N Cordillera de Tilarán; a tributary of the Río Bebedero.

Lajas, Río. J. F. Morales. 1700–1800 m (P), SAN JOSÉ. [Vicinity of Cerros de Escazú.].

La Lana, Cerro. J. F. Morales. 1210 m (P), ALAJUELA: Miramar, 10°01’N 84°30’W. Summit in the Montes del Aguacate; also called “Cerro Tinajita.”

Larga, Laguna. 385 m (P), PUNTARENAS: General, 9°09’N 83°20’W. Lagoon SE of Buenos Aires, a classical site for many rare aquatic plants; now surrounded by pineapple plantations.

Larga, Sabana. Pittier. 2900 m (A), CARTAGO: Istarú. Site on the S slope of Volcán Irazú; not on current maps.

Lari, Río. A. Jiménez. 300 m (A), LIMÓN: Siola, 9°26’N 83°03’W. River draining the Cordillera de Talamanca; a major tributary of the lower Río Telire. Not to be confused with the less important Río Lori (q. v.).

La Legua. (Santo Domingo de Vara Blanca).

León, Cerro. (Loma León).

León, Loma. J. F. Morales. 1565 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Caraigres, 9°44’N 84°12’W. Ridge W of Cerro Caraigres, on the divide between the Río Grande de Candelaria and Río Tiquires.

La Leona, Estación. Aguilar. 10 m (P), PUNTARENAS, 8°27’N 83°29’W. Apparently on the Osa Peninsula.

Leona, Punta. 0 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Tárcoles, 9°42’N 84°40’W. Point S of Tárcoles.

Los Leones, Sabana. A. Rodríguez. 3400 m (?), SAN JOSÉ. [Cerro Chirripó.].

Lepanto. Brenes. 6 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Venado, 9°57’N 85°02’W. Town on the gulf side of the Nicoya Peninsula.

Líbano. Dodge, Standley & Valerio. 275 m (P), GUANACASTE, Tilarán: Tilarán, 10°25’07”N 84°59’22”W. Site of a gold mine on the slopes of Cerro San José, at the N end of the Cordillera de Tilarán.

Liberia. R. Anderson, Brenes, Dodge, Kupper, Lellinger, Mori, Oersted, Pittier, Porter, Shannon, Spellman, Wilbur, L. O. Williams, Wunderlin. 144 m (P), GUANACASTE, Liberia: Monteverde, 10°37’50”N 85°26’20”W. Town along the Carretera Interamericana; largest town in the Guanacaste lowlands, and capital of Prov. Guanacaste. Formerly known (prior to 1854) as "Guanacaste," or "Villa Guanacaste."

Liberia, Río. Dodge & Thomas. 100–200 m (P), GUANACASTE: Monteverde, 10°37–39’N 85°24–29’W. River draining the SW slope of Volcán Santa María; a tributary of the Río Tempisque.

La Libertad, Barrio. Pohl. (P), CARTAGO. [“S bank of Río Virilla”].

Los Liebres (Finca). 3080 m (A), CARTAGO: Istarú, 9°58’N 83°54’W. Site on the upper E slope of Volcán Irazú.

La Lima, Río. Burger. (P), GUANACASTE. [Between Santa Cruz and Playa Tamarindo.].

El Limbo, Laguna. 0 m (P), GUANACASTE: Ahogados, 10°47’N 85°40’W. Coastal lagoon at the S end of Playa Naranjo, Parque Nacional Santa Rosa.

Limón (Port; Puerto). E. Anderson, Biolley, Cook & Doyle, Croat, Kuntze, Morley, Pfau, Pittier, Pohl, Porsch, Stork, Tonduz, Walker. 2 m (A), LIMÓN: Río Banano, 9°59’39N 83°01’34”W. Major Atlantic port of Costa Rica; capital of Prov. Limón. Coordinates measured at benchmark 2.

Limón airport (aeropuerto). 1 m (A), LIMÓN, Limón: Río Banano, 9°57’00”N 83°01’12”W.

Limón, Fila. Aguilar. 1142 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Coto Brus, 8°56’N 83°11’W. Frontal ridge of the S Fila Costeña, abutting the Valle de Coto Brus.

Limón, Playa. 0 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Golfo, 9°56’N 84°54’W. Beach on the S coast of Isla San Lucas (q. v.).

Limoncito (de Paraíso). E. Alfaro, Pittier. 780 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Piedras Blancas, 8°50’N 83°00’W. Town in the S Fila Costeña, just NW of San Vito.

Limoncito, Río. Koshear.

Linda, Quebrada. J. F. Morales. 800 m (A), LIMÓN: Bonilla, 10°02’N 83°38’W. Creek draining the E slope of Volcán Turrialba; a tributary of the lower Río Bonilla.

Linda Vista. Liesner. 570 m (A), LIMÓN, Siquirres: Bonilla, 10°00’28”N 83°34’35”W.  Caserío at the N end of the Cordillera de Talamanca, in the valley of the Río Reventazón along the road from Turrialba to Siquirres.

Lindavista. J. F. Morales (as “Linda Vista”). 940 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Caraigres, 9°46’30”N 83°11’W. Caserío in the valley of the Río Grande de Candelaria.

La Lindora. 900 m (P), PUNTARENAS. [Near Monteverde Reserve.].

Lindora (Lago). Bumby. 842 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Abra, 9°57’30”N 84°13’W. Site in the W Valle Central, NW of Pozos de Santa Ana.

Lindora, Altos de. 1350 m (P), PUNTARENAS. [Near Monteverde Reserve.].

Lira, Cerro. 2368 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Vueltas, 9°31’N 83°51’W. Outlying peak in the Cordillera de Talamanca, SE of Providencia de Dota.

Lisonros, Cuesta de Los. Pittier. Site at or near "San Isidro" (de El General?); probably a mistranscription.

Liverpool. 8 m (A), LIMÓN: Río Banano, 9°59’N 83°08’W.

Livingston(e). Rowlee & Stork. 70 m (A), LIMÓN: Bonilla, 10°07’N 83°31’W. Site on the Llanura de Santa Clara along the Río Reventazón, just N of Siquirres.

La Lola (Finca). Holdridge, Scamman. 40 m (A), LIMÓN: Matina, 10°06’N 83°23’W. Railroad station at the S end of the Llanura de Santa Clara, E of Siquirres.

La Loma. A. Jiménez. 900 m (A), LIMÓN. Site at or near Alto Lari (q. v.).

(Las) Lomas. Pittier. 200 m (A), LIMÓN: Bonilla, 10°04’N 83°35’W. Railroad station along the Río Reventazón.

Las Lomas. (P). A. Jiménez [#3926]. [“Parrita”].

Londres. Wilbur. Ca. 300 m (P), PUNTARENAS.

Londres. Gómez. 2250 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Abra, 9°52’N 84°09’W. Caserío in the Cerros de Escazú.

Lori, Río. Ocampo. 1860 m (A), LIMÓN: Siola, 9°22’N 83°13’W. River in the Cordillera de Talamanca; a major tributary of the upper Río Coén. Not to be confused with the Río Lari (q. v.).

Los Loros. Cufodontis. (A), LIMÓN. Site at or near Boca Reventazón (q. v.); not on current maps.

(Los) Loros (Peñón de; Punta). Brenes. 0 m (P), PUNTARENAS, Garabito: Barranca, 9°51’31”N 84°42’02”W. Point just S of Tivives (q. v.).

Los Lotes. Standley. A old name for Finca La Cima (q. v.).

Lourdes (de Agua Caliente). 1310 m (A), CARTAGO: Tapantí, 9°50’N 83°55’W. Town in the E Valle Central, SE of Cartago.

Lourde(s), Barrio. J. F. Morales. (P), SAN JOSÉ. [Vicinity of Río Saurez.].

(La) Lucha. Barringer, Murphy. 1135 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Unión, 8°53’N 82°49’W. Town in the foothills of the Cordillera de Talamanca, near the Panamanian border.

La Lucha. Horich. [“Sierra–La Lucha”].

Luis. Mistranscription of Tuis (q. v.).

La Luisa. Davidse, Khan, Lent. 1250 m (P), ALAJUELA: Naranjo, 10°07’N 84°21’W. Town NW of Grecia (q. v.).

Luna (Quebrada). Wercklé. (A), CARTAGO. Site in the N Cordillera de Talamanca, in the vicinity of Muñeco or Navarro (q. v.).

La Luz. Pohl. 1180 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Abra, 9°56’N 84°04’W. E barrio of San José; not on current maps.

Llano(s) de. "Plain(s) of," on Spanish-language labels; not a place name.

Llano Bonito. Austin Smith. 1634 m (P), ALAJUELA: Naranjo, 10°10’N 84°23’W. Town in the W Cordillera Central, SE of Zarcero along the road to Naranjo.

Llano Bonito. 2 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Golfito, 8°39’N 83°11’W. Town NW of Golfito.

Llano Grande. Pohl. 2270 m (CD), CARTAGO: Istarú, 9°57’N 83°55’W. Town on the SW slope of Volcán Irazú.

Llano Grande. Dodge. 60 m (P), GUANACASTE, Liberia: Carrillo Norte, 10°36’06”N 85°32’47”W.  Site near Guardia (“Buenos Aires”?).

Llano Grande (de Puriscal). Jiménez. 810 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Río Grande, 9°53’N 84°22’W.

Llanura Bonita de Zarcero. Austin Smith. 600 m. Not on current maps; possibly the same as Llano Bonito (q. v.), though the elevation given is much lower.

Llei, Río. 1050 m (A), LIMÓN: Matama, 9°38’N 83°17’W. River in the Cordillera de Talamanca, draining the E flank of Fila Matama; a tributary of the Río Telire.

Lleskila, Fila. 2011 m (A), LIMÓN: Matama, 9°37’N 83°18’W. A spur ridge of Fila Matama (q. v.), S of the Río Llei.

Llorona (Playa). Ray. 0 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Llorona, 8°34’N 83°41’W. Beach on the W side of the Osa Peninsula.

Ma. Aguilar, Laguna. Bumba. (Laguna María Aguilar).

Macacona (de Esparza). Gómez. 243 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Miramar, 10°00’N 84°39’W. Town along the Carretera Interamericana, just NE of Esparza (q. v.).

Macho, Río. Horich. 1114 m (A), CARTAGO: Tapantí, 9°47’N 83°51’W. River draining the N Cordillera de Talamanca; a major tributary of the Río Grande de Orosi.

Macho Mora (Alto). 2805 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Cuericí, 9°32’N 83°43’W. Promontory along the Carretera Interamericana on "Cerro de La Muerte," between Villa Mills and La División.

Machuca (Rápidos de). Pittier & Tonduz. 30 m (A), ALAJUELA: Pocosol, 10°55’N 84°18’W. Rapids in the Río San Juan (q. v.), just downstream from the mouth of the Río Infiernito; technically in Nicaragua.

Machuca, Río. Biolley, Pittier. 193 m (P), ALAJUELA: Barranca, 9°56’N 84°32’W. River draining the S slope of the Montes del Aguacate; a major tributary of the Río Jesús María.

Macio, Colonia. Cook & Doyle. (P). Site on the Nicoya Peninsula.

Macizo (de). "Massif (of)," on Spanish-language labels; not a place name.

Maderal de San Mateo. Brenes. 600 m (P), ALAJUELA: Barranca, 9°58’N 84°31’W. Town in the Montes del Aguacate, just NE of San Mateo.

Madre de Diós (Río). Pittier. 51 m (A), LIMÓN: Matina, 10°05’41”N 83°23’53”W. Railroad station at the S edge of the Llanura de Santa Clara, at the crossing of the river of same name.

Madre de Diós, Río. Calderón. 300 m (A), LIMÓN: Matina, 10°02’N 83°27’W. River draining the N end of the Cordillera de Talamanca, flowing to the sea S of the Río Pacuare. River forms the border between Matina and Siquirres cantones.

Madreselva. 2650 m (A), CARTAGO: Tapantí, 9°41’N 83°52’W. Site along the Carretera Interamericana on "Cerro de La Muerte."

Madroños, Fila.

Magsasay. 150 m (A), HEREDIA: Río Cuarto, 10°24’N 84°03’W. Site in the N foothills of the Cordillera Central, SE of Chilamate de Sarapiquí (and immediately SW of the Estación Biológica La Selva).

Maíz de Boruca. 620 m (P), PUNTARENAS: General, 9°02’N 83°25’W. Town at the N base of the N Fila Costeña.

Maíz de Las Uvas (Colinas). E. Alfaro, L. González. 330 m (P), PUNTARENAS: General, 9°03’N 83°28’W. Town at the N base of the N Fila Costeña.

Mala, Punta. Pittier, Tonduz. 0 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Coronado, 9°03’N 83°39’W. Point at the northernmost mouth of the Río Grande de Térraba, opposite the town of Punta Mala (q. v.).

Malanga, Quebrada. Bello. 700 m (A), GUANACASTE: Tilarán, 10°24’N 84°47’W. Creek draining the N slope of the Cordillera de Tilarán; a tributary of the Caño Negro.

Malpaís (Playa). 10 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Cabuya, 9°36’N 85°09’W. Beach town at the S end of the Nicoya Peninsula.

Mancarón, Río. (Río Mancarrón).

Mancarrón, Río. 1200 m (P), HEREDIA: Barva, 10°02’N 84°08’W. River draining the S slope of Volcán Barva; a tributary of the Río Segundo.

Manewan, Río. Pittier. Apparently a mistranscription of "Río Mancarón" (q. v).

Mano de Tigre (Alto). Pittier. 708 m (P), PUNTARENAS: General, 9°03’N 83°18’W.

Mansión. Wilbur. [Nicoya Peninsula.].

Manuel Antonio (Parque Nacional). 140 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Quepos, 9°25’N 84°09’W. SE suburb of Puerto Quepos; also, the name of an adjacent national park.

Manuel Antonio, Playa. 0 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Quepos, 9°23’N 84°08’W. Beach in Parque Nacional Manuel Antonio, SE of Puerto Quepos.

Manuelita, Isla. Lépiz. 0 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Nicoya (1:200,000), 5°34’N 87°03’W. Islet at the N tip of Isla del Coco (q. v.).

Manzanillo. Davidse & Pohl, Quirós. 15 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Berrugate, 10°08’N 85°01’W. Town on the E side of the Golfo de Nicoya.

Manzanillo (de Talamanca). Hennipman. 0 m (A), LIMÓN: Sixaola, 9°38’N 82°39’W. Coastal town E of Puerto Viejo de Talamanca.

Manzanillo, Playa. 0 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Golfo, 9°56’N 84°55’W. Beach on the S coast of Isla San Lucas (q. v.).

Manzanillo, Punta. 5 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Golfo, 9°56’N 84°55’W. Point on the S coast of Isla San Lucas (q. v.), at the W end of Playa Manzanillo.

Máquina, Quebrada. J. F. Morales. 830 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Caraigres, 9°45’N 84°13’W. Creek draining the N slope of Fila del Naranjal (q. v.); a tributary of the Río Grande de Candelaria.

Máquinas, Fila. Gómez. Probably the same as Fila Cementerio de La Máquina (q. v.).

Maraija, Mt. Oersted. Apparently a mistranscription of "Naranjo" (q. v.).

Marais (de). "Swamps (of)," on French-language labels; not a place name.

María Aguilar, Laguna. Bumby (as “Ma. Aguilar”), Lent. 775 m (A), ALAJUELA: Poás, 10°18’N 84°12’W. A natural (crater) lake in the Cordillera Central, along the road from Cariblanco to San Miguel.

María Aguilar, Río. A. Alfaro, Pittier, Donnell Smith, Solís R., Standley, Tonduz. 1140 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Abra, 9°55’N 84°05’W. River flowing through the city of San José; a tributary of the Río Tiribí.

María Aguilar, Río. Horich, Lent. 900 m (A), ALAJUELA: Poás, 9°17’N 84°17’W. River draining the NE slope of Cerro Congo (q. v.); a tributary of the Río Sarapiquí.

Las Marías, Cerros. 2510 m (A), HEREDIA: Barva, 10°09’N 84°07’W. N spur ridge of Volcán Barva.

La Marina. Nisman, Williams. 430 m (A), ALAJUELA: Aguas Zarcas, 10°23’N 84°23’W. Town at the base of the Cordillera Central, NE of Ciudad Quesada.

Mariposa. Cooper. 2000 m, ALAJUELA.

Mariposa, Quebrada. Hammel, L. D. Vargas, Zamora. 270 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Tárcoles, 9°48’N 84°31’W. Minor creek; a tributary of the Río Tiquires [not the main one!].

Maritza, Estación. Chacón. 600 m (CD), GUANACASTE, La Cruz: Cacao, 10°58’N 85°30’W. Park station on the W slope of Volcán Orosí, Cordillera de Guanacaste; not on current maps.

Marzo, Río. 1300 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Unión, 8°56’N 82°51’W. River draining the foothills of the E Cordillera de Talamanca; a tributary of the Río Negro.

Mastatal de Puriscal. 260 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Candelaria, 9°41’N 84°23’W. Town in the Puriscal region, SE of Santa Rosa (q. v.).

Mata de Caña, Alto. I. A. Chacón. 1880 m (A), CARTAGO: Abra, 9°51’N 84°02’W. Promontory extremely near the Continental Divide, between Altos Tablazo and the Cerros de La Carpintera.

Mata de Caña, Finca. (A). Lellinger. [Near Chitaría.].

Mata de Limón. 25 m (A), LIMÓN: Agua Fría, 10°23’N 83°39’W. Town on the Llanura de Tortuguero, NE of Cariari.

Mata de Limón. 8 m (A), LIMÓN: Sixaola, 9°33’N 82°38’W. Caserío just SW of Gandoca.

Mata de Limón. Jiménez. 7 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Barranca, 9°56’N 84°43’W. Town just E of Caldera.

Matama, Cerro. 2251 m (A), LIMÓN. Estrella, 9°47’03”N 83°14’32”W. Highest point on the lower Fila Matama (q. v.).

Matama, Fila. 2251 m (A), LIMÓN: Estrella, 9°47’N 83°14’W. Major transverse ridge of the N Cordillera de Talamanca; Fila Matama extends to the summit of Cerro Chirripó (Grande), but labels generally refer to the lower portion, the highest point of which (Cerro Matama) is here located.

Matamba. Brade. (P), SAN JOSÉ. Site "between Pirrís & San Jerónimo"; also given as "between San Ignacio and Parrita."

Matambú. Cook & Doyle, Tonduz. 300 m (P), GUANACASTE: Matambú, 10°05’N 85°25’W. Town on the central Nicoya Peninsula, N of Hojancha.

Matapalo. 10 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Dominical, 9°20’N 83°58’W. Town along the Costanera highway, between Puerto Quepos and Dominical.

Matapalo, Boca. Pittier. Same as Boca Zacate (q. v.), at the mouth of the Río Grande de Térraba.

Mata Redonda, Laguna. Boucher, Crow. 9 m (P), GUANACASTE, Nicoya: Talolinga, 10°18’36”N 85°24’36”W. Lagoon S of the lower Río Tempisque.

(La) Matina. Barbour, Pittier, Tonduz. 11 m (A), LIMÓN: Matina, 10°05’N 83°18’W. Railroad station on the Llanura de Santa Clara, near the upper Río Matina.

Matina, Río. Bumby. 10–15 m (A), LIMÓN: Matina, 10°04’N 83°18’W. River formed by the confluence of the Río Barbilla and the Río Chirripó (Duchí), flowing to the sea N of Puerto Limón.

Matinilla. Döbbeler, Q. Jiménez. 1250 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Abra, 9°53’N 84°11’W. Caserío in the N foothills of the Cerros de Escazú.

Matrícula, Alto. Gómez-Laurito. 1125 m (A), CARTAGO: Tucurrique, 9°55’N 83°37’W.

Medio Camina, Casa. Godfrey. (P), PUNTARENAS. [Site near Osa Productos Forestales, q. v.].

Medio Queso. 49 m (A), ALAJUELA: Medio Queso, 10°58’N 84°38’W. Town on the Llanura de Los Guatusos, SE of Los Chiles.

(Las) Mellizas. Gómez. 1340 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Unión, 8°53’N 82°47’W. Town in the E Cordillera de Talamanca, on the Panamanian border.

Mengo, Estación. (Estación Cacao).

Las Mercedes. Nevermann. (A), LIMÓN. Site on the "plains of Limón"; there is a "Mercedes" at, 75 m (A), LIMÓN: Guápiles, 10°19’N 83°46’W, and another at 95 m (A), LIMÓN: Guácimo, 10°11’N 83°37’W.

Las Mercedes, Cerro de. A. Alfaro. Site near Desamparados (q. v.).

Mercedes Sur. Lellinger. (P), SAN JOSÉ. [Near Cerbatana.].

La Mesa. J. F. Morales. 710 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Caraigres, 9°47’N 84°11’W. Town in the valley of the Río Grande de Candelaria.

La Mesa, Quebrada. J. F. Morales. 700 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Caraigres, 9°47’N 84°11’W. Creek draining NW slope of Cerro Caraigres; a tributary of the Río Grande de Candelaria. Mapped as “Río La Mesa.”

Las Mesas. Pittier. 1250 m (A), CARTAGO: Istarú, 9°53’N 83°47’W. Railroad station near the Río Birrís.

Las Mesas. A. Jiménez. (P). [“Entre San Marcos y Las Mesas, via Pejiballe”].

Las Mesas, Río. (P). [Between San Marcos and Pejivalle, Valle de General.].

(La) Meseta. J. F. Morales. 880 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Caraigres, 9°47’N 84°09’W. Town near the upper Río Grande de Candelaria.

Meseta, Quebrada. J. F. Morales. 890 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Caraigres, 9°47’N 83°09’W. A tributary of the upper Río Grande de Candelaria.

Mesón. 1500 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Abra, 9°52’N 84°07’W. Town in the Cerros de Escazú, along the Río Poás.

Las Mezas, Cerro. Herrera. 150 m (P), PUNTARENAS. [Between Puerto Caldera and Tivives.].

Micos, Quebrada. 600 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Río Grande, 9°55’N 84°18’W. Creek in the W part of the Zona Protectora El Rodeo (q. v.); a tributary of the lower Río Jaris.

Millón. 25 m (A), LIMÓN: Agua Fría, 10°24’N 83°38’W. Town on the Llanura de Tortuguero, NE of Cariari.

Milloncito. 25 m (A), LIMÓN: Agua Fría, 10°25’N 83°36’W. Town on the Llanura de Tortuguero, NE of Cariari.

Mills, Villa (formerly, Millsville). Barrus, A. M. Evans, Holm, Solomon, C. Weber. 3000 m (A), CARTAGO: Cuericí, 9°34’N 83°43’W. Site along the Carretera Interamericana on "Cerro de La Muerte."

Millsville. (Villa Mills).

Mina(s), Cerro. 1205 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Abra, 9°55’N 84°11’30”W. Summit in the foothills of the Cerros de Escazú, S of Santa Ana.

Mina, Quebrada. J. F. Morales. 1000 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Caraigres, 9°49’N 84°11’W. Creek draining the SW flank of Alto El Guabal; a tributary of the Río Jorco.

Miramar. 340 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Miramar, 10°06’N 84°44’W. Town at the S base of the Cordillera de Tilarán.

Miravalles (Volcán). Burger, Primack. 2028 m (CD), ALAJUELA/GUANACASTE: Miravalles, 10°45’N 85°09’W. Highest summit in the Cordillera de Guanacaste; a volcano, though essentially extinct.

Miravalles (Hacienda). Brade, Jiménez, Wercklé. 450 m (P), GUANACASTE: Miravalles, 10°41’N 85°14’W.

Mocotte, Cerro. Brade. (Cerro Mogote).

Moctezuma. J. González. (P), PUNTARENAS. [“Playa Grande–Moctezuma”].

(Los) Mogos. Berrocal. 10 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Rincón, 8°45’N 83°23’W. Site at the N end of Golfo Dulce.

Mogote, Cerro. Brade (as "Mocotte"), Wercklé. 823 m (P), GUANACASTE: Curubandé, 10°44’N 85°16’W. A subsidiary peak of Volcán Santa María.

Moín. Cufodontis, Pittier, Wilbur. 5 m (A), LIMÓN: Moín, 10°00’00”N 83°04’30”W. Town just W of Puerto Limón; railroad station.

Moín, Río (River). Bumby, L. González, Morley. 8–10 m (A), LIMÓN. 10°03’N 83°09’W.

Moín, Río. Herrera. 350 m (A), LIMÓN: Telire, 9°38’N 83°02’W. River draining the foothills of the Cordillera de Talamanca at the S edge of the Reserva Biológica Hitoy-Cerere; a tributary of the Río Duruy.

Molejon, Cerro. Hurtado. 40–155 m (P), PUNTARENAS. Near Golfito.

Molejones, Quebrada. Grayum. 1700 m (A), CARTAGO.

Molina, Quebrada. J. F. Morales. 1854 m (P), CARTAGO. [Vicinity of Tablazo and Copalchí.].

Molinete, Quebrada. 400 m (A), LIMÓN: Guápiles, 10°12’N 83°54’W. Creek in the foothills of the Cordillera Central, W of Guápiles; a tributary of the Río Corinto.

El Molino. Solís R. 251 m (A), LIMÓN: Guápiles, 10°13’N 83°46’W.

Mombache. Oersted. (P). Site presumably in or near the Montes del Aguacate ["Between Mombache and Aguacate"].

Mombache, Mont. Oersted. 370 m. Peak presumably associated with the foregoing site.

Mona, Fila. 2214 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Vueltas, 9°34’N 83°57’W. Ridge SE of San Joaquín de Dota (q. v.), forming the divide between the upper Río Brujo and Río Naranjo.

Mona, Punta (formerly Monkey Point). Hennipman, Pittier. 0 m (A), LIMÓN: Sixaola, 9°38’N 82°37’W. Point between Puerto Viejo de Talamanca and the Río Sixaola; at one time a town site, now a topographic feature. N.B.: mapped as an island, but rendered peninsular by a recent earthquake.

(La) Mona, Quebrada. Bermúdez, Gómez-Laurito, Soto. 100–200 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Laurel, 8°23–24’N 82°59’W. A tributary of the Río La Vaca (q. v.).

Mondongo, Picacho de (Cerro). Brenes. 1000 m (P), ALAJUELA: Barranca, 10°00’ 84°31’W. Peak in the Montes del Aguacate; apparently an ancient volcanic edifice.

Monkey Point. (Punta Mona).

Mont(s) (de). "Peak(s) (of)," on French-language labels; not a place name.

Montaña Azul. 1670 m (A), HEREDIA: Poás, 10°12’N 84°09’W. Town in the Cordillera Central, just N of Vara Blanca on the road to Puerto Viejo de Sarapiquí, on the divide between the Río La Paz and the Río Sarapiquí.

Monte, Alto del. Pohl. 930 m (P). [Near Atenas.].

Montecarlo. Dressler. 900 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: San Isidro, 9°22’N 83°37’W. Town on the E side of the Valle del General, just NE of Quizarrá.

Montecillo, Laguna. Crow. 18 m (P), GUANACASTE: Diriá, 10°18’N 85°43’W. Seasonal lagoon on the NW Nicoya Peninsula, N of Veintisiete de Abril.

Montecillos. Bumby. 880 m (P), ALAJUELA: Barva, 10°00’30”N 84°14’W. SW suburb of Alajuela; Bumby gives province as “San José.”

Montecristo, Finca. 25 m. Standley & Valerio. Site near El Cairo (q. v.).

Montecristo (Finca; Hacienda) (de Heredia). Moran, Solís R. 1520–1720 m (P), HEREDIA. Site on the slope of Volcán Barva, near El Gallito (q. v.); sometimes rendered as “Monte Cristo.”

Montée. “Grade” (cuesta), on French-language labels; not a place name.

Monte Galán. Q. Jiménez (as “Montegalán”). 35 m (P), GUANACASTE: Talolinga, 10°16’N 85°24’W. Town at the S base of the Cerros del Rosario (q. v.).

Montenegro. Gentry. 40 m (P), GUANACASTE, Bagaces: Cañas, 10°28’52”N 85°12’37”W.  Small town between Cañas and Bagaces on the Carretera Interamericana.

Monte Redondo. 1140 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Caraigres, 9°48’N 84°08’W. Town in the valley of the Río Grande de Candelaria.

Monterrey (de Aserrí). Pohl. 1000 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Caraigres, 9°46’N 84°07’W. Town in the Candelaria region.

Montes (de). "Thickets (of)," on Spanish-language labels; not usually a place name (but cf. Montes de Oca, Montes de Oro).

Montes de Oca. Name of a cantón in Prov. San José (cf. San Pedro de Montes de Oca).

Montes de Oro. Name of a cantón in Prov. Puntarenas (cf. Miramar).

Monteverde (Reserve; also, Monte Verde). Bello, Bigelow, Bradford, Burger, Costich, Dryer, Emmel, Gómez, Grayum, Haber, Hammel, Hartshorn, Hennipman, Ivey, James, A. Jiménez, Judziewicz, Kennedy, Koptur, Luteyn, Lyon, Murray, Obando, Palmer, Penneys, Pounds, Powell, Sargent, J. F. Smith, Téllez, Tisna, van der Werff, Weston, Wheelwright, Wilbur, Zogg. 1400 m (community), 1500 m (station), 1842 m (highest point in Reserve) (A/CD/P), ALAJUELA/PUNTARENAS: Juntas, 10°18’N 84°48’W. Town (Monteverde) and private biological reserve in the Cordillera de Tilarán. The community, the station, and most of the frequently traveled trails in the Reserve are in Prov. Puntarenas (Pacific slope); main entrance station just S of the town and Río Guacimal; Sendero Brillante follows the Continental Divide (and the Alajuela/Puntarenas provincial boundary); the Peñas Blancas section of the Reserve, beyond the "Ventana" (along the Sendero Brillante), is in Prov. Alajuela (Atlantic slope), corresponds to the Río Peñas Blancas; Cerro Los Amigos, the highest point in the Reserve (indeed, in the Cordillera de Tilarán) sits at the confluence of Alajuela, Guanacaste, and Puntarenas provinces. Most tourist trails are in “El Triángulo”, E from the main Reserve entrance station and leading to the Continental Divide.

Monteverde. Stork. 40 m (A), LIMÓN: Matina, 10°06’N 83°27’W. Railroad station at the S edge of the Llanura de Santa Clara, just E of Siquirres.

Monteverde (Hacienda).  GUANACASTE, Bagaces.  Town site NW of Bagaces, on the Río Monteverde.

Montezuma (Playa). 10 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Cabuya, 9°39’N 85°05’W. Beach town at the S end of the Nicoya Peninsula.

La Montura (Estación). I. A. Chacón. 1050 m (A), SAN JOSÉ: Carrillo, 10°07’N 83°59’W. Site on the N slope of the Cordillera Central, along the autopista to Guápiles, on the narrowest portion of the divide between the Río Patria and the Río Hondura; not on current maps. A ranger station of Parque Nacional Braulio Carrillo was formerly located here.

Mora, Caño. 5 m (A), LIMÓN: Tortuguero, 10°32’N 83°31’W. Creek SW of Tortuguero; a tributary of Caño Chiquero (q. v.).

Mora, Puerto. Stevens. 0 m (P), GUANACASTE: Murciélago, 10°57’N 85°43’W. Small harbor at the N base of the Santa Elena Peninsula.

Los Mora, Quebrada. Rivera. 770 m (?), GUANACASTE: 10°47’N 85°16’W. [Rincón de La Vieja.].

Morales, Punta. 0 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Chapernal, 10°04’N 84°58’W. Point on the E side of the Golfo de Nicoya.

Moravia de Chirripó (de Turrialba). León, Poveda. 1126 m (A), CARTAGO: Chirripó, 9°50’N 83°27’W. Town in the N Cordillera de Talamanca, along the upper Río Moravia.

Moravia, Río. 1120 m (A), CARTAGO: Chirripó, 9°49’N 83°28’N. River in the N Cordillera de Talamanca; a tributary of the Río Chirripó (Duchí).

Moris, Alto de. (CD), SAN JOSÉ. An old name for Alto de La Palma (q. v.); according to Tristán (1966: 130), the name probably originated from a corruption of "Morrell," the surname of an American businessman who operated at the site during the 1800’s.

Morizal, Alto de. Gómez. SAN JOSÉ. Said to be near La Palma; certainly a further corruption of the preceding name.

(El) Muelle (de Sarapiquí). Biolley, Tonduz, Wendland. 30 m (A), HEREDIA: Río Cuarto, 10°28’N 84°02’W. Site along the lower Río Sarapiquí.

Muelle San Carlos. 60 m (A), ALAJUELA: Aguas Zarcas, 10°28’N 84°28’W. Town on the Llanura de San Carlos, at the confluence of the Río San Carlos and the Río San Rafael.

Mueller, Cerro. 744 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Golfo Dulce, 8°30’N 83°28’W. Second-highest peak on the Osa Peninsula (cf. Cerro Rincón); actually just a benchmark on the map.

La Muerte (Cerro de). Croat (as “Muerta”), Burch, Hill, Holdridge, Horich, Huft, Lellinger, León, Pipoly, Pittier, Skutch, Stork. (Cerro de Buena Vista and Villa Mills). CARTAGO/SAN JOSÉ: Very narrow and treacherous stretch of the Carretera Interamericana, considered one of the most dangerous driving locations in the country.

Muerto, Caño. 5 m (A), LIMÓN: Tortuguero, 10°32’N 83°32’W. Creek SW of Tortuguero; a tributary of Caño Chiquero (q. v.).

Muerto, Volcán. (Fila Volcán Muerto).

Mulas, Puente (de). Pohl. 850 m (P), HEREDIA/SAN JOSÉ: Abra, 9°58’N 84°11’W. Bridge over the Río Virilla on the road from San Antonio de Belén to Escazú, Valle Central.

(El) Muñeco. Luteyn, Standley, Standley & Torres, Stork, Utley, Wilbur. 1250 m (A), CARTAGO: Tapantí, 9°48’N 83°55’W. Town in the valley of the Río Navarro, N Cordillera de Talamanca.

Murciélago, Hacienda. Pohl. 60 m (P), GUANACASTE, La Cruz: Murciélago, 10°54’N 85°44’W. Site (presently a park station) near the N base of the Santa Elena Peninsula, along the Río Murciélago. [Is there another one, nearer La Cruz, ca. 2 km W of the Carretera Interamericana (fide Pohl)?].

Murciélago, Isla. Designation sometimes used incorrectly (e.g., by J. González) for Isla San José (q. v.).

Murciélago, Islas. 142 m (P), GUANACASTE: Santa Elena, 10°51–52’N 85°52–59’W. Group of islands (seven named) off the SW coast of the Santa Elena Peninsula; the highest point is on Isla San José (q. v.). Also called (locally) “Islas Papagayo.”

Murciélago, Río. 60 m (P), GUANACASTE: Murciélago, 10°54’N 85°44’W. Intermittent river near the N base of the Santa Elena Peninsula, flowing to the sea at Bahía Tomás.

La Murta. Lankester. 1650 m (A), CARTAGO: Istarú. Site N of Cartago.

Murur Bisuk, Sabana. 1500 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Buenos Aires, 9°19’N 83°18’W. Savanna in the Cordillera de Talamanca, on the divide between the Río Ceibo and the Río Chubugra.

Las Musas. Carvajal. [San Pedro de San Ramón.].

Museo Nacional. 1145 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Abra, 9°56’N 84°05’W. During Pittier’s era (1887–1903), the Museo Nacional was located in the S part of San José, along Avenida 18, between Calles 1 and 5, immediately NW of the Pacific railway station. In 1903, it was moved northward to the block immediately SE of the Teatro Nacional (the present site of the Caja Costarricense de Seguro Social). There it remained until 1949, when it moved to its present location, a former military garrison (and, before that, the house of Mauro Fernández). The elevation and coordinates given above pertain to the original site; the second location is at 1150 m elevation, but with the same coordinates. The current site of the Museo, along Avenida Central between Calles 15 and 17, is at 1140 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Abra, 9°56’N 84°04’W.

Nacascolo. 5 m (P), GUANACASTE: Carrillo Norte, 10°38’N 85°41’W.

Nai, Cerro. 3129 m (CD), LIMÓN/PUNTARENAS: Kámuk, 9°13’N 83°04’W. Peak in the Cordillera de Talamanca.

Nance, Playa. (Playa Nancite).

Nancite, Playa. 0 m (P), GUANACASTE, La Cruz: Ahogados, 10°48’11”N 85°41’58”W. Beach in Parque Nacional Santa Rosa; mapped as "Playa Nance," though universally called Playa Nancite.

Nara, Cerro. 1086 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Quepos, 9°30’N 84°01’W. Summit in the Cordillera de Talamanca front range, on the divide between the Río Naranjo and the Río Savegre.

Naranjal, Fila (del). J. F. Morales. 1225 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Caraigres, 9°44’N 84°13’W. Ridge on the divide between the Río Grande de Candelaria and Río Tiquires.

Naranjo. Brenes, Khan. 1040 m (P), ALAJUELA: Naranjo, 10°06’N 84°23’W. Town in the W Valle Central, between San Ramón and Sarchí (Norte).

Naranjo. Knight.

Naranjo (de Guanacaste). Hoffmann. 0 m (P), GUANACASTE. Old maps show a "Naranjo" in the area between Hacienda Santa Rosa and Hacienda Guachipelín (q. v.), that is, roughly in the vicinity of Cañas Dulces or Hacienda Los Ahogados (q. v.); it is also possible that the name is used in a regional sense, i.e., for Bahía Naranjo and vicinity.

Naranjo (de Juan Viñas). Oersted, Pittier, Polakowsky, Scherzer, Stork, Wendland. 1242 m (A), CARTAGO: Istarú, 9°53’N 83°46’W. Town just W of Juan Viñas; in the time of Oersted and Wendland, this was apparently the principal town of the region.

Naranjo, Cerros de. Hammel. [Abangares quadrangle.].

Naranjo, Playa. Hughes, Janzen, Liesner. 0 m (P), GUANACASTE, Liberia: Ahogados, 10°47’49”N 85°40’51”W. Main beach at Parque Nacional Santa Rosa.

Naranjo, Río. Brenes. (P), ALAJUELA. Said to be near the Río Grande de Tárcoles (q. v.), or perhaps an alternate name for the latter (or one of its branches).

Naranjo, Río. Almeda, Lent. 1300 m (A), CARTAGO: Tapantí, 9°50’N 83°47’W. A tributary of the Río Reventazón.

Naranjo, Río (de Dota). Pittier, Tonduz. 200 m (P), PUNTARENAS/SAN JOSÉ: Quepos, 9°29’N 84°03’W. River draining the Cordillera de Talamanca, flowing to the sea SE of Puerto Quepos.

Naranjos Agrios. Standley & Valerio. 540 m (A), GUANACASTE, Tilarán: Arenal, 10°32’40”N 84°58’50”W. Site in the Cordillera de Tilarán; apparently also known as Hacienda La Argentina.

Navarrito. Stork. 1370 m. Presumably the same as, or associated with, the Río Navarrito (q. v.).

Navarrito, Río. Pittier. 1300 m (A), CARTAGO: Tapantí, 9°48’N 83°54’W. River in the N Cordillera de Talamanca; a tributary of the Río Navarro.

Navarro. Lankester, Maxon, Donnell Smith, Wercklé. 1100 m (A), CARTAGO: Tapantí, 9°48’N 83°53’W. Town in the N Cordillera de Talamanca, in the valley of the Río Agua Caliente, near its confluence with the Río Navarro.

Navarro, Finca. Maxon. "An experimental farm of the United Fruit Company" (Calvert & Calvert, 1917: 151–152), immediately SE of the confluence of the Río Agua Caliente and the Río Navarro; same as the foregoing site?

Navarro, Río (valley). Luteyn, Standley, Standley & Torres, Stork. 1100 m (A), CARTAGO: Tapantí, 9°48’N 83°53’W. River in the N Cordillera de Talamanca; a major tributary of the Río Agua Caliente.

Nazareno, Quebrada. Herrera. 150 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Golfito, 8°38’N 83°11’30”W. Creek on point opposite town of Golfito; draining to the sea.

Negra, Peña. J. F. Morales. 1000 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Caraigres, 9°48’N 84°12’W. Site above the Río Grande de Candelaria.

Negra, Quebrada. Lépiz. 750 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Coto Brus, 8°59’N 83°03’W. Creek draining the foothils of the E Cordillera de Talamanca; a tributary of the Río Sábalo.

Los Negritos (Finca?). Cufodontis. (A), LIMÓN: Parismina.  10°15’09”N 83°27’46”W. Site near or at Boca Reventazón (q. v.); assumed to be a farm site upstream from where the Río Reventazón joins the Río Parismina.

Negro, Caño. Bello (as “Río Caño Negro”). 560 m (A), ALAJUELA/GUANACASTE: Tilarán, 10°25’N 84°46’W. River draining the N slope of the Cordillera de Tilarán; a tributary of the Río Arenal (but now flowing into Lago Arenal). Corresponds for its entire length to the provincial boundary.

Negro, Cerro. 136 m (A), HEREDIA: Río Sucio, 10°28’N 83°52’W. Isolated peak on the W Llanura de Tortuguero, near the Río Chirripó (Atlántico), of relatively recent volcanic origin; actually just a benchmark on the map.

Negro, Estero. 0 m (A), LIMÓN: San Andrés, 9°51’N 82°57’W. Estuary E of San Andrés (q. v.).

Negro, Puente. Utley. [Bridge over the Río Agua Caliente, near Orosi.].

Negro, Río. 800 m (P), GUANACASTE: Curubandé, 10°46’N 85°19’W. River draining the S slope of Volcán Santa María, in Parque Nacional Rincón de La Vieja; a tributary of the Río Colorado.

Negro (de Tilarán), Río. Haber. 1500 m (A), GUANACASTE: Tilarán, 10°21’N 84°49’W. River in the Cordillera de Tilarán; a tributary of the upper Río Chiquito.

Negro, Río. Barringer. 1040 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Unión, 8°53’N 82°52’W. River draining the foothills of the E Cordillera de Talamanca; a tributary of the Río Coto Brus.

Negro, Río. 310 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Candelaria, 9°42’N 84°24’W. River flowing through the Zona Protectora Cerros de La Cangreja, in the Puriscal region; a tributary of the Río Chires.

Los Negros de Miramar. Chaverri. (P), PUNTARENAS. This is presumably the same as the well-known locale along the Carretera Interamericana, sometimes called "Sitio Barranca," with a small patch of forest harboring Attalea (Scheelea) rostrata. Not on current maps, but there is a "Quebrada Negros" at 30 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Miramar, 10°03’N 84°45’W. [Cf. Chapernal quadrangle!].

Negros, Quebrada. Liesner. 20–30 m (P), PUNTARENAS. [ preceding entry.].

Neily (Ciudad, Villa). Hennipman, Wilbur. 42 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Canoas, 8°39’N 82°57’W. Town at the N edge of the Valle de Coto Colorado, along the Río Corredor, at the base of Fila de Cal.

Nene, Cerro. 1553 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Vueltas, 9°33’N 83°59’W. Peak on the divide between the upper Río Brujo and Río Naranjo, S of San Joaquín de Dota.

Nicaragua, Laguna. Crow. 10 m (P), GUANACASTE, Bagaces, 10°19’00”N 85°15’50”W.  Lake in Parque Nacional Palo Verde wetlands, just below Hacienda Catalina.

Nicoya. Barclay, Cook, Cooper, Dayton, Jiménez, Lent, Pittier, Porter, Tonduz, Manuel Valerio. 120 m (P), GUANACASTE, Nicoya: Matambú, 10°08’59”N 85°27’15”W. Town on the central Nicoya Peninsula; the name may sometimes be used in a general sense, e.g., for the entire peninsula.

Nicuesa, Cerro. Herrera. 345 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Golfito, 8°40’N 83°13’W. Promontory NW of Golfito.

Nimaso, Cerro. 1093 m (A), LIMÓN: Siola, 9°28’N 83°02’W. Minor subsidiary peak of the E Cordillera de Talamanca.

Niñey, Río. 10 m (A), LIMÓN: Cahuita, 9°46’N 82°57’W. Minor river in the Cordillera de Talamanca, N of the Valle La Estrella; a tributary of the lower Río Estrella.

Nisperal, Río. 30 m (P), GUANACASTE: Ahogados, 10°49’N 85°39’W. Intermittent river in Parque Nacional Santa Rosa, flowing to the sea at Playa Naranjo.

Nosara (Playa). Haber. 5 m (P), GUANACASTE: Garza, 9°59’N 85°39’W. Beach town on the central Nicoya Peninsula, on the ocean side.

Los Novios, Catarata. 1150 m (A), CARTAGO: Istarú, 9°50’N 83°51’W. Waterfall on the Río Páez (q. v).

Las Nubes. Lankester. 2134 m. [“On the slopes of Irazú”; probably same as following.].

Las Nubes (de Coronado). Allen, Cufodontis, Knight, Standley. 1810 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Istarú, 9°59’N 83°58’W. Town in the Cordillera Central, between Volcán Barva and Volcán Irazú; by far the most important "Las Nubes" locality.

(Las) Nubes (de Quizarrá). Cambronero. 1200 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: San Isidro, 9°23’N 83°36’W. Site in the Cordillera de Talamanca, in the valley of the Río Peñas Blancas.

Las Nubes de Río Chiquito. Guindon, Haber. 1000–1200 m (?), GUANACASTE. [Probably the same as the following.]

Las Nubes (de Santa Elena; de Tilarán). Atwood, Ivey. 1250 m (CD), GUANACASTE: Tilarán, 10°22’N 84°51’W. Site in the Cordillera de Tilarán; presumably the same as Río Chiquito de Las Nubes (name on current maps).

Las Nubes de Santa Elena. E. Alfaro. (P), SAN JOSÉ. [Cantón de Pérez Zeledón; possibly the same as Las Nubes de Quizarrá.].

Nuestro Amo. O. Jiménez, Pittier. 790 m (P), ALAJUELA: Río Grande, 9°57’N 84°16’W. Railroad station in the W Valle Central, SW of La Guácima.

Nuevo, Río. Wilbur. 1700 m (A), HEREDIA: Barva, 10°06’N 84°02’W. River in the Cordillera Cental; a tributary of the upper Río Patria.

Nuevo, Río. Cufodontis. 5 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Golfo Dulce, 8°32’N 83°20’W. River on the Osa Peninsula; a tributary of the lower Río Tigre.

Nuevo, Río. McAlpin. (P), PUNTARENAS. [Near Rey Curré.].

Nuevo Arenal. D. Solano. (Arenal).

Ñari, Río. 670 m (A), LIMÓN: Chirripó, 9°46’N 83°23’W. River draining the W slope of Fila Matama; a tributary of the Río Chirripó (Duchí).

L’Observatoire (Jardin de; Parc de). Pittier, Tonduz. 1150 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Abra, 9°56’N 84°05’W. Not on current maps; the Observatorio existed from 1903 until at least 1927, on the same site (in the city of San José) then occupied by the Museo Nacional (q. v.).

Ochoa. Pittier. 50 m (A), ALAJUELA. Site in the "valley of (Río) San Carlos."

Ochomogo. Pittier, Tonduz. 1500 m (CD), CARTAGO: Istarú, 9°53’N 83°57’W. Town along the main road between San José and Cartago; also El Alto.

Ochomogo, Laguna de. Dodge & Thomas. Presumably at or near the foregoing site.

Ococa de Acosta. 1100 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Caraigres, 9°48’N 84°12’W. Town W of San Ignacio.

Ocotal (Playa).  25 m (P), GUANACASTE, Carrillo: Carillo Norte, 10°32’43”N  85°38’35”W.  Beach and town in the northern Nicoya peninsula.

Ojo de Agua. Dayton, Endres, Horich, Kupper, Stork. 2980 m (CD), CARTAGO/SAN JOSÉ: Vueltas, 9°37’N 83°49’W.

Ojo de Agua. 840 m (P), ALAJUELA: Abra, 9°58’N 84°13’W. Railroad station in the Valle Central, S of Alajuela.

OK Corral. Site E of San Isidro de Coronado (q. v.).

Oka, Sabanas. 1300 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Buenos Aires, 9°18’N 83°17’W. Savannas in the Cordillera de Talamanca, on the divide between the Río Ceibo and the Río Kuiyé.

Olán. (P), PUNTARENAS. Site in the Cordillera de Talamanca, above Buenos Aires.

Old Harbo(u)r. (Puerto Viejo de Talamanca).

Ora, Río. 15 m (P), GUANACASTE: Cerro Azul, 9°53’N 85°26’W. River on the Nicoya Peninsula, flowing to the sea on the ocean side just E of Puerto Carrillo.

Órganos, Playa. Hammel. 0 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Tambor, 9°48’N 84°54’W. Beach near the E tip of the Nicoya Peninsula.

(El) Oriente. Lankester. 620 m (A), CARTAGO: Tucurrique, 9°50’N 83°42’W. Town along the lower Río Pejibaye (q. v.).

Orillas (de). "Banks” or “edges” (of), on Spanish-language labels; not a place name.

Oroni, "Mt." 406 m (A), LIMÓN: Amubri, 9°37’N 82°53’W. Minor promontory near the Río Sixaola, just W of Chase; actually just a benchmark on the map.

Orosi. Horich, Kupper, Oersted, Pohl, Standley, Stork. 1051 m (A), CARTAGO: Tapantí, 9°48’N 83°52’W. Town in the N Cordillera de Talamanca, in the valley of the Río Grande de Orosi.

Orosí, Estación. [Cordillera de Guanacaste.].

Orosí, Volcán (or Cerro). O. Jiménez. 1450 m (A), GUANACASTE: Cacao, 10°59’N 85°28’W. Northernmost major peak in Costa Rica, at the N end of the Cordillera de Guanacaste; an extinct volcano.

Orosilito, Cerro. 1130+ m (CD), GUANACASTE: 10°58’N 85°28’W. Secondary peak of the Cordillera de Guanacaste, between Cerro Cacao and Volcán Orosí.

Orotina. A. Alfaro, Holway, Judziewicz, Lankester, Orozco. 224 m (P), ALAJUELA: Barranca, 9°55’N 84°32’W. Town near the lower Río Grande de Tárcoles; railroad station. Formerly known as "Santo Domingo".

Osa Productos Forestales (“lands of”). Godfrey. (P), PUNTARENAS. [Site on the Osa Peninsula, probably near Rincón.].

Ostional (Playa). 5 m (P), GUANACASTE: Garza, 10°00’N 85°43’W. Beach town on the central Nicoya Peninsula, on the ocean side.

Pabellón. Q. Jiménez. 1465 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Abra, 9°54’N 84°12’W. Caserío on the N slope of the Cerros de Escazú.

Pacaca. Oersted. (Ciudad Colón).

Pacaya. Lankester, Wercklé.

(Las) Pacayas (de Cartago). Biolley, Luteyn, Poveda. 1735 m (A), CARTAGO: Istarú, 9°55’N 83°48’W. Town on the SE slope of Volcán Irazú.

Pacayitas. Kennedy. 900 m (A), CARTAGO: Tucurrique, 9°53’N 83°35’W. Town in the valley of the Río Pacuare, N Cordillera de Talamanca.

La Pacífica (Finca; Hacienda). Bawa, Bittner, Croat (as “Finca del Pacífica”), Davidse, Frankie, Gentry, Haber, Heithaus, Janzen, A. Jiménez, Keeler, Kennedy, Koch, McDade, Opler, Seigler, W. D. Stevens, Stone, Weston, Whitmore. 40 m (P), GUANACASTE, Cañas: Cañas, 10°25’10”N 85°08’23”W. Private ranch and lodge along the Río Corobicí, NW of Cañas.

Pacuar(e), Río. Croat, A. Jiménez. 640 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: San Isidro, 83°21’N 83°44’W. River draining the N Fila Costeña and adjacent portions of the Cordillera de Talamanca; a tributary of the Río General.

Pacuare. 710 m (A), CARTAGO: Tucurrique, 9°55’N 83°34’W. Town in the valley of the Río Pacuare, N Cordillera de Talamanca.

Pacuare, Río. Burger, Pohl, Donnell Smith. 70 m (A), LIMÓN: Matina, 10°05’41”N 83°29’18”W (where Siquirres–Limón highway crosses river); 10°05’26”N 83°29’20”W (at Northern Railroad crossing). River draining the N Cordillera de Talamanca, flowing to the sea between Parismina and Puerto Limón.

Pacuarito. Moran, Utley.  20 m (A), LIMÓN, Siquirres: Matina, 10°06’14”N 83°28’25”W.  Town E of Siquirres, on river of the same name.

Pacuarito, Río. Yatskievych. (A) LIMÓN, Siquirres: Matina, 10°06’14”N 83°28’25”W.  A tributary of the Río Pacuare.

Pacugao (or, Pacugas). Wercklé. 2000 m. Mistranscription of Pacayas? Or Picagres?

Páez, Río. Bumby. 1014–1290 m (A), CARTAGO: Istarú, 9°51’N 83°52’W. River draining the SW foothills of Volcán Irazú (in the vicinity of Cot) and flowing through the E Valle Central near Paraíso; a tributary of the Río Reventazón.

Paja (Huberts). James. [Site in or near Monteverde Reserve; “our side of river at Paja”].

Palarra. Mistranscription of Patarrá (q. v.).

Palito, Quebrada. Croat. (P), PUNTARENAS. [Burica Peninsula.].

La Palma. 406 m (A), ALAJUELA: Monterrey, 10°30’N 84°42’W. Town N of Volcán Arenal.

La Palma. Greenman. 540 m (P), GUANACASTE, Cañas: Tierras Morenas, 10°32’05”N 85°00’31”W. Town SE of Tierras Morenas, in the foothills of Volcán Tenorio.

La Palma. Aguilar. (P), PUNTARENAS: 8°38’N 83°28’W. [Osa Peninsula.].

(La) Palma. Almeda, A. Jiménez. 641 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: San Isidro, 9°21’N 83°44’W. Town in the N Valle de General, along the Río Pacuar.

La Palma (Alto de; Col de) (de San José). Biolley, Brade, Brenes, Burger, Garwood, Greenman, Horich, Jiménez, Knight, Luteyn, Maxon & Hervey, Moran, Pittier, Schnell, Standley, Stork, Tonduz, Manuel Valerio, Wercklé. 1520 m (CD), SAN JOSÉ: Carrillo, 10°03’N 83°59’W. Site in the Cordillera Central, in the saddle between Volcán Barva and Volcán Irazú, once an important way-station (with hotels, etc.) along the old route to Carrillo (q. v.); a classic cloud-forest locality. Formerly called "Alto de Moris" (q. v.).

(La) Palma. J. F. Morales. 1000 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Caraigres, 9°40’N 84°10’W. Site in the basin of the Río Pirrís.

La Palma de San Ramón (Alto de; Cerro de). Brenes, Kupper. 1270 m (P), ALAJUELA: Miramar, 10°08’N 84°33’W. There is good evidence that Brenes collected also at La Palma de San José, but mainly this one.

Palma, Punta. L. Acosta. 1 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Golfo Dulce, 8°38’N 83°26’W. [Osa Peninsula.].

Palmar. Oersted. (P). Said to be near Esparza (q. v.).

Palmar (Hacienda). Lent (“2500 m”). 620 m (A), CARTAGO: Tucurrique, 9°52’N 83°41’W. Site in the valley of the Río Reventazón, S of Turrialba.

Palmar. Pittier, Tonduz. (Palmar Norte).

Palmareña, Colonia. Lellinger. 650 m (A), ALAJUELA: San Lorenzo, 10°15’N 84°34’W. Site on the N slope of the Cordillera de Tilarán, along the Río San Lorencito, NW of San Ramón.

Palmares. Pohl. 1016 m (P), ALAJUELA: Naranjo, 10°03’N 84°26’W. Town in the W Valle Central, SE of San Ramón.

(Los) Palmares (de El General; de Pérez Zeledón). Pittier & Tonduz. 616 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Repunta, 9°19’N 83°40’N. Town in the Valle del General.

Palmar Norte. Allen, Croat, A. Jiménez, McAlpin, Pittier & Tonduz (as "Palmar"), Pohl, Weston, Wilbur. 26 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Chánguena, 8°58’N 83°28’W. Town along the lower Río Grande de Térraba, at the N edge of the Valle de Diquís.

Palmar Sur. Jiménez. 19 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Chánguena, 8°57’N 83°28’W. Town on the S side of the Río Grande de Térraba (across from Palmar Norte), at the N edge of the Valle de Diquís.

La Palmera, Alto. A. Jiménez. 950 m (P), PUNTARENAS. [Carretera Interamericana.].

Palmichal. A. Alfaro. 1000 m. Probably same as the following.

Palmichal (de Acosta). Khan, C. O. Morales. 1089 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Abra, 9°51’N 84°13’W. Town at the SW base of the Cerros de Escazú, along the road from Tabarcia to San Ignacio.

Palmira. 220 m (P), GUANACASTE: Tierras Morenas, 10°33’N 85°05’W. Town SW of Tierras Morenas, just E of the road from Cañas to Upala.

Palmira (de Alfaro Ruiz; de Naranjo). Brenes, A. Jiménez, Austin Smith. 2015 m (A), ALAJUELA: Quesada, 10°13’N 84°23’W. Town in the W Cordillera Central, just N of Zarcero.

La Palmira de San Ramón. Brenes. 1175 m (?), ALAJUELA.

Palmira, Cerro. 2184 m (CD), ALAJUELA: Quesada, 10°12’N 84°21’W. Promontory in the W portion of the Cordillera Central, SE of Palmira de Alfaro Ruiz; an extinct volcano.

Palmital. 1790 m (A), CARTAGO: Tapantí, 9°47’N 83°59’W. Town in the valley of the Río Estrella, just E of the Carretera Interamericana.

Palmital. Bello. 700 m (A), GUANACASTE: Tilarán, [Along Quebrada Malanga.].

Palmital, Alto del. Pittier. 1211 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: San Isidro, 9°26’N 83°42’W. Name not on current maps; at or very near "Alto Sajaral" (location indicated).

Palmitos de Naranjo. 1050 m (P), ALAJUELA: Naranjo, 10°06’N 84°26’W. Town in the W Valle Central, between San Ramón and Naranjo.

Palo, Quebrada de. Austin Smith. 625 m (A), ALAJUELA. [San Carlos.].

Palo, Quebrada de(l). Croat. (P), PUNTARENAS.

Palo Blanco. Endres. 1700 m (A), CARTAGO: Tapantí, 9°49’N 83°58’W. Site on the slope above San Isidro de Cartago (q. v.).

(Las) Palomas, Alto. 1120 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Abra, 9°56’N 84°10’W. Eminence on spur ride of the Cerros de Escazú, between Santa Ana and Escazú.

Las Palomas, Bajos de. A. Jiménez. 1015 m. [San Rafael de Escazú.].

Palomo. 1100 m (A), CARTAGO: Tapantí, 9°47’N 83°51’W. Town in the valley of the Río Grande de Orosi, SE of Orosi.

Palomo (de Santa Teresita). Pupulin. 775 m (A), CARTAGO: Tucurrique, 9°59’N 83°39’W. Town in the valley of the Río Reventazón, NE of Turrialba.

Palo Seco, Isla. J. F. Morales. 0–2 m (P), PUNTARENAS. [Parrita quadrangle; “camino a Punta Zacate”].

Palo Seco, Río. Hammel. 330 m (P). [Parrita quadrangle.].

Palo Verde (de El Guarco). Luteyn, Wilbur. 1640 m (A), CARTAGO: Tapantí, 9°47’N 83°57’W. Town in the valley of the Río Estrella.

Palo Verde (Hacienda). Alverson, Berrocal, Boyle, Burger, Frankie, Gentry, Gómez, Hartshorn, Hughes, Neill, Quigley, Solomon, Stouffer. 10 m (P), GUANACASTE, Bagaces: Tempisque, 10°21’00”N 85°21’10”W. Site at the E side of the lower Río Tempisque, within Parque Nacional Palo Verde.  Now the site of the OTS Palo Verde Biological Station, and park headquarters with ranger station.

Panamá (Playa). Gómez-Laurito, Herrera, Pohl. 0 m (P), GUANACASTE, Carrillo: Carrillo Norte, 10°35’24”N 85°39’35”W. Beach (and town) at the N end of the Nicoya Peninsula, on the ocean side. At the S edge of Bahía Culebra.

Pan American Highway. Buchanan. 2743 m (?), SAN JOSÉ.

Pan de Azúcar. León. 10 m (P), PUNTARENAS.

Pan de Azúcar, Playa. 0 m (P), GUANACASTE: Matapalo, 10°29’N 85°47’W. Beach near the N end of the Nicoya Peninsula, on the ocean side.

Pando, Cerro. 2468 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Unión, 8°55’N 82°43’W. Peak in the Cordillera de Talamanca near the Continental Divide, on the Panamanian border.

Pandora. A. Alfaro, Ocampo, Rossbach. 18 m (A), LIMÓN: Cahuita, 9°44’N 82°58’W. Town along the Río Estrella, at the NE corner of the Valle La Estrella.

Pangola. 35 m (A), HEREDIA: Chaparrón, 10°34’N 84°09’W. Town on the Llanura de San Carlos, along the Río Toro.

Papagayo, Islas. (Islas Murciélago).

Papales de San Juan. Pittier. 2800 m (A), CARTAGO: Istarú. Site on the S slope of Volcán Irazú, probably at or near San Juan de Chicoá (q. v.); not on current maps.

Paquera. Pohl. 5 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Tambor, 9°49’N 85°56’W. Town near the S end of the Nicoya Peninsula.

Paquita, Río. Dodge, Tonduz, Pittier. 80 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Dota, 9°31’N 84°06’W. River draining the Cordillera de Talamanca, flowing to the sea (Boca Damas) just N of Puerto Quepos.

Pará Blanco, Río. Burger (as "Para Blanca"), Khan, Utley. 1500 m (P), HEREDIA/SAN JOSÉ: Barva, 10°03’N 84°01’W. River draining the S slope of Cerro Hondura; a tributary of the Río Pará (Grande).

Paracito. 1280 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Abra, 9°59’N 84°02’W. NE suburb of San José.

Paraguas, Cerro. Aldrich. 1400 m (P), PUNTARENAS. [Near Las Cruces.].

Paraíso (de Cartago). Chrysler, Donnell Smith, Wilbur. 1320 m (A), CARTAGO: Istarú, 9°51’N 83°52’W. Town in the Valle Central, E of Cartago; railroad station along the "Línea Nueva."

(El) Paraíso. Pittier. 825 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Coto Brus, 8°51’N 83°08’W. Town in the S Fila Costeña, N of Cerro Anguciana.

(El) Páramo (Cerro). Pittier. 3470 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Vueltas, 9°33’N 83°46’W. Site in the Cordillera de Talamanca, on the E slope of Cerro de Buena Vista.

Pare, Río. Aguilar (as “Rio Dapari”), A. Jiménez (as “Río Pari”). 500 m (A), LIMÓN: Siola, 9°26’N 83°04’W. River in the Cordillera de Talamanca; a major tributary of the Río Lari. Also called (locally) “Río Dapari.”

Pargos, Punta. Aguilar. 0 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Rincón, 8°44’N 83°24’W. Point at N end of Golfo Dulce, between Punta Camíbar and Punta Islotes.

Pari, Río. A. Jiménez. (Río Pare).

Parismina. 2 m (A), LIMÓN: Parismina, 10°13’N 83°21’W. Coastal town between Tortuguero and Puerto Limón, at the mouth of the Río Parismina.

Parismina, Río. Lankester. 15 m (A), LIMÓN: Guácimo, 10°14’N 83°36’W. River draining the NE slope of Volcán Turrialba, flowing to the sea at Parismina.

Parker, Port. (Bahía Santa Elena).

Parrita. A. Jiménez, Wilbur. 5 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Parrita, 9°31’N 84°19’W. Coastal town between Jacó and Puerto Quepos, near the mouth of the Río Parrita.

Parrita, Río. Major river draining the Cordillera de Talamanca, formed by the confluence of the Río Grande de Candelaria and the Río Pirrís.

Parrita (Grande), Río. Endres, Tonduz. Old name for the upper part of the Río Pirrís (q. v.), e.g., in the region of San Marcos de Tarrazú and Santa María de Dota.

Parrita Chiquito, Río. Lent (as “Parrita Chiquita”). 2000 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Tapantí, 9°42’N 83°58’W. River in the Cordillera de Talamanca; a tributary of the Río Pirrís.

Parritilla, Río. 660 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Caraigres, 9°42’N 84°13’W. A tributary of the Río Tiquires.

La Pasmompa (Finca). Chacón, Ríos (as “Pazmompa”). 440 m (A), GUANACASTE: Orosí, 11°01’N 85°25’W. Site near Santa Cecilia, just outside Parque Nacional Guanacaste.

Paso de Río Coto. Pittier. Same as Paso Canoas?

Paso Agres (Hacienda; also, Pasoagres). Standley. 150 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Barranca, 9°53’N 84°32’W. Site along the lower Río Grandes de Tárcoles.

Paso Canoas. (Canoas).

Paso Real. Pohl. 160 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Cabagra, 9°01’N 83°14’W. Caserío near the confluence of the Río General and the Río Coto Brus; former site of ferry crossing (now bridge) on road to San Vito.

(La) Pastora. Davidse & Pohl, Lellinger, Stork. 1673 m (A), CARTAGO: Istarú, 9°58’N 83°45’W. Site on the S slope of Volcán Turrialba.

La Pastora. Lankester, Stork. 2910 m (A), CARTAGO: Istarú, 9°58’N 83°51’W. Site on the S slope of Volcán Irazú.

Pata de Gallo (de San Ramón) (Cerro). Brenes, Carvajal. 1541 m (P), ALAJUELA: Naranjo, 10°02’N 84°29’W. Highest summit of the Montes del Aguacate (q. v.).

Patarrá. Pittier, Tonduz. 1170 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Abra, 9°53’N 84°02’W. SE suburb of San José.

Patarrá, Río. Lent, Luteyn. 1400 m (A), CARTAGO: Tapantí, 9°47’W 83°54’W. River in the N Cordillera de Talamanca; a tributary of the Río Sombrero.

Patillos, Alto. Lent. 1819 m (A), CARTAGO: Tapantí, 9°44’N 83°46’W. Secondary ridge of the N Cordillera de Talamanca, E of the Río Grande de Orosi.

Los Patos, Estación. 200 m (P), PUNTARENAS. Llorona, 8°34’N 83°31’W. Station of Parque Nacional Corcovado; not on current maps.

Patria, Río. Moran. (A), HEREDIA/SAN JOSÉ: River draining the Cordillera Central, formed by the confluence of the Quebrada Grande and the Río Las Vueltas; a tributary of the Río Sucio. This is the river canyon that one overlooks, on the left-hand side, while driving on the autopista to Guápiles between the Zurquí tunnel and the Río Sucio bridge. For most of its length, the Río Patria corresponds to the provincial boundary. Most collections labeled as from along or near the Río Patria are from the vicinity of Alto del Roble (q. v.), which is correctly along the Río Las Vueltas.

Pâturages de. "Pastures of," on French-language labels; not a place name.

Pavas. Pittier, Standley, Tonduz. 770 m (A), CARTAGO: Tucurrique, 9°52’N 83°41’W. Railroad station S of Turrialba.

(Las) Pavas. Standley. 1020 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Abra, 9°57’N 84°08’W. W suburb of San José.

Pavón. L. González [#1286]. 700 m (P), SAN JOSÉ. [Pérez Zeledón.].

Pavones (de Turrialba). Holm. 819 m (A), CARTAGO: Tucurrique, 9°54’N 83°37’W. Town E of Turrialba, along the road to Siquirres.

La Paz (Grande), Río. Croat. 1380 m (A), ALAJUELA: Poás, 10°13’N 84°10’W. River draining the E slope of Volcán Poás; a tributary of the upper Río Sarapiquí. The well known waterfall at the roadside on the route from Vara Blanca to Puerto Viejo de Sarapiquí is a feature of the Río La Paz.

La Paz. Spellman [#517]. GUANACASTE. [Error for La Cruz?].

La Paz de San Ramón. Brenes, Endres. 1110 m (P), ALAJUELA: Miramar, 10°08’N 84°32’W. Town in the Cordillera de Tilarán, NW of San Ramón.

La Pazmompa, Finca. Ríos. (Finca La Pasmompa).

Pedernal. A. Jiménez. 865 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Candelaria, 9°48’N 84°19’W. Town in the basin of the Río Grande de Candelaria.

Pedregal. Wendland. (A), HEREDIA. Site in the N foothills of Volcán Barva, between San Miguel and La Virgen de Sarapiquí; not on current maps.

Pedregal, Cerro. 1190 m (P), GUANACASTE: Cacao, 10°56’N 85°29’W. Subsidiary peak of Cerro Cacao (q. v.); not on current maps (there is a "Quebrada Pedregal").

Pedregoso. 2100 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Vueltas, 9°38’N 83°55’W. Caserío in the Cordillera de Talamanca, S of Copey de Dota.

Pedregoso de Pérez Zeledón. 760 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: San Isidro, 9°23’N 83°44’W.

Pedregoso, Río. Tonduz. 2100 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Vueltas, 9°38’N 83°55’W. River in the Cordillera de Talamanca; a tributary of the upper Río Pirrís.

Pedro José, Finca.  Chacón.  1200 m (P), GUANACASTE, La Cruz: Cacao, 10°54’36”N 85°26’24”W.  Finca on the slopes of Volcán Cacao (Cerro Cacao), not on current maps.

Peine de Mico, Cerros. J. F. Morales. (P), GUANACASTE. [N Pen. de Nicoya, “camino a Matapalo”].

Peje. 380 m. (A), LIMÓN, Matina: Barbilla, 9°57’54”N 83°15’10”W.  Town in the Cordillera de Talamanca.

Peje, Río. 80 m (A), ALAJUELA: Fortuna, 10°24’N 84°30’W. River draining the northernwesternmost slopes of the Cordillera Central; a tributary of the Río San Carlos.

Peje, Río. 100 m (A), HEREDIA: Río Cuarto, 10°24’N 84°03’W. River draining the N slope of Volcán Barva; a tributary of the Río Sarapiquí. N.B.: "Río Peje" is one of the commonest Costa Rican place names.

Peje, Río. 380 m (A), LIMÓN, Matina: Barbilla, 9°57’54”N 83°15’10”W.  River in the Cordillera de Talamanca.  Coordinates and elevation measured at town in subsequent entry.

Peje Perrito, Laguna. C. O. Morales. (P), PUNTARENAS: 8°26’N 83°25’W.

Pejiballe. A. Jiménez. (Pejibaye).

Pejiballe. Q. Jiménez. 300 m (A), ALAJUELA. [Cantón de Guatuso.].

Pejibaye (Farm). Dodge (as “Pejivalle”), Lankester, Skutch, Standley & Valerio, Stork (as “Pejivalle”), Manuel Valerio. 650 m (A), CARTAGO: Pejibaye, 9°48’N 83°43’W. Town in the N Cordillera de Talamanca, along the Río Pejibaye; also spelled "Pejivalle."

Pejibaye. A. Jiménez (as “Pejiballe”), Skutch. 400 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Coronado, 9°09’N 83°34’W. Town in the SW part of the Valle del General.

Pejibaye, Río. 750 m (A), CARTAGO: Pejibaye, 9°47’N 83°43’W. River draining the N part of the Cordillera de Talamanca; a tributary of the Río Reventazón.

Pejibaye, Río. A. Jiménez (as “Pejivalle”). 300 m (P), PUNTARENAS/SAN JOSÉ: General, 9°09’N 83°29’W. River in the Valle de General; a tributary of the Río General.

Pejivalle (Farm). Dodge, Stork. (Pejibaye).

Pelado, Cerro. 660 m (P), GUANACASTE: Cañas, 10°22’N 85°01’W. Bald hill in the foothills of the Cordillera de Tilarán, SE of Cañas.

Pelón. A. Jiménez. SAN JOSÉ. [Possibly the same as Cerro Pelón.].

(El) Pelón de La Bajura, Hacienda. J. González. 21 m (P), GUANACASTE: Tempisque, 10°29’N 85°25’W. Site in the valley of the Río Tempisque, just NW of the Lomas Barbudal.

Pelón, Cerro. 2322 m (A), ALAJUELA: Quesada, 10°15’N 84°22’W. Peak NE of Zarcero, the highest point in the W part of the Cordillera Central (W of the Río Toro).

Pelón, Cerro. 882 m (P), ALAJUELA: Barranca, 9°59’N 84°31’W. Subsidiary peak of the Montes del Aguacate; apparently volcanic in origin.

Pelón, Cerro. Kriebel. 1090 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Coto Brus, 8°52’N 83°13’W. Hill in the S Fila Costeña.

Pelón, Cerro. 926 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Candelaria, 9°43’N 84°24’W. Hill in the Puriscal region, S of Salitrales.

Penhurst. A. Rodríguez. 5 m (A), LIMÓN: Cahuita, 9°47’N 82°55’W. Former railway station, NW of Cahuita on the E side of the Río Estrella.

Penitencia, Río. 10 m (A), LIMÓN: Tortuguero, 10°36’N 83°37’W. River draining the Llanura de Tortuguero, NW of Tortuguero; effectively a tributary (via Caño Penitencia and the Laguna Penitencia) of the Río Tortuguero.

La Peña de Zarcero. Austin Smith. 1300 m (A), ALAJUELA: Quesada, 10°13’N 84°26’W. Town in the W Cordillera Central, NW of Zarcero (q. v.).

Peña Negra. Wercklé. 1100 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Caraigres, 9°47’N 84°12’W. Site on the divide between the Río Jorco and the Río Grande de Candelaria, SW of San Ignacio.

Peñas Blancas (de Cachí). Almeda, Lent. (A), CARTAGO.

Peñas Blancas. Liesner. 44 m (A), GUANACASTE: Peñas Blancas, 11°13’N 85°37’W. International border crossing (with Nicaragua) along the Carretera Interamericana, N of La Cruz; there is no town here.

Peñas Blancas de Esparza. G. Herrera. 745 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Miramar, 10°07’N 84°40’W. Site in the Cordillera de Tilarán.

Peñas Blancas (Río). Bello, Bigelow, Grayum, Haber, Hammel, James (as “Pineas Blancas”), Kennedy, Lawton, Lyon. 1000 m (A), ALAJUELA: Juntas, 10°18’N 84°46’W. River draining the N slope of the Cordillera de Tilarán, or the basin of this river; a tributary of the Río San Carlos.

Peñas Blancas (Río). Pittier. 654 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Repunta, 9°19’N 83°38’W. River draining the Cordillera de Talamanca; a tributary of the Río General.

Peor es Nada, Cerro. Q. Jiménez. 180 m (P), GUANACASTE: Diriá, 10°15’N 85°32’W.

Peralta. Lankester, Solís, Stork. 350 m (A), CARTAGO: Tucurrique, 9°58’N 83° 37’W. Railroad station along the "Línea Nueva", in the valley of the Río Reventazón; Lankester’s collections labeled "Peralta" are often from much higher upslope.

Los Perdidos, Cerro. 1370 m (A), ALAJUELA: Fortuna, 10°24’N 84°41’W. Subsidiary peak of the Cordillera de Tilarán (though geologically an extension of the Cordillera de Guanacaste).

Pereira, Caño. W. D. Stevens [#25116]. [Barra del Colorado.].

Perlas, Río. Hennipman. (A), CARTAGO. [Near Río Tuis.].

Picagres. 515 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Río Grande, 9°54’N 84°21’W. Town in the valley of the lower Río Virilla.

Pico Blanco (Cerro). Cowan. 2271 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Abra, 9°52’N 84°09’W. Subsidiary peak of the Cerros de Escazú; also called (Cerro) Piedra Blanca.

Piedades de Puriscal. 1179 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Río Grande, 9°52’N 84°22’W. Town NW of Barbacoas.

Piedades Norte de San Ramón. Brenes. 1110 m (P), ALAJUELA: Miramar, 10°08’N 84°31’W. Town in the Cordillera de Tilarán, NW of San Ramón.

Piedades Sur de San Ramón. Brenes. 1013 m (P), ALAJUELA: Miramar, 10°07’N 84°32’W. Town in the Cordillera de Tilarán, NW of San Ramón.

Piedra. Gómez. Site on Fila Cementerio de La Máquina (q. v.).

(La) Piedra (de Pérez Zeledón). Luteyn. 1580 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Cuericí, 9°31’N 83°40’W. Town in the valley of the upper Río Buenavista.

Piedra, Río. Khan et al. 500 m (P), GUANACASTE, Tilarán: Arenal, 10°33’00”N 84°58’12”W.  River flowing into Laguna Arenal at the NW end of the lake.  Measured at the mouth, where the river joins the lake.

Piedra Blanca, Cerro. Hammel. 1250 m (P), ALAJUELA: Naranjo, 10°05’N 84°27’W. Summit ESE of San Ramón.

Piedra Blanca (Cerro de). Solís, Standley, Tonduz, Manuel Valerio. (Cerro Pico Blanco).

Piedra Blanca (de Aserrí). (Alto Burío).

Piedras, Río. A. M. Evans, Lellinger, Mickel. 50 m (P), GUANACASTE: Monteverde, 10°32’N 85°17’W. A tributary of the Río Blanco.

Piedras Blancas. Croat, Pohl. 30 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Piedras Blancas, 8°47’N 83°14’W. Town at the head of the Valle de Diquís, along the Carretera Interamericana, between Palmar Norte and Canoas.

Piedras Blancas, Río. 900 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Piedras Blancas, 8°49’N 83°12’W. River draining the W slope of Cerro Anguciana (S Fila Costeña); a tributary of the Río Esquinas.

Piedras Negras (de Mora). Wercklé. 510 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Río Grande, 9°55’N 84°19’W. Town in the valley of the lower Río Virilla.

Pijije. 100 m (P), GUANACASTE, Bagaces: Monteverde, 10°32’53”N  85°21’20”W.  Town just east of namesake river.

Pijije, Río. Whitmore. 110 m (P), GUANACASTE, Bagaces: Monteverde, 10°33’11”N 85°21’55”W.  River south of Liberia, coordinates given where Pan American Highway intersects river. 

Pigres. Lankester. 0 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Tárcoles, 9°48’N 84°39’W. Coastal town at the mouth of the Río Grande de Tárcoles.

Pilares. L. González. (P), PUNTARENAS. [Near Cañas Gordas.].

(Las) Pilas. Aguilar. 245 m (P), PUNTARENAS: General, 9°05’N 83°27’W. Town in the S Valle de General.

Pilas de Bejuco. 15 m (P), GUANACASTE: Cerro Azul, 9°51’N 85°21’W. Town on the Nicoya Peninsula, on the ocean side; also known as Quebrada Seca.

Pilas, Quebrada. J. F. Morales. 1150 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Caraigres, 9°41’N 84°09’W. Creek draining SW spur ridge of Cerro Caraigres; a tributary of the Quebrada Delicias.

Pilón de Azúcar. Pupulin. 650 m (P), CARTAGO: Tucurrique, 9°58’N 83°35’W. Town NE of Chitaría, in the valley of the Río Reventazón.

Pilón, Río. E. Alfaro. 240 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Coto Brus, 8°57’N 83°14’W. River draining the N end of the S Fila Costeña; a tributary of the Río Chánguena. Mapped as “Quebrada Pilón.”

Pimental, Alto del. Apparently the same as Alto del Palmital (q. v.).

Pineas Blancas. James. (Peñas Blancas).

Piñuela, Estanque (de). Fleming. 290 m (P), GUANACASTE, La Cruz: Murciélago, 10°50’45”N 85°37’15”W.  Small lake (seasonally dry) in Parque Nacional Santa Rosa just above Hacienda Santa Rosa.

Piro (Playa). 10 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Carate, 8°24’N 83°20’W. Site near the S end of the Osa Pennsula.

Pirripli, Cerro. Grayum. 197 m (A), LIMÓN: Sixaola, 9°39’N 82°45’W. Coastal hill behind Puerto Viejo de Talamanca.

Pirrís. Lankester. 65 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Parrita, 9°37’N 84°20’W. There is a site called Pirrís at the locality indicated; this is sometimes stated to be an alternate name for Pozo Azul (q. v.).

Pirrís, Río. 100+ m (P), PUNTARENAS/SAN JOSÉ: Parrita, 9°39’N 84°17’W. Major river draining the N Cordillera de Talamanca; an affluent (with the Río Grande de Candelaria) of the Río Parrita. The upper part of the Río Pirrís was formerly known as the Río Parrita or Río Parrita Grande.

La Pita, Alto de. Same as Alto del Pito (q. v.).

Pitahaya. Torres. 1390 m (A), CARTAGO: Istarú, 9°51’N 83°56’W. S suburb of Cartago.

(La) Pitahaya. Oersted. 1010 m (P), HEREDIA: Abra, 9°54’N 84°09’W. SW suburb of Heredia.

Pital, Finca. Almeda, Wilbur. 320 m (P), GUANACASTE: Tierras Morenas, 10°37’20”N 85°14’10”W.  Finca, next to Cerro Pital (elev. 327 m) along road to from Bagaces to Aguas Claras, about 13 km NNE of Bagaces.

Pital. Brenes. 900–950 m. Site said to be near San Isidro de San Ramón (q. v.).

Pital (de San Carlos). 156 m (A), ALAJUELA: Aguas Zarcas, 10°27’N 84°17’W. Town on the Llanura de San Carlos, NE of Aguas Zarcas.

Pitales, Alto. Bustamante. (P), SAN JOSÉ. [Near Las Vegas.].

Pitilla, Estación. 680 m (A), GUANACASTE: Cacao, 10°59’N 85°26’W. Station of Parque Nacional Guanacaste, at the NE base of Volcán Orosí; not on current maps.

Pito, Cerro (Alto) (d)el. Endres, Pittier, Tonduz. 1460 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Dota, 9°35’N 84°04’W. Promontory SW of San Marcos de Tarrazú; sometimes given as “Alto de La Pita.”

Pittier, Cerro. 2869 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Pittier, 9°04’N 82°56’W. Peak in the E Cordillera de Talamanca, near the Panamanian border.

Piuta. 20 m (A), LIMÓN: Moín, 10°01’N 83°03’W. NW suburb of Puerto Limón.

El Pizote. Herrera. 1500 m. Site near San Ramón de Tres Ríos; probably at or near “Finca Alto Pizote,” mapped at: 1770 m (P), CARTAGO: Istarú, 9°57’N 83°58’W. Site in the upper basin of the Río Tiribí on the W flank of Volcán Irazú.

Pizote, Lomas. 399 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Tárcoles, 9°48’N 84°34’W. Hills in the N part of Parque Nacional Carara.

Plaines du. “Plains of,” on French-language labels; not a place name.

(El) Plástico (Finca). 550 m (A), HEREDIA: Poás, 10°18’N 84°02’W. Site in the NE foothills of Volcán Barva, along the upper Quebrada Tigre, above Las Horquetas; not on current maps.

(La) Plata, Quebrada. 500 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Candelaria, 9°49’N 84°29’W. Creek draining the NW slope of Cerro Turrubares (q. v.); a tributary of the lower Río Turrubares.

Platanar, Cerro (Volcán). 2183 m (A), ALAJUELA: Quesada, 10°18’N 84°22’W. Peak in the W part of the Cordillera Central, in Parque Nacional Juan Castro Blanco; an extinct volcano.

Platanar, Río. (Río Platanares).

Platanares, Río. Aguilar, Hennipman, Pittier, Tonduz (as "Río Platanar"). 250 m (P), PUNTARENAS: General, 9°09’N 83°18’W. River draining the Cordillera de Talamanca; a tributary of the Río General. Also known as "Río Akúm," or "Hacúm"; the upper portion ("Haut Hacúm") is 1000–1200 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Kámuk, 9°13’N 83°14’W.

Platanares, Río. 5 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Golfo Dulce, 8°31’N 83°18’W. River on the Osa Peninsula, flowing to the sea (Golfo Dulce) just E of Puerto Jiménez.

Platanillo. Solís. Site at or near “Toro Amarillo.”

Platanillo (de Turrialba). León. 1130 m (A), CARTAGO: Chirripó, 9°49’N 83°24’W. Town in the N Cordillera de Talamanca, E of Moravia de Chirripó, along the Quebrada Platanillo.

Platanillo. Wilbur. (A), CARTAGO. [1.5 miles E of Tuis.].

Platanillo. Pittier. 1100 m. (P), PUNTARENAS. Site along the “road to Cañas Gordas.”

Platanillo. Almeda. 430 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Dominical, 9°18’N 83°48’W. Town in the N Fila Costeña, along the road from San Isidro de El General to Dominical; “400 ft.” according to labels, but “1400 ft.” in field book.

Platanillo, Quebrada. 250 m (A), ALAJUELA: Fortuna, 10°29’N 84°39’W. Creek draining the NE base of Volcán Arenal; a tributary of the Río Arenal.

Platanillo, Quebrada. Croat. 1125 m (A), CARTAGO: Chirripó, 9°49’N 83°24’W. Creek in the Cordillera de Talamanca; a tributary of the Río Moravia.

Platanillo, Río. A. Jiménez. 250 m (A), ALAJUELA: [San Carlos region; probably the same as Quebrada Platanillo.].

Playa Blanca. Liesner, Manuel Valerio. 0 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Golfo Dulce, 8°38’N 83°26’W. Caserío on the gulf shore of the Osa Peninsula, S of Rincón.

Playa Cacao. Herrera. 0 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Golfito, 8°38’N 83°11’W. Town across the bay ("Golfito") from the town of Golfito.

Playa Hermosa, Bahía. Burger, Wilbur. 0 m (P), GUANACASTE: Carrillo Norte, 10°35’N 85°41’W. Bay at the N end of the Nicoya Peninsula, on the ocean side.

Las Playitas (del Río Bebedero). 4 m (P), GUANACASTE: Cañas, 10°21’N 85°12’W. Site along the Río Bebedero (q. v.).

Poás, Laguna de. Tonduz. 2600 m (A), ALAJUELA: Poás, 10°12’N 84°13’W. Lagoon in the crater of Volcán Poás.

Poás, Montaña de. Pittier. 2100–2400 m (P), SAN JOSÉ. N.B.: Pittier collected at the indicated elevations at a site called “Montaña de Poás,” variously said to be in the Cerros de Escazú or in the Candelaria region. Clearly this is a different locality from Volcán Poás (where Pittier also collected). Most likely it is closely associated with Pittier’s Río Poás, in the Cerros de Escazú, but there is no mountain called “Poás,” in that vicinity, on current maps.

Poás, Río. Pohl (1400 m). 600 m (P), ALAJUELA: Naranjo, 10°00’N 84°18’W. River draining the S slope of Volcán Poás; a tributary of the Río Grande de Tárcoles.

Poás, Río. Pittier. 1300–2100 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Abra, 9°52’N 84°07W. River draining the NE slope of the Cerros de Escazú; a tributary of the Río Cañas. N.B.: the Río Poás (and “valle del Poás”) of Pittier was this river, not the preceding (and currently better known) one.

Poás, Volcán (Massif du). Almeda, Bavazzano, Bernardi, Cooper, Cufodontis, Kupper, Lems, McDaniel, Pittier, Proctor, Donnell Smith, Solomon, Standley, Stork, Tonduz, Webster, Wilbur. 2708 m (CD), ALAJUELA: 10°11’N 84°14’W. Major, active volcano in the Cordillera Central; formerly known as "Volcán de Los Votos" (or "Botos"). Durand (1891) places the “zone de chênes” (oak forests) at 1600–2500 m, the “Lagune bouillante” (boiling lake) at 2277 m, and the “Lagune supérieure” (upper lake, or Laguna del Poás) at 2564 m.

Poasito. 1990 m (P), ALAJUELA: Barva, 10°10’N 84°12’W. Town on the SE slope of Volcán Poás.

Poasito, Río. 1990 m (P), ALAJUELA: Barva, 10°10’N 84°13’W. River draining the SE slope of Volcán Poás; a tributary of the Río Poás.

Pocares. Murillo. (P). [Near Parrita.].

Pógeres. Brenes. 0 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Tárcoles, 9°45’N 84°38’W. Coastal site, just S of Tárcoles.

Pocosol, Hacienda. O. Jiménez. 500 m. [Volcán Orosí.].

Poco Sol, Laguna. 770 m (A), ALAJUELA: Fortuna, 10°21’N 84°40’W. Small lake in the Cordillera de Tilarán, in the valley of the Río Peñas Blancas.

Polca. J. F. Morales. 835 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Candelaria, 9°47’N 84°21’W. Town in the valley of the Río Grande de Candelaria.

El Poró. Q. Jiménez, Manuel Valerio. 942 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Río Grande, 9°53’N 84°25’W. Town in the Puriscal region, near Grifo Alto.

Porós, Río(also, Porrós). Fowlie, Horich, Pittier. 2000 m (P), HEREDIA: Barva. A tributary of the Río Segundo (Durand, 1891), but not on current maps; probably the same as Río Porrosatí (q. v.).

Porrós, Río. (Río Porós).

Porrosatí. Hartshorn, Pohl. 1940 m (P), HEREDIA: Barva, 10°06’N 84°07’W. Town on the S slope of Volcán Barva.

Porrosatí, Río. 2000 m (P), HEREDIA: Barva, 10°06’N 84°06’W. River draining the S slope of Volcán Barva; a tributary of the Río Segundo.

Portete. Proctor. 5 m (A), LIMÓN, Limón: Moín, 10°00’41”N 83°04’07”W. Coastal town, between Moín and Puerto Limón.

Portete, Río. Bumby. 10 m (A), LIMÓN: Moín, 10°01’N 83°04’W. Mapped as “Quebrada Portete.”

El Portillo. 2500 m (A), ALAJUELA. Site on Volcán Poás.

Porvenir, Cerro (Volcán). Wilbur. 2267 m (A), ALAJUELA: Quesada, 10°17’N 84°22’W. Peak in the W Cordillera Central, in Parque Nacional Juan Castro Blanco; an extinct volcano.

Potrerillos. Lellinger, Lent. 1150 m (P), ALAJUELA: Miramar, 10°07’N 84°34’W. Caserío on the Pacific slope of the Cordillera de Tilarán, W (not E, as according to some labels) of Piedades Sur de San Ramón.

Potrerillos (Hacienda). 95 m (P), GUANACASTE: Ahogados, 10°49’N 85°32’W. Caserío along the Carretera Interamericana, at junction of the road to Quebrada Grande.

Potrero (Playa). 0–5 m (P), GUANACASTE: Matapalo, 10°28’N 85°46’W. Beach near the N end of the Nicoya Peninsula, on the ocean side.

Potrero, Río. Garwood, Hartshorn, Pohl. 90–200 m (P), GUANACASTE, Bagaces: Monteverde, 10°32’N 85°18’W. A tributary of the Río Piedras.

Potrero Cerrado. 2196 m (A), CARTAGO: Istarú, 9°55’N 83°53’W. Town on the SW slope of Volcán Irazú.

Potrero Grande. Aguilar, Pittier. 183 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Cabagra, 9°01’N 83°11’W. Town in the lower Valle de Coto Brus, near the confluence of the Río Cabagra and the Río Coto Brus.

Potrero Grande, Quebrada (de). Pittier. 150 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Cabagra, 9°01’N 83°11’W. Creek draining the Cordillera de Talamanca; a tributary of the lower Río Coto Brus.

Potrero Grande, Río. 150 m (P), GUANACASTE: Murciélago, 10°52’N 85°41’W. Central river of the Santa Elena Peninsula, flowing to the sea at the beach of the same name.

La Poudrière. Tonduz. 1135 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Abra. "Powder mill"; site in the city of San José.

Poza Salada, Río. Zamora. 30 m (P), GUANACASTE: Ahogados, 10°48’N 85°39’W. Intermittent river in Parque Nacional Santa Rosa, crossed by the road to Playa Naranjo; a tributary of the Río Nisperal.

Pozo. Pittier & Tonduz. Old name for Puerto Cortés (q. v.).

Pozo Azul (de Pirrís). Lankester. 90 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Parrita, 9°39’N 84°18’W. The foregoing data correspond with a location "at the junction of the Pirrís and Candelaria rivers," as according to L. D. Gómez in Revista Biol. Trop. 19: 122 (1971). Slightly different data have been provided by Hugh Rowell (pers. comm.): 98–167 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Parrita, Lambert South 400200N, 431200E.

Pozo de Agua. Cooper, Crow. 13 m (P), GUANACASTE, Nicoya: Talolinga, 10°17’04”N 85°20’01”W. Town near the lower Río Tempisque, just SE of Puerto Humo. Adjacent to large wetland complex and swamp.

Pozo Verde, Laguna. Luteyn. 1930 m (A), ALAJUELA: Quesada, 10°16’N 84°22’W. Small lake in the W Cordillera Central, on the SE flank of Cerro Porvenir (q. v.).

Praga, Bajos de. J. F. Morales. 1520 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Caraigres, 9°49’N 84°07’W. Site on the S slope of the Cerros de Escazú, at the junction of the Río Tarbaca and Río Cedral (q. v.); not on current maps.

Prendas, Río. Lent. 1900 m (P), ALAJUELA. [“Slopes of Poás,” near San Juan Norte.].

Près (de). "Near (to)," on French-language labels; not a place name.

La Presa. Allen. 100 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Chánguena, 8°58’N 83°22’W. Site along the Río Grande de Térraba, ca. 9 km E of Palmar Norte.

Progreso. Murphy (as “Progresso”). 1165 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Unión, 8°54’N 82°48’W. Caserío in the foothills of the Cordillera de Talamanca, near the Panamanian border.

Protti, Cerro de. Solís R. (Cerro San Miguel).

Providencia de Dota. 1810 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Vueltas, 9°33’N 83°52’W. Town at the N base of Cerro Vueltas, in the valley of the Río Brujo.

(La) Provisión, Quebrada. Herrera, Rivera. 820 m (?), GUANACASTE. [Parque Nacional Rincón de La Vieja.].

Prusia (Finca; de Cartago). Gómez. 2450 m (A), CARTAGO: Istarú, 9°57’N 83°53’W. Site on the SW slope of Volcán Irazú, NW of Potrero Cerrado; labels sometimes give elevation as much lower.

Pto. Viejo. A. Jiménez, J. & C. Taylor. (Puerto Viejo).

Pueblo Nuevo. Austin Smith. 1100 m (?), ALAJUELA.

Pueblo Nuevo. Riggins. 50 m (A), LIMÓN: Río Banano, 9°59’N 83°03’W. SW suburb of Puerto Limón.

Pueblo Nuevo. Thomsen. 100 m (A), LIMÓN. [“17 km NE of Guácimo”].

Pueblo Nuevo de Chánguena. E. Alfaro. 100 m (P), PUNTARENAS. [Chánguena quadrangle.].

Puerto Viejo (de Sarapiquí). Biolley, Croat, A. Jiménez (as “Pto. Viejo”), Mori, Pittier, Pohl, Stone, J. & C. Taylor (as “Pto. Viejo”). 37 m (A), HEREDIA: Río Cuarto, 10°28’N 84°01’W. Town just below the confluence of the Río Sarapiquí and the Río Puerto Viejo.

Puerto Viejo (de Talamanca; de Limón). Tonduz. 0 m (A), LIMÓN: Amubri, 9°39’N 82°45’W. Coastal town between Cahuita and the Panamanian border; formerly known as Old Harbo(u)r.

Puerto Viejo, Río. Biolley, Godfrey, Pohl, R. J. Taylor. 40 m (A), HEREDIA: Río Cuarto, 10°27’N 84°01’W. River draining the N slope of Volcán Barva; a tributary of the lower Río Sarapiquí.

Las Pumas.  60 m (P), GUANACASTE, Cañas: Cañas, 10°26’59”N 85°07’23”W.  Large cat research center, also presumably the same as Finca Hagenauer, since it was founded and run by the Hagenauers.  4 Km NW of Cañas, not on current maps.

La Punta. Wilbur. 0 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Golfo, 9°58’N 84°51’W. Point at the tip of the peninsula occupied by the city of Puntarenas (q. v.).

Punta Gorda, Cerro. Busey. 200 m (P), PUNTARENAS. [Near Burica Peninsula.].

Punta Mala. 4 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Coronado, 9°03’N 83°38’W. Town near the coast, NW of Puerto Cortés.

Puntarenas. Beetle, Biolley, Brade, Khan, Lems, Oersted, Pohl, Quirós, Scherzer, Téllez, Tonduz, Wercklé, Weston. 3 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Golfo, 9°58’N 84°50’N. City on a narrow sand spit on the E side of the Golfo de Nicoya; capital of Prov. Puntarenas.

Puntarenas, Colonia. 85 m (A), ALAJUELA: Guatuso, 10°50’N 84°58’W. Settlement at the W edge of the Llanura de Los Guatusos, along the Río Chimurria, SE of Upala.

Puntarenitas. Tonduz. 0 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Golfito, 8°38’N 83°10’W. Town on the point at the entrance to Golfito (harbor), immediately S of Golfito (town); there is another Puntarenitas (not a town, but a point) just E of Puerto Jiménez, at 0 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Golfo Dulce, 8°32’N 83°17’W. Perhaps Tonduz (who collected at Puerto Jiménez) is more likely to have visited the latter site.

Purires. J. Taylor. 1385 m (A), CARTAGO: Istarú, 9°51’N 83°58’W. Town in the E Valle Central, SW of Cartago.

Purires. Q. Jiménez. 630 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Río Grande, 9°55’N 84°25’W. Town in the valley of the Río Grande de Tárcoles, E of San Pablo de Turrubares.

Purires, Río. 1390 m (A), CARTAGO: Istarú, 9°50’N 83°59’W. River draining the N extreme of the Cordillera de Talamanca, flowing through the Tobosi region of the E Valle Central; an affluent (with the Río Reventado) of the Río Agua Caliente.

Puriscal. A. Alfaro, Jiménez. (P), SAN JOSÉ. A cantón of Prov. San José; the name is often used in a much more restricted sense, for Santiago de Puriscal (q. v.).

Purisil. 1202 m (A), CARTAGO: Tapantí, 9°46’N 83°49’W. Coffee company-town in the valley of the Río Grande de Orosi, W of Tapantí. Possibly the rainiest town in Costa Rica.

Quebrada Amarilla. 10 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Herradura, 9°35’N 84°33’W. Town along the Costanera highway, E of Jacó.

Quebrada Azul (Hacienda). Dodge. 500 m (P) GUANACASTE, Tilarán: Tilarán, 10°29’20”N 84°59’02”W.  Small town NW of Tilarán, near Laguna Arenal. [According to Dodge: 400–600 m, “on lower slopes of Volcán Tenorio”].

Quebrada Azul de Turrubares. 341 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Río Grande, 9°51’N 84°27’W. Caserío SE of San Luis de Turrubares.

Quebrada Bonita, Cerros. 710 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Tárcoles, 9°45’N 84°34’W. Hills at the S edge of Parque Nacional Carara, at the headwaters of Quebrada Bonita (q. v.).

Quebrada Ganado. 36 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Tárcoles, 9°43’N 84°38’W. Town along the Costanera highway, S of Tárcoles.

Quebrada Grande.  Barringer, Davidse.  366 m (P), GUANACASTE, Liberia: Cacao.  10°50’46”N  85°29’37”W.  Town at the SW base of Volcán Cacao; the creek Quebrada Grande flows through the town.

Quebrada Honda, Río. Hoffmann, Oersted. 620 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Río Grande, 9°55’N 84°01’W. River draining the region of Zona Protectora El Rodeo (q. v.); a tributary of the Río Virilla. On labels, generally shortened to “Quebrada Honda.”

Quebradas. A. Jiménez. 920 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: San Isidro, 9°26’N 83°42’W.

Quebrada Seca. (Pilas de Bejuco).

Quebradas, Quebrada. Lent. 1500 m (P), CARTAGO: Abra, 9°53’N 84°00’W. Creek at the S edge of the Valle Central; a tributary of the Río Damas.

Quebradillas. 1800 m. Standley. Said be 7 km N of Santa María de Dota.

Quebradillas, Laguna de. S. Castro. [“Santa María de Dota”; possibly same as preceding.].

Las Quebraditas. (P), PUNTARENAS. Site in or near Parque Nacional Corcovado.

Quepos (Puerto). Khan, Wilbur. 5 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Quepos, 9°26’N 84°10’W. Principal coastal town, between Parrita and Dominical.

Quepos, Punta. 139 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Quepos, 9°24’N 84°10’W. Point on the coast S of Puerto Quepos.

Quesada (Ciudad, Villa). Austin Smith, Gentry. . 657 m (A), ALAJUELA: Quesada, 10°19’N 84°26’W. Town at the NW base of the Cordillera Central.

Queverí, Hacienda. 1590 m (A), CARTAGO: Tapantí, 9°45’N 83°51’W. Site in the valley of the Río Grande de Orosi, SW of Purisil.

Quicuyal, Quebrada. Lent. 1100 m (A), ALAJUELA: Poás, 10°15’N 84°12’W. Creek draining the NE slope of Volcán Poás; a tributary of the Río Cariblanco (q. v.).

Quiebra Caña, Quebrada. 40 m (A), LIMÓN: Sixaola, 9°35’N 82°41’W. Creek draining the S slope of the coastal hills, S of Manzanillo de Talamanca; a tributary of the Río Sixaola.

La Quinta. Lankester. (Aguacaliente).

Quircot. 1480 m (A), CARTAGO: Istarú, 9°53’N 83°56’W. NW suburb of Cartago.

Quirimán. Jiménez. 190 m (P), GUANACASTE, Nicoya: Cerro Brujo, 10°06’43”N 85°30’39”W.

Quivel, Río. J. F. Morales. 210 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Candelaria, 9°45’N 84°21’W. River in the Puriscal region; a tributary of the Río Cajón or Río Grande de Candelaria (map is ambiguous).

Quizarrá (de Pérez Zeledón). Dressler. 720 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: San Isidro, 9°21’N 83°38’W. Town on the E side of the Valle del General, along the Río Peñas Blancas.

El Quizarrá, Finca. L. O. Williams. 900 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: San Isidro, 9°23’N 83°37’W. Site on the E side of the Valle del General, along Quebrada Hermosa.

Rabo de Mico, Cerro. 2428 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Abra, 9°51’N 84°08’W. Highest summit in the Cerros de Escazú.

Raíz de Hule, Camino. Croat, Ocampo. 1300 m (A), CARTAGO: Chirripó, 9°48’N 83°23’W. Ridgetop trail in the N Cordillera de Talamanca, from Platanillo (q. v.) to the Río Chirripó (Duchí).

Rancho, Quebrada. 100 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Piedras Blancas, 8°40’N 83°13’W. Creek draining the SW slopes of Fila Gamba and vicinity; a tributary of the Quebrada Gamba. N.B.: name appears only on the Golfito quadrangle.

Rancho Quemado. Gentry (as “Rancho Quemada”). 200 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Sierpe, 8°42’N 83°34’W. Settlement in the N part of the Osa Peninsula, W of Rincón, in the valley of the Laguna Chocuaco (q. v.); not on current maps (though "Cerro Rancho Quemado" is).

Rancho Redondo. Pittier. 2072 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Istarú, 9°58’N 83°57’W. Town on the W slope of Volcán Irazú.

Rangelle (Sitio).  Hazlett. 350 m (Hazlett 500-800 m) (A), LIMÓN, Talamanca: Telire, 9°36’00”N 83°10’12”W.  Site in the Río Telire watershed, above the Valle de Talamanca.

Rara Avis. 680 m (A), HEREDIA: Poás, 10°17’N 84°03’W. Site (private lodge) on the N slope of Volcán Barva, near the the Río Sardinal; not on current maps.

Rastro, Calle del. Pittier. (P), SAN JOSÉ: Abra. Street in the city of San José.

Rayos, Cerro. Q. Jiménez. 590 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Río Grande, 9°54’N 84°28’W. Promontory on the divide between the Río Grande de Tárcoles and Río Turrubares; outlying savanna vegetation.

RBAB. A. Rodríguez. Abbreviation for "Reserva Biológica Alberto [Manuel] Brenes" (q. v.).

Real, Estero.  Huft. 120 m (P), GUANACASTE, Liberia: Ahogados, 10°49’37”N 85°38’30”W.  Estuary in Parque Nacional Santa Rosa, at N end of Playa Naranjo.

Realejo. Oersted. Town in Nicaragua; has been attributed to Costa Rica.

El Recreo. Cooper, Pittier. 1000–1200 m (A), SAN JOSÉ: Carrillo. Site in the Cordillera Central, apparently downslope from La Laguna (q. v.,) along the old route to Carrillo.

Recreo, Río. A. Jiménez. 80 m (P), GUANACASTE. [2 km W of Bagaces.].

Redondo, Cerro (de La Cruz). A. Jiménez, Luteyn. (Monte de La Cruz).

Reflis, Alto. 1886 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Caraigres, 9°44’N 84°11’W. W Peak of Cerro Caraigres massif.

Resbalón. Bustamante. 1020 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Caraigres, 9°48’N 84°11’W. Town in the valley of the Río Grande de Candelaria, SW of San Ignacio de Acosta.

(El) Respingue, Punta. 0 m (P), GUANACASTE: Santa Elena, 10°51’N 85°52’W. Point on the S coast of the Santa Elena Peninsula, with a back-beach lagoon.

Retes (Finca). 2750 m (A), CARTAGO: Istarú, 9°58’N 83°53’W. Not on current maps, but presumably at or near Cerro Retes (q. v.).

Retes, Cerro. 3170 m (CD), CARTAGO/SAN JOSÉ: Istarú, 9°58’N 83°52’W. W subsidiary peak of Volcán Irazú.

Retinto, Fila. 1070 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Chánguena, 8°59’N 83°26’W. Ridge of the N Fila Costeña, above Palmar Norte.

El Retiro. Almeda. CARTAGO.

Reventada, Río. Khan. (Río Reventado).

Reventado (Laguna del). Oersted. 3080 m (A), CARTAGO: Istarú, 9°58’N 83°52’W. Site originally at the source of the Río Reventado in "Cerro Retes," but both the Cerro and the Laguna now allegedly destroyed by volcanic activity (though current maps show a "Cerro Retes," q. v.); Durand (1891) gives the elevation as just 2300 m.

Reventado (Río). Horich, Khan (as “Reventada”), Lankester, Oersted, Pittier, Pohl, Donnell Smith, Standley & Valerio, Tonduz. 1460–1650 m (A), CARTAGO: Istarú, 9°53’N 83°55’W. River draining the SW slope of Volcán Irazú; an affluent (with the Río Purires) of the Río Agua Caliente.

Reventazón. Hatch, Lankester. (A).

Reventazón, Boca. Cufodontis. (A), LIMÓN. Possibly corresponds to the mouth of the Río Parismina; according to some (not unreasonable) interpretations, the Río Parismina is a tributary of the Río Reventazón, rather than vice versa.

Reventazón (Río; River). Chrysler, DeWolf, Hill, Holm, Horich, Kuntze, Maas, Oersted, Pérez García, Pittier, Polakowsky, Skutch, Donnell Smith, Tonduz, Wercklé. 80 m (A), LIMÓN, Siquirres: Bonilla, 10°06’45”N 83°31’36”W (measured at benchmark 80, bridge just west of Siquirres). Major river draining the S Cordillera Central, E Valle Central, and N Cordillera de Talamanca, formed by the confluence of the Río Agua Caliente and the Río Grande de Orosi; a tributary of the lower Río Parismina. The upper portions of the river (above ca. 330 m) are in Prov. Cartago. According to local usage (but not maps), “Río Reventazón” includes the Río Grande de Orosi (q. v.).

Rey Curré. McAlpin (as “Rey Cure”). (Curré).

RFSR, R.F.S.R. Abbreviation for Reserva Forestal San Ramón (q. v.).

Rieles, Paso. 20 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Tárcoles, 9°48’N 84°36’W. Site along the Río Grande de Tárcoles, at the N edge of Parque Nacional Carara.

Rincón (de Cedral). Bello, Herrera, Kuss. 1230 m (P), PUNTARENAS: San Lorenzo, 10°15’N 84°42’W.

Rincón (de Osa). Burch, Burger, A. M. Evans, Koch, Lellinger, Liesner, Mickel, Pohl, Raven. 0 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Rincón, 8°42’N 83°29’W. Caserío on the Osa Peninsula, at the NW corner of Golfo Dulce; many early collections labeled "Rincón" were from at or near the old OTS station, near the airstrip along the Quebrada Aguabuena (q. v).

Rincón, Cerro. 745 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Golfo Dulce, 8°32’N 83°28’W. Highest point on the Osa Peninsula; actually just a benchmark on the map.

Rincón, Río. 5 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Rincón, 8°41’N 83°29’W. River draining the Osa Peninsula, flowing to the sea at the NW corner of Golfo Dulce.

(Rincón de) La Vieja, Hacienda. Brenes & Kupper (as "Hacienda La Vieja"). 550 m (P), GUANACASTE: Curubandé, 10°46’N 85°23’W. Site at the S base of Volcán Rincón de La Vieja (q. v.).

(Rincón de) La Vieja (Volcán). Kupper, Williams. 1895 m (CD), ALAJUELA: Curubandé, 10°50’N 85°21’W. One of the principal peaks of the Cordillera de Guanacaste; an active volcano and a national park has been created around it.

Río Chiquito. Gómez. 450 m (P), GUANACASTE: Tierras Morenas, 10°40’N 85°06’W. Town in the pass between Volcán Miravalles and Volcán Tenorio, along the road from Cañas to Upala.

Río Chiquito (de Arenal; de Tilarán). Haber & Bello. 590 m (A), GUANACASTE: 10°27’N 84°52’W. Town on the N slope of the Cordillera de Tilarán, along the Río Chiquito (a tributary of the Río Arenal); unclear if the locality refers to the town or the river, or to another town, Río Chiquito de Las Nubes ( under Las Nubes).

Río Claro. 35 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Piedras Blancas, 8°41’N 83°04’W. Town in the NW corner of the Valle de Coto Colorado, along the Carretera Interamericana at the junction of the main road to Golfito.

Río Claro. 1000 m (A), SAN JOSÉ: Carrillo, 10°05’N 83°58’W. Site in the Cordillera Central, along the upper Río Hondura, near La Laguna (q. v.).

Río Conejo. Pohl. 1270 m (P), CARTAGO: Caraigres, 9°47’N 84°04’W. Town in the Candelaria region, along the Río Alumbre.

Río Cuarto (de Sarapiquí). A. Alfaro. 420 m (A), ALAJUELA: Río Cuarto, 10°21’N 84°13’W. Town at the N base of Volcán Poás, between the Río Toro and the Río Sarapiquí, along the road from San Miguel de Sarapiquí to Ciudad Quesada.

Río Frío (Plantation) (de Sarapiquí). Pohl. 85 m (A), HEREDIA: Guápiles, 10°19’N 83°53’W. Banana town on the Llanura de Tortuguero, along the Río Sucio, between Puerto Viejo de Sarapiquí and Guápiles.

Río Frío, Hacienda. Hartshorn. 1000 m (?), ALAJUELA. [“N of Lake Arenal”].

Río Grande. L. González. 15 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Golfo, 9°52’N 84°57’W. Town near the E end of the Nicoya Peninsula, N of Paquera.

Río Hondo. Pittier. 60 m (A), LIMÓN: Matina, 10°06’N 83°25’W. Railroad station at the S edge of the Llanura de Santa Clara, E of Siquirres.

Río Jesús (de San Ramón). Brenes, Endres. 870 m (P), ALAJUELA: Miramar, 10°02’N 84°31’W. Town along the Carretera Interamericana, between San Ramón and Esparza; formerly called "San José de San Ramón."

Río Jiménez. 18 m (A), LIMÓN: Guácimo, 10°15’N 83°36’W. Town on the Llanura de Santa Clara, NE of Guácimo.

Río Naranjo. Lent, Primack, Pohl (sometimes as “Río Narango”), Utley. 522 m (CD), GUANACASTE, Bagaces/Cañas: Miravalles, 10°41’05”N 85°05’25”W. Town in the pass between Volcán Miravalles and Volcán Tenorio.

Río Negro. 1090 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Unión, 8°52’N 82°52’W. Town in the foothills of the E Cordillera de Talamanca, on the Río Negro, along the road to Las Alturas.

Río Nuevo. Estrada, A. Rodríguez. 950 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Savegre, 9°25’N 83°48’W. Town in the upper basin of the Río Pacuar; also the name of the district (and so used on some labels).

Río de Oro.  500 m (P), GUANACASTE: Cerro Azul.  09°59’50”N  085°21’00”W.  Town on the Nicoya peninsula.

Río Segundo (de Alajuela). Jiménez, Utley. 950 m (P), ALAJUELA: Barva, 10°00’N 84°12’W. SE suburb of Alajuela.

La Rita de Guápiles. 110 m (A), LIMÓN: Guápiles, 10°17’N 83°47’W. Town on the Llanura de Santa Clara, N of Guápiles.

Rivas (de General). Croat, Kupper. 980 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: San Isidro, 9°25’N 83°40’W. Town at the head of the Valle del General, at the confluence of the Río Buenavista and the Río Chirripó Pacífico.

Riyito, Río. 190 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Sierpe, 8°41’N 83°33’W. River in the N Osa Peninsula, draining Laguna Chocuaco (q. v.); a tributary of the lower Río Rincón.

Robert, Lechería. 2200 m. Site on Volcán Irazú, probably associated with Hotel Robert, at 2780 m (A), CARTAGO: Istarú, 9°57’N 83°52’W.

(El) Roble. Hammel. 835 m (P), ALAJUELA: Abra, 9°59’N 84°15’W. Town in the W Valle Central, SW of Alajuela.

El Roble. Kupper. Possibly the same as Alto del Roble (q. v.).

Roble ("Fôrets du"). Pittier, Tonduz. 2000 m. Said to be on Volcán Irazú, possibly the same as the following.

Roble, Alto del. Pittier, Tonduz. 2080 m (CD), HEREDIA: Barva, 10°05’N 84°05’W. Saddle SE of Volcán Barva, at the headwaters of the Río Segundo (P) and the Río Las Vueltas (A); many collections from this site are in fact labeled as from "Río Las Vueltas" (or mistakenly, "Río Patria"). Possibly the same as "El Roble" of Kupper.

Roble, Alto (de) (Cerro del; Dormida del). Pittier, Stork, Tonduz. 2670 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Vueltas, 9°37’N 83°54’W. Site SE of Copey de Dota, along the old route over "Cerro de La Muerte."

Robles, Hacienda. Pittier.

La Roca, Cerro. 2258 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Caraigres, 9°42’N 84°02’W. Summit just E of Cerro Abejonal (q. v.), in the N part of the Cordillera de Talamanca.

(El) Rodeo (de Pacaca) (Hacienda; Zona Protectora). Barringer, Hunnewell, Knight, Lankester, Moran, Pérez García, Pittier, Pohl, Tonduz, Manuel Valerio, Marlon Valerio. 800 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Río Grande, 9°55’N 84°17’W. Site near the S edge of the Valle Central, presently the headquarters of the Zona Protectora El Rodeo.

Rodeo, Alto del ("Mont"). Biolley, Pittier. 1100 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Río Grande. Summit at or very near the preceding site; "between Pacaca and the valley of the Río Jaris." Probably the same as Alto Gracias a Diós (q. v.).

La Rosa, Bajo de. Rodríguez C. [Above Las Nubes de Coronado.].

Rosales, Río. Kupper. 700 m (P), ALAJUELA: Naranjo, 10°02’W 84°20’W. River draining the NW slope of Volcán Poás; a tributary of the Río Grande de Tárcoles.

Rosario. Pittier. (A), LIMÓN. Site on the Llanuras de Santa Clara.

Rosario. Pohl. 1327 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Caraigres, 9°47’N 84°05’W. Town in the Candelaria region, E of San Gabriel.

El Rosario de Orosi. 1120 m (A), CARTAGO. Pittier.

Rosario, Cerro(s del). U. Chavarría. 445 m (P), GUANACASTE: Talolinga, 10°17’N 85°24’W. Hills E of the lower Río Tempisque.

Las Rosas, Valle de. Herrera. 350 m (A), LIMÓN: Telire, 9°38’N 83°02’W. Apparently a local designation for the valley of the Río Moín (q. v.); not on current maps.

Rothe, Hacienda. Tonduz. 1100 m (P), HEREDIA: Barva. Site apparently at or near the town of Barva (q. v.).

Sabalito. 900 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Cañas Gordas, 8°49’N 82°55’W. Town at the head of the Valle de Coto Brus, E of San Vito, near the Panamanian border.

Sabalito, Río. 970 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Cañas Gordas, 8°49’N 82°58’W. River in the upper Valle de Coto Brus; a tributary of the Río Negro.

Sábalo, Fila. Lépiz. 620 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Coto Brus, 8°59’N 83°04’W. Ridge at the N edge of the Valle de Coto Brus.

Sábalo, Río. 600 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Cabagra, 9°00’N 83°03’W. River draining the E Cordillera de Talamanca; a tributary of the Río Coto Brus. Formerly known as “Río Hur.”

(La) Sabana (de San José). Pittier, Polakowsky (as “Savannah”), Tonduz. 1125 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Abra, 9°56’N 84°06’W. Large park at the W end of the city of San José; sometimes (French-language labels) as "Savane de San José."

Sabanilla de Los Granados. A. Alfaro. (Sabanilla de Montes de Oca).

Sabanilla de Montes de Oca. 1260 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Abra, 9°57’N 84°02’W. NE suburb of San José; formerly known as Sabanilla de Los Granados.

Sabanillas. A. Fernández. 1780 m (A), CARTAGO: Istarú, 9°53’N 83°54’W. Caserío on the lower slopes of Volcán Irazú, N of Cartago.

Sabanillas de Limoncito. Gómez. 900–1000 m.

Sabanillas (de Acosta). Lankester, J. F. Morales. 1140 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Candelaria, 9°45’N 84°16’W. Town on the divide between the Río Grande de Candelaria and the Río Tiquires.

Sábila, Cerro. 3411 m (CD), CARTAGO: Vueltas, 9°35’N 83°46’W. Peak in the N Cordillera de Talamanca, along the Carretera Interamericana, NW of Cerro Asunción.

Sabillas. Lellinger. (A). [Near Chitaría.].

Sábira, Cerro. G. Vargas. (Certainly an error for Cérro Sábila, q. v.).

Sacabico, Lago. 1090 m (A), LIMÓN: Matama, 9°37’N 83°17’W. Isolated lake in the Cordillera de Talamanca, next to (W of) the larger Lago Dabagri (q. v.).

Sacatal, Alto del. Pittier. 2500–2900 m. Site in the Cordillera de Talamanca, on the E slope of Cerro de Buena Vista; probably the same as Cerro Zacatales (q. v.).

Sacate, Boca. Tonduz. (Boca Zacate).

Sacramento. 2260 m (P), HEREDIA: Barva, 10°07’N 84°08’W. Town on the SW slope of Volcán Barva.

Saino, Isla. L. González. 5 m (P), GUANACASTE: Talolinga, 10°19’N 85°21’W. Large island in the Río Tempisque, just downstream from Puerto Humo.

Sákira, Cerro. 3417 m (CD), CARTAGO: Vueltas, 9°36’N 83°46’W. Peak in the Cordillera de Talamanca, adjacent to Cerro Sábila (q. v.).

Salinas. Brenes. 6 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Barranca, 9°56’N 84°42’W. Railroad station E of Caldera.

Salinas (Bahía de). Pittier, Tonduz. 0 m (P), GUANACASTE: Bahía de Salinas, 11°03’N 85°41’W. Bay in northernmost Costa Rica, at the Nicaraguan border.

Salitral. Utley. 135 m (P), GUANACASTE: Tierras Morenas, 10°35’31”N 85°14’36”W. Caserío N of Bagaces.

Salitral. Q. Jiménez. 1030 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Abra, 9°55’N 84°11’W. Town at the N base of the Cerros de Escazú, S of Santa Ana.

Salitral de Desamparados. 1150 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Abra, 9°53’N 84°03’W. Not on current maps; probably not a place name ("salitral" = salt-marsh).

Salitral (Salitre) de San Marcos. Pittier, Tonduz. 1355 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Dota. Site at or near San Marcos de Tarrazú; not on current maps. "Salitral" = salt-marsh and and, in this and some other cases, is probably not a place name.

Salitrales (de Puriscal). Horich. 860 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Candelaria, 9°46’N 84°24’W. Town along the main road between Santiago de Puriscal and Parrita, at the base of Cerro Túfares, on the divide between the Río Tulín and the Río Grande de Candelaria.

Salitres. A. Jiménez. SAN JOSÉ. [Possibly an error for Salitrales.].

Salsipuedes. 2750 m (CD), CARTAGO: Vueltas, 9°39’N 83°51’W. Site along the Carretera Interamericana in the N Cordillera de Talamanca, just N of Cerro de Buena Vista.

(El) Salto, Quebrada. (A), HEREDIA: Río Cuarto, 10°26’N 84°00’W. Creek draining the N foothills of Volcán Barva, flowing through the Estación Biológica La Selva; a tributary of the lower Río Puerto Viejo.

La Salvadora. Lankester. (A). Site along the Río Reventazón.

El Salvaje (Alto del). A. Alfaro. 1700 m (P). Site said to be in the Candelaria region; not found on current maps, but perhaps associated with Quebrada Salvaje (q. v.).

Salvaje, Quebrada. J. González. 1200 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Caraigres, 9°45’N 84°07’W. Creek draining the N slope of Cerro Caraigres; a tributary of the Río Caraigres.

Sámara (Playas). Haber, Jiménez. 3 m (P), GUANACASTE: Garza, 9°52’56”N 85°31’44W. Beach town on the central Nicoya Peninsula, on the ocean side.

Samay. Zamora. (Samen; alternate or erroneous spelling).

Samen (Finca). Zamora. 35 m (A), ALAJUELA: Guatuso, 10°42’N 84°52’W. Caserío on the Llanura de Los Guatusos, NW of San Rafael.

San Andrés. 7 m (A), LIMÓN: San Andrés, 9°51’N 82°58’W. Railroad station between Puerto Limón and Cahuita.

San Andrés. M. M. Chavarría. 1340 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: 9°44’N 84°05’W. Town in the valley of the Río Tarrazú, SW of Frailes.

San Antonio. 700 m (P), PUNTARENAS: General, 9°02’N 83°18’W.

San Antonio de Belén. 913 m (P), HEREDIA: Abra, 9°59’N 84°12’W. Town in the Valle Central, S of Alajuela; railroad station.

San Antonio (de Desamparados). Pohl. 1170 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Abra, 9°45’N 84°03’W. SE suburb of San José.

San Antonio de Escazú. Horich.

San Antonio de San Ramón. Brenes. 1033 m (P), ALAJUELA: Miramar, 10°09’N 84°37’W. Town in the Cordillera de Tilarán, NW of San Ramón.

San Antonio, Puente de. Polakowsky. (Probably the same as Puente de Mulas, q. v.).

Sanatorio. 990 m. A. Jiménez.

San Bernardino. GUANACASTE. Possibly an error for the following.

San Bernardo (Lagunas de). Davidse. 350 m (P), GUANACASTE, Bagaces: Tierras Morenas, 10°38’N 85°13’W. Town SE of Volcán Miravalles, between the protected area and Salitral.  Also used to refer to the cluster of lagoons surrounding the town.

San Bosco (Finca; Quebrada). Haber & Bello. 900–1500 m (P), GUANACASTE, Tilarán: Tilarán, 10°2’3”N 84°4’9”W.  River draining the N slope of the Cordillera de Tilarán; a tributary of the Río Negro.

San Bosco (Finca). A. Jiménez. (A), HEREDIA. [“Puerto Viejo de Sarapiquí”].

San Carlos. 150 m (A), ALAJUELA. Biolley, Brade, Cook & Doyle, Cooper, Endres, Koschny, Lankester, Austin Smith. Atlantic cantón of Prov. Alajuela; the name technically refers to the entire cantón, but is frequently used narrowly for Ciudad Quesada (q. v.), or very broadly (in the sense of "Llanura de San Carlos") to include portions of adjacent cantones.

San Carlos, Río (River). Biolley, Seibert, Tonduz. 55 m (A), ALAJUELA: Tres Amigos, 10°32’N 84°29’W. Effluent of the Río Jabillos (q. v.), becoming a major river flowing across the Llanura de San Carlos; a tributary of the Río San Juan.

San Clemente. Mori. 15 m (A), LIMÓN: Cahuita, 9°49’N 82°57’W. Town along the road from Puerto Limón to Cahuita. Coordinates are given for San Clemente Nuevo (considered more likely); San Clemente Viejo is ca. 1 km to the SE.

San Cristóbal. Dressler, Whitmore. (Another name for Tinamaste, q. v.).

San Cristóbal (Norte) (de Candelaria). Jiménez, Lankester, Pittier, Stork, Wercklé. 1710 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Caraigres, 9°47’N 84°01’W. Town in the N Cordillera de Talamanca.

San Cristóbal Sur. 1720 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Caraigres, 9°45’N 84°02’W. Town in the N Cordillera de Talamanca.

Sand Box (Sandbox), Río.  Moran, Utley.  70–90 m (A), LIMÓN: Amubri, 9°38’01”N 82°49’17”W. River draining the S slope of the coastal hills NE of Bribrí; a tributary of the Río Sixaola. Coordinates measured where the road that connects Hone Creek and Bribrí crosses the river.

Sándalo, Quebrada. Dodge (as "Río Sándalo"). 5 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Golfo Dulce, 8°34’N 83°22’W. Creek on the Osa Peninsula, flowing to the sea (Golfo Dulce) NW of Puerto Jiménez.

Sándalo, Río. Dodge. (Quebrada Sándalo).

Sandijuela, Quebrada. (Quebrada Sanguijuela).

Sandillal, Río. Opler. (P), GUANACASTE, Cañas: Cañas, 10°26’40”N 85°06’40”W. Runs about 2 km NW of Cañas, tributary of Río Corobicí.

Sandoval, Río. Dodge. 20–30 m (P), PUNTARENAS.

Sandweg’s Pond. Bumby. 650 m (P), SAN JOSÉ. Pond in the vicinity of San Isidro de El General (q. v.); not on current maps.

San Fernando, Río. 790 m (A), ALAJUELA: Poás, 10°17’N 84°10’W. River draining the NW slope of Volcán Barva; a tributary of the Río Volcán. The upper part of the river (above ca. 930 m) is in Prov. Heredia.

San Francisco. M. J. Castro. 190 m (A), ALAJUELA: Fortuna, 10°26’N 84°37’W. Town on the Llanura de San Carlos at the base of the Cordillera de Tilarán.

San Francisco (de Dos Ríos). Pittier. 1160 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Abra, 9°55’N 84°03’W. SE suburb of San José; sometimes, simply “Dos Ríos.”

San Francisco de Guadalupe. Jiménez, Tonduz, Pittier. 1170 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Abra, 9°57’N 84°04’W. Western barrio of Guadalupe de Goicoechea (q. v.); not on current maps.

San Francisco de San Ramón. 911 m (P), ALAJUELA: Miramar, 10°05’N 84°33’W. Town in the Cordillera de Tilarán, W of San Ramón.

San Francisco, Cerro. Grant. [Vicinity of Jardín de Dota.].

San Gabriel. (Cinco Esquinas).

San Gabriel. 1350 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Caraigres, 9°47’N 84°06’W. Town in the Candelaria region, S of Tarbaca.

San Gabriel. J. F. Morales. 360 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Tárcoles, 9°41’N 84°30’W. Town on the divide between the Río Tulín and Río Turrubaritos.

San Gerardo (Lechería). Gómez, Yatskievych. 2580 m (A), CARTAGO: Carrillo, 10°00’N 83°51’W. Locality on the N slope of Volcán Irazú, in the headwaters of the Río Sucio.

San Gerardo (de Canaán). Khan. 1340 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: San Isidro, 9°28’N 83°36’W. Town in the Cordillera de Talamanca, along the upper Río Chirripó Pacífico, just NE of Canaán.

San Gerardo de Dota. 2030 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Vueltas, 9°33’N 83°48’W. Caserío in the valley of the Río Savegre; not on current maps.

San Gerardo de San Ramón. ALAJUELA. Brenes. [Perhaps the same as the following.].

San Gerardo, Finca. Carvajal. [Near San Ramón, probably on the Pacific slope].

San Gerardo (Río; Valley). 1000 m (A), GUANACASTE: Tilarán, 10°22’N 84°48’W. River draining the N slope of the Cordillera de Tilarán; a tributary of the Caño Negro.

San Gerónimo. CARTAGO.

San Geronimo de Moravia. Horich. (San Jerónimo).

Sanguijuela, Quebrada. 600 m (P), GUANACASTE: Tierras Morenas, 10°40’N 85°04’W. Creek in the W foothills of Volcán Tenorio; a tributary of the Río Flores. N.B.: on the Miravalles quadrangle, a different creek (also a tributary of the Río Flores) incorrectly bears this name ("Río San Juan").

Sanguijuela, Quebrada. Gómez (as “Sandijuela” on typed labels). 500 m.

San Ignacio (de Acosta; de Aserrí). A. Alfaro, Brade, Khan. 1095 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Caraigres, 9°48’N 84°10’W. Town in the valley of the Río Jorco.

San Isidoro. Horich. (San Isidro).

San Isidro de La Arenilla. Pittier. (San Isidro de Coronado).

San Isidro de Cartago (de El Tejar). K. Utley, Wilbur. 1388 m (A), CARTAGO: Tapantí, 9°50’N 83°58’W. Town at the S edge of the E Valle Central, along the Carretera Interamericana.

San Isidro de (Vázquez de) Coronado. Porsch, Standley, Tristan. 1383 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Abra, 9°58’N 84°01’W. NE suburb of San José, often simply "Coronado"; formerly known as “San Isidro de La Arenilla.”

San Isidro (de El General; del General; de Pérez Zeledón). Burger, Chrysler, Danforth, Dayton & Barbour, A. M. Evans, Godfrey, Horich (as “San Isidoro”), A. Jiménez, Kupper, Nisman, Skutch, Scamman, Stork, C. M. Taylor, Wilbur. 703 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: San Isidro, 9°22’N 83°42’W. Main town in the N Valle del General.

San Isidro (de Heredia). Spellman, Standley & Valerio. 1350 m (P), HEREDIA: Barva, 10°01’N 84°03’W. Town NE of Heredia, at the base of Cerro Zurquí.

San Isidro de Peñas Blancas. Schnell. 550 m (?), ALAJUELA.

San Isidro de Pérez Zeledón. (San Isidro de El General).

San Isidro (de San Carlos). A. Jiménez. 250 m (A), ALAJUELA. [“Between Los Ángeles y San Isidro”].

San Isidro de San Ramón. Brenes, Herrera. 1150 m (P), ALAJUELA: Naranjo, 10°05’N 84°27’W. Town in the W Valle Central, just E of San Ramón.

San Isidro de San Ramón, Cerro de. Brenes, Herrera. 1259 m (P), ALAJUELA: Naranjo, 10°05’N 84°27’W. Hill just SE of San Isidro de San Ramón (q. v.).

San Isidro de El Tejar. (San Isidro de Cartago).

San Isidro de Vázquez de Coronado. (San Isidro de Coronado).

San Isidro, Río. A. Jiménez. 750 m. [Probably in the Valle de General.].

San Jerónimo. Biolley. (P), PUNTARENAS.

San Jerónimo de Acosta. Hammel. 840 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Candelaria 9°43’N 84°17’W. Caserío in the basin of the Río Grande de Candelaria.

San Jerónimo de Grecia. Brade. 1100 m (P), ALAJUELA: Naranjo, 10°07’N 84°23’W. Town in the W Valle Central, just NE of Naranjo.

San Jerónimo (de Moravia). Horich (as “San Geronimo”), Jiménez, Kupper, Quirós, Wercklé. 1380 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Barva, 10°01’N 84°01’W. Town NE of San José.

San Jerónimo, Fila. 990 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Candelaria, 9°43’N 84°17’W.

San Jerónimo, Quebrada. J. F. Morales. 880 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Candelaria, 9°43’N 84°17’W. A tributary of the Río Grande de Candelaria.

San Joaquín. Pittier. 1051 m (P), HEREDIA: Barva, 10°00’N 84°09’W. W suburb of Heredia; a railroad station along the "Línea Nueva."

San Joaquín de Coto Brus. 980 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Cañas Gordas, 8°50’N 82°58’W. Town in the Valle de Coto Brus, just E of San Vito.

San Joaquín de Dota. Pupulin. 1150 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Vueltas, 9°35’N 83°59’W. Caserío in the Cordillera de Talamanca, S of Santa María de Dota.

San Jorge. Davidse.  580 m (P), GUANACASTE, Liberia: Curubandé, 10°44’00”N 85°18’02”W.  Town just outside Parque Nacional Rincón de La Vieja.

San José. A. Alfaro, Bavazzano, Biolley, Brade, Croat, Echeverría, Godfrey, Hoffmann, Holm, Khan, Lehmann, Oersted, Pittier, Polakowsky, Scherzer, Solís R., Standley, Tonduz, Manuel Valerio, Warscewicz, Wercklé. 1160 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Abra, 9°56’N 84°05’W. City in the Valle Central; capital of Costa Rica and of Prov. San José.

San José de Alajuela. Pohl. 1400 m (P), ALAJUELA. [Along the Río Poás.].

San José de La Montaña. Echeverría. 1520 m (P), HEREDIA: Barva, 10°03’N 84°07’W. Town on the S slope of Volcán Barva, N of Heredia.

San José (de; -)Pinilla. Liesner. 30 m (P), GUANACASTE: Villarreal, 10°15’N 85°48’W. Town in the NO Nicoya Peninsula.

San José de San Ramón. Brenes. Older name for Río Jesús de San Ramón (q. v.).

San José (de Upala). 10 m (A), ALAJUELA.

San José, Cathedral de. Polakowsky

San José, Cerro [(de) Líbano]. Dodge. 1052 m (P), GUANACASTE, Tilarán: Tilarán, 10°22’07”N 84°57’02”W. Peak in the N Cordillera de Tilarán.

San José, Isla. 142 m (P), GUANACASTE: Santa Elena, 10°52’N 85°55’W. Central member of the Islas Murciélago (q. v.); also, the highest island of the group, and the one on which the park station stands (at the E end). Sometimes erroneously called “Isla Murciélago.”

San José, Río. Dodge & Thomas. 400–600 m (P), GUANACASTE, Tilarán: Tilarán, 10°24’N 84°58’W. River draining the N Cordillera de Tilarán; a tributary of the Río Cañas.

San José Cabécar. Ocampo. 570 m (A), LIMÓN, Talamanca: Telire, 9°30’38”N 83°08’39”W. Town in the highlands of the Cordillera de Talamanca, in the valley of the Río Coén. Located just outside the Parque Internacional La Amistad.

San Josecito. Primack, Wilbur. SAN JOSÉ. [7 km SW of Cerro Zurquí.].

San Josecito de Alajuela. Weston. 850 m (P), ALAJUELA. [“University of Costa Rica Farm”].

San Josecito de Alajuelita. Sastré. 1300 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Abra, 9°54’N 84°07’W. S suburb of Alajuelita, at N base of Cerros de Escazú.

San Josecito, Playa. (Playa Campanario).

San Juan (de Tibás). Biolley, Pittier, J. & C. Taylor. 1160 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Abra, 9°58’N 84°05’W. N suburb of San José; nowadays, usually just "Tibás."

San Juan de Candelaria. Endres. Probably the same as San Juan Norte (q. v.).

San Juan (de Chicoá). Oersted, Pittier. 2771 m (A), CARTAGO: Istarú, 9°57’N 83°52’W. Town on the SW slope of Volcán Irazú; sometimes simply "Chicoá."

San Juan de Grecia. Téllez. (P), ALAJUELA. [Near Río Sarchí.].

San Juan de Lajas. Austin Smith. 1400 m (A), ALAJUELA: Quesada, 10°15’N 84°25’W. Caserío in the W Cordillera Central, NW of Zarcero.

San Juan de Mata. Q. Jiménez. 150 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Barranca, 9°53’N 84°32’W. Town in the valley of the lower Río Grande de Tárcoles.

San Juan de Naranjo. Austin Smith. Same as the preceding site?

San Juan de San Isidro. Pupulin.

San Juan de San Ramón. Brenes, Tonduz. 1140 m (P), ALAJUELA: Naranjo, 10°07’N 84°28’W. N suburb of San Ramón.

San Juan, Alto (de). Pohl, Pupulin. 1108 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: San Isidro, 9°20’N 83°45’W. Promontory in the N Fila Costeña, SE of San Isidro de El General.

San Juan, Finca. HEREDIA. Site on Volcán Barva.

San Juan, Río (delta del; valle de). Oersted, Pittier, Tonduz. 30 m (A), ALAJUELA: Pocosol, 10°55’N 84°18’W. River forming the boundary with Nicaragua in the E half of country, emanating from Lago de Nicaragua and flowing to the sea N of Barra del Colorado; in actual fact, the international border is on the Costa Rican shore of the river, so that the river itself belongs entirely to Nicaragua. The data given correspond to an arbitrary point in Prov. Alajuela; downstream, the river abuts Prov. Heredia and Prov. Limón. Terms such as "Valle de San Juan" and "Plaines du San Juan" are often used very broadly, e.g., in reference to the entire north coastal plain of Costa Rica.

San Juan, Río. 600–700 m (P), GUANACASTE: Miravalles, 10°40’N 85°03’W. River draining the W slope of Volcán Tenorio; a tributary of the Río Flores. N.B.: the Río San Juan is incorrectly labeled "Quebrada Sanguijuela" (q. v.) on the Miravalles quadrangle.

San Juan, Río. (P), 100 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Sierpe, 8°44’N 83°32’W. River draining the N end of the Osa Peninsula; a tributary of the Río Chocuaco (itself a tributary of the Río Sierpe).

San Juan Norte. Lent. 1900 m (P), ALAJUELA. [“Slopes of Poás,” near Río Prendas.].

San Juan (del) Norte. Pohl, Scamman. 1450 m (P), CARTAGO: Caraigres, 9°48’N 84°04’W. Town in the Candelaria region, N of Río Conejo (q. v.).

San Lorencito, Río. 700 m (A), ALAJUELA: San Lorenzo, 10°14’N 84°35’W. River draining the N slope of the Cordillera de Tilarán; a tributary of the Río San Lorenzo.

San Lorenzo. 560 m (A), ALAJUELA: San Lorenzo, 10°17’N 84°32’W. Site on the N slope of Cordillera de Tilarán, along the road from La Balsa to Bajo Rodríguez, on the divide between the Río San Lorenzo and the Río Balsa.

San Lorenzo (de Dota; de Tarrazú). Pittier, Tonduz. 1440 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Dota, 9°38’N 84°02’W. Town just SW of San Marcos de Tarrazú; properly belongs in the Cantón de Tarrazú.

San Lorenzo, Río. 330 m (A), ALAJUELA: San Lorenzo, 10°18’N 84°33’W. River draining the N slope of the Cordillera de Tilarán; an affluent (with the Río Balsa) of the Río Jabillos (q. v.).

San Lorenzo, Río. C. Alvarado, G. Rodríguez. 750 m (P), GUANACASTE: Tierras Morenas, 10°37’N 85°02’W. River draining the S slope of Volcán Tenorio; a tributary of the Río Corobicí.

San Louis. James. (San Luis).

San Lucas de Dota. Stork. 1760 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Vueltas, 9°37’N 83°58’W. Caserío SE of Santa María de Dota.

San Lucas, Isla (de). Barclay, Grayum, Oersted, Orozco. 107 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Golfo, 9°57’N 84°55’W. Former prison island in the Golfo de Nicoya.

San Lucas, Río. G. Rodríguez. (P), GUANACASTE: Tilarán. River allegedly on the Pacific slope of the N Cordillera de Tilarán; not on current maps.

San Luis. James (as “San Louis”). 700 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Juntas, 10°17’N 84°49’W. Town in the Cordillera de Tilarán, at the confluence of the Río Guacimal and the Río San Luis, S of Monteverde.

San Luis de Cutris. Zamora. (A), ALAJUELA. [San Carlos region.].

San Luis de Santo Domingo. Crow. 1350 m (P), HEREDIA: Barva, 10°01’N 84°02’W. Hamlet between San Isidro de Heredia and San Jerónimo de Moravia.

San Luis de Turrubares (or, formerly, Turubales). Manuel Valerio. 306 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Río Grande, 9°51’N 84°28’W. Town in the valley of the Río Turrubares.

San Luis de Zarcero. Austin Smith. 1500 m (A), ALAJUELA: Quesada, 10°11’N 84°25’W. Caserío on the westernmost slope of the Cordillera Central, just SW of Zarcero.

San Luis, Río. Carvajal [#68]. 900 m (?), ALAJUELA. [Vicinity of San Ramón.].

San Luis, Río. 800 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Juntas, 10°17’N 84°48’W. River draining the Cordillera de Tilarán, in the Monteverde region; a tributary of the Río Guacimal.

San Luis Llorente. Gómez.

San Marcos (de Dota; de Tarrazú). Pittier, Tonduz, Manuel Valerio, Wilbur. 1440 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Dota, 9°40’N 84°02’W. Town along the Río Pirrís, in the N Cordillera de Talamanca; properly belongs in the Cantón de Tarrazú.

San Marcos. A. Rodríguez. 800 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Savegre, 9°25’N 83°53’W. Caserío at the N end of the N Fila Costeña.

San Marcos. A. Jiménez. 660 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Repunta, 9°11’N 83°35’W. Town on the W side of the Valle de General.

San Mateo. Biolley, Brenes, Godfrey, Judziewicz, Oersted, Quirós. 254 m (P), ALAJUELA: Barranca, 9° 56’N 84°31’W. Town at the S base of the Montes del Aguacate, in the valley of the Río Machuca.

San Miguel. Oersted.

San Miguel. 20 m (A) LIMÓN, Talamanca: Sixaola, 9°34’30”N 82°40’00”W.  Town in the Sixaola river basin, near the coast.

San Miguel (Cuatro Esquinas). 65 m (P), GUANACASTE, Cañas: Cañas, 10°21’22”N 85°04’52”W.  Town to the SE of Cañas, on the Carretera Interamericana.

San Miguel (de Sarapiquí). Biolley, Hartshorn, Hoffmann, Moran, Wendland. 510 m (A), ALAJUELA: Poás, 10°19’N 84°11’W. Town in the Cordillera Central, along the main road between Vara Blanca and Puerto Viejo de Sarapiquí; usually called "San Miguel de Sarapiquí," because it is in the Distrito de Sarapiquí of the Cantón de Alajuela.

San Miguel. Croat [#26509]. (P), PUNTARENAS. [“Cortu and La Unión near San Miguel”].

San Miguel. Murphy. (P), SAN JOSÉ. [Between Higuito and Tablazo.].

San Miguel de Barranca. Weston. 150 m (P), PUNTARENAS. [“1 km N of CIA at Puntarenas Jct.”].

San Miguel de Desamparados. 1200 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Abra, 9°52’N 84°04’W. S suburb of San José.

San Miguel de San Isidro. Haber. 600 m (A), ALAJUELA. [“San Carlos”].

San Miguel de San Ramón. 1004 m (P), ALAJUELA: Miramar, 10°07’N 84°31’W. Town in the Cordillera de Tilarán, NW of San Ramón; according to León (2003), the same as Piedades Sur (though both names appear on current maps).

San Miguel, Cerro. 2036 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Abra, 9°53’N 84°08’W. Promontory in the Cerros de Escazú; has also been called Alto La Cruz and Cerro de Protti.

San Miguel Oeste. Herrera. (P), ALAJUELA. [Near Naranjo.].

San Miguel Sur. 1280 m (P), HEREDIA: Abra, 9°59’N 84°03’W. NE suburb of San José, along the Río Virilla.

San Pablo de Dota. 1400 m (P), SAN JOSÉ. Possibly the same as San Pablo de León Cortés, at 1531 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Caraigres, 9°41’N 84°02’W.

San Pablo (de Puriscal; de Turrubares). 373 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Río Grande, 9°54’N 84°27’W. Town in the valley of the Río Grande de Tárcoles; properly belongs to the Cantón de Turrubares.

San Pedrillo. 20 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Llorona, 8°38’N 83°44’W.

San Pedro. Haber. (A), ALAJUELA. [Along the Río Peñas Blancas, probably at low elevation.].

San Pedro de Alajuela. (San Pedro de Poás).

San Pedro de La Calabaza. Cooper, Pittier. (San Pedro de Poás).

San Pedro de Coronado. Manuel Valerio. 1450 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Istarú, 9°59’N 83°59’W. Town NE of San Isidro de Coronado.

San Pedro de Dota. M. Flores. 1700 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Tapantí, 9°40’N 84°00’W. Town in the Cordillera de Talamanca, NW of Santa María de Dota.

San Pedro del Mojón. Pittier, Tonduz. (San Pedro de Montes de Oca).

San Pedro (de Montes de Oca). Godfrey, Pohl, Standley, Tonduz. 1200 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Abra, 9° 56’N 84°03’W. E suburb of San José, site of the Universidad de Costa Rica; formerly known as San Pedro del Mojón.

San Pedro de Poás (de Alajuela). Horich, Stork. 1145 m (P), ALAJUELA: Barva, 10°05’N 84°15’W. Town NW of Alajuela, on the S slope of Volcán Poás; formerly known as San Pedro de La Calabaza.

San Pedro de Puriscal (de San Pedro de Turrubares).

San Pedro de San Ramón. Brenes, Carvajal. 990 m (P), ALAJUELA: Miramar, 10°05’N 84°31’W. Town in the W Valle Central, SW of San Ramón.

San Pedro de Turrubares. 328 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Río Grande, 9°52’N 84°27’W. Town in the valley of the Río Turrubares; also called "San Pedro de Puriscal," but properly belongs to the Cantón de Turrubares.

San Pedro, Río. Pittier. 666 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Repunta, 9°18’N 83°33’W. River draining the Cordillera de Talamanca; a tributary of the Río Unión.

San Pedro Cutris. Horich. 100–150 m (A), ALAJUELA.

San Rafael (de Cartago). Pittier, Biolley, Tonduz, Williams. 1550 m (A), CARTAGO: Istarú, 9°52’N 83°54’W; another strong candidate at 1350 m (P), CARTAGO: Istarú, 9°54’N 83°58’W.

San Rafael de Escazú. A. Jiménez. (P), SAN JOSÉ.

San Rafael de Guatuso. 35 m (A), ALAJUELA: Guatuso, 10°41’N 84°49’W. Town on the Llanura de Los Guatusos, along the Río Frío.

San Rafael (de Heredia). Lellinger, Lems, Luteyn, McAlpin, Pittier, Tonduz. 1264 m (P), HEREDIA: Barva, 10°01’N 84°06’W. NE suburb of Heredia.

San Rafael de Ojo de Agua. A. M. Young. 850 m (P), ALAJUELA: Abra, 9°58’N 84°13’W. Town in the W Valle Central, W of San Antonio de Belén.

San Rafael de Oreamuno. Echeverría. (A), CARTAGO.

San Rafael de Pandora. Estrada. 150 m (A), LIMÓN: Cahuita, 9°47’N 82°59’W. Caserío in the foothills of the Cordillera de Talamanca, N of the Valle de Estrella.

San Rafael de Poás. Brenes. 1150 m (P), ALAJUELA: Naranjo, 10°06’N 84°16’W. Town NW of San Pedro de Poás (q. v.); has also been called "San Rafael de San Pedro de Alajuela."

San Rafael de San Carlos. Tonduz. Probably the same as San Rafael de Guatuso (q. v.).

San Rafael de San Pedro de Alajuela. Cooper. (San Rafael de Poás).

San Rafael de San Ramón. Carvajal, Brenes, Echeverría. 1070 m (P), ALAJUELA: Naranjo, 10°04’N 84°28’W. Town in the W Valle Central, just S of San Ramón.

San Rafael de Santa Ana. A. Jiménez.

San Rafael de Tilarán. Haber. GUANACASTE. [8 km NW of Monteverde.].

San Rafael de Vara Blanca. Herrera.

San Rafael, Muelle de (Môle). 50–100 m (A), ALAJUELA. Site said to be along the Río San Carlos (at or near the mouth of the Río San Rafael?); not found on current maps. Probably the same as Muelle San Carlos (q. v.).

San Rafael, Río. 2300 m. A tributary of Río San Carlos (Durand, 1891); possibly the same as the following, though it doesn’t attain such a high elevation.

San Rafael, Río. A. Jiménez, Williams. 500–700 m (A), ALAJUELA: Aguas Zarcas, 10°22’N 84°23’W. River draining the NW portion of the Cordillera Central; a tributary of the Río San Carlos.

San Rafael, Río. 1500 m (A), HEREDIA: Poás, 10°13’N 84°05’W. River draining the N slope of Volcán Barva; a tributary of the lower Río Puerto Viejo.

San Rafael, Río. 1790 m (A), HEREDIA: Poás, 10°11’N 94°08’W. River draining the NW slope of Volcán Barva; a tributary of the upper Río Sarapiquí.

San Ramón. G. Acosta, A. Alfaro, Barringer, Brenes, Endres, A. M. Evans, Kupper, Lellinger, Quirós, Tonduz, Wilbur. 1050 m (P), ALAJUELA: Naranjo, 10°05’N 84°28’W. Major town in the W Valle Central.

San Ramón (de Sarapiquí). Loiselle, Wendland. 400 m (A), HEREDIA: Río Cuarto, 10°21’N 84°08’W. Caserío on the divide between the Río Sarapiquí and the Río Tirimbina.

San Ramón (de Tres Ríos). Brenes, Gómez, Herrera, Pohl. 1460 m (P), CARTAGO: Istarú, 9°57’N 83°59’W. Town at the W base of Volcán Irazú, N of Tres Ríos (q. v.).

San Ramón, Reserva Forestal. Carvajal, Gómez-Laurito, Wattenberg. Former name of Reserva Biológica Alberto Manuel Brenes (q. v.).

San Ramón, Río. Pohl. 200 m (A). [E of La Virgen de Sarapiquí.].

San Sebastián. 1146 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Abra, 9°55’N 84°05’W. S suburb of San José.

Santa Ana. Dodge, Solís R., Wendland, Weston. 900 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Abra, 9°56’N 84°11’W. Town in the Valle Central, S of Alajuela and W of San José.

Santa Bárbara. Pittier. 1140 m (P), HEREDIA: Barva, 10°02’N 84°10’W. Town in the Valle Central, NW of Heredia.

Santa Cecilia (de La Cruz). Ocampo. 337 m (A), GUANACASTE: Orosí, 11°04’N 85°25’W. Town at the NE base of Volcan Orosí.

Santa Clara. Cooper. 230 m (A), HEREDIA: Guápiles, 10°13’N 83°54’W; another candidate just E of Guápiles. The name is often used very broadly, i.e., to mean "Llanura de Santa Clara."

Santa Clara de Cartago. Lankester, Maxon & Hervey. 1950 m. Site somewhere to the S of Cartago.

Santa Clara del Copey. Pittier. 2600 m. Conceivably the same as the preceding site.

Santa Clara (de San Carlos). 159 m (A), ALAJUELA: Fortuna, 10°27’N 84°31’W. Town on the Llanura de Santa Clara, W of Florencia (q. v.).

Santa Clara Hills. Stork. [8–10 km S of Cartago; certainly the same as Santa Clara de Cartago.].

Santa Clara, Llanura(s) de. Donnell Smith. Southernmost major Atlantic coastal plain in Costa Rica, encompassing the area S from Guápiles and Parismina to Siquirres and Puerto Limón.

Santa Clara, Río. Carlson, Holm & Iltis. 200 m (A), LIMÓN: Guápiles, 10°14’N 83°46’W. River on the Llanura de Santa Clara, NE of Guápiles; a tributary of the Río Jiménez.

Santa Cruz. Holm & Iltis. ALAJUELA.

Santa Cruz. Gómez. 49 m (P), GUANACASTE: Diriá, 10°16’N 85°35’W. Major town on the N part of the Nicoya Pennsula, between Filadelfia and Nicoya.

Santa Cruz (de Turrialba). Holm, Kupper, Lent, León, Pohl. 1475 m (A), CARTAGO: Tucurrique, 9°58’N 83°44’W. Town on the SE slope of Volcán Turrialba.

Santa Cruz, Finca. Hammel. 260 m (P), PUNTARENAS: General, 9°01’N 83°15’W. Site in the N Fila Costeña, E of Boruca.

Santa Elena. Lellinger. ALAJUELA. [Vicinity of Zapote de Alfaro Ruiz.].

Santa Elena. Léon (as “Sta. Elena”). CARTAGO. [Probably at mid to high elevation.].

Santa Elena. Croat, Murphy. 1360 m (P), PUNTARENAS, Puntarenas: Juntas, 10°19’32”N 84°49’35”W. Town in the Cordillera de Tilarán, just NW of Monteverde (town).

Santa Elena de Pérez Zeledón. 810 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: San Isidro, 9°22’N 83°38’W. Town in the N Valle del General, SE of San Isidro.

Santa Elena, Bahía. Elmore, Howell, L. O. Williams. 0 m (P), GUANACASTE: Santa Elena, 10°56’N 85°49’W. Harbor on the N shore of the Santa Elena Peninsula; once known as "Port Parker."

Santa Elena (Hacienda). Austin Smith. 940 m (A), ALAJUELA: Quesada, 10°15’N 84°28’W. Site on the westernmost slope of the Cordillera Central, NW of Zarcero.

Santa Elena, Hacienda. Janzen, Stevens. 5 m (P), GUANACASTE, La Cruz: Santa Elena, 10°56’30”N 85°49’15”W. Site on the Santa Elena Peninsula, at the W end of Bahía Santa Elena.

Santa Elena, Isla. J. L Chaves. [Arenal quadrangle.].

Santa Elena, Península de. 711 m (P), GUANACASTE: Santa Elena, 10°54’N 85°52’W. Major peninsula, N of the Nicoya Peninsula.

Santa Fe. Pittier. (P). Site along the “Río Dikís.”

Santa Inés, Río. Boucher, J. F. Morales. 125 m (P), GUANACASTE: Monteverde, 10°39’N 85°28’W. River draining the SW foothills of Volcán Rincón de La Vieja; a tributary of Río Colorado (close to the latter’s confluence with Río Tempisque).

Santa Lucía. Wendland.

Santa María (de Dota). Endres, Pittier, Standley, Stork, Tonduz. 1548 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Vueltas, 9°39’N 83°58’W. Town along the Río Pirrís, in the N part of the Cordillera de Talamanca.

Santa María, Finca. Cufodontis. (P), PUNTARENAS. Site on the Osa Peninsula, near Puerto Jiménez (q. v.).

Santa María (Santamaría), Hacienda. Dodge. 830 m (P), GUANACASTE, Liberia: Curubandé, 10°45’45”N 85°18’20”W. Site at the S base of Volcán Santa María; presently the headquarters for Parque Nacional Rincón de La Vieja. N.B.: old maps show a "Hacienda Santa María" in the N Valle del General.

Santa María National Park. Liesner. (Old or erroneous name for Parque Nacional Rincón de La Vieja, q. v.).

Santa María, Volcán. 1916 m (CD), ALAJUELA/GUANACASTE: Curubandé, 10°48’N 85°19’W. Major summit of the Cordillera de Guanacaste, just SE of Volcán Rincón de La Vieja; an extinct volcano.

Santana, Finca. Dodge. SAN JOSÉ.

Santa Rosa. Pérez García. (A), ALAJUELA. [Llanura de San Carlos, between Florencia and Los Chiles.].

Santa Rosa.  Davidse, Pittier, Pohl. 20 m (A), LIMÓN, LIMÓN: Rio Banano, 9°57’22”N 83°04’05”W.  Small town SW of Puerto Limón, inland on the way toward the Río Banano.

Santa Rosa de Copey (Hacienda). Tonduz. 1800 m (P), SAN JOSÉ.

Santa Rosa de Heredia. Crow. (P), HEREDIA. [Probably same as Santa Rosa de Santo Domingo.].

Santa Rosa de Puriscal. 440 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Candelaria, 9°42’N 84°24’W. Town on the divide between the Río Tulín and the Río Grande de Candelaria, along the main road from Santiago de Puriscal to Parrita; an entry point for Zona Protectora Cerros de La Cangreja.

Santa Rosa, Hacienda (or Parque Nacional). Janzen, Liesner, Oersted, Pittier, G. Stevens, Wilbur. 285 m (P), GUANACASTE, La Cruz: Murciélago, 10°50’10”N 85°36’53”W. Site in the Guanacaste lowlands NW of Liberia, now the headquarters of Parque Nacional Santa Rosa.

Santa Rosa, Hacienda. Pohl. 250 m (P), GUANACASTE. [“6 km S of La Cruz on CIA”; possibly an erroneous designation of the preceding, which is much more distant from La Cruz.].

Santa Teresa. Luteyn. 1708 m (A), CARTAGO: Istarú, 9°56’N 83°47’W. Town on the SE slope of Volcán Irazú, just NE of Capellades.

Santa Teresita. Pupulin. A district of the Cantón de Turrialba, Prov. Cartago (Las Lajas; Palomo).

Santiago. Dodge, Pittier, Stork. 990 m (A), CARTAGO: Istarú, 9°52’N 83°48’W. Town in the valley of the Río Reventazón, E of Cartago; a railroad station along the "Línea Nueva."

Santiago (de Puriscal). Armond, Horich, Lellinger, Pohl. 1102 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Río Grande, 9°51’N 84°19’W. Main town in the Puriscal region, SW of Ciudad Colón; nowadays, the town is usually called simply "Puriscal."

Santiago de San Ramón. Brenes, I. A. Chacón, Gómez. 1070 m (P), ALAJUELA: Naranjo, 10°04’N 84°29’W. Town in the W Valle Central, just SW of San Ramón.

Santiago, Cerro(s) de. Carvajal. (P), ALAJUELA. [Vicinity of San Ramón.].

Santo Domingo (de San Mateo). Brade, Maxon. Old name for Orotina (q. v.).

Santo Domingo de Golfo Dulce (or, de Osa). Brenes, Porsch, Tonduz. Old name for Puerto Jiménez (q. v.).

Santo Domingo de Heredia. 1169 m (P), HEREDIA: Abra, 9°59’N 84°06’W. SE suburb of Heredia; site of INBio.

Santo Domingo (del Roble; de Vara Blanca). Goerger, Manuel Valerio. 1500 m (A), HEREDIA: Poás, 10°13’N 84°08’W. Site on the NW slope of Volcán Barva; also known as "La Legua."

Santo Domingo, Río. 1720 m (A), HEREDIA: Poás, 10°12’N 84°08’W. Minor river draining the NW slope of Volcán Barva; a tributary of the Río San Rafael (q. v.).

Santo Tomás. Hammel. 1195 m (P), HEREDIA: Abra, 9°59’N 84°04’30”W. E suburb of Santo Domingo de Heredia.

San Vicente. A. Rodríguez. 1440 m (A), ALAJUELA: Quesada, 10°17’N 84°24’W. Caserío SE of Ciudad Quesada.

San Vicente (de Moravia). Pittier. 1230 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Abra, 9°58’N 84°03’W. NE suburb of San José; nowadays, usually just "Moravia."

San Vito (de Java; de Coto Brus). Croat, Raven. 1000 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Cañas Gordas, 8°49’N 82°58’W. Town in the upper Valle de Coto Brus.

Sapo, Río. Haber. 800 m (A), CARTAGO: Barbilla, 10°56’N 83°29’W. River draining the N Cordillera de Talamanca, flowing through Valle Escondido (q. v.); a tributary of the Río Barbilla.

Sapoá (Llanos de; Río). Flod, Liesner, Oersted, Pittier, Shannon. 35 m (A), GUANACASTE: Peñas Blancas, 11°12’N 85°37’W. River draining Cerro El Hacha and the W slope of Volcán Orosí, flowing into the Lago de Nicaragua.

Sapote. Pittier, Tonduz. (Zapote).

Sarapiquí. (A). Biolley, Horich, Oersted, Wagner, Warscewicz, Wendland, A. M. Young. General term referring to the lowlands (up to at least 800 m) of the Cantón de Sarapiquí, Prov. Heredia, and adjacent areas.

Sarapiquí, Río. Biolley, Horich, A. Jiménez, Pittier, Proctor. 35 m (A), HEREDIA: Río Cuarto, 10°27’N 84°01’W. Major river draining the N slope of the Cordillera Central; a tributary of the Río San Juan. Parts of the river flow through Prov. Alajuela.

Sarchí (Norte). Khan, Pohl. 960 m (P), ALAJUELA: Naranjo, 10°06’N 84°21’W. Town in the W Valle Central, between Grecia and Naranjo.

Sarchí, Río. Téllez. 900 m (P), ALAJUELA.

(La) Sardina, Río. 10 m (A), LIMÓN: Tortuguero, 10°39’N 83°44’W. River draining the N Llanura de Tortuguero; a tributary of the Río Colorado. Also called the "Río Sardinal" (cf. Chirripó Atlántico quadrangle), and probably the same as “Sardinas” (Araya).

Sardinal. Burger, Q. Jiménez, Van Rooden. 150 m (P), GUANACASTE, Carrillo: Carrillo Norte, 10°30’47”N  85°38’35”W. Town in vicinity of Bahía el Coco, Bahía Playa Hermosa.

Sardinal. A. Jiménez. 100–200 m (A), HEREDIA. [“Sarapiquí”; probably refers to Cerros or Lomas Sardinal, q. v.].

Sardinal, Cerros. A. R. Smith. 122 m (A), HEREDIA: Río Cuarto, 10°29’N 84°04’W. Hills on the Llanura de San Carlos, immediately N of Chilamate de Sarapiquí; a southward extension of the Lomas Sardinal (q. v.).

Sardinal, Lomas. 335 m (A), HEREDIA: Chaparrón, 10°35’N 84°03’W. Hills on the Llanura de San Carlos, forming the divide between the Río Toro and the Río Sarapiquí; a northward (and eastward) extension of the Cerros Sardinal (q. v.).

Sardinal, Río. A. Rodríguez. 100 m (P), GUANACASTE. [Chapernal quadrangle.].

Sardinal, Río (River). Gómez. 900–1600 m (A), HEREDIA: Poás, 10°16’N 84°03’W. River draining the N slope of Volcán Barva (and Cerro Cacho Negro); a tributary of the lower Río San Rafael. The spectacular waterfall at Rara Avis (q. v.) is a feature of the Río Sardinal.

Sardinal, Río. (A), LIMÓN. (Río Sardina).

Sardinas. Araya. (Río Sardina).

Saurez, Río. J. F. Morales. 1450–1800 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Abra, 9°51’N 84°07’W. River or creek draining the N slope of the Cerros de Escazú; a tributary of the Río Cañas. Mapped as “Quebrada Suárez,” though a nearby caserío is called “Saurez.”

Savane de San José. (La Sabana).

Savanes de. “Sabanas of,” on French-language labels; not (necessarily) a place name.

Savannah (de San José). Polakowsky. (La Sabana).

Savegre, Río. 1600 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Vueltas, 9°32’N 83°51’W. Major river draining the Cordillera de Talamanca, flowing to the sea SE of Puerto Quepos; in its lowermost reaches (below ca. 100 m elevation), the Río Savegre passes through Prov. Puntarenas.

Savegre Abajo (de Río Nuevo). Estrada. 600 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Savegre, 9°26’N 83°51’W. Town in the Cordillera de Talamanca, along the Río División.

Schtomat, Cerro. Herrera. (A), LIMÓN. [Sukut quadrangle.].

Sebror, Río. P. E. Sánchez. (P), PUNTARENAS. [Near Buenos Aires de Osa; error for Río Ceibo?].

Seca, Quebrada. Horich. 1300 m (P), ALAJUELA. [“Below San Pedro de Poás”].

Seco, Río. Khan et al. <100 m (P). Site along Carretera Interamericana, N of Puntarenas. [Chapernal quadrangle.].

Seco, Río. 60 m (P), PUNTARENAS/SAN JOSÉ: Herradura, 9°37’N 84°33’W. Minor river draining the Pacific front range, E of Jacó; a tributary of the Río Turrubaritos. Corresponds in its lower part (below ca. 60 m) to the provincial boundary, but upstream runs in Prov. San José.

La Sedina. Pittier. (A), ALAJUELA. [Llanura de San Carlos.].

Segundo, Río. Pittier, Tonduz. 2000 m (P), HEREDIA: Barva, 10°05’N 84°05’W. River draining the S slope of Volcán Barva; a tributary of the Río Virilla.

Segundo, Río. Gómez. 280 m (A), LIMÓN: Río Banano, 9°53’N 83°12’W. Minor river in the N Cordillera de Talamanca; a tributary of the Río Banano.

Segundo Brazo. León. [Cited in de Roon thesis.].

Selva. J. & C. Taylor. 1170 m (A), CARTAGO: Tapantí, 9°48’N 83°46’W. Town along upper Río Taus, in the N Cordillera de Talamanca.

La Selva, Finca. Herrera. 325 m (A), ALAJUELA. [“7.5 km al NE del pueblo, entre La Jabalina y el Río Cucaracho”].

La Selva, Estación Biológica (formerly Finca). Bawa, Beach, Burger, Chacón, Croat, A. M. Evans, Fallon, Folsom, Frankie, Gentry, Gómez, Grayum, Grove, Hammel, Hartshorn, Hennipman, F. Jiménez, Lellinger, Lesica, Lorence, McDowell, Neill, Opler, Pohl, Poveda, Rossbach, Scamman, Solomon, Sperry, Todzia, Vargas, Walker, Wilbur, Worthington. 50 m (A), HEREDIA: Río Cuarto, 10°26’N 84°02’W. OTS biological field station at the N base of Volcán Barva, at the confluence of the Río Sarapiquí and the Río Puerto Viejo.

(La) Selva, Hacienda (Finca). Gómez, A. Jiménez. 1780 m (A), HEREDIA: Poás, 10°11’N 84°08’W. Site on the NW slope of Volcán Barva, along the Río San Rafael; most labels reading "Finca La Selva" will refer to Estación Biológica La Selva (above).

La Selva, Zona Protectora. Grayum, Schatz. 100–900 m (A), HEREDIA. Corridor connecting Parque Nacional Braulio Carrillo and the Estación Biológica La Selva.

Serena, Quebrada. Standley & Valerio. 700 m (P), GUANACASTE: Tilarán, 10°25’N 84°57’W. Creek at the N end of the Cordillera de Tilarán; a tributary of the Río Cañas.

Setillal. 1250 m (P), HEREDIA: Barva, 10°03’N 84°10’W. Town in the Valle Central, just NW of Santa Bárbara; sometimes spelled “Zetillal.”

Sheuab, Lomas. 250 m (A), LIMÓN: Amubri, 9°32’N 82°54’W. Hills between the Valle de Talamanca and the Río Yorkín.

Shiroles. (Shirores).

Shirores (or Xirores; nowadays, Shiroles). Tonduz. 60 m (A), LIMÓN: Amubri, 9°35’N 82°58’W. Town at the N end of the Valle de Talamanca.

Siberia. 2840 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Cuericí, 9°33’N 83°43’W. Town along the Carretera Interamericana on "Cerro de La Muerte," just S of Villa Mills on the descent to San Isidro de El General.

Siberia, Quebrada. 2700 m (A), CARTAGO: Cuericí, 9°33’N 83°42’W. Creek in the Cordillera de Talamanca, just E of Villa Mills.

Sierpe. Pittier. 10 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Chánguena, 8°52’N 83°29’W. Town in the S part of the Valle de Diquís, along the Río Sierpe.

Sierpe, Laguna (“Marais de”). Pittier. 10 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Rincón, 8°47’N 83°20’W. Natural lagoon near the head of Golfo Dulce, draining into the Río Sierpe.

Sierpe, Lomas de. 311 m (A), LIMÓN: Agua Fría, 10°25’N 83°32’W. Hills on the Llanura de Tortuguero (mostly within Parque Nacional Tortuguero).

Sierpe, Río. 10 m (A), LIMÓN: Agua Fría, 10°22’N 83°32’W. River in Parque Nacional Tortuguero, bisecting the Lomas de Sierpe and flowing to the sea NW of Parismina.

Sierpe, Río. 10 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Chánguena, 8°52’N 83°29’W. River draining the area at the head of Golfo Dulce, flowing to the sea just N of the Osa Peninsula.

(La) Sierra. Horich, Williams. 2000 m (CD), CARTAGO/SAN JOSÉ: Tapantí, 9°45’N 83°54’W. Site on the "Cerro de La Muerte" portion of Carretera Interamericana, at the junction of the road to San Cristóbal Sur.

La Sierra, Fila. J. F. Morales. 1250 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: 9°40’N 84°14’W. Ridge to the N of the Río Pirrís.

Sikúrbeta, Fila. Tonduz. 510 m (A), LIMÓN: Estrella, 9°48’N 83°01’W.

El Silencio de San Ramón. Brenes. 1130 m (A), ALAJUELA: Quesada, 10°10’N 84°28’W. Site in the Cordillera de Tilarán, N of San Ramón.

(El) Silencio de Tilarán. Brenes, Gómez, Jiménez, Kupper, Standley. 780 m (A), GUANACASTE, Tilarán: Tilarán, 10°28’49”N 84°54’12”W. Caserío in the Cordillera de Tilarán, E of Tilarán.

El Silencio de Zarcero. Austin Smith. 1450 m. Almost certainly the same as El Silencio de San Ramón (q. v.).

Silencio, Lomas del. 600 m. (P). Site in the Valle de Diquís.

Silencio, Valle del. Davidse. 2400 m (A), LIMÓN: Pittier, 9°08’N 82°58’W. Site in the E Cordillera de Talamanca, at the headwaters of the Río Teribe, S of the Cerros Tararia, near the Panamanian border; name does not appear on current maps.

Sinaí. 530 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Chánguena, 8°52’N 83°16’W. Town in the S Fila Costeña.

Siní, Río. Davidse. 1700 m (A), LIMÓN: Namaki, 9°13’N 82°58’W. River in a very remote region of the Cordillera de Talamanca, near the Panamanian border; a tributary of the Río Teribe.

Sipiri, Quebrada. 1160 m (A), CARTAGO: Chirripó, 9°49’N 83°24’W. Creek in the N Cordillera de Talamanca, S of Platanillo (q. v.); a tributary of the Quebrada Platanillo. Sometimes spelled “Tsipirí” (a more accurate representation of the local Cabécar pronunciation).

Sipurio. Tonduz. 50 m (A), LIMÓN: Amubri, 9°32’N 82°57’W. Site (historical) in the Valle de Talamanca, N of Amubri.

Siquirres. Burger (as "Siquerres"), Dodge, Kupper, J. F. Morales, Moran, Pittier, Donnell Smith, Stork, Wilbur, Yatskievych. 70 m (A), LIMÓN: Bonilla, 10°05’59”N 83°30’23W. Town at the edge of the Llanura de Santa Clara, at the N base of the Cordillera de Talamanca. Coordinates measured at benchmark 62.

Siquirres (Hacienda). Pittier. 200 m (P). Location of this Pacific slope site uncertain; Pittier definitely collected at the Atlantic slope Siquirres as well (foregoing entry).

Siquirres, Río. Dodge. 70–350 m (A), LIMÓN: Bonilla, 10°06’N 83°32’W. River draining the N end of the Cordillera de Talamanca; a tributary of the Río Reventazón.

Sirena. 10 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Madrigal, 8°29’N 83°36’W. Site on the Osa Peninsula; headquarters of Parque Nacional Corcovado.

Sirena, Río. 5 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Madrigal, 8°29’N 83°36’W. River on the W side of the Osa Peninsula.

Sitios, Alto (Los). J. F. Morales (as “Alto Sitios Puriscal”). 510 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Tárcoles, 9°41’N 84°32’W. Hill along the upper Río Turrubaritos.

Sixaola. 10 m (A), LIMÓN: Sixaola, 9°30’N 82°37’N. Town on the Río Sixaola, with an international entry point to Panama.

Sixaola (Río; valley). Pittier. 30 m (A), LIMÓN: Amubri, 9°35’N 82°53’W. Major river formed by the confluence of the Rio Telire and the Río Yorkín, flowing to the sea SE of Gandoca; the term is sometimes used as a regional designation. The Río Sixaola corresponds for its entire length to the international border (Costa Rica/Panama).

Skopte, Fila.  715 m (A), LIMÓN, Talamanca: Telire, 9°30’15”N 83°03’09”W.

Skú, Río. 3100 m (A), LIMÓN: Dúrika, 9°26’N 83°28’W. Remote river in the Cordillera de Talamanca; a tributary of the upper Río Telire.

(El) Socorro (de San Ramón). Brenes, Lellinger. 1220 m (P), ALAJUELA: Miramar, 10°08’N 84°36’W. Town in the Cordillera de Tilarán, NW of San Ramón.

Soki. 150 m (A), LIMÓN: Sukut, 9°29’N 82°58’W. Formerly, “Tsâki.”

Soledad (San Lorenzo). J. F. Morales. 1000 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Candelaria, 9°43’30”N 84°15’30”W. Caserío in the basin of the Río Tiquires.

La Soledad, L’Église de. Tonduz. 1149 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Abra, 9°56’N 84°05’W. Church in east-central San José, still extant between Avenidas 2 and 6 and Calles 9 and 11; not on current maps.

Soley, Puerto. Iltis (as “Puerto Solez”). 0 m (P), GUANACASTE: Bahía de Salinas, 11°02’N 85°40’W. Site on the Bahía de Salinas, in northernmost Costa Rica.

Solez, Puerto. Iltis. (Puerto Soley).

Sombrero, Río. Luteyn, Utley. 1300 m (A), CARTAGO: Tapantí, 9°47’N 83°55’W. Minor river in the N part of the Cordillera de Talamanca; a tributary of the Río Navarro.

Sonador, Río. Spellman (as “Sonodor”). 570 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Buenos Aires, 9°15’N 83°30’W. River draining the foothills of the Cordillera de Talamanca; a tributary of the Río General.

Sonodor, Río. Spellman. (Río Sonador).

Sopapo, Quebrada. J. F. Morales. 1020 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Caraigres, 9°41’N 84°10’W. Creek draining SW spur ridge of Cerro Caraigres; a tributary of the Río Pirrís.

Sorpresa, Río. 30 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Golfito, 8°39’N 83°08’W. River draining the N slope of the ridge above Golfito; a tributary of the Río Coto Colorado.

Sta. Elena. León. (Santa Elena).

Stewart Ranch.  Daubenmire, Frankie, Furth.  100 m (P), GUANACASTE, Bagaces: Tempisque, Monteverde, 10°27”N 85°20”W.  Ranch and research area NE of the Lomas Barbudal Biological Reserve (between the Lomas Barbudal and Bagaces).  The NE corner of the property abuts the Carretera Interamericana. The same as or adjacent to Comelco (q. v.).

Sucio, Río. L. O. Williams. 800 m (A), CARTAGO. [“Along Río Sucio near Corinto”].

Sucio, Río. Brade, Kupper, Lehmann, Pittier. Wendland. 400 m (A), LIMÓN/SAN JOSÉ: Guápiles, 10°10’N 83°57’W. Major river draining the NW slope of Volcán Irazú; a tributary of the lower Río Sarapiquí, and affluent of the Río Chirripó (Atlántico). Below the effluence (ca. 270 m) of the Río Chirripó (Atlántico), the Río Sucio flows within Prov. Heredia; proceeding upstream from that point, it functions as the Heredia/Limón provincial boundary to the confluence of the Río Patria (ca. 310 m), as the Limón/San José provincial boundary to the confluence of the Río Hondura (ca. 470 m), and finally as the Cartago/San José provincial boundary.

Sucio, Río. Lépiz. 0 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Nicoya (1:200,000), 5°33’N 87°04’W. River on Isla del Coco (q. v.), flowing to the sea at Bahía Chatham.

Sucre. Austin Smith, Wilbur. 1017 m (A), ALAJUELA: Quesada, 10°17’N 84°26’W. Town on westernmost slope of the Cordillera Central, S of Ciudad Quesada on the road to Zarcero.

Suerre (Hacienda). Donnell Smith. 330 m (A), LIMÓN: Guápiles, 10°12’N 83°45’W. [Another possible candidate on the Parismina quadrangle.].

La Suerte (Finca; Hacienda). Aguilar, Davidson. 45 m (A), LIMÓN: Río Sucio, 10°27’N 83°47’W. Site on the Llanura de Tortuguero.

La Suisa. Carlson. (La Suiza).

La Suiza (de Turrialba). Carlson (as “La Suisa”), Kennedy. 616 m (A), CARTAGO: Tucurrique, 9°51’N 83° 37’W. Town in the valley of the Río Tuis, SE of Turrialba.

Sukut, Río. Herrera. (A), LIMÓN.

(El) Sur. 240 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Tárcoles, 9°44’N 84°32’W. Town SE of Parque Nacional Carara, along the Río del Sur.

Sur, Río del. 200 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Tárcoles, 9°46’N 84°32’W. River draining the SW slope of Cerro Turrubares (q. v.); a tributary of the Río Carara.

(El) Surá, Quebrada. 40 m (A), HEREDIA: Río Cuarto, 10°26’N 84°01’W. Creek at the N base of Volcán Barva, flowing through the Estación Biológica La Selva; a tributary of the lower Río Puerto Viejo.

Suretka. Alverson, Moran, Tonduz. 50 m (A), LIMÓN: Amubri, 9°35’N 82°57’W. Town at the N edge of the Valle de Talamanca; formerly written "Tsuritkub."

Surtubal. Hammel, L. D. Vargas, Zamora. 320 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Tárcoles, 9°48’N 84°32’W. Caserío E of Parque Nacional Carara.

Surubres. Biolley, Brade. 200 m (P), ALAJUELA: Barranca, 9°57’N 84°34’W. Site near the Río Surubres (q. v.), not on current maps; exact position unknown.

Surubres, Río. Biolley, Judziewicz. 117 m (P), ALAJUELA: Barranca, 9°57’N 84°34’W. River draining the SW slope of the Montes del Aguacate; a tributary of the Río Machuca.

Suruy, Río. Herrera. 510 m (A), LIMÓN. [Fila Matama.].

Tabacón, Río. Liesner. 570 m (A), ALAJUELA: Fortuna, 10°29’N 84°43’W. Small river draining the NE slope of Volcán Arenal; a tributary of the Río Arenal.

Tabarcia. 817 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Abra, 9°51’N 84°14’W. Town at the SW base of the Cerros de Escazú.

Tabarcia, Río. Hammel (as “Tabarcio”), C. O. Morales. 850–1700 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Abra, 9°51’N 84°09–14’W. River draining the S slope of the Cerros de Escazú; a tributary of the Río Jorco.

Tabarcio, Río. Hammel. (Río Tabarcia).

La Tabla. Daniels. (A), ALAJUELA. Site in the San Carlos region; possibly the same as Tabla Grande, at 93 m (A), ALAJUELA: Tres Amigos, 10°36’N 84°25’W.

Las Tablas (Zona Protectora). 1900 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Unión, 8°57’N 82°44’W. Site in the E Cordillera de Talamanca, at the headwaters of the Río Cotón.

Tablazo (Altos de; Cerros del; Cuesta del). Biolley, Brade, Durkee, Echeverría, Endres, E. Jiménez, Lankester, J. F. Morales, Moran, Murphy, Tonduz, Utley, Manuel Valerio, Wercklé, Wilbur. 1983 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Caraigres, 9°50’N 84°03’W. Promontory on the S skyline of the Valle Central, between the Cerros de Escazú and the Cerros de La Carpintera, on the divide between the Río Virilla and the Río Grande de Candelaria; rarely spelled “Toblazo.”

(El) Tablón. Almeda, Hammel. 1500 m (A), CARTAGO: Caraigres, 9°50’N 84°01’W. Town along the upper Río Purires, at the N end of the Cordillera de Talamanca.

(La) Taboga (Expt. Sta.; Finca; Hacienda). Almeda, Bawa, Daubenmire, A. M. Evans, Janzen, Jiménez, Koch, Liesner, Solomon, Weston. 3 m (P), GUANACASTE, Cañas: Cañas, 10°20’24”N 85°10’12”W. Site in the Guanacaste lowlands, near the confluence of the Río Bebedero and the Río Cañas. Also site of the Estacion Experimental Enrique Jiménez Nuñez, a research and field station managed by the Ministry of Agriculture.  

Tacacorí. A. Alfaro. 1080 m (P), ALAJUELA: Barva, 10°03’N 84°13’W. Town in the Valle Central, N of Alajuela.

Tacares. Hoffmann, Austin Smith, Manuel Valerio. 790 m (P), ALAJUELA: Naranjo, 10°02’N 84°17’W. Town in the Valle Central, just W of Carrillos de Poás (q. v.).

Tajo, Calle.  Whitmore.  (A), LIMÓN, Siquirres: Bonilla.  10°04’12”N 83°33’00”W.  Road near Guayacán, just off the Siquirres–Turrialba highway.

Talamanca. A. Alfaro, Ocampo, Pittier, Tonduz. Regional designation, used variously, e.g., for the Valle de Talamanca (q. v.), or for all of Costa Rica E of the Río Estrella.

Talamanca, Valle de. Carleton, G. Cooper, Rowlee & Rowlee. 60 m (A), LIMÓN: Amubri, 9°33’N 82°58’W. Lower valley of the Río Telire, including its confluences with the Río Coén, the Río Lari, and the Río Urén.

Talari, Río. 3450 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Dúrika, 9°28’N 83°29’W. River draining the S slope of Cerro Chirripó (Grande); a tributary of the Río Chirripó Pacífico.

Tamarindo (Playa). Haber, Liesner, Wilbur. 0 m (P), GUANACASTE: Villarreal, 10°18’N 85°51’W. Beach town near the N end of the Nicoya Peninsula, on the ocean side.

Tambor. Pohl. 1000 m (P), ALAJUELA. [“8 km NW of Alajuela”].

Tambor. 55 m (A), HEREDIA: Cutris, 10°40’N 84°05’W. Town on the N Llanura de San Carlos, E of Boca Tapada.

Tambor (Playa). Pohl. 3 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Río Arío, 9°43’N 85°01’W. Beach at the S end of the Nicoya Peninsula.

Tambor, Río. Kriebel, Pohl. 1000–2000 m (P), ALAJUELA: Barva, 10°03–08’N 84°09–13’W. River draining the W slpe of Volcán Barva; a tributary of the Río Poás.

Tapantí (Reserva de). Almeda, Gómez, Hennipman, Horich, Moran, Proctor, J. & C. Taylor, R. J. Taylor, Manuel Valerio, Wilbur. 1210 m (A), CARTAGO: Tapantí, 9°47’N 83°48’W. Site in the N Cordillera de Talamanca, along the Río Grande de Orosi; sometimes used more generally, i.e., for Parque Nacional (formerly Reserva Nacional de Vida Silvestre) Tapantí.

Tapesco (or, Tapezco) de Zarcero. Austin Smith. 1860 m (A), ALAJUELA: Quesada, 10°13’N 84°23’W. Town in the westernmost Cordillera Cental, just NW of Zarcero (q. v.) along the road to Ciudad Quesada.

Tapesco River. L. O. Williams. 1600–1700 m (A), ALAJUELA. [10 km N of Zarcero.].

Tapezco, Alto (or, Cerro). Jiménez. 1770 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Abra, 9°54’N 84°10’W. Promontory in the foothills of the Cerros de Escazú, above Escazú.

Tapezco, Hacienda. Davidson. 35 m (A), LIMÓN: Río Sucio, 10°29’N 83°47’W. Site on the Llanura de Tortuguero.

Tapshi, Quebrada de (or Tapxi). Pittier. (P), PUNTARENAS. Site near Boruca (q. v.).

Tararia, Cerros. Davidse. 2690 m (A), LIMÓN: Pittier, 9°09’N 82°58’W. Hills at the headwaters of the Río Teribe, in the E Cordillera de Talamanca, near the Panamanian border; known locally as "Tres Picos."

Tarbaca (de Mora). Standley. 1796 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Caraigres, 9°49’N 84°07’W. Town at the E end of the Cerros de Escazú, along the road from Aserrí to San Ignacio.

Tarbaca, Río. J. F. Morales. 1520 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Caraigres, 9°49’N 84°07’W. River draining the S slope of the Cerros de Escazú; a tributary of the Río Jorco.

Tárcoles (Playa). Brenes. 0 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Tárcoles, 9°46’N 84°38’W. Coastal town just S of the mouth of the Río Grande de Tárcoles.

Tarcolitos. 460 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Tárcoles, 9°45’N 84°35’W. Caserío at the S base of the Cerros Quebrada Bonita (q. v.).

Tarcolitos, Río. Pohl. 30 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Tárcoles, 9°45’N 84°37’W. Minor river draining the Pacific front range, flowing to the sea just S of Tárcoles.

Tarrazú. Tonduz. Regional designation, e.g., for the basin of the Río Tarrazú or (more recently) the Cantón de Tarrazú.

Tarrazú, (La) Cuesta de. Tonduz. 1500 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Caraigres, 9°44’N 84°03’W. Grade in the N Cordillera de Talamanca, above the Río Tarrazú, S of Frailes.

Tarrazú, Río. Pittier, Tonduz. 1300–1500 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Caraigres, 9°45’N 84°02–03’W. River in the Candelaria region; an affluent (with the Río Alumbre) of the Río Grande de Candelaria.

Taus. Maas. 730 m (A), CARTAGO: Pejibaye, 9°47’N 83°43’W. Town in the N Cordillera de Talamanca, along the Río Pejibaye.

Taus, Río. Lent, Maas, J. & C. Taylor. 820 m (A), CARTAGO: Pejibaye, 9°47’N 83°44’W. Minor river in the N Cordillera de Talamanca; a tributary of the Río Pejibaye.

Tausito. 1300 m (A), CARTAGO: Tapantí, 9°47’N 83°47’W. Caserío in the upper basin of the Río Taus (q. v.), just NE of Tapantí; has been misrendered by label typists as "Transito."

Tayutic. Cascante.

(El) Tejar. Pittier, Stork, J. & C. Taylor, R. J. Taylor. 1380 m (A), CARTAGO: Istarú, 9°51’N 83°57’W. SW suburb of Cartago.

Los Tejares. (P), PUNTARENAS. Site along the Río Ceibo.

La Tejona. Standley & Valerio. 670 m (A), GUANACASTE: Arenal, 10°31’N 84°58’W. Site in the Cordillera de Tilarán.

Telire. 670 m (A), LIMÓN: Matama, 9°33’N 83°18’W. Site in the Cordillera de Talamanca, along the Río Telire.

Telire, Río (River). Gómez, Hazlett. 300–800 m (A), LIMÓN: 9°37’N 83°10’W. Major river draining the E Cordillera de Talamanca; an affluent (with the Río Yorkín) of the Río Sixaola.

Tempisque (Río). Bumby, Stork. 29–30 m (P), GUANACASTE: Carrillo Norte, 10°34’N 85°35’W. Major river draining most of the Guanacaste region, formed by the confluence of the Río Los Ahogados and the Río Tempisquito, flowing to the sea at the N end of the Golfo de Nicoya.

Tempisquito, Hacienda. Lot. GUANACASTE. [Near La Cruz].

Tempisquito, Río. Boucher. 93 m (P), GUANACASTE: Ahogados, 10°49’N 85°33’W. River draining the N end of the Cordillera de Guanacaste; an affluent (with the Río Los Ahogados) of the Río Tempisque.

Tenorio (Finca; Hacienda). Quirós. 400 m (P), GUANACASTE, Cañas: Tierras Morenas, 10°36’39”N 85°05’14”W. Site at the SW base of Volcán Tenorio.

Tenorio, Río. Pohl, Haber. 33–360 m (P), GUANACASTE, Cañas: Cañas, 10°28’06”N 85°09’53”W (at intersection with Carretera Interamericana). River draining the slopes of Volcán Miravalles and Volcán Tenorio; an affluent (with the Río Blanco) of the Río Bebedero.

Tenorio, Volcán. 1916 m (CD), ALAJUELA/GUANACASTE: Miravalles, 10°40’N 85°01’W. Major summit of the Cordillera de Guanacaste; an extinct volcano.

Tenorito, Río. Gentry. 40 m (P), GUANCASTE, Cañas: Cañas/Tierras Morenas, 10°28’48”N 85°09’57”W (at confluence with Río Tenorio).

Tepemechín, Río. Lent, Luteyn. 700 m (A), CARTAGO: Pejibaye, 9°48’N 83°42’W. Minor river in the N Cordillera de Talamanca, E of Pejibaye; a tributary of the lower Río Gato.

Terbi, Cerro. 3765 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Dúrika, 9°28’N 83°30’W. Peak in the Cordillera de Talamanca.

Terbi, Río. (Río Teribe).

Tercero, Río. Berrocal. 300 m (A), LIMÓN: Río Banano, 9°53’N 83°12’W. Minor river in the N Cordillera de Talamanca; a tributary of the Río Banano.

Teribe, Río (or Terbi). Davidse. 2400 m (A), LIMÓN: Pittier, 9°08’N 82°58’W. River draining the E Cordillera de Talamanca (including W Panama), flowing to the sea NE of Changuinola (Prov. Bocas del Toro, Panama).

Térraba. Pittier, Tonduz. 370 m (P), PUNTARENAS: General, 9°04’N 83°17’W. Town at the S end of the Valle del General, in the foothills of the N Fila Costeña; sometimes used in a regional sense, i.e., for the valley or canyon of the Río Grande de Térraba (q. v.).

Térraba, Llanos (or Llanuras) de. Old name for the Valle del General.

Térraba, Río (River). Gómez, McAlpin. (Río Grande de Térraba).

Terrenos (del). “Property of,” on Spanish-language labels; not a place name.

Terrón Colorado. 55 m (A), ALAJUELA: Tres Amigos, 10°34’N 84°29’W. Caserío on the Llanura de San Carlos, along the Río San Carlos.

Terrones, Quebrada. Dodge (as "Río Terrones"). 10 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Golfo Dulce, 8°34’N 83°23’W. Creek on the Osa Peninsula, flowing to the sea (Golfo Dulce) NW of Puerto Jiménez.

Thiel, Puerto. 5 m (P), GUANACASTE: Berrugate, 10°02’N 85°12’W. Town on the gulf side of the Nicoya Peninsula.

Tibás. (San Juan de Tibás).

Tibás, Río. Hammel. 1175 m (P), HEREDIA: Abra, 9°59’N 84°03’30”W; a tributary of the Río Virilla.

Tierra Blanca. Kupper, Lellinger, Pittier, Pohl, A. Rodríguez, Stork. 2060 m (A), CARTAGO: Istarú, 9°55’N 83°54’W. Town on the SW slope of Volcán Irazú, NE of Cartago.

Tierras Morenas. 690 m (P), GUANACASTE: Tierras Morenas, 10°34’N 85°02’W. Town at the S base of Volcán Tenorio.

La Tigra. Herrera. [In Cordillera de Tilarán near Cerro Bekóm.].

La Tigra. Gómez, Moran. 1200–1400 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Unión, 8°55’N 82°50’W.

Tigre (Savanes de). 500 m (P), PUNTARENAS: General, 9°07’N 83°21’W. Site in the S Valle del General, S of Buenos Aires.

Tigre, Cerro. 1617 m (A), CARTAGO: Barbilla, 9°55’N 83°24’W. Remote subsidiary peak in the N Cordillera de Talamanca.

Tigre, Quebrada. 400 m (A), HEREDIA: Poás, 10°18’N 84°01’W. Creek draining the NE foothills of Volcán Barva; a tributary of the lower Río San Rafael.

Tigre, Quebrada. 40 m (A), LIMÓN: Sixaola, 9°35’N 82°40’W. Creek draining the S slope of the coastal hills, S of Manzanillo de Talamanca; a tributary of the Quebrada Quiebra Caña.

Tigre, Río. Brenes, Dodge. 5 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Golfo Dulce, 8°33’N 83°20’W. River on the Osa Peninsula, flowing to the sea (Golfo Dulce) NW of Puerto Jiménez.

Tilarán. Brenes, Dodge, Gentry, Kupper, Lellinger, Pohl, Standley & Valerio, Wheelwright. 561 m (P), GUANACASTE, Tilarán: Tilarán, 10°28’09”N 84°57’59”W. Town at the N end of the Cordillera de Tilarán.

Tilirí, Río (San José). Pittier, Tonduz. Old name for the Río Tiribí (q. v.); also written “Tiliri.”

Tinajita, Cerro. (Cerro La Lana).

Tinamaste. 765 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Dominical, 9°18’N 83°47’W. Town in the N Fila Costeña, along the road from San Isidro de El General to Dominical; also called “San Cristóbal.”

Tinamastes, Fila. 1170 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Dominical, 9°17’N 83°47’W. Ridge in the N Fila Costeña, just E of the town of Tinamaste (q. v.).

Tinoco. 10 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Chánguena, 8°53’N 83°23’W. Site in the Valle de Diquís, along the Río Tinoco; formerly a railroad station. Not on current maps (though the river is).

Tiquires (Hacienda). 1260 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Caraigres, 9°43’N 84°12’W. Site along the Río Tiquires, W of Cerro Caraigres.

Tiquires, Río. 1180 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Caraigres, 9°43’N 84°12’W. River in the Cordillera de Talamanca; a tributary of the Río Pirrís.

Tiribí (Río). A. Alfaro, Lellinger, Pittier. 1140 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Abra, 9°54’N 84°04’W. River draining the W slope of Volcán Irazú; in Pittier’s time, the river formed by the confluence of the Río Tiribí and the Río Virilla was called the Río Tiribí, all the way downstream to its confluence with the Río Grande de Tárcoles; in other words, the Rio Virilla was regarded as a tributary of the Río Tiribí. Nowadays the reverse is true, with the name Río Virilla prevailing down to the Río Grande de Tárcoles. Above ca. 1760 m, the Río Tiribí corresponds to the Cartago/San José provincial boundary. Formerly called the Río Tiliri or Tilirí (or, it may be that this appellation was restricted to the portion upstream from the Río Virilla).

Tirimbina (Finca). Burger, Lent. 190 m (A), HEREDIA: Río Cuarto, 10°24’N 84°06’W. Site in the foothills of Volcán Barva, E of La Virgen de Sarapiquí along the road to Magsasay, on the Río Tirimbina.

Tirimbina, Río. 190 m (A), HEREDIA: Río Cuarto, 10°24’N 84°07’W. River draining the N foothills of Volcán Barva; a tributary of the Río Sarapiquí.

Tiriqui, Río. Pittier. 1250 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Abra. At “San José”; probably a mistranscription (or yet another version) of Tiribí.

Tirralba. Horich. Label-typing error for Turrialba (q. v.).

Tirrases. Smiley. (P), SAN JOSÉ. [Near Curridabat.].

Titoral. Pittier. 1970 m (A), CARTAGO: Istarú, 9°55’N 83°56’W. Site on the S slope of Volcán Irazú, NE of Cot; also spelled “Tittoral.”

Tivives. 20 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Barranca, 9°52’N 84°42’W. Town on the bluff at the mouth of the Río Jesús María, SE of Caldera.

Toblazo. (Tablazo).

Tobosi. Endres, Lankester, Lehmann. 1400 m (A), CARTAGO: Istarú, 9°50’N 83°59’W. Town along the Río Purires, at the extreme SE corner of the E Valle Central.

Tocorí, Quebrada (de). Pittier, Tonduz. 70 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Quepos, 9°30’N 84°05’W. Creek in the front range of the Cordillera de Talamanca, NE of Puerto Quepos; a tributary of the Río Paquita.

Tolinga, Isla. J. F. Morales. (P), PUNTARENAS: Tambor. Island near the S end of the Nicoya Peninsula (opposite Curú).

Tomás, Bahía. 0 m (P), GUANACASTE: Murciélago, 10°56’N 85°43’W. Small bay at the N base of the Santa Elena Peninsula.

Torito, Río. Pupulin. 1500 m (A), CARTAGO: Tucurrique, 10°00’N 83°43’W. River draining the SE slope of Volcán Turrialba; a tributary of the Río Lajas.

Torno.  300 m (P), GUANACASTE, Bagaces: Tierras Morenas, 10°38’20”N 85°13’15”W.

Toro, Cerro. J. F. Morales. (P), SAN JOSÉ. [Tarrazú region, “camino a Esquipulas”].

Toro, Cuesta del. Brenes. 900 m (P), ALAJUELA: Miramar, 10°04’N 84°31’W. Site in the valley of the Río Barranca, SW of San Ramón.

Toro, Río. 1400 m (A), ALAJUELA: Quesada, 10°18’N 84°18’W. According to modern maps, a major river training the W part of the Cordillera Central; a tributary of the lower Río Sarapiquí. N.B.: Old maps identify this river as the "Río Toro Amarillo"; indeed, the names "Río Toro" and "Río Toro Amarillo" m to have been used almost interchangeably, over the course of time, for two different rivers. There is some indication that certain historical collectors may have used the names contrary to the modern sense; thus, the assignment of collectors to this and the next four localities should be regarded as tentative.

Toro Amarillo. A. Alfaro. 1600 m. Probably the same as Bajos del Toro (q. v.).

Toro Amarillo. León, Pittier, Pohl. 269 m (A), LIMÓN, Pococi: Guápiles, 10°12’54”N 83°48’09”W. W suburb of Guápiles.  Town measured at benchmark 269. This name has also been used in a regional sense, i.e., for some segment of the Río Toro or the Río Toro Amarillo (León, 2003), or the valley of one of these rivers. There has been much confusion regarding these names.

Toro Amarillo, Río. Godfrey, Donnell Smith. 200 m (A), LIMÓN: Guápiles, 10°12’00”N 83°48’36”W. According to modern maps, a river draining the N slope of Volcán Irazú; a tributary of the Río Chirripó (Atlántico), and affluent of the Río Tortuguero. This river is very wide, with many braids and branches (brazos).  Coordinates listed are from a spot where the highway W out of Guápiles crosses the river, estimated at a midpoint of the braids.  notes under "Río Toro"; and "Toro Amarillo."

Toros, Río. Pittier. Presumably refers to the Río Toro or the Río Toro Amarillo, in one sense or another.

Torres, Río. Biolley, Godfrey, Pittier, Tonduz, Wercklé. 1100 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Abra, 9°57’N 84°06’W. River drainng the SW foothills of Volcán Irazú, flowing through the city of San José; a tributary of the lower Río Tiribí. Corresponds for a brief interval (in the vicinity of San Ramón de Tres Ríos) to the Cartago/San José provincial boundary.

Tortuga. Oersted.

Tortuga, Estación. (Estación Cacao).

Tortuguero. Pohl. 0 m (A), LIMÓN: Tortuguero, 10°32’31”N 83°30’28”W. Coastal town near the mouth of the Río Tortuguero, between Barra del Colorado and Puerto Limón; headquarters of Parque Nacional Tortuguero.

Tortuguero, Cerro. 119 m (A), LIMÓN, Pococi: Tortuguero, 10°35’07”N 83°31’48”W. Coastal hill just NW of Tortuguero (q. v.).

Tortuguero, Parque Nacional.

Tortuguero, Río. 10 m (A), LIMÓN: Agua Fría, 10°30’N 83°32’W. Effluent of the Río Toro Amarillo, flowing to the sea at Tortuguero.

Toyogres, Río. Lankester. [Cited in thesis of de Roon; mistranscription?].

Tranquerillas. Jacobs, A. Rodríguez. 1540 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Caraigres, 9°48’N 84°07’W. Caserío in the upper basin of the Río Grande de Candelaria.

Transito. Mistranscription of Tausito (q. v.).

Trapiche. Pohl. 1000 m (P), ALAJUELA. [“8 km NW of Alajuela,” near Tambor.].

Travaux Publics, Parc des. Tonduz. 1160 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Abra. “Parque de Obras Públicas”; site in the city of San José.

Trejos, Bosque de. Tonduz. (A), CARTAGO. Site near Las Vueltas de Tucurrique (q. v.).

Treme(n)dal, Cerros de. Brenes, Tonduz. 1300 m (P), ALAJUELA: Naranjo. Site "en la ciudad de San Ramón"; not on current maps.

Tres Amigos, Hacienda (“Hac.”). Seibert. 35 m (A), ALAJUELA: Tres Amigos, 10°39’N 84°16’W. Site along the Río San Carlos at the mouth of the Río Tres Amigos.

Tres Amigos, Río (River). Seibert. 40 m (A), ALAJUELA: Tres Amigos, 10°36’N 84°19’W. A tributary of the Río San Carlos.

Tres de Junio. Wilbur. 2670 m (A), CARTAGO: Tapantí, 9°40’N 83°51’W. Caserío along the "Cerro de La Muerte" stretch of the Carretera Interamericana, N of Cerro de Buena Vista.

Tres Equis. Lent, Liesner, Pupulin, Solís R. (as “Tres X”). 630 m (A), CARTAGO: Tucurrique, 9°53’N 83°34’W. Town in the N Cordillera de Talamanca, along the road from Turrialba to Siquirres, NE of Chitaría.

Tres Picos. (Cerros Tararia).

Tres Ríos (de Cartago). Godfrey, Khan, Kupper, Lellinger, Pittier, Pohl, Polakowsky, Stork, Tonduz. 1345 m (P), CARTAGO: Istarú, 9°54’N 83°59’W. E suburb of San José; railroad station along the "Línea Nueva." Formerly known as "La Unión." This locality is often associated (if not equated) with the Cerros de La Carpintera (q. v.).

Tres X. Solís R. (Tres Equis).

Trinidad. 5 m (A), HEREDIA: Trinidad, 10°43’N 83°56’W. Town on the Río San Juan, at the mouth of the Río Sarapiquí; also known as Boca de Sarapiquí.

Trinidad, Cerro. 2056 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Caraigres, 9°41’N 84°01’W. Peak in the N Cordillera de Talamanca, SE of Cerro Abejonal (q. v.).

Trinidad (Hacienda). Luteyn, Utley. 1620 m (A), CARTAGO: Istarú, 9°58’N 83°46’W. Site on the S slope of Volcán Turrialba.

Trinidad de Dota. Burger, Lellinger, Manuel Valerio. 2530 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Tapantí, 9°41’N 83°53’W. Caserío along the "Cerro de La Muerte" stretch of the Carretera Interamericana.

Tripa de Pollo, Estero. Mena. 0 m (P), PUNTARENAS. [Vicinity of Coronado.].

El Triunfo, Alto. J. F. Morales. 1524 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Caraigres, 9°45’N 83°11’W. Ridge S of the Río Grande de Candelaria.

Trojas, Río. Lent. 1380 m (P), ALAJUELA: Naranjo, 10°08’N 84°19’W. River draining the SW slope of Volcán Poás; a tributary of the Río Colorado.

Tronador, Río. A. Jiménez. 533 m (P), SAN JOSÉ. [River in the Valle de General; probably the same as Río Sonador, q. v.].

Tronadora. Pohl. 530 m (A), GUANACASTE: Tilarán, 10°30’N 84°54’W. Town in the valley of the Río Arenal (q. v.). The data given pertain to the original site, now submerged beneath Lago Arenal on the Cordillera de Tilarán side; the town has been relocated to higher ground, on the same side of the lake, at 590 m (A), GUANACASTE: Arenal, 10°30’N 84°56’W.

Tronadora, Río. 540 m (A), GUANACASTE: Tilarán, 10°30’N 84°54’W. Minor river at the N end of the Cordillera de Tilarán; a tributary of the Río Arenal (but now flowing into Lago Arenal).

Trova. Wilbur. [Near Orosi.].

Tsâki. Pittier, Tonduz. (Soki).

Tsipirí, Quebrada. (Quebrada Sipiri).

Tskuiñak. Pittier. 70 m (A), LIMÓN: Amubri, 9°31’N 82°51’W. Site in the foothills of the E Cordillera de Talamanca, at the mouth of the Río Tskuí (a tributary of the Río Yorkín); name not on current maps (but the suffix "-ñak" always implies the mouth of a river or creek, and the Río Tskuí is on the map).

Tsuritkub. Tonduz. (Suretka).

Tucurrique. Oersted, Tonduz, Wercklé. 777 m (A), CARTAGO: Tucurrique, 9°52’N 83°44’W. Town along the Río Reventazón, SW of Turrialba.

Túfares, Cerro. 1210 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Candelaria, 9°45’N 84°24’W. Hill on the divide between the Río Tulín and the Río Grande de Candelaria, above Salitrales, along the road from Santiago de Puriscal to Parrita.

Tuis. Pittier, Tonduz, Wilbur. 721 m (A), CARTAGO: Tucurrique, 9°51’N 83°35’W. Town in the valley of the Río Tuis, SE of Turrialba; has been misrendered by label typists as "Luis."

Tuis, Río. Hennipman, Pittier, Tonduz. 600 m (A), CARTAGO: Tucurrique, 9°51’N 83°37’W. River draining the N Cordillera de Talamanca; a tributary of the Río Reventazón.

Tulín. F. Murillo, A. Rodríguez. 41–100 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Candelaria, 9°45’N 84°25’W.

Tulín, Río. 200 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Candelaria, 9°44’N 84°28’W. Major river draining the S slope of Cerro Turrubares (q. v.); an affluent (with the Río Turrubaritos) of the Río Tusubres (q. v.).

Tumbabote, Playa. 0 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Golfo, 9°57’N 84°55’W. Beach on the W coast of Isla San Lucas (q. v.).

Tumbabote, Punta. 5 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Golfo, 9°57’N 84°55’W. Point on the W coast of Isla San Lucas (q. v.), at the S end of Playa Tumbabote.

Tumbas. C. M. Taylor. 490 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Dominical, 9°17’N 83°47’W. Caserío in the N Fila Costeña, S of Tinamaste.

Tunécares. Mistranscription of Turrúcares (q. v.).

Túnel Camp. Dodge (as "Tunnel Camp"). 310 m (A), LIMÓN: Tucurrique, 9°59’N 83°36’W. Site along the railroad near Laguna Bonilla, in the valley of the Río Reventazón; two railroad tunnels occur in the near vicinity.

Tunnel Camp. Dodge. (Túnel Camp).

Tures, Río. Hammel. 1250 m (P), HEREDIA: Abra, 9°59’30”N 84°04’W. Minor river in the W Valle Central; a tributary of the Río Tibás.

Turín.  1000 m. (P) GUANACASTE, Abangares: Tilaran, 10°20’59”N 84°52’12”W.  Town NW of Santa Elena, near the Monteverde Reserve.

Turrialba. Biolley, Brade, Calderón, Chrysler, Collarino, Croat, DeWolf, Gregory, Hill, Holm & Iltis, Horich (as “Tirralba”), Khan, Kuntze, Kupper, Lehmann, León, Maas, F. G. Meyer, Oersted, Pérez García, Pittier, Polakowsky, Poveda, Scamman, Skutch, Donnell Smith, Stork, Tonduz, Walker, Warscewicz, Wendland, Wercklé. 650 m (A), CARTAGO: Tucurrique, 9°54’N 83°42’W. Major town at the SE base of Volcán Turrialba, in the valley of the Río Reventazón; railroad station along the "Línea Nueva."

Turrialba, Chalet du. Pittier. 2400–2800 m. Site said to be on the E slope of Volcán Irazú, between the Río Birrís and Volcán Turrialba.

Turrialba, Río. Barrus, Khan, Polakowsky, Donnell Smith, Stork, Toro. 500–600 m (A), CARTAGO: Tucurrique, 9°54’N 83°39’W. River draining the S slope of Volcán Turrialba; a tributary of the Río Reventazón.

Turrialba, Volcán (Volcano) (de). Carlson, F. N. Cox, Greenman, Holdridge, Holm, Lehmann, Lent, Maxon, Pittier, Porsch, Standley, Donnell Smith, Tonduz, Warscewicz, Wendland, Wercklé. 3329 m (A), CARTAGO: Carrillo, 10°02’N 83°46’W. Easternmost major summit of the Cordillera Central; a (presumably) extinct volcano. According to Durand (1891), the plateau of the Atlantic slope lies at 2744 m.

Turrubares, Cerro (formerly, Turubales). Jiménez. 1756 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Candelaria, 9°48’N 84°28’W. Isolated peak SE of Orotina, a NW outlier of the Cordillera de Talamanca.

Turrubares, Río. 37 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: 9°51’N 84°31’W. River draining the N slopes of Cerro Turrubarres (q. v.); a tributary of the lower Río Grande de Tárcoles.

Turrubaritos, Río. 10 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Herradura, 9°36’N 84°32’W. River draining the S slope of the Montañas Jamaica (q. v.); an affluent (with the Río Tulín) of the Río Tusubres (q. v.).

Turrúcares (Llanos de). Dodge, Hammel, Pittier. 639 m (P), ALAJUELA: Río Grande, 9°58’N 84°19’W. Town in the W Valle Central, SE of Atenas; railroad station. Sometimes spelled "Turúcares," and has been misrendered as “Tunécares.”

Turubales. (Turrubares).

Turúcares. (Turrúcares).

Tusubres, Río. 5 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Herradura, 9°34’N 84°32’W. River formed by the confluence of the Río Turrubaritos and Río Tulín, flowing to the sea at Playa Hermosa (SE of Jacó).

Twin Mts. Gómez. (P), PUNTARENAS. [Site on Isla del Coco.].

Twin Sisters, Tunnel des. (Tunnel de Guápiles).

Uatsi. Alverson. (A), LIMÓN. [“From Suretka to Uatsi”].

Ugares. Oersted. Same as the following.

Ujares. Oersted. Same as the following.

Ujarrás. Lankester, Oersted, Standley. 1010 m (A), CARTAGO: Tapantí, 9°49’N 83°50’W. Town along the Río Reventazón, E of Cachí; also spelled "Ujarraz" or (by Oersted) "Ujares,” or "Ugares."

Ujarraz (de Buenos Aires). Pittier, Weston (“Prov. San José”). 482 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Buenos Aires, 9°14’N 83°18’W. Town in the S Valle del General, NE of Buenos Aires, along the Río Ceibo; often spelled "Ujarrás."

Uk, Río. 2500 m (A), LIMÓN: Dúrika, 9°24’N 83°19’W. River in the high Cordillera de Talamanca, flowing into the Sabanas Dúrika; a tributary of the Río Kuk.

La Unión (de Tres Ríos). Dodge. Old name for Tres Ríos de Cartago (q. v.).

La Unión. Lankester. 900–1000 m. Site in the vicinity of Peralta (q. v.).

La Unión. Jiménez. 570 m (P), GUANACASTE, Bagaces: Miravalles, 10°43’08”N 85°11’40”W. Small townsite at the base of Volcán Miravalles, just E of Guayabo.

(La) Unión. Croat. 1100 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Unión, 8°51’N 82°53’W. Town at the head of the Valle de Coto Brus, on the Panamanian border, NE of Sabalito.

(La) Unión, Río. Pittier & Tonduz. 710 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Repunta, 9°17’N 83°32’W. River draining the Cordillera de Talamanca; a tributary of the Río General.

University of San Ramón Biological Field Station. Moran. (Reserva Biológica Alberto Manuel Brenes).

El Uno, Finca. Proctor. (A). [Near La Virgen de Sarapiquí.].

Upala. Croat, Wilbur. 48 m (A), ALAJUELA: Upala, 10°54’N 85°01’W. Main town on the Llanura de Los Guatusos, along the Río Zapote.

Urán, Cerro. J. González.

Urén, Río. Tonduz. 100 m (A), LIMÓN: Sukut, 9°28’N 82°58’W. Major river draining the E Cordillera de Talamanca; a tributary of the Río Telire.

La Urraca, Quebrada. Burger. (P), GUANACASTE. [On Comelco property.].

La Uruca. Hoffmann, Horich, Biolley, Pittier, Tonduz. 1110 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Abra, 9°57’N 84°06’W. NW suburb of San José.

USDA Rubber Experimental Station. Pittier & Tonduz. (A), LIMÓN. Site in the Talamanca region.

USDA Rubber Stat. Farm. Barrus. [“Turrialba”; perhaps same as preceding.].

Uva, Punta. 0 m (A), LIMÓN: Sixaola, 9°38’N 82°42’W. Point on the coast just W of Manzanillo de Talamanca.

Uvita. 10 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Repunta, 9°10’N 83°45’W. Coastal town between Dominical and Puerto Cortés.

Uvita, Isla. Echeverría, Pittier, Stork. 18 m (A), LIMÓN: Río Banano, 9°59’37”N 83°00’39”W. Small island just offshore at Puerto Limón.

Uvita, Punta. 0 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Coronado, 9°09’N 83°46’W. Point between Dominical and Puerto Cortés.

La Vaca (Río). Bermúdez, Gómez-Laurito. 70 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Laurel, 8°24’N 82°59’W. River draining the base of the Burica Peninsula, canalized in its lower portion; a tributary of the Río Colorado.

Vaca Blanca, Quebrada. Janzen. (P), GUANACASTE. [Creek in Parque Nacional Santa Rosa.].

Valdivia, Quebrada. Ivey. 1100 m (A), GUANACASTE: Tilarán, 10°22’N 84°51’W. Creek draining the N slope of the Cordillera de Tilarán; a tributary of the Quebrada Azul or Río Chiquito (map is ambiguous).

El Valle.  Dryer. 1570 m (P), GUANACASTE, Tilarán: Tilarán, 10°20’30”N 84°47’30”W.  Assumed location of backcountry shelter in the Monteverde Reserve; not on current maps.

Vanegas, Punta. Lent. 1 m (P), PUNTARENAS. [Point far out on the Burica Peninsula.].

Vaquedaño, Quebrada. Aguilar, A Fernández. (P), PUNTARENAS. [Creek on the Osa Peninsula, in the vicinity of Cerro Brujo.].

Vara Blanca (de Sarapiquí). Armond, Bumby, Chrysler, Croat, Horich, Kupper, Luteyn, Skutch, Manuel Valerio. 1804 m (A), HEREDIA: Poás, 10°11’N 84°10’W. Town in the Cordillera Central, just below the Continental Divide along the road from Alajuela/Heredia to Puerto Viejo de Sarapiquí, on the divide between the Río La Paz and the Río Sarapiquí.

Vargas, Puerto. 0 m (A), LIMÓN: Cahuita, 9°44’N 82°48’W. Site in Parque Nacional Cahuita, E of Cahuita.

Vecindades (de). "Vicinity (of)," on Spanish-language labels; not a place name.

Las Vegas. Bustamante. 300–400 m (P), SAN JOSÉ. 9°40’N 84°15’W. [“Acosta, Río Parritilla”].

Las Vegas. J. F. Morales [#5245]. (P), SAN JOSÉ. [Perhaps same as preceding.].

Veintisiete de Abril. 43 m (P), GUANACASTE: Diriá, 10°15’N 85°43’W. Town in the NW part of the Nicoya Peninsula, W of Santa Cruz; sometimes as "Veinte Siete (de Abril)."

Velas, Cabo. Q. Jiménez. 100–200 m (P), GUANACASTE: Matapalo. [Cantón de Santa Cruz.]

Velirla (Cerros de; Monts de). Tonduz. 1800–2700 m. Hills in the "vallée du Copey"; apparently the same as Cerros de Las Banderas (q. v.), or at least essentially in the same place.

Velo de Novia, Alto. Lent. 2064 m (A), CARTAGO: Tapantí, 9°48’N 83°47’W. Summit in the N Cordillera de Talamanca, just NE of Tapantí.

Venado. 252 m (A), ALAJUELA: Arenal, 10°33’N 84°45’W. Town in the SE foothills of the Cordillera de Guanacaste, NW of Volcán Arenal.

Venado, Isla. 157 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Venado, 9°59’N 85°04’W. Inshore island on peninsula side of the Golfo de Nicoya.

Venecia. 15 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Chánguena, 8°50’N 83°18’W. Town in the Valle de Diquís along the Carretera Interamericana, at the junction of the road to Sinaí (q. v.).

Venecia de San Carlos. 428 m (A), ALAJUELA: Aguas Zarcas, 10°22’N 84°17’W. Town in the N foothills of the Cordillera Central, SE of Aguas Zarcas.

(La) Ventana. Dryer. 1550 m (CD), ALAJUELA/PUNTARENAS: Juntas, 10°18’02”N 84°47’08”W.  Pass (“window”) along the Sendero Brillante in the Monteverde Reserve.

Ventisqueros, Cerro (or Fila). 3760 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: San Isidro, 9°28’N 83°31’W. Subsidiary peak of Cerro Chirripó (Grande), Cordillera de Talamanca.

La Ventolera. Said to be on the slope of Volcán Poás (where no such name appears on current maps).

Veracruz, Río. 1300 m (A), ALAJUELA. [Parque Nacional Juan Castro Blanco.].

Veracruz, Río. 1600 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Juntas, 10°16’N 84°47’W. River draining the S slope of the Cordillera de Tilarán, in the Monteverde region; a tributary of the Río Guacimal.

La Verbena (Hacienda). Jiménez, Pittier, Standley, Tonduz. 1120 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Abra, 9°55’N 84°07’W. Site in the Valle Central, just NW of Alajuelita.

Verde, Río. Donnell Smith. 255 m (A) LIMÓN: Guápiles, 10°13’N 83°46’W. Minor river on the Llanura de Santa Clara, just E of Guápiles; a tributary of the Río Santa Clara.

Verde, Quebrada. Endres. 1020 m (A), ALAJUELA: San Lorenzo, 10°12’N 84°30’W. Creek in the Cordillera de Tilarán, just NW of La Balsa; a tributary of the Río Balsa.

Vereh. 1010 m (A), CARTAGO: Pejibaye, 9°47’N 83°31’W. Caserío in the N Cordillera de Talamanca, in the basin of the Río Pacuare.

Vereh, Fila. (A), CARTAGO. Cascante.

Vereh, Río. (A), CARTAGO. Cascante.

Victoria, Hacienda. Pittier. 30 m (A), LIMÓN: Barbilla, 9°58’N 83°17’W. Site at the N base of the Cordillera de Talamanca, along the Río Zent.

La Vieja. 300 m (A), ALAJUELA: Quesada, 10°20’N 84°19’W. Town at the S edge of the Llanura de San Carlos, along the Río La Vieja, W of Ciudad Quesada.

La Vieja, Cerro de. Biolley. (A), ALAJUELA. Said to be along the Río San Carlos (and possibly in the region of the foregoing site).

La Vieja (Cuesta de). Biolley, Cook & Doyle, Pittier. 300–800 m (A), ALAJUELA: Quesada, 10°18’N 84°28’W. Grade along the old route running up the ridge from La Vieja (q. v.) to Buena Vista de San Carlos.

La Vieja, Hacienda. Brenes & Kupper. (Hacienda Rincón de La Vieja).

La Vieja, Río. 500 m (A), ALAJUELA: Quesada, 10°18’N 84°28’W. River draining the westernmost portion of the Cordillera Central; a tributary of the Río Peje.

La Vieja, Volcán de. (Volcán Rincón de La Vieja).

El Viejo. Oersted. Sometimes attributed to Costa Rica, but all Oersted "El Viejo" localities pertain to Volcán San Cristóbal, Depto. Chinandega, Nicaragua (W. D. Stevens, pers. comm.).

Viejo, Río. Dodge. Said to be near the Río Paquita (q. v.).

Viento Fresco. Standley. 1600–1900 m. ALAJUELA. Site on the slope of Volcán Poás.

Viento Fresco. A. Rodríguez. 430 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Savegre, 9°25’N 83°57’W. Caserío at the N end of the N Fila Costeña, near the confluence of the Río Savegre and the Río División.

Vigognal. Pittier. Apparently a mistranscription of Vijagual.

Vijagual. (Bijagual).

Vijagual de Parrita. Pittier. 50–100 m.

Villa Vieja, Río. V. Ramírez. 50 m (P), GUANACASTE: Cañas, 10°30’N 85°14’W. An affluent (with the Río Bagaces) of the Rio Paso Ancho.

Villa Viejo, Río. Haber. 55 m (P), GUANACASTE, Bagaces: Tierras Morenas, 10°30’13”N 85°13’59”W.

Villafranca. 18 m (A), LIMÓN: Guácimo, 10°18’N 83°37’W. Town on the Llanura de Santa Clara along the Río Jiménez, near the S base of the Lomas Sierpe.

Ville. "Town" or "city," on French-language labels; not a place name.

Violín, Isla. 250 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Sierpe, 8°48’N 83°38’W. Island (or virtual island) at the mouth of the Río Sierpe, just N of the Osa Peninsula.

La Virgen. 1250 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Dota, 9°36’N 84°09’W. Site E of Fila Chonta.

La Virgen (de Sarapiquí). Biolley, Horich, Moore, Pohl, Proctor, Wendland. 187 m (A), HEREDIA: Río Cuarto, 10°24’N 84°08’W. Town along the Río Sarapiquí, on the road between San Miguel and Puerto Viejo de Sarapiquí.

Virgen del Socorro (Colonia). Gómez, Moran, Utley. 900 m (A), ALAJUELA/HEREDIA: Poás, 10°17’N 84°10’W. Site on the NW slope of Volcán Barva, on the divide between the Río San Fernando and the Río Volcán; most collections with this place name actually come from the canyon of the Río Sarapiquí, where it is crossed by the access road to Colonia Virgen del Socorro.

Virilla, Río. Allen, Biolley, Hoffmann, Horich, O. Jiménez, Kupper, Lent, Pittier, Pohl, Donnell Smith, J. & C. Taylor (as "Río Virillo"), Tonduz. 1100 m (P), HEREDIA/SAN JOSÉ: Abra, 9°58’N 84°05’W. River draining the W foothills of Volcán Irazú, flowing through the W Valle Cental; a tributary of the Río Grande de Tárcoles on modern maps, but in Pittier’s day (or at least, by Pittier’s reckoning) considered a tributary of the Río Tiribí (q. v.), also called the "Tilirí" or "Tiliri" (i.e., that portion of the modern Río Virilla downstream from its confluence with the Río Tiribí went under the latter name). The Río Virilla corresponds to the provincial boundary for most of its length.

Las Virtudes (Hacienda). 2550 m (A), CARTAGO: Bonilla, 10°01’N 83°44’W. Site on the E slope of Volcán Turrialba.

Vista (al; de) Mar (Cerro). Gómez. 983 m (P), GUANACASTE, Santa Cruz: Cerro Brujo, 10°08’N 85°38’W. Summit SW of Nicoya; the highest point on the Nicoya Peninsula. Also on map as “Cenizosa”. 

Vizcaya, Río. MacDougal. (A), LIMÓN. [“15 km S of Puerto Limón”].

Voladera, Punta. Herrera. 0 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Golfito, 8°38’N 83°11’W. Point at the mouth of the inlet “Golfito,” near town of Golfito.

Volcán. Kupper. 418 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Buenos Aires, 9°12’N 83°27’W. Town in the S Valle del General, along the Río Volcán.

Volcán, Cerro (del). Tonduz. 830 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Chánguena, 8°58’N 83° 21’W. Minor promontory near the S end of the N Fila Costeña, SW of Boruca.

Volcán, Río. 450 m (A), ALAJUELA, Poás: 10°20’N 84°10’W. River draining the N slope of Volcán Barva; a tributary of the Río Sarapiquí. The upper part of the river (above ca. 530 m) is in Prov. Heredia.

Volcán, Río (del). Pittier, Tonduz. 471 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Buenos Aires, 9°13’N 83°27’W. River draining the Cordillera de Talamanca; a tributary of the Río General.

Volcán (de) Turrialba, Finca (del). Gómez, Standley. 2000–2400 m (A), CARTAGO. Site on Volcán Turrialba (q. v.).

Volcán Muerto, Fila. Gómez-Laurito. 1495 m (A), ALAJUELA: San Lorenzo, 10°12’N 84°37’W. Ridge in the Cordillera de Tilarán, near the headwaters of the Río San Lorenzo.

Volcán Viejo [Cerro(s); Fila]. Gómez-Laurito. 2122 m (A), ALAJUELA: Quesada, 10°17’N 84°20’W. Peak in the westernmost portion of the Cordillera Central.

Volio (Distrito) de San Ramón. Brenes. 1170 m (P), ALAJUELA: Naranjo, 10°08’N 84°28’W. Town in the Valle Central, NE of San Ramón.

Volio, Finca. Stork.

Volio, Quebrada. Stevens. ALAJUELA.

Voltea, Quebrada. 2700 m (A), CARTAGO: Cuericí, 9°34’N 83°41’W. Creek in the Cordillera de Talamanca, NE of Villa Mills.

Los Votos, Volcán de. A. Alfaro. Old name for Volcán Poás (q. v.).

Vueltas. Hennipman. 2770 m. [Site along the Carretera Interamericana.].

Vueltas. Aguilar. 365 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Coto Brus, 8°58’N 83°11’W. Town along the road from Paso Real to San Vito, on the divide between the Río Limón and Río Coto Brus.

Vuelta(s) de Jorco. Gómez, Pohl. 1200 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Caraigres, 9°48’N 84°08’W. Town in the valley of the Río Jorco, just E of San Ignacio.

Las Vueltas (de Tucurrique). Tonduz. 705 m (A), CARTAGO: Tucurrique, 9°50’N 83°43’W. Town in the foothills of the N Cordillera de Talamanca, along the Río Vueltas, just SE of Tucurrique (q. v.).

(Las) Vueltas, Cerro (de). Horich, Kupper, Pittier, Standley & Valerio. 3156 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Vueltas, 9°37’N 83°52’W. Major summit of the N Cordillera de Talamanca.

(Las) Vueltas, Río de. Tonduz. 635 m (A), CARTAGO: Pejibaye, 9°50’N 83°42’W. Minor river in the N Cordillera de Talamanca; a tributary of the lower Río Pejibaye.

(Las) Vueltas, Río (de). Gómez, Pittier, Wilbur. 2100 m (A), HEREDIA: Barva, 10°05’N 84°05’W. River draining the SE slope of Volcán Barva; an affluent (with the Quebrada Grande) of the Río Patria.

Wafer, Bahía (Bay). Gómez, Holdridge, Pittier. 0 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Nicoya (1:200,000), 5°33'N 87°04'W. Bay on the N shore of Isla del Coco (q. v.), W of Bahía Chatham.

Waldeck (Finca). Cufodontis, Dodge, Pittier. 20 m (A), LIMON: Matina, 10°06'N 83°23'W. Site on the S Llanura de Santa Clara, along the Río Madre de Diós; also, an adjacent railroad station.

Westfalia (Playa). 2 m (A), LIMON: Río Banano, 9°57'N 83°01'W. Caserio on the coast S of Puerto Limón (just S of the Limón airport, q.v.).

Wilson, Finca (Jardín Botánico Robert y Catherine). (See Las Cruces).

Xichiari, Río. Herrera. (See Río Xikiari).

Xikiari, Río. Herrera (as “Xichiari”). 600 m (A), LIMÓN: Chirripó, 9°47’N 83°21’W. River draining the W slope of Fila Matama; a tributary of the Río Chirripó (Duchí).

Xirores. (See Shirores).

(El) Yas. Horich. 1202 m (A), CARTAGO: Istarú, 9°52’N 83°49’W. Railroad station in the valley of the Río Reventazón, NE of Paraíso de Cartago.

Yerba Buena (Cerro). Standley & Valerio. 2000 m (CD?), HEREDIA/SAN JOSÉ(?): Barva, 10°03’N 84°02’W. Summit in the Cordillera Central, between Volcán Barva and Volcán Irazú; not on current maps, though "Quebrada Yerbabuena" and "Calle Yerbabuena" appear.

Yerbabuena, Calle. Luteyn. 1400 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Barva, 10°02’N 84°01’W. Road in the foothills of the Cordillera Central, above San Jerónimo de Moravia (q. v.).

Yerbabuena, Río. Gómez. 2064 m (A), CARTAGO: Istarú, 9°55’N 84°53’W. River draining the SW slope of Volcán Irazú; an affluent of the Quebrada Canadá and (ultimately) a tributary of the Río Agua Caliente.

Yglesias, Cerro. (See Cerro Iglesias).

Yorkín. Tonduz (as "Zhorquín"). 80 m (A), BOCAS DEL TORO (Panama): Amubri, 9°32’N 82°52’W. Site along the lower Río Yorkín, on the Panamanian side (though Tonduz may have been on Costa Rican soil); also spelled "Yorquín," "Yurquín," or "Zorkín."

Yorkín, Boca. Tonduz (as "Boca Zhorquín"). 45 m (A), BOCAS DEL TORO (Panama): Amubri, 9°34’N 82°53’W. Site at the confluence of the Río Telire and the Río Yorkín, on the Panamanian side (though Tonduz may have been on Costa Rican soil).

Yorkín, Río. Pittier, Tonduz (as "Río Zhorquín," or "Zorkín"). 40 m (A), LIMÓN: Amubri, 9°33’N 82°53’W. River draining the lower slopes of the E Cordillera de Talamanca (including W Panama), corresponding for much of its length to the international boundary; an affluent (with the Río Telire) of the Río Sixaola.

Yorquín (see Yorkín).

Los Yoses (Hacienda de). R. Anderson, Pittier, Wilbur. 1180 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Abra, 9°56’N 84°04’W. E suburb of San José.

Yugo, Quebrada. 600 m (P), GUANACASTE: Curubandé, 10°45’N 85°21’W. Creek draining the foothills of Volcán Rincón de La Vieja; a tributary of the Río Negro.

Yurquín(s). (See Yorkín).

Zacatal, Alto del. Probably the same as Alto del Sacatal (q. v.).

Zacatales, Cerro. 3400 m (CD), CARTAGO: Vueltas, 9°35’N 83°46’W. Summit along the "Cerro de La Muerte" stretch of the Carretera Interamericana, just N of Cerro de Buena Vista.

Zacate, Boca. Tonduz. 0 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Térraba, 8°55’N 83°37’W. One of the mouths of the Río Grande de Térraba.

Zacate, Punta. J. F. Morales. [See Isla Palo Seco.].

Zancudo (Playa). 0 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Golfito, 8°32’N 83°08’W. Beach town at the mouth of the Río Coto Colorado (q. v.).

(El) Zanjón (Quebrada). Lankester. 1360 m (A), CARTAGO: Istarú, 9°50’N 83°55’W. Creek in the E Valle Central near Las Cóncavas (q. v.); a tributary of the Río Agua Caliente.

Zapatón de Puriscal. 440 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Candelaria, 9°42’N 84°20’W. Town in the valley of the Río Grande de Candelaria.

Zapotal (de Montes de Oro). O. Jiménez (as "Zapotel"). 1220 m (P), PUNTARENAS: San Lorenzo, 9°50’N 84°41’W. Town on the S slope of the Cordillera de Tilarán, NE of Miramar.

Zapotal de Nandayure. 510 m (P), GUANACASTE: Matambú, 10°00’N 85°18’W. Town on the central Nicoya Peninsula, W of Carmona.

Zapotal de Pérez Zeledón. 1200 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: San Isidro, 9°27’N 83°37’W.

Zapotal, Cerro. Gómez. 1490 m (P), PUNTARENAS: Miramar, 10°08’N 84°42’W. Subsidiary peak of the Cordillera de Tilarán, NE of Miramar.

Zapote. Polakowsky, Standley. 1175 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Abra, 9°55’N 84°03’W. E suburb of San José.

Zapote de Pejibaye. Pupulin. 740–810 m (P), SAN JOSÉ. [Pérez Zeledón, Fila Costeña.].

Zapote (de Alfaro Ruiz; de San Carlos). Lellinger, Scamman, Austin Smith, Taylor, Utley. 1560 m (A), ALAJUELA: Quesada, 10°13’N 83°25’W. Town in the westernmost Cordillera Central, NW of Zarcero (q. v.) along the road to Ciudad Quesada; properly belongs to the Cantón de Alfaro Ruiz. Another (less likely) candidate is SW of Zarcero, at 1400 m (P), ALAJUELA: Naranjo, 10°09’N 84°24’W.

Zapote, Río. 400 m (A), ALAJUELA: Miravalles, 10°47’N 85°04’W. River draining the N slopes of Volcán Miravalles and Volcán Tenorio, flowing across the Llanura de Los Guatusos (in the region of Upala), thence into the Lago de Nicaragua.

Zapotel de Montes de Oro. O. Jiménez. (See Zapotal de Montes de Oro).

Zaragoza (de Río Nuevo). Estrada. 1400 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Savegre, 9°29’N 83°52’W. Site somewhere in the Savegre region; name doesn’t appear on current maps (data taken from label).

Zarcero. Lankester & Jiménez, Lellinger, Austin Smith. 1750 m (A), ALAJUELA: Quesada, 10°11’N 84°24’W. Town on the westernmost slope of the Cordillera Central, along the main road between Naranjo and Ciudad Quesada.

Zent (Farm; Finca). Cook & Doyle, Pittier, Tonduz. 18 m (A), LIMÓN: Matina, 10°01’35”N 83°16’41”W. Railroad station at the S edge of the Llanura de Santa Clara, along the Río Chirripó (Duchí).

Zent, Río. Pittier. 30 m (A), LIMÓN: Barbilla, 9°58’N 83°17’W. River in the N part of the Cordillera de Talamanca; a tributary of the lower Río Chirripó (Duchí).

Zetillal. (See Setillal).

Zhorquín. Tonduz. (See Yorkín).

Zhorquín, Boca. Tonduz. (See Boca Yorkín).

Zhorquín, Río. Pittier, Tonduz. (See Río Yorkín).

El Zoncho, Cerro. Estrada. [Near Savegre Abajo de Río Nuevo; not on current maps.].

Zoncuano. 660 m (P), SAN JOSÉ: Caraigres, 9°41’N 84°14’W. Caserío in the NW foothills of Cordillera de Talamanca, on a ridge above the Río Parritilla.

Zoncuano, Fila. 1000–1050 m (P), SAN JOSÉ.

Zopilote, Quebrada. 800 m (P), GUANACASTE: Curubandé, 10°46’N 85°18’W. Creek draining the SE slope of Volcán Santa María; a natural tributary of the Río Negro, but piratized by a canal to the upper Río Liberia.

Zorkín. (See Yorkín).

Zorkín, Río. (See Río Yorkín).

Zúñiga, Ferme. Pittier. (P), SAN JOSÉ. Site at or near San Marcos de Tarrazú (q. v.).

Zurquí (Cerro). Horich, Standley & Valerio, Wilbur. 2010 m (CD), HEREDIA: Barva, 10°03’N 84°02’W. Summit in the Cordillera Central, between Volcán Barva and Volcán Irazú, above San Isidro de Heredia; the name is often used as a regional designation, or ("Cerros de") to include various adjacent peaks.

Zurquí, Río. 1600 m (A), SAN JOSÉ: Barva, 10°03’N 84°01’W. River in the Cordillera Central, in the vicinity of the tunnel along the autopista to Guápiles; a tributary of the upper Río Hondura.

  • BARTRAM, E. B. 1928. Costa Rican mosses collected by Paul C. Standley in 1924–1926. Contr. U. S. Natl. Herb. 26: 51–114.
  • CALVERT, A. S., & P. P. CALVERT. 1917. A year of Costa Rican natural history. New York: Macmillan Co.
  • CARRIKER, M. A., JR. 1910. An annotated list of the birds of Costa Rica including Cocos Island. Ann. Carnegie Mus. 6:314–951.
  • CONSTENLA UMAÑA, A. & E. S. MAROTO ROJAS. 1986. Leyendas y tradiciones borucas. 2. ed. San José: Edit. Univ. Costa Rica.
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  • DODGE, C. W. 1933. The foliose and fruticose lichens of Costa Rica. I. Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 20: 373–467.
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  • LEÓN, J. 2003. La exploración botánica de Costa Rica en el siglo XIX. Pp. 129–185 in, G. P. Huertas (compiler), Ciencia y técnica en la Costa Rica del siglo XIX. San José: Edit. Tecnol. Costa Rica.
  • NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC MAPS.  2002.  National Geographic Costa Rica Adventure Map.  3100.  Instituto Geográfico Nacional (IGN) of Costa Rica, and National Geographic Society.  Evergreen, CO, USA.
  • NORIEGA, F. F. 1904. Diccionario geográfico de Costa Rica. San José: A. Alsina.
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This page was revised 08/27/07.



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