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A Checklist of the Mosses of Chile

Welcome | Abstract | Introduction | Acknowledgments
Systematic Arrangement of Genera | Recognized Species
Checklist | Literature Cited

Each accepted taxon in the following pages will be linked to the nomenclatural database, associated authority files, and specimen lists.

Taxon Groups: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W Z

Sagenotortula Zander (POTTIACEAE Schimp., nom. cons.)
S. quitoensis (Taylor) Zander W3Most
Zander 1989 (as Tortula mniadelphus, Thériot 1923; as Tortula quitoensis, Mishler in Sharp et al. 1994).
Dist. METRO. Santiago.

Sanionia uncinata (Hedw.) Loeske == Drepanocladus uncinatus

Sarconeurum Bryhn (POTTIACEAE Schimp., nom. cons.)
S. glaciale (C. Müll.) Card. & Bryhn W3Most
Matteri 1985b (as Tortula lithophila, Dusén 1906a; Seki 1974; Deguchi 1991b).
Dist. XI. Aisen; XII. Magallanes.

Sarmentypnum Tuomikoski & T. Koponen (AMBLYSTEGIACEAE G. Roth)
S. sarmentosum (Wahlenb.) Tuomikoski W3Most
(as Calliergon sarmentosum, Cardot & Bortherus 1923; Matteri 1985b; Deguchi 1991a).
Dist. XII. Magallanes, Tierra del Fuego.

Sauloma (Hook.f. & Wils.) Mitt. (HOOKERIACEAE Schimp.)
S. tenella (Hook.f. & Wils.) Mitt. W3Most
Bartram 1946; Matteri 1972, 1985b; Deguchi 1991a (as Pulvinella albicans, Herzog 1928).
Dist. X. Llanquihue; XII. Magallanes, Tierra del Fuego.

Schimperobryum Marg. (HOOKERIACEAE Schimp.)
S. splendidissimum (Mont.) Marg. var. splendidissimum W3Most
Matteri 1972 (as Lepidopilum splendidissimum, Mitten 1869; as Cyathophorum splendidissimum, Dusén 1903b; Cardot 1908; as Lamprophyllum splendidissimum, Herzog 1922, 1954; Cardot & Brotherus 1923; Thériot 1924, 1927a; Brotherus 1924b; Reimers 1926; Herzog & Hosseus 1938; Bartram 1957; Robinson 1975).
Dist. METRO. Chacabuco, Santiago; V. Valparaiso (Losser 7560); VIII. Arauco (Anliot 10496, Crosby 13053); IX. Cautin (Mahu 11596, Miller 20784), Malleco (Crosby 12975); X. Chiloe (Crosby 12339, Moreno 20579), Llanquihue (Northland 10459), Osorno (Crosby 12153, Mahu 21150), Valdivia (Crosby 11625, Mahu 5485); XI. Aisen (Mahu 7554); Juan Fernandez Is.
S. splendidissimum (Mont.) Marg. var. perdentatum Matteri W3Most
Matteri 1972; Deguchi 1991a.
Dist. VIII. Concepcion; IX. Cautin; X. Chiloe, Llanquihue, Osorno, Valdivia; XI. Aisen.

Schistidium Brid. (GRIMMIACEAE Arnott)
S. amblyophyllum (C. Müll.) Ochyra & Hertel W3Most
Herzog 1960; Ochyra & Hertel 1990 (as Grimmia amblyophylla, Mitten 1869; Dusén 1903b, 1906b; Cardot 1908; Bartram 1952).
Dist. X. Valdivia; XII. Hermite Is., Desolacion Is.
S. apocarpum (Hedw.) Bruch & Schimp. in B.S.G. W3Most
Deguchi 1984; Matteri 1985b (as Grimmia apocarpa, Mitten 1869; Dusén 1903b; Cardot 1908; Roivainen 1934; as Grimmia fallax, Dusén 1903b, 1906b; Cardot 1908; Thériot 1924; as Grimmia occulta, Dusén 1906b; Cardot & Brotherus 1923; as Grimmia perplexa, Thériot 1923, 1934b).
Dist. METRO. Santiago; V. San Antonio (Mahu 11876, 13449), Valparaiso; VI. Cardenal Caro (Mahu 13786); VII. Linares; VIII. Nuble; IX. Cautin (Mahu 11637, 24096); XII. Hermite Is., Str. of Magellan.
S. donatii (Herz. & Thér.) Ochyra & Matteri W3Most
(as Grimmia donatii, Herzog 1937).
Dist. XI. Aisen.
S. falcatum (Hook.f. & Wils.) Bremer W3Most
Deguchi 1984, Deguchi 1991a (as Grimmia fasciculata, Dusén 1905a, 1906b).
Dist. X. Osorno (Crosby 12244).
S. hyalinocuspidatum (C. Müll.) B. G. Bell W3Most
(as Grimmia hyalinocuspidata, Cardot & Brotherus 1923).
Dist. XII. Magallanes.
S. rivulare (Brid.) Podpe. W3Most
Matteri 1985b (as Grimmia alpicola, Cardot & Brotherus 1923; as Grimmia alpicola var. rivularis, Roivainen 1934).
Dist. VIII. Nuble; XII. Magallanes, Tierra del Fuego.
S. scabripes (Bartr.) Deguchi   W3Most
Deguchi 1984, Deguchi 1991a (as Grimmia scabripes, Roivainen 1934; Bartram 1946).
Dist. VIII. Nuble; IX. Cautin; XII. Tierra del Fuego.
S. syntrichiaceum (C. Müll.) B. G. Bell W3Most
Matteri 1985b.
Dist. XII. Magallanes.

Schizomitrium pallidum (Hornsch.) Matsui, hom. illeg. == Callicostella pallida

Schizymenium Harv. in W. J. Hook. (BRYACEAE Schwaegr.)
S. brevicaule (Hornsch.) A.J. Shaw & S. Churchill W3Most
(as Mielichhoferia brevicaulis, Mitten 1869).
Dist. Without exact locality.
S. campylocarpum (Hook. f. & Arnott.) A. J. Shaw W3Most
(as Mielichhoferia campylocarpa, Matteri 1985b).
Dist. XII. Magallanes.
S. fulvonitens (Card. & Broth.) A.J. Shaw W3Most
(as Mielichhoferia fulvonitens, Cardot & Brotherus 1923).
Dist. XII. Tierra del Fuego.
S. multiflora (Bartr.) A.J. Shaw W3Most
(as Mielichhoferia multiflora, Roivainen 1934; Robinson 1975).
Dist. VIII. Nuble; XII. Tierra del Fuego.
S. skottsbergii (Card. & Broth.) A.J. Shaw W3Most
(as Mielichhoferia skottsbergii, Cardot & Brotherus 1923).
Dist. XII. Magallanes.

Sciaromium confluens (C. Müll.) Par. = Vittia pachyloma fide Ochyra 1987b.
S. conspissatum (Hook.f. & Wils.) Mitt. = Vittia pachyloma fide Ochyra 1987b.
S. conspissatum var. maritimum (Card.) Herz. =
Vittia pachyloma fide Ochyra 1987b.
S. crassinervatum Mitt. = Vittia pachyloma fide Ochyra 1987b.
S. depastum Dus. = Vittia pachyloma fide Ochyra 1987b.
S. flavidulum Dus. = Eurhynchium flavidulum fide Ochyra 1987a.
S. gracile Dus. = Pseudoleskea chilensis fide Ochyra 1987a.
S. krauseanum Par. = Vittia pachyloma fide Ochyra 1987b.
S. maritimum Card. = Vittia pachyloma fide Ochyra 1987b.
S. nigritum Dus. = Vittia pachyloma fide Ochyra 1987b.
S. obscurifolium Mitt. = Vittia pachyloma fide Ochyra 1987b.
S. pachyloma (Mont.) Paris = Vittia pachyloma fide Ochyra 1987b.
S. pachyloma var. brevifolia Thér. = Vittia pachyloma fide Ochyra 1987b.
S. pachyloma var. gracilescens Herz. = Vittia pachyloma fide Ochyra 1987b.

Scouleria Hook.f (GRIMMIACEAE Arnott)
S. patagonica (Mitt.) Jaeg. W3Most
Dusén 1903b; Dusén 1906b; Cardot 1908; Thériot 1935; Herzog 1954, 1960; Seki 1974; Matteri 1979; Deguchi 1991a.
Dist. VIII. Bio-Bio (Mahu 6003); IX. Malleco (Mahu 7697); X. Chiloe (Crosby 12392), Llanquihue (Mahu 22236), Osorno (Crosby 12034), Valdivia; XI. Aisen (Dusén 386), Coihaique.

Sematophyllum Mitt. (SEMATOPHYLLACEAE Broth., nom. cons.)
S. aberrans (Broth.) Bartr. W3Most
Bartram 1957; Robinson 1975 (as Rhaphidostegium aberrans, Brotherus 1924b; as Rhaphidostegium caespitosoides, Brotherus 1924b).
Dist. Juan Fernandez Is.
S. amoenum (Hedw.) Mitt. == Rhaphidorrhynchium amoenum
S. aureo-nitidum Bartr. ==
Warburgiella aureo-nitida fide Akiyama 1993 = Rhaphidorrhynchium scorpiurus fide Seki 1974.
S. brachycladulum (Broth.) Broth. W3Most
Bartram 1957; Robinson 1975 (as Rhaphidostegium brachycladulum, Brotherus 1924b).
Dist. Juan Fernandez Is.
S. caespitosum (Hedw.) Mitt. W3Most
Robinson 1975 (as Rhaphidostegium caespitosum, Brotherus 1924b).
Dist. Juan Fernandez Is.
S. callidum (Mont.) Mitt. == Rhaphidorrhynchium callidum
S. gunckelii (Thér.) Buck W3Most
Buck 1989 (as Rhaphidostichum gunckelii, Thériot 1930).
Dist. X. Valdivia.
S. kunkelii Robinson W3Most
Robinson 1975.
Dist. Juan Fernandez Is.
S. leptophyllum Mitt. == Rhaphidorrhynchium leptophyllum fide Brotherus 1925.
S. leucocytus (C. Müll.) Sainsb. W3Most
(as Rhaphidostegium leucocytum, Dusén 1903b; Cardot 1908).
Dist. XII. Hermite Is.
S. liliputianum (Mont.) Mitt. == Rhaphidorrhynchium liliputianum
S. masafuerae (Broth.) Bartr. W3Most
Bartram 1957; Robinson 1975 (as Rhaphidostegium masafuerae, Brotherus 1924b).
Dist. Juan Fernandez Is.
S. noduliferum Mitt. == Rhaphidorrhynchium noduliferum fide Brotherus 1925.
S. secundifolium (C. Müll.) Mitt. == Drepanocladus secundifolius fide Dixon 1921.
*S. swartzii (Schwaegr.) Welch & Crum W3Most
Dist. IX. Cautin (Mahu & Mahu 10692).
S. uncinatum Stone & Scott W3Most
(as Hypnum tenuirostre, Mitten 1869; as Rhaphidorrhynchium tenuirostre, Brotherus 1925).
Dist. VI. O'Higgins.

Skottsbergia Card. (DITRICHACEAE Limpr., nom. cons.)
S. paradoxa Card. W3Most
Roivainen 1937.
Dist. XII. Tierra del Fuego.

Sphagnum L. (SPHAGNACEAE Dum.)
S. amblyphyllum (Russ.) Warnst. = Sphagnum recurvum fide Crum 1980.
S. capillifolium (Ehrh.) Hedw. W3Most
(as Sphagnum nemoreum, Deguchi 1991b).
Dist. X. Llanquihue.
S. cuspidatum (Ehrh.) Russ. & Warnst. var. cuspidatum W3Most
Cardot 1908; Cardot & Brotherus 1923; Thériot 1934b; Deguchi 1991b.
Dist. X. Guaitecas Is., Valdivia.
S. cuspidatum var. falcatum Russ. W3Most
Dusén 1903a, 1903b; Cardot 1908.
Dist. X. Guaitecas Is.
S. cuspidatum var. miquelonense Warnst.
Dusén 1903a.
Dist. XII. Magallanes.
S. cuspidatum var. serratum Lesq. & James.
Dusén 1903a.
Dist. XII. Magallanes, Desolacion Is.
S. cuspidatum var. submersum Schimp.
Dusén 1903a.
Dist. X. Guaitecas Is.
S. cymbifolium Ehrh.
Mitten 1869.
Dist. Without exact locality.
S. cymbifolium var. condensatum Hook.f. & Wils.
Dusén 1903b.
Dist. XII. Str. of Magellan.
S. dissimile Roiv. W3Most
Roivainen 1937.
Dist. XII. Tierra del Fuego.
S. dusenioides Roiv. W3Most
Roivainen 1937.
Dist. XII. Magallanes, Tierra del Fuego.
S. falcatulum Besch. W3Most
Cardot & Brotherus 1923; Roivainen 1937; Seki 1974; Matteri 1985b; Deguchi 1991b.
Dist. IX. Malleco; XI. Chiloe (Elgueta 12430, Torres & Mahu 10969), Llanquihue (Espinosa 9439, Landrum 9455), Osorno (Hollermauer 9396), Valdivia (Mahu 2876, 23820); XI. Aisen; XII. Magallanes, Tierra del Fuego.
S. fimbriatum Wils. var. fimbriatum W3Most
Mitten 1869; Cardot 1900, 1901, 1908; Dusén 1903b; Roivainen 1937; Herzog & Schwabe 1939; Seki 1974; Matteri 1985b; Deguchi 1991b.
Dist. X. Chiloe (Mahu 9457, 10968), Llanquihue (Mahu 9460, 10970), Osorno (Ign. 7572); XI. Aisen (Espinosa 9441, Molina 9397); XII. Hermite Is., Magallanes (Mahu 10966, Roivanien 9464), Str. of Magellan, Tierra del Fuego (Roivainen s.n.).
S. fimbriatum var. robustum Braithw. W3Most
Dusén 1903a, 1903b; Cardot & Brotherus 1923; Herzog & Schwabe 1939.
Dist. X. Llanquihue; XII. Tierra del Fuego.
S. fimbriatum var. robustum fo. brachyasyclada Warnst.
Dusén 1903a; Cardot 1908.
Dist. XII. Magallanes.
S. fimbricatum var. robustum fo. laxifolia Warnst.
Dusén 1903a.
Dist. XII. Magallanes.
S. fimbriatum var. validius Card. W3Most
Cardot 1908; Cardot & Brotherus 1923.
Dist. XII. Tierra del Fuego.
S. magellanicum Brid. W3Most
Roivainen 1937; Herzog & Hosseus 1938; Herzog & Schwabe 1939; Seki 1974; Matteri 1985b; Deguchi 1991b (as Sphagnum medium, Cardot 1908; Sphagnum rigescens, Dusén 1903a, 1903b).
Dist. IX. Malleco (Mahu 6110, 22331); X. Chiloe (Moreno 20665, Villagran 20135), Guaitecas Is., Llanquihue (Espinosa 9444, 9459), Osorno (Hollermayer 9398, Solomon 4590), Valdivia (Eyerdam s.n., Mahu 2815); XI. Aisen (Espinosa 23602); XII. Magallanes (Follmann 10552, Suarez 9449), Str. of Magellan, Desolacion Is., Tierra del Fuego.
S. medium Limpr. = Sphagnum magellanicum fide Eddy 1977.
S. medium Limpr. var. fuscorubellum Warnst.
Dusén 1903a.
Dist. X. Guaitecas Is.
S. medium var. fuscorubellum fo. brachydasyclada Warnst.
Dusén 1903a, 1903b.
Dist. XII. Magallanes.
S. medium var. pallidocarneum Warnst. fo. brachydasyclada Warnt.
Dusén 1903a, 1903b.
Dist. XII. Magallanes.
S. medium var. purpurascens (Russ.) Warnst.
Dusén 1903a.
Dist. X. Guaitecas Is.; XII. Str. of Magellan.
S. medium var. purpurascens fo. brachylomatoclada Warnst.
Dusén 1903a.
Dist. X. Guaitecas Is.
S. nemoreum Scop. = Sphagnum capillifolium fide Crum 1984.
S. patagoniense Warnst.
Herzog & Schwabe 1939.
Dist. X. Llanquihue.
S. personatum Roiv. W3Most
Roivainen 1937.
Dist. XII. Magallanes, Tierra del Fuego.
S. pulchricoma C. Müll. = Sphagnum recurvum fide Crum 1984.
S. recurvum P. Beauv. W3Most
Cardot 1908 (as Sphagnum amblyphyllum, Thériot 1934b; as Sphagnum pulchricoma, Mitten 1869; Herzog & Schwabe 1939).
Dist. VIII. Nuble; X. Llanquihue; XII. Hermite Is., Str. of Magellan.
S. rigescens Warnst. = Sphagnum magellanicum fide Crum 1990.
S. schwabeanum Paul in Herzog & Schwabe W3Most
Herzog & Schwabe 1939.
Dist. X. Llanquihue.
S. subfalcatulum Roiv. W3Most
Roivainen 1937; Deguchi 1991b.
Dist. IX. Malleco; XII. Tierra del Fuego.
*S. subnitens Russ. & Warnst. W3Most
Dist. X. Chiloe (Fuentes 9443), Osorno (Eyerdam 9453).
S. subnitens var. purpurascens Warnst.
Dusén 1903a.
Dist. X. Guaitecas Is.
*S. subsecundum Nees in Sturm W3Most
Dist. X. Llanquihue (Espinosa 9456).
S. subserratum Roiv. W3Most
Roivainen 1937.
Dist. XII. Tierra del Fuego.
S. trinitense (C. Müll.) Warnst. W3Most
Cardot & Brotherus 1923.
Dist. XII. Str. of Magellan.
S. undulatum Warnst.
Dusén 1903a.
Dist. XII. Magallanes, Desolacion Is.

Sporledera hampeana C. Müll. == Bruchia hampeana fide Rushing 1986.

Stableria tenella (Mitt.) Broth. = Orthodontium gracile fide Robinson 1975.

Stenomitrium pentastichum (Mont.) Broth. == Pentastichella pentasticha

Stereodon lechleri (C. Müll.) Mitt. ==
Hypnum lechleri fide Herzog 1922 = Hypnum chrysogaster fide Ando 1972.
S. nitidus (Hook.f. & Wils.) Mitt. == Catagonium nitidum
S. campoanus Thér. == Hypnum campoanum

Stereophyllum Mitt. [STEREOPHYLLACEAE (Fleisch.) Buck & Irel.]
S. fuegianum Besch. = Brachythecium longidens fide Van der Wijk et al. 1967.
S. seminerve (Kunz. ex Schwaegr.) Mitt. W3Most
Mitten 1869; Thériot 1917, 1918; Herzog 1922; Bartram 1952.
Dist. V. Valparaiso; IX. Malleco; X. Valdivia.

Stokesiella praelonga (Hedw.) Robins. = Kindbergia praelonga fide Ochyra 1982a.

Streptopogon mnioides (Schwaegr.) Mitt. = Calyptopogon mnioides fide Brotherus 1902-1909.

Symblepharis Mont. (DICRANACEAE Schimp.)
S. luteovirens (Bartr.) Ochyra & Matteri W3Most
(as Oncophorus luteo-virens Roivainen 1937).
Dist. XII. Tierra del Fuego.

Syntrichia Brid. (POTTIACEAE Schimp., nom. cons.)
S. anderssonii (Aongstr.) Zand. W3Most
Herzog 1954; Zander 1993 (as Barbula andersonii, Cardot 1900, 1901; Dusén 1903b; Barbula perrubiginosa, Dusén 1903b; as Tortula andersonii, Dusén 1906a; Cardot 1908; Cardot & Brotherus 1923; Roivainen 1934; Bartram 1952; Seki 1974; Matteri 1985b; Deguchi 1991b; Tortula perrubiginosa, Paris 1903-1906).
Dist. VIII. Nuble; X. Llanquihue. XI. Aisen; XII. Magallanes, Str. of Magellan, Tierra del Fuego.
S. campestris (Dus.) Zand. W3Most
Zander 1993 (as Tortula campestris, Dusén 1906a; Thériot 1921; Bartram 1952; Seki 1974).
Dist. METRO. Cordillera; XI. Aisen, Coihaique; XII. Magallanes.
S. costesii (Thér.) Zand. W3Most
Herzog 1954; Zander 1993 (as Tortula costesii, Thériot 1921; Herzog & Hosseus 1938).
Dist. V. Valparaiso; IX. Cautin; X. Osorno.
S. epilosa (Broth. ex Dus.) Zand. var. epilosa W3Most
Zander 1993 (as Tortula epilosa, Dusén 1906a; Thériot 1934b).
Dist. METRO. Santiago (Mahu 5129); V. Valparaiso.
S. epilosa var. pilifera (Thér.) Zand. W3Most
Zander 1993 (as Tortula eiplosa var. pilifera, Thériot 1926).
Dist. METRO. Santiago; VI. Colchagua.
S. flagellaris (Schimp.) Zand.   W3Most
(as Barbula flagellaris, Dusén 1903b, 1906a; Thériot 1917; Herzog 1922; as Tortula flagellaris, Mitten 1869; Thériot 1921; Brotherus 1924a, 1924b; Robinson 1975).
Dist. METRO. Santiago; V. Valparaiso; X. Valdivia; XI. Aisen; XII. Str. of Magellan; Juan Fernandez Is.
S. glacialis (Kunze ex C. Müll.) Zand. W3Most
(as Tortula glacialis, Mitten 1869).
Dist. XII. Monte Antuco.
S. gromschii (Thér.) Zand.   W3Most
(as Tortula gromeschi, Thériot 1934b).
Dist. XII. Ultima Esperanza.
S. jaffuelii (Thér.) Zand.   W3Most
(as Tortula jaffueli, Thériot 1923).
Dist. V. Valparaiso.
S. lingulaefolia (Card. & Broth.) Herz., hom. illeg. =
Tortula arenae fide Lightowlers 1985 == Hennediella arenae fide Zander 1993.
S. magellanica (Mont. in Gay) Zand. W3Most
Zander 1993 (as Barbula lechleri, Dusén 1903b; as Tortula lechleri, Herzog 1922; as Barbula pusilla, Dusén 1903b; as Tortula pusilla, Bartram 1952; as Tortula brachypelma, Dusén 1905a; as Tortula magellanica, Cardot 1908).
Dist. XII. Magallanes, Str. of Magellan.
S. mniadelphus (C. Müll.) Herz. var. cochlearifolia Herz.
Herzog 1954 (as Tortula mniadelphus var. cochlearifolia, Seki 1974).
Dist. Cerro-Tesoro-Massiv.
S. papillosa (Wils. in Spruce) Jur. var. papillosa W3Most
Herzog 1954 (as Tortula papillosa, Dusén 1905a; Dusén 1906a; Cardot 1908; Thériot 1921; Deguchi 1991b).
Dist. V. Aconcagua; XII. Magallanes, Str. of Magellane, Ultima Esperanza.
S. papillosa var. chilensis (Thér.) Zand. W3Most
(as Tortula papillosa var. chilensis, Thériot 1921).
Dist. V. Valparaiso.
S. princeps (De Not.) Mitt. W3Most
(as Tortula princeps, Mitten 1869; Seki 1974; as Tortula grossiretis, Cardot 1908; Thériot 1918; Cardot & Brotherus 1923; Bartram 1952).
Dist. IX. Malleco; XI. Aisen; XII. Magallanes, Str. of Magellan.
S. prostrata (Mont.) Zand. W3Most
Zander 1993 (as Tortula prostrata, Mitten 1869; Dusén 1906a; Thériot 1915, 1928; Herzog & Hosseus 1938; Bartram 1952; Herzog 1960).
Dist. VII. Linares; VIII. Nuble; IX. Cautin; X. Valdivia; XII. Magallanes.
S. pseudorobusta (Dus.) Zand. W3Most
Herzog 1954; Zander 1993 (as Tortula pseudo-robusta, Dusén 1906a; Thériot 1921; Herzog & Hosseus 1938; Herzog & Schwabe 1939).
Dist. VIII. Arauco, Bio-Bio, Concepcion, Nuble; X. Llanquihue, Valdivia; XI. Aisen.
S. robusta (Hook.f. & Grev.) Zand. W3Most
Herzog 1954; Zander 1993 (as Barbula robusta, Dusén 1903b; as Tortula robusta, Mitten 1869; Paris 1903-1906; Dusén 1906a; Cardot & Brotherus 1923; Herzog & Schwabe 1939; Seki 1974; Matteri 1985b; Deguchi 1991b; as Tortula robusta var. laxa, Roivainen 1934; Bartram 1946; as Tortula robusta var. runcinata, Cardot & Brotherus 1923; as Tortula punctulata, Mitten 1869).
Dist. IV. Limari; VIII. Nuble; X. Llanquihue, Osorno; XI. Aisen; XII. Hermite Is., Magallanes, Str. of Magellan, Tierra del Fuego.
S. ruralis (Hedw.) Web. & Mohr W3Most
(as Barbula ruralis, Cardot 1900, 1901).
Dist. XII. Str. of Magellan.
S. saxicola (Card.) Zand. W3Most
Zander 1993 (as Tortula saxicola, Seki 1974).
Dist. XI. Aisen.
S. scabrella (Dus.) Zand. W3Most
Zander 1993 (as Tortula scabrella, Dusén 1906b).
Dist. VI. Colchagua.
S. scabrinervis (C. Müll.) Zand. W3Most
Herzog 1954; Zander 1993 (as Tortula scabrinervis, Mitten 1869; Brotherus 1924b; Bartram 1957; Robinson 1975).
Dist. II. Antofagasta; IV. Limari; V. Valparaiso; Juan Fernandez Is.
S. schnyderi (C. Müll.) Zand. W3Most
Zander 1993 (as Tortula schnyderi, Dusén 1906a; Cardot 1908).
Dist. XII. Str. of Magellan.
S. serripungens (Lor. & C. Müll.) Zand. W3Most
Herzog 1954; Zander 1993.
Dist. V. Aconcagua.
S. socialis (Dus.) Zand. W3Most
Zander 1993 (as Tortula socialis, Dusén 1906b).
Dist. X. Llanquihue; XII. Magallanes.
S. squarripila (Thér.) Herz. == Tortula squarripila
S. subpapillosa (Card. & Broth.) Matteri W3Most
(as Tortula subpapillosa, Cardot & Brotherus 1923).
Dist. XII. Magallanes.

Syrrhopodon fasciculatus Hook.f. & Grev. ==
Mitthyridium fasciculatum fide Robinson 1975.

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