James L. Luteyn and Mauricio R. Gavilanes A.
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The Cordillera Oriental of
Colombia splits into two unequal spurs as it enters Venezuela: the
smaller one goes directly north and is called the Sierra de Perijá,
while the larger one goes in a northeast direction and is generally
called the Cordillera de Mérida. The Cordillera de Mérida,
in turn, transects the Venezuelan Andes in a southwest to northeast
direction, ranging over 450 km, from the Táchira depression near
San Cristóbal to the Barquisimeto-Carora depression in southwestern
Lara. The páramos of Venezuela are centered in the states of
Mérida, Táchira, and Trujillo, with smaller numbers in
Barinas, Lara, Apure, and Portuguesa. The primary mountain ranges in
the state of Mérida are the Sierra del Norte (or also called
the Sierra de La Culata), which is north of the city of Mérida,
the Sierra Nevada de Mérida to the south of Mérida that
includes the Parque Nacional Sierra Nevada, and the Sierra de Santo
Domingo, northeast of Mérida. The highest point in Venezuela
is Pico Bolívar (Mérida state) at 5007 m. In the state
of Trujillo, the eastern continuation of the Andes mountain range
is called the Cordillera de Trujillo, which has several branches such
as the Ramal de Calderas that continues into the state of Barinas, Ramal
del Rosario east-northeast of Boconó, and the Sierra Morena
de Trujillo that continues into the state of Lara. The primary ranges
in Táchira are the Sierra del Batallón, Sierra La
Cimarronera, Sierra de Callejón Colorado, and Sierra de Palo
Grande. In the state of Zulia, along the Colombian border, the
extreme northern limit of the Cordillera Oriental of Colombia is
known as the Sierra de Perijá, with its southern part known as
the Serranía de Los Motilones and the northern part the
Serranía de Valledupar.
Jahn (1931) estimated that
páramo occupied 4100 km2 in Venezuela. According to many
herbarium labels, the Venezuelan páramos often seem to begin
at lower elevations than those of the other countries, e.g.,
2500-2800 m. This may be true in some rare cases since in general the
páramos of Venezuela are somewhat drier than those of Colombia
and northern Ecuador. It is my (JLL) experience, however, that most
of these areas are usually not páramo, but instead are areas
that have been severely disturbed by man and are now almost totally
dominated by the fern Pteridium aquilinum and with scattered
Monochaetum (Melastomataceae) and Dodonea viscosa
(Sapindaceae). I do not consider these areas páramo in this
book (but see also Bono, 1996).
Venezuelan national parks that
include páramo are: Sierra Nevada, Sierra de la Culata, Dinira,
El Tamá, Perijá, Guaramacal, and Páramo
Batallón-La Negra (cf. Gabaldón, 1992). For additional
discussion of Venezuelan páramo vegetation, see Bono (1996),
Fariñas & Monasterio (1980), Goebel (1891), Hitchcock (1954),
Jahn (1931), Monasterio (various papers cited), Tamayo (1958, 1975),
Tillett (1978), Vareschi (1970), and Viloria P. (1993).
Bibliographic Sources for Locations of Páramos
American Geographical Society of New York.1945. Map CN-19,
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Aranguren B., A. & N. J. Márquez. 1995. Use,
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Oritrophium (O. venezuelense and O.
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__, __, R. Prato & Y. Lesenfants.1996.
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Bono, G.1996. Flora y vegetación del Estado
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Serie Parques Nacionales y Conservación Ambiental, Caracas.
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López del Pozo, E. 1993. El páramo:
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López Figueiras, M. 1986. Censo de
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Viloria P., A. L. 1993. Los páramos de
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