Pollination Biology of Lapeirousia
subgenus Lapeirousia (Iridaceae) in southern Africa; floral divergence
and adaptation for long-tongued fly-pollination 1
Peter Goldblatt 2, John C. Manning 3 & Peter Bernhardt 4
1. Support for this study by grant 4816-92
from the National Geographic Society is gratefully acknowledged.
We thank C. D. Michener and R. W. Brooks, Snow Entomological Museum,
University of Kansas, for the anthophorid and megachilid bee identifications, and W. Whitehead, South African Museum, Cape Town, for the loan of Parafidelia bees seen foraging on Lapeirousia barklyi; B.E. van Wyk, Rand Afrikaans University, Johannesburg, for the nectar analyses; the South African Department of Environment Affairs and the Cape Department of Nature and Environmental Conservation for providing collecting permits; and Donna Stevens for the insect illustrations.
2. B. A. Krukoff Curator of African Botany,
Missouri Botanical Garden, P. O. Box 299, St. Louis, Missouri
63166, U.S.A.
3. Compton Herbarium, National Botanical Institute, P. Bag. X7, Claremont 7735, South Africa.
4. Department of Biology, St. Louis University, St. Louis, Missouri 63103, U.S.A.
Originally published in the Annals of the Missouri Botanical
Garden 83: 67-86. 1996. Copyright Missouri Botanical Garden 1996.
Abstract | Materials and Methods | Results | Discussion | Literature
Lapeirousia subgenus Lapeirousia (Iridaceae) consists of 21 species endemic to sub-Saharan Africa, with the mediterranean southwestern part
of southern Africa the center of diversity. Analysis of the floral
ecology of 20 species shows that the majority secrete large amounts
of sucrose-rich or sucrose-dominant nectar and the 16 species
for which pollinator observations were obtained are cross-pollinated
exclusively by insects with elongated mouth parts, representing
three orders (Diptera, Hymenoptera, and Lepidoptera). In the absence
of pollinators, at least four species (L. arenicola, L.
jacquinii, L. oreogena, L. simulans) were found
to set seed without cross pollination and are assumed to be mechanically
autogamous. The 20 species segregate into three pollination types
based on divergent patterns of pigmentation, scent production,
perianth tube length, and pollinator taxa. Species with flowers
of the L. silenoides-type are pollinated exclusively by
Prosoeca species (Diptera: Nemestrinidae), and species
with flowers of the L. fabricii-type are pollinated exclusively
by Moegistorhynchus longirostris (Diptera: Nemestrinidae)
and Philoliche gulosa (Diptera: Tabanidae). The latter
two fly species, together with the Prosoeca species, have
the longest mouth parts of all pollinators examined on species
of subgenus Lapeirousia. The L. divaricata-type
flower is pollinated by a combination of bees, mostly female Anthophoridae
(e.g., Anthophora, Amegilla, Tetraloniella)
and native Apis mellifera (Apidae), and to a lesser extent
by bombyliid flies and some Lepidoptera. Observations of insect
pollen load analysis suggest that the evolution of these three
flower types has encouraged ethological isolation between species,
but is a small component in broader pollination guilds encompassing
co-blooming species in other genera and families, including Asteraceae,
Geraniaceae, Scrophulariaceae, and Sterculiaceae. Mapping of pollination
syndromes on a phylogenetic tree of subgenus Lapeirousia
demonstrates the extreme adaptive radiation in the subgenus and
the convergent development of the same pollination strategy repeatedly
across the subgenus.
Africa is the center of diversity for
the family Iridaceae, with the majority of species concentrated
in the temperate and mediterranean regions in the southern part
of the continent (Goldblatt, 1978; 1994). One striking feature
of the iridaceous flora of southern Africa is the variation in
floral form and color (see Marloth, 1917-1932; Jeppe, 1989). By
far the greater proportion of species of Iridaceae in southern
Africa have flowers in which the perianth forms an elongated tube
and the stamens and style are often prominently displayed. Although
the tepals of such flowers do not have the characteristic shape
found in Iris or Moraea, these tubular flowers exhibit
a wide variety of colors, color patterns, and tepal orientation.
The floral ecology of Iridaceae with exaggerated floral tubes
has received less attention than those genera of the family with
gullet blossoms (sensu Faegri & van der Pijl, 1979).
Within the southern African Iridaceae
there are genera with more typical Iris-type flowers in
which each flower is a meranthium. That is, each flower functions
as three separate reproductive units, each consisting of a stamen
and a stigma hidden between ornate style crests and a spreading
tepal (e.g., Moraea, Dietes, Gynandriris).
Initial work on the floral ecology of Moraea (Vogel, 1954;
Goldblatt et al., 1989) suggested that this genus has a pollination
mechanism similar to those Iris species in the Northern
Hemisphere (Faegri & van der Pijl, 1979) in which the pollination
biology has been studied. Here heavy insects (usually bees and
wasps) depress the drooping tepal to probe the floral interior
for nectar and contact the sexual organs of the flower.
Most of the literature on the pollination
ecology of tubular-flowered Iridaceae in southern Africa consists
of little more than brief descriptions (Scott Elliot, 1890, 1891;
Marloth, 1908; 1917-1932; Vogel, 1954; Johnson, 1992). This literature
suggests that Iridaceae with tubular flowers may be pollinated
by a wider variety of animals with much elongated mouth parts,
including sunbirds, bees, flies in the families Nemestrinidae,
Tabanidae, and Bombyliidae, sphinx moths, and other Lepidoptera,
notably Meneris tulbaghia (Satyridae). Both the taxonomic
literature and the brief reports of pollination observations indicate
that tubular flowers specialized for pollination by these vectors
have evolved in many families distributed through southern Africa,
including the Amaryllidaceae, Crassulaceae, Ericaceae, Geraniaceae,
Orchidaceae, Proteaceae, Scrophulariaceae, etc. (Vogel, 1954,
Johnson, 1992; Johnson & Bond, 1994; Johnson et al., 1993).
Long-term fieldwork and quantitative
analysis of the floral ecology of tubular-flowered Iridaceae has
been confined so far to work on the genus Nivenia (Goldblatt
& Bernhardt, 1990). Flowers in this genus are homostylous
or heterostylous and are pollinated primarily by long-tongued
flies in the genus Prosoeca (Nemestrinidae) and secondarily
by female anthophorid bees. Is this pollination syndrome characteristic
of other tubular-flowered Iridaceae in southern Africa?
Lapeirousia represents a far
more promising genus for fieldwork on floral ecology of the African
Iridaceae. This genus consists of 41 species in two subgenera,
of which subgenus Lapeirousia has the more visibly diverse
and specialized floral forms. Subgenus Lapeirousia is also
easier to study, since many of its species have a narrowly circumscribed
distribution, compared with the almost pan-sub-Saharan African
subgenus Paniculata (Goldblatt, 1990). Nineteen of the
21 species in subgenus Lapeirousia occur along the west
coast and near interior of southern Africa and flowering sites
for most species are easily accessible (Goldblatt, 1972; Goldblatt
& Manning, 1994). Two more species, L. littoralis Baker
and L. odoratissima Baker, are widespread across south
tropical Africa, and are thus outside our study area. To elucidate the
dynamics of pollination in Lapeirousia, observations will
be compared with results of the earlier study of Nivenia
and with what is known about the pollination ecology of tubular
flowers of southern Africa in general.