A Checklist of the Mosses of Chile
Welcome | Abstract | Introduction | Acknowledgments Systematic Arrangement of Genera | Recognized Species
Checklist | Literature Cited
Abstract. The Moss Flora of Chile contains 778 species
and 88 subspecific taxa in 203 genera and 63 families. The checklist
includes provincial distributions for all accepted species based
on either literature reports and/or herbarium specimens. Accompanying
the list is a systematic arrangement of the genera and families. Twenty-four taxa and five genera are
newly reported for Chile. Five new combinations, Dicranoweisia subglobosa (Herz.) comb. nov., Pohlia looseri (Thér.) comb. nov., P. magnifica (Herz.) comb. nov., Achrophyllum anomalum (Schwaegr.) Mitt. var. pallidum (Card. & Broth.), comb. nov., and Thamnobryum crassinervium (Broth.) comb. nov. are made.
Chile occupies the long, narrow coastal area between the Andes
Mts. and the Pacific Ocean. It is about 4264 kilometers long (from
17o30'S to 55o59'S), but only about 356
kilometers wide (Fig. 1). Climate zonations
of the country are pronounced with hot, dry conditions in the
northern region, warm, humid conditions in the central region,
and cool, windy conditions in the southern region. Due to the
influence of cyclonic storms from the Pacific Ocean, Chile generally
receives heavy precipitation except in the northern montane regions.
Its vegetation is typified by dry, subtropical desert shrubs or
xerophytic shrubs in the high plateau of the northern region,
sclerophyllous, broad-leaved deciduous forests in the central
region, and by temperate, evergreen rain forest or subantarctic,
broad-leaved deciduous forests and tundra in the southern region
(Walter 1979). The moss flora
Chile is characteristically south temperate, and differs notably
from that of nearby neotropical countries where tropical and subtropical
elements predominate.
The study of the bryophyte flora of Chile began with the Beagle
Expedition, in which Charles Darwin collected in Archipelago de
Chonos and Cape Tres Montes (Darwin
1839). Based on Darwin's collection, Taylor
(1846) described Jungermannia chonotica Tayl. and Lepidozia
chordulifera Tayl., and Hooker
(1847) reported Dicranum aciphyllum Hook. & Wils. from
Chile. The earliest floristic report on Chilean bryophytes appears
to be that published by Lorentz
(1866). In his monumental volume Musci Austro-Americani,
Mitten (1869) described a vast
number South American mosses, including some from Chile. Thereafter,
numerous bryologists, such as Brotherus
(1905, 1924a, 1924b), Cardot & Brotherus
(1923), Dusén (1903a,
1903b, 1905a-c, 1906a-b), Herzog
(1954), Herzog & Hosseus
(1938), Herzog & Schwabe
(1939), and Roivainen (1937)
studied Chilean bryophytes floristically. Thériot
(1915, 1917, 1918, 1921, 1923, 1924, 1925, 1926, 1927, 1928, 1929a-b,
1930, 1933, 1934a-b,1935) published extensively on Chilean bryophytes
and his contributions became a useful source for compiling the
present checklist.
Chile holds great promise of new bryological discoveries in South
America because of its extensive south temperate regions. However,
the taxonomic information on Chilean bryophytes is poor in comparison
to the understanding of the bryophyte floras of other South American
countries. The following South American countries have floristic
checklists: Argentina--1002 mosses (Kuehnemann
1938) and 342 hepatics (Kuehnemann
1949); Bolivia--1222 mosses (Hermann
1976); Brazil--1964 mosses (Yano
1981, 1996) and 1160 hepatics (Yano
1984, 1996); Colombia--900 mosses (Florschutz-De Warrd & Florschutz
1979, Churchill 1989,
1991) and 786 hepatics (Gradstein & Hekking
1979); Ecuador--874 mosses (Steere
1948, Robinson et al. 1977,
Churchill 1994) and 148
hepatics (Arnell 1962); Peru--889
mosses (Schultze-Motel & Menzel
1987, Menzel 1992); and Venezuela--626
mosses (Pursell 1973). There
are merely a few studies on Chilean bryophytes available in recent
literature. The first attempt at a comprehensive list of Chilean
bryophytes was that of Mahu (1979)
who published a list of 45 families and 182 genera of Chilean
mosses. Engel (1978) reported
193 species of Hepaticae and Anthocerotae from Brunswick Penninsula.
Seki (1974) enumerated 188 species
and 4 varieties of mosses from Aisen province.
The present study attempts to compile an up-to-date checklist
of Chilean mosses based on literature reports and specimens. The
catalog contains more than 1500 specific and subspecific names,
including synonyms, illegitimate names, and nomina nuda attributed
to Chile in the literature up to the end of 1996. Accepted in
the checklist are 778 species and 88 subspecific taxa distributed
among 203 genera and 63 families. Among these, twenty-four species
and five genera are newly reported for Chile. The five new genera
are: Chryso-hypnum
Hampe, Cinclidotus
P. Beauv., Cratoneuropsis
(Broth.) Fleisch, Ephemerum
Hampe, and Haplohymenium
Dozy & Molk. Five new combinations are made: Dicranoweisia subglobosa
(Herz.) comb. nov., Pohlia looseri
(Thér.) comb. nov., P. magnifica
(Herz.) comb. nov., Achrophyllum anomalum
(Schwaegr.) Mitt. var. pallidum
(Card. & Broth.), comb. nov., and Thamnobryum crassinervium
(Broth.) comb. nov.. To show the range of a taxon in Chile, its
provincial distribution is given. The number of accepted taxa
recorded for each geographic region of Chile as well as for Juan
Fernandez Islands is provided in Table 1.
All papers dealing with Chilean mosses were evaluated, however,
only primary papers, i.e. those citing specimen
information were used in compiling the provincial distributions.
The specific epithets recognized in this checklist are validly
published names that are widely accepted or that reflect the opinions
expressed in published monographs. There are 26 taxa tentatively
accepted and 51 taxa treated as insufficiently known. A tentatively
"accepted" status is given to varieties when their autonyms
have been transferred to other genera or otherwise synonymized.
These non-autonym varieties are kept in their original placements
pending future studies. An insufficiently known status is given
mostly to forms and varieties that have not been studied since
originally published.
Table 1. Number of accepted taxa reported
for political regions of Chile
Region | Provinces | Number of taxa |
I. Tarapaca | Arica, Iquique, Parinacota
| 0 |
II. Antofagasta | Antofagasta, El Loa, Tocopilla
| 8 |
III. Atacama | Chanaral, Copiapo, Huasco
| 8 |
IV. Coquimbo | Choapa, Elqui, Limari
| 66 |
V. Valparaiso | Los Andes, Petorca, Quillota, San Antonio, Aconcagua, Valparaiso
| 169 |
VI. O'Higgins | Cachapoal, Cardenal Caro, Colchagua
| 53 |
VII. Maule | Cauquenes, Curico, Linares, Talca
| 65 |
VIII. Bio-Bio | Arauco, Biobio, Concepcion, Nuble
| 190 |
IX. Araucania | Cautin, Malleco
| 234 |
X. Los Lagos | Chiloe, Llanquihue, Osorno, Palena, Valdivia, Is. Guaitecas
| 412 |
XI. Aisen | Aisen, Capitan Prat, Coihaique, General Carrera
| 310 |
XII. Magallanes | Antarctica Chilena, Magallanes, Tierra del Fuego, Ultima Esperanza
| 450 |
Metro. Santiago | Chacabuco, Cordillera, Maipo, Melipilla, Santiago, Talagante
| 136 |
Juan Fernandez | Isla Robinson Crusoe, Isla Alejandro Selkirk
| 158 |
Each "accepted" species entry (in bold face type) includes
the citations of primary references, synonyms and references pertinent
to Chile in parentheses, and any cross references to other species.
Heterotypic synonyms or taxonomic synonyms are marked by an equal
sign (=) followed by references to the authors who first proposed
the synonymy. Homotypic or nomenclatural synonyms are indicated
by an extended equal sign (==). Tentatively accepted taxa are
in roman type and insufficiently known taxa are in italic and
so are nomina nuda. New records to Chile are marked by an asterisk.
The genera are arranged alphabetically and within each genus the
species and the subspecific names are also arranged alphabetically.
The systematic arrangement of the genera
and families follows the sequence of Brotherus
(1924-1925) with minor modifications. Following each genus in
the systematic list is the number of species recorded for Chile.
Specimens from Chile deposited at the Missouri Botanical Garden
(MO), including those of Manuel Mahu and Marshall Crosby's collections,
were examined. Many of the provincial distribution records given
in this paper are based on these collections. The present study
shows that the northern regions have received little attention
both recently and historically. Region II and III have only 16
records while Region I has none (Table 1). In contrast, the southern regions, especially Regions X, XI, and XII, each have more than 300 taxa reported.
The floristic affinities of the Chilean moss flora await critical
analysis. In general, the significance of the Chilean bryophyte
flora results principally from the following two features. First,
the bryophytes associated with the desert region and the northern
zone have links to temperate-tropical elements of Bolivia-Ecuador-Colombia.
There exists a rather high percentage of higher elevation taxa
in this region. Second, the bryophyte flora in the extensive south
temperate region has links to southeastern Australia, New Zealand,
and Subantarctica.
This research was supported by a post-doctoral fellowship in bryology
at the Missouri Botanical Garden. I am grateful to Manuel Mahu
who collected the majority of the specimens used by this study.
Special thanks are extended to Bruce Allen who has helped solve
numerous difficult identifications and made valuable comments.
Ronald Pursell is thanked for identifying Fissidens specimens
and for his careful review of the manuscript. Zen Iwatsuki is
appreciated for his comments and support in publishing this paper.
Marshall Crosby was helpful with numerous nomenclatural difficulties
and other helpful suggestions. Finally, I want to thank Robert
Magill for his encouragement and support in providing me the opportunity
to complete this study.
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