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A Checklist of the Mosses of Chile

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Each accepted taxon in the following pages will be linked to the nomenclatural database, associated authority files, and specimen lists.

Taxon Groups: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W Z

Achrohypnella subenervis Herzog = Vesiculariopsis spirifolium fide Seki 1974.

Achrophyllum Vitt & Crosby (HOOKERIACEAE Schimp.)
A. anomalum (Schwaegr.) Robinson W3Most
Robinson 1975 (as Pterygophyllum anomalum, Mitten 1869; Dusén 1903b; Cardot 1908; Brotherus 1924b; Herzog 1954; Bartram 1957; as Pterygophyllum obscurum, Mitten 1869; Dusén 1903b; Cardot 1908; Herzog 1922, 1954, 1960; Brotherus 1924b; Reimers 1926; as P. obscurum fo. thermalis, Herzog & Schwabe 1939).
Dist. IX. Malleco (Mahu 6067, 23307); X. Guaitecas Is., Osorno, Valdivia; XI. Aisen; XII. Hermite Is.; Juan Fernandez Is.
A. anomalum var. pallidum (Card. & Broth.) S. He, comb. nov. W3Most
(as Pterygophyllum anomalum var. pallidum, Cardot & Brotherus 1923).
Dist. XII. Canal Messier, Puerto Hale.
A. crassirete (Matteri) Matteri W3Most
Matteri 1979, 1985b; Deguchi 1991a (as Pterygophyllum crassirete, Matteri 1972; Seki 1974).
Dist. V. Valparaiso; X. Llanquihue, Osorno, Valdivia; XI. Aisen; XII. Magallanes.
A. dentatum (Hook.f. & Wils.) Vitt & Crosby W3Most
Robinson 1975 (as Pterygophyllum denticulatum, Mitten 1869; Dusén 1903b; Cardot 1908; Thériot 1917; Cardot & Brotherus 1923; Brotherus 1924b; Herzog 1954; as Pterygophyllum dentatum, Bartram 1957).
Dist. VI. Colchagua; X. Osorno; XI. Aisen; XII. Hermite Is.; Juan Fernandez Is.
A. haesselianum (Matteri) Matteri W3Most
Matteri 1979, 1985b (as Pterygophyllum haesselianum, Matteri 1972, Seki 1974).
Dist. XI. Aisen (Crosby 16205, 16372); XII. Magallanes, Str. of Magellan, Tierra del Fuego.
A. magellanicum Besch. var. magellanicum (Matteri) Matteri W3Most
Matteri 1979, 1985b; Deguchi 1991a (as Pterygophyllum magellanicum, Dusén 1903b; Cardot 1908, Matteri 1972, Seki 1974).
Dist. VIII. Nuble; IX. Cautin; X. Chiloe, Guaitecas Is., Llanquihue, Osorno, Valdivia; XI. Aisen (Crosby 16163, 16465); XII. Hermite Is., Magallanes, Str. of Magellan.
A. magellanicum var. oligodontum (Matteri) Matteri W3Most
Matteri 1979, 1985b; Deguchi 1991a (as Pterygophyllum magellanicum var. oligodontum, Matteri 1972; Seki 1974).
Dist. VIII. Bio-Bio; IX. Cautin, Malleco; X. Chiloe, Guaitecas Is., Llanquihue; XI. Aisen; XII. Hermite Is., Magallanes, Tierra del Fuego.
A. tenuinerve (Broth.) Robinson W3Most
Robinson 1975 (as Pterygophyllum tenuinerve, Brotherus 1924b; Bartram 1957).
Dist. Juan Fernandez Is.

Acrocladium Mitt. (AMBLYSTEGIACEAE G. Roth)
A. auriculatum (Mont.) Mitt. W3Most
Mitten 1869; Dusén 1903b; Cardot 1908; Herzog 1922, 1954, 1960; Cardot & Brotherus 1923; Roivainen 1934; Thériot 1934b; Herzog & Schwabe 1939; Bartram 1952; Seki 1974; Robinson 1975; Matteri 1985b; Deguchi 1991a (as Acrocladium chlamydophyllum, Dusén 1903b; Cardot 1908; as Lembophyllum auriculatum, Cardot 1900, 1901; as Calliergon auriculatum, Magadant 1972).
Dist. IX. Cautin (Mahu 23392, Mahu & Mahu 10690), Malleco (Mahu 6013, Princheira 24020); X. Llanquihue (Mahu 4807), Osorno (Mahu 10369, 22597); XI. Aisen, Coihaique; XII. Dawson Is., Hoste Is., Wellington Is., Magallanes (Ignotus 12919, Mahu 12920), Str. of Magellan, Tierra del Fuego; Juan Fernandez Is.
A. chlamydophyllum (Hook.f. & Wils.) C. Müll. & Broth. =
Acrocladium auriculatum
A. cuspidatum (Hedw.) Lindb. == Calliergonella cuspidata
A. politum (Hook.f. & Wils.) Mitt. ==
Catagonium politum =
Catagonium nitens ssp. nitens var. nitens fide Lin 1984.

Acroschisma (Hook.f. & Wils.) Lindley (ANDREAEACEAE Dum.)
A. wilsonii (Hook. f.) Jaeg. W3Most
Dusén 1903a; Cardot 1908; Roivianen 1937; Seki 1974; Deguchi 1991a (as Andreaea wilsonii, Mitten 1869; Cardot & Brotherus 1923; Bartram 1952; Herzog 1954; Matteri 1985b).
Dist. X. Llanquihue (Montecino 20877), Osorno (Mahu 22291); XI. Aisen; XII. Hermite Is., Magallanes, Tierra del Fuego.

Aloina Kindb., nom. cons. (POTTIACEAE Schimp., nom. cons.)
A. roseae (Williams) Delgadillo W3Most
Delgadillo 1973 (as Crossidium roseae, Bartram 1943, 1952, 1953).
Dist. II. Antofagasta; III. Copiapo.

Amblystegium Schimp. in B.S.G. (AMBLYSTEGIACEAE G. Roth)
A. chilense Lor. == Pseudoleskea chilensis fide Ochyra 1987.
A. excurrens Card. & Broth. ==
Hygroamblystegium fuegianum var. excurrens fide Bartram 1946.
A. fuegianum Mitt. == Drepanocladus fuegianus
A. jaffueli Thér. == Leptodictyum riparium var. jaffueli fide Thériot 1935.
A. megachaete Dus., nom. nud., Dusén 1903b.
A. serpens Schimp. in B.S.G. W3Most
Cardot & Brotherus 1923; Roivainen 1934; Robinson 1975; Matteri 1985b; Deguchi 1991a.
Dist. METRO. Cordillera (Barends 10716, Mahu 23451)), Santiago (Mahu 5028, 23234); IV. Choapa (Mahu 8542, 12177); V. Petorca (Mahu 12846, Moreno 13832), Quillota (Mahu 11347), San Antonio (Mahu 10633, 12727), Valparaiso (Mahu 7546, 22409); VIII. Concepcion (Mahu 20176); Juan Fernandez Is.
A. tenellum Card. & Broth. == Hygroamblystegium tenellum
*A. varium (Hedw.) Lindb. W3Most
Dist. METRO. Santiago (Mahu 5031); V. Quillota (Mahu 20953), San Antonio (Mahu 21886); VIII. Bio-Bio (Mahu 5996, 22297); X. Osorno (Mahu 21360, 22518), Valdivia (Mahu 12318, 23853).
A. uncinatum De Not. var. symmetricum (Ren. & Card.) Dus. ==
Drepanocladus uncinatus var. symmetricus fide Grout 1929 ==
Sanionia uncinata var. symmetricum fide Crum & Anderson 1989.

Amphidium Schimp., nom. cons. (ORTHOTRICHACEAE Arnott)
A. cyathicarpum (Mont.) Broth. = Amphidium tortuosum fide Robinson 1975.
A. tortuosum (Hornsch.) Cufodontis W3Most
Robinson 1975 (as Amphidium cyathicarpum, Cardot 1908; Thériot 1917, 1921; Brotherus 1924b; Herzog & Hosseus 1938; Herzog & Schwabe 1939; Bartram 1957; Matteri 1985b; Deguchi 1991b).
Dist. METRO. Cordillera (Salas & Mahu 20855); V. San Antonio (Mahu 11874, 22582), Valparaiso; VIII. Bio-Bio, Concepcion; IX. Cautin (Mahu 11557); X. Valdivia (Mahu & Mahu 12055, 12071); XI. Aisen; XII. Magallanes; Juan Fernandez Is.

Anacolia Schimp, nom. cons. (BARTRAMIACEAE Schwaegr.)
A. aurea Dus., nom. nud., Dusén 1903b
A. laevisphaera (Tayl.) Flow. in Grout W3Most
Bartram 1957; Robinson 1975 (as Anacolia subsessilis, Brotherus 1924b; as Anacolia subsessilis var. brevifolia, Brotherus 1924b).
Dist. METRO. Chacabuco (Mahu 13067, 20498), Cordillera (Mahu 13795, 22081), Maipo (Mahu 20859, 22127), Melipilla (Mahu 24002), Santiago (Mahu 6382, 10266), Talagante (Mahu 9401, 10225); IV. Choapa (Mahu 12550, Moreno 13918); V. Aconcagua (Mahu 10879), Petorca (Mahu & Mahu 11935, Moreno 23423), Quillota (Mahu 20973, Tapia 21135), San Antonio (Mahu 12606, 13466), Valparaiso (Mahu 11014, 23254); VI. Cachapoal (Mahu 24027), Cardenal Caro (Mahu s.n.), Cohchagua; VII. Curico (Mahu 5548, 9333); VIII. Bio-Bio (Mahu 6007, 22316), Concepcion (Carp 10408), Nuble (Mahu 9259, 23092); IX. Cautin (Mahu 11588); X. Osorno (Mahu 21350, 21408), Valdivia (Mahu & Mahu 11976, 24078); XI. Aisen (Dusén 556); Juan Fernandez Is.
A. subsessilis (Tayl.) Broth. = Anacolia laevisphaera fide Herzog 1960.
A. subsessilis var. brevifolia Broth. =
Anacolia laevisphaera fide Flower in Grout 1935.

Ancistrodes Hampe (METEORIACEAE Kindb.)
A. genuflexa (C. Müll.) Crosby W3Most
Deguchi 1991b (as Duseniella genuflexa, Cardot 1908; Herzog 1922, 1954, 1960; Reimers 1926; Thériot 1934b; Herzog & Schwabe 1939; Seki 1974; as Meteorium genuflexum, Mitten 1869; as Bryoduseniella genuflexa, Robinson 1974).
Dist. IX. Cautin (Crosby 11844); X. Chiloe (Crosby 12324, 12487), Llanquihue, Osorno (Crosby 12065, Labbe 22737), Valdivia (Crosby 12790, Elguete 11192, Mahu 23882); XI. Aisen.

Andreaea Hedw. (ANDREAEACEAE Dum.)
A. acutifolia Hook.f. & Wils. W3Most
Mitten 1869; Cardot 1908; Cardot & Brotherus; Roivainen 1937; Seki 1974; Deguchi 1991a.
Dist. VIII. Bio-Bio; IX. Malleco; X. Llanquihue, Osorno; XI. Aisen; XII. Cape Horn, Hermite Is., Tierra del Fuego.
A. alpina Hedw. W3Most
Mitten 1869; Roivainen 1937; Seki 1974; Robinson 1975 (as Andreaea squamata, Dusén 1903a; Cardot 1908; as Andreaea brevifolia, Dusén 1903a; as Andreaea parallela var. brevifolia, Cardot 1908; as Andreaea loricata, Dusén 1903a, 1903b; Cardot & Brotherus 1923; as Andreaea pseudo-alpina, Dusén 1903a).
Dist. X. Guaitecas Is.; XI. Aisen; XII. Magallanes, Tierra del Fuego; Juan Fernandez Is.
A. appendiculata Schimp. W3Most
Mitten 1869; Dusén 1903b; Cardot 1908.
Dist. XII. Cape Horn; Hermite Is.
A. brevifolia Dus. ==
Andreaea parallela var. brevifolia fide Cardot 1908 =
Andreaea alpina fide Roivainen 1937
A. flabellata C. Müll. W3Most
Greene 1968 (as Andreaea grimmioides Dus., Dusén 1903a; Cardot & Brotherus 1923; Roivainen 1937; as Andreaea pumila, Herzog 1954).
Dist. XII. Tierra del Fuego; Cerro-Tesoro-Massiv.
A. fuegiana (Card.) Greene W3Most
Greene 1968 (as Neoloma fuegianum, Donat 1936; as Neuroloma fuegianum, Cardot & Brotherus 1923; Roivainen 1937).
Dist. XI. Aisen; XII. Tierra del Fuego.
A. grimmioides Dus. = Andreaea flabellata fide Greene 1968.
A. latinervis Bartr. in Roiv. W3Most
Roivainen 1937.
Dist. XII. Tierra del Fuego.
A. laxifolia Hook.f. & Wils. W3Most
Mitten 1869; Dusén 1903b; Cardot 1908.
Dist. XII. Cape Horn, Hermite Is.
A. laxifolia var. minor C. Müll. W3Most
Cardot 1908.
Dist. XII. Hermite Is.
A. leiophylla Card. & Broth. W3Most
Cardot & Brotherus 1923; Roivainen 1937.
Dist. XII. Tierra del Fuego.
A. loricata Dus. = Andreaea alpina fide Roivainen 1937.
A. marginata Hook.f. W3Most
Mitten 1869; Dusén 1903a, 1903b; Cardot 1908; Herzog 1954.
Dist. XII. Hermite Is., Magallanes; Cerro-Tesoro-Massiv.
A. mutabilis Hook.f. & Wils. W3Most
Dusén 1903b; Roivainen 1937.
Dist. IX. Cautin; X. Osorno; XII. Magallanes (Engel 10971); Tierra del Fuego.
A. nitida Hook.f & Wils. W3Most
Deguchi 1991a.
Dist. XII. Magallanes.
A. pachyphylla (C. Müll.) Broth. W3Most
Dusén 1903a; Roivainen 1937; Herzog 1954; Schultze-Motel 1970 (as Andreaea pachyphylla var. acutifolia, Dusén 1903a; Cardot 1908).
Dist. XI. Aisen; XII. Magallanes, Tierra del Fuego.
A. pachyphylla var. acutifolia Dus. =
Andreaea pachyphylla fide Schultze-Motel 1970.
A. parallela C. Müll. var. brevifolia (Dus.) Card. =
Andreaea alpina fide Roivainen 1937.
A. patagonica Dus. W3Most
Dusén 1903a; Cardot 1908; Cardot & Brotherus 1923.
Dist. X. Guaitecas Is.; XII. Tierra del Fuego.
A. pilifera Herz. W3Most
Herzog 1937.
Dist. XI. Aisen.
A. pseudoalpina C. Müll. W3Most
Cardot 1908; Deguchi 1991a.
Dist. X. Llanquihue; XII. Hermite Is.
A. pseudomutabilis Dus. W3Most
Dusén 1903a; Deguchi 1991a.
Dist. XII. Magallanes.
A. psuedosubulata C. Müll. = Andreaea subulata fide Schultze-Motel 1970.
A. pulvinatula Dus., nom. nud., Dusén 1903b.
A. pumila Card. = Andreaea flabellata fide Greene 1968.
A. purpurascens (Dus.) Roth W3Most
(as Andreaea remotifolia var. purpurascens, Dusén 1903a).
Dist. XII. Magallanes.
A. pygmaea Card. = Andreaea regularis fide Greene 1968.
A. regularis C. Müll. W3Most
Seki 1974; Deguchi 1991a (as Andreaea pygmaea, Cardot & Brotherus 1923; as Andreaea verruculosa, Roivainen 1937; Bartram 1952).
Dist. IX. Malleco; X. Osorno; XI. Aisen; XII. Magallanes, Tierra del Fuego.
A. remotifolia Dus. W3Most
Dusén 1903a.
Dist. XII. Magallanes, Desolacion Is.
A. remotifolia var. purpurascens Dus. == Andreaea purpurascens
A. rupestris Hedw. W3Most
Bartram 1952.
Dist. IX. Cautin (Mahu 11663); X. Osorno (Mahu 21571); XII. Magallanes.
A. squarrosa Mitt. W3Most
Donat 1936; Herzog 1954.
Dist. Cerro-Tesoro-Massiv.
A. squamata C. Müll. = Andreaea alpina fide Robinson 1975.
A. subulata Harv. W3Most
Mitten 1869; Dusén 1903a; Roivainen 1937; Schultze-Motel 1970; Seki 1974; Deguchi 1991a (as Andreaea subulata var. perichaetialis, Dusén 1903b; Cardot 1908; as Andreaea subulata var. rigida, Dusén 1903b; as Andreaea psuedosubulata, Cardot 1908).
Dist. IX. Malleco; XI. Aisen; XII. Hermite Is., Magallanes, Tierra del Fuego.
A. subulata var. perichaetialis (Hook.f. & Wils.) C. Müll. =
Andreaea subulata fide Schultze-Motel 1970.
A. subulata var. rigida Harv. & C. Müll. = Andreaea subulata fide Dixon 1929.
A. vaginalis Herz. in Donat W3Most
Donat 1936; Seki 1974.
Dist. XI. Aisen.
A. vermicularis Dus., nom. nud., Dusén 1903b.
A. verruculosa Card. = Andreaea regularis fide Greene 1968.
A. wilsonii Hook.f. == Acroschisma wilsonii

Anisothecium Mitt. (DICRANACEAE Schimp.)
A. elegans (Duby) Thér. W3Most
Thériot 1934b; Herzog & Hosseus 1938 (as Aongstroemia elegans, Herzog 1922).
Dist. X. Llanquihue, Valdivia.
A. flexisetum Dus., Herzog & Hosseus 1938; nom. nud.
A. hookeri (C. Müll.) Broth. == Dicranella hookeri
A. hookeri var. minor Card. & Thér.
Thériot 1929b
Dist. XII. Magallanes.
A. jamesonii Mitt. == Dicranella jamesonii
A. krausei Lor. W3Most
Herzog & Schwabe 1939; Herzog 1954.
Dist. X. Osorno; XI. Aisen.
A. paludella (Besch.) Broth. == Neomeesia paludella fide Deguchi 1983.
A. perpusillum Dus. == Dicranella perpusilla fide Cardot 1908 =
Dicranella hookeri fide Newton 1977.
A. persquarrosum (Dus.) Broth. W3Most
Dusén 1903b; Roivainen 1934, 1937; Bartram 1952; Herzog 1954 (as Aongstroemia persquarrosa, Dusén 1905b; as Dichodontium persquarrosum, Cardot 1908; Cardot & Brotherus 1923; as Dichodontium persquarrosum var. faldlandicum, Cardot 1908).
Dist. V. Aconcagua; XI. Aisen, Coihaique; XII. Magallanes, Tierra del Fuego.
A. pseudorufescens (Card. & Broth.) Broth. W3Most
(as Dicranella pseudorufescens, Cardot & Brotherus 1923).
Dist. XII. Magellanes.
A. pseudorufescens var. leptocladus (Card. & Broth.) Kühn. W3Most
(as Dicranella pseudorufescens var. leptoclada, Cardot & Brotherus 1923).
Dist. XII. Magallanes.
A. skottsbergii (Card. & Broth.) Broth. W3Most
Herzog 1954 (as Dicranella skottsbergii, Cardot & Brotherus 1923).
Dist. X. Osorno; XII. Str. of Magellan.
A. vaginatum (Hook.f.) Broth. W3Most
Thériot 1934b (as Aongstroemia vaginata, Dusén 1905b).
Dist. METRO. Santiago (Mahu 12459); VIII. Bio-Bio (Mahu 8578); X. Llanquihue, Osorno (Mahu 21293, 23429), Valdivia (Mahu & Mahu 11904, 11915).

Anoectangium Schwaegr., nom. cons. (POTTIACEAE Schimp., nom. cons.)
A. patagonicum Card. & Broth. W3Most
Cardot & Brotherus 1923.
Dist. XII. Magallanes.
A. tenerrimum C. Müll. ==
Gymnostomum tenerrimum fide Van der Wijk & Margadant 1959.

Anomobryum Schimp. (BRYACEAE Schwaegr.)
A. filiforme (Dicks.) Solms.W3Most
Brotherus 1924a; Cardot & Brotherus 1923; Herzog & Hosseus 1938; Herzog & Schwabe 1939; Herzog 1954 (as Bryum filiforme, Seki 1974; Ochi 1980; Deguchi 1991a).
Dist. VIII. Concepcion; IX. Cautin; X. Llanquihue, Osorno (Mahu 8523); XI. Aisen.
A. laxirete Card. & Broth. = Bryum microimbricatum fide Ochi 1982.

Aongstroemia Bruch & Schimp. in B.S.G. (DICRANACEAE Schimp.)
A. elegans (Dus.) Broth. == Anisothecium elegans fide Thériot 1934b.
A. gayana (Mont.) C. Müll. W3Most
Mitten 1869; Dusén 1905b; Thériot 1921; Herzog & Hosseus 1938; Herzog & Schwabe 1939; Herzog 1954; Deguchi 1991a.
Dist. METRO. Santiago (Mancilla 10385); V. Valparaiso; VII. Linares (Muehlhauser 20802); VIII. Nuble (Mahu 11157a, 13616a); IX. Cautin (Barends 10311), Malleco; X. Chiloe (Kohler 9174), Llanquihue, Osorno, Valdivia (Elgueta 11214); XI. Aisen.
A. spec. longipedi Br., Herzog & Hosseus 1938, nom. nud.
A. persquarrosa Dus. == Anisothecium persquarrosum
A. vaginata (Hook.f.) C. Müll. == Anisothecium vaginatum

Apalodium australe (Hook.f. & Wils.) Mitt. == Orthodontium australe

Aptychella (Broth.) Herz. (SEMATOPHYLLACEAE Broth., nom. cons.)
A. chilensis Herz. W3Most
Herzog 1954; Seki 1974.
Dist. X. Chiloe (Crosby 12459, 12687); XI. Aisen.

Archidium Brid. (ARCHIDIACEAE Schimp.)
A. julaceum C. Müll. W3Most
Thériot 1918, 1924.
Dist. V. San Antonio (Mahu 22988), Valparaiso; IX. Malleco.
*A. ohioense Schimp. ex C. Müll. W3Most
Dist. V. Valparaiso (Mahu 13028).

Asteriscium deciduum (C. Müll.) Hilpert ==
Didymodon deciduus fide Zander 1993.
A. geniculatum (Mont.) Hilpert == Barbula geniculata
A. poeppigianum (C. Müll.) Hilpert =
Didymodon torquatus fide Catcheside 1980 = Didymodon vinealis fide Sollman 1995.

Astomiopsis C. Müll. (DITRICHACEAE Limpr., nom. cons.)
A. pacifica Buck & Landrum W3Most
Buck & Landrum 1977.
Dist. V. San Antonio (Mahu & Tapia 24003), Valparaiso (Landrum 6); Juan Fernandez Is.

Astomum chilense Williams = Trichostomum williamsii fide Zander 1993.
A. recurvirostrum (C. Müll.) Roth ==
Tetrapterum recurvirostrum = Weissia diffidentia fide Zander 1993.

Atrichopsis Card. (POLYTRICHACEAE Schwaegr.)
A. compressa (Hook.f. & Wils.) G. L. Smith W3Most
Matteri 1985b (as Psilopilum compressum, Mitten 1869; Dusén 1903b; Cardot 1908; Cardot & Brotherus 1923; Herzog & Schwabe 1939; Herzog 1954; as Atrichopsis magellanica, Cardot & Brotherus 1923).
Dist. X. Llanquihue; XI. Aisen; XII. Hermite Is., Magallanes, Tierra del Fuego.
A. magellanica Card. = Atrichopsis compressa fide G. L. Smith, 1969.

Aulacomnium Schwaegr., nom. cons. (AULACOMNIACEAE Schimp.)
A. chilense C. Müll. =
Rhizogonium mnioides fide C. Mller 1847 == Pyrrhobryum mnioides
A. palustre (Hedw.) Schwaegr. W3Most
Dusén 1903b; Matteri 1985b.
Dist. V. Valparaiso; IX. Cautin (Crosby 11959).

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